f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

And Obama wanting the debt ceiling raised and not addressed again until 2012 is the exact same political game....

Sadly, you refuse to see it becuase anyone on the left can do no wrong.

Its getting too fucking old already.

Except it's not. Cutting the deficit and raising the debt ceiling are two entirely different things. The debt ceiling is related to spending already incurred. It's not some sort of blank check given to the President.

Here's a novel idea: Have the Republican nominee campaign on what you said in 2012. If the American people agree with him or her, they will elect the Republican.

I never said the Democrats were without fault in this situation. That's you projecting because you attacked me from the very beginning simply because I disagreed with you. What's next out of your playbook? I'm brainwashed?

LMAO Then you dont need any money beyond the end of the fiscal year. Good to know!
Only fools believe that the majority of Democrats, the center of the Republican Party, and Independents are somehow authoritarian because they won't let the Tea Party rule as a minority authoritarian government.

The Tea Party will help govern in consensus or turn over its power to the majority or cause a default. I hope's it the first, I don't expect the second, and a third will lead to the Tea Party will e crushed and punished.

Thats one of the dumbest things I have heard since the last time Pelosi got up and said something in public.

You pretty much just labeled classical liberals authoritarian..

The tea party is against large government, do you understand that? do you understand it takes a government to be "authoritarian."

Thanks for sharing your MSNBC education...

The Tea Party is against large government...

Unless you're talking about marriage. or abortion. or overseas wars. or medicare.....

Those are all state issues with the exception of war - funding needs to be passed to fight a war in which our congress needs to pass.

Our Tenth Amendment is quite clear..
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Only fools believe that the majority of Democrats, the center of the Republican Party, and Independents are somehow authoritarian because they won't let the Tea Party rule as a minority authoritarian government.

The Tea Party will help govern in consensus or turn over its power to the majority or cause a default. I hope's it the first, I don't expect the second, and a third will lead to the Tea Party will e crushed and punished.

Thats one of the dumbest things I have heard since the last time Pelosi got up and said something in public.

You pretty much just labeled classical liberals authoritarian..

The tea party is against large government, do you understand that? do you understand it takes a government to be "authoritarian."

Thanks for sharing your MSNBC education...

The Tea Party is against large government...

Unless you're talking about marriage. or abortion. or overseas wars. or medicare.....


The tea party is against an expanding government..
The tea party believes it is governments role to defend and protect.....like it or not...agree or not...that is what they believe...so overseas wars....necessary or not is another debate...is the role of government in the eyes of the tea party
Enforcing laws such as those that pertain to abortion and marriage does not require an expanding government. A new law does not require a "new department"....
Medicare has been around for years......has nothing to do with expanding government.

I thought you were above digging to find criticism of those that think differently than you.
Obama wanted a clean bill, I think I got the gist just fine.

No, Obama's idea of bi-partisan compromise is for the Republicans to capitulate to his whims and desires. That is what he considers a clean bill.

A clean bill would look exactly as they did 7 times under Bush and 18 fucking times under Teabagger god, Reagan.

The Dems have done nothing but capitulate to the Tea baggy GnOP to the tune of trillions in cuts AND no revenue increases. Point out even a single compromise by the GnOP.

"Point out even a single compromise by the GOP"?!?!?! Every bill they've passed included raising the debt ceiling, which is what Obama, Reid, and the Dumbocrats want.

Good God, how can you weigh in on this issue when you have no idea what is going on???
And Obama wanting the debt ceiling raised and not addressed again until 2012 is the exact same political game....

Sadly, you refuse to see it becuase anyone on the left can do no wrong.

Its getting too fucking old already.

Except it's not. Cutting the deficit and raising the debt ceiling are two entirely different things. The debt ceiling is related to spending already incurred. It's not some sort of blank check given to the President.

Here's a novel idea: Have the Republican nominee campaign on what you said in 2012. If the American people agree with him or her, they will elect the Republican.

I never said the Democrats were without fault in this situation. That's you projecting because you attacked me from the very beginning simply because I disagreed with you. What's next out of your playbook? I'm brainwashed?

Is it me or is it that you just dont want to get what I am saying.

I am not comparing the two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT IDEAS.....

I am copmparing the fact that BOTYH are motivated by the same thing...political games for political expediency...

Yet you only criticize the GOP for it.

Why is that?
Typical Dumbocrat - turn to violence when someone advocates that we stop giving you life on a platter and demand that you actually work like a big boy or girl for the things you need in life. How dare us! Instead, we should collapse the nation like the U.S.S.R., Cuba, and Greece so that you Dumbocrats don't have to hold a job!

Typical tea bagger...talking with his mouth full. It is in defaulting on our loans that will bring about an economic collapse.

I've had a job since I was 13 and then served my country for 20 years. What branch of service were you in bagger?

Yep, you worked since you were 13 at minimum wage jobs, never trying to improve yourself, and like a typical Dumbocrat, you have nothing but hate and bitterness towards those that have done better than you in life.

Sorry my friend, but dragging others down to your level through Marxism/Socialism/Communism may make you feel better, but it will collapse this nation. While you sit stewing with venom and hate towards successful people, the rest of the world is busy learning from the failed policies of liberals. Greece has collapsed and has daily riots because of the idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. The U.S.S.R. completely collapsed under the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. Cuba has existed in a state of perpetual poverty since Fidel Castro took over by force as a dictator and implemented the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. And now the US is $14 trillion in debt and on the verge of collapse because of the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. How much evidence does the idiot Dumbocrat need to realize that liberal policy = poverty?

I would sumbit they already know it will create poverty, but in their bitter little minds, that's what they want because then everyone would be "equal" - equally wallowing in poverty. God bless you my friend. I pray some day you can get over your bitterness and envy towards those who were more successful than you in life.

Hmm, last time I looked, this collapse is a capitalist one, as they attempted to buy their way out of their failing system. And capitalism by definition creates poverty & creates division. You might note the gap between the rich & middle class. LOL!
Is it me or is it that you just dont want to get what I am saying.

I am not comparing the two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT IDEAS.....

I am copmparing the fact that BOTYH are motivated by the same thing...political games for political expediency...

Yet you only criticize the GOP for it.

Why is that?

Can you name one good reason why we should raise the debt ceiling limit to only six months from now instead of after the 2012 election? We don't need a debt ceiling limit hanging over our heads to pass a bill to cut the deficit last I checked.

It's like I said before, the GOP previously opposed a plan like Boehner's because it could damage our credit rating.
Youre the one with the comments, I just highlight the idiocy of your remarks.

Except yours makes entirely no sense. Not raising the debt ceiling will have severe results on not only our credit rating but our economy.
Well, Mr. Nick, you don't understand at all, do you? If 20% of Americans hurt the other 80%, then the Tea Party will be crushed and the GOP badly hurt.
I fully understand...The progressive minion voting block are too fucking stupid to understand. They're willing to sell their souls to the fucking authoritarians because they want security over a healthy socioeconomic environment. This is why your fucking president implied that YOU are too fucking dumb to understand whats going on today and our financial issues are best left up to the "gubbiment."

Only fools believe that the majority of Democrats, the center of the Republican Party, and Independents are somehow authoritarian because they won't let the Tea Party rule as a minority authoritarian government.

The Tea Party will help govern in consensus or turn over its power to the majority or cause a default. I hope's it the first, I don't expect the second, and a third will lead to the Tea Party will e crushed and punished.

It's hysterical how bitter you people are towards the Tea Party and it's even funnier how you act like it's over for that party. In the last election, the Dumbocrats were kicked out of office in record numbers and replaced by Tea Party candidates for a reason. They've done exactly what they were sent to Washington to do - end the Marxist/Socialist/Communist nightmare created by the Dumbocrats. And that's exactly what they've done. And with each passing day that they stick to their promises, they become even more popular with the American people.

Conversely, with each day the Dumbocrat Party sees more failure, plummeting poll numbers for Barack Hussein, and scandals like Weiner-gate by dirt-bag Dumbocrats. It's time to face reality there Jakey... Barack Hussein is such a radical Marxist/Socialist/Communist, he woke up the American people and they've come to take their country back. Your dreams of a Marxist utopia are permanently over. Either accept it, or move to Cuba. God Bless.
You never give unlimited credit to a Failed Leader who blasts an annual $1+ trillion annual hole in the budget, crushed consumer confidence and pinned unemployment at 9%.


Why do yoiu see a plan that takes us 6 months down the road as "kicking the can" and playing politics but you dont see a p[roposed plan that takes us JUST PAST THE NEXT ELECTION as kicking the can and playing politics?

Please explain O great one.

This shouldn't be an election issue. The debt ceiling shouldn't be a political football to be used by either side. I point out what I did about the Boehner plan because it's foolish to act like it's anything but politics.

It's also not kicking the can down the road when it comes to the debt ceiling. The Boehner plan is.

Last I checked, we don't need the debt ceiling limit over our heads to get a deficit cutting deal done. Perhaps you don't see the difference between the two since you're asking me such a question.

Then why is Dear Leader using every opportunity in discussing this as a campaign speech instead of actually putting a plan on the table and negotiating in good faith? Why hasn't he and his cohorts offered and passed a budget in 800 days?
You never give unlimited credit to a Failed Leader who blasts an annual $1+ trillion annual hole in the budget, crushed consumer confidence and pinned unemployment at 9%.


Except raising the debt ceiling isn't giving unlimited credit. Your talking points are not only blatantly false but show a lack of knowledge of the issue.
No, Obama's idea of bi-partisan compromise is for the Republicans to capitulate to his whims and desires. That is what he considers a clean bill.

A clean bill would look exactly as they did 7 times under Bush and 18 fucking times under Teabagger god, Reagan.

The Dems have done nothing but capitulate to the Tea baggy GnOP to the tune of trillions in cuts AND no revenue increases. Point out even a single compromise by the GnOP.

"Point out even a single compromise by the GOP"?!?!?! Every bill they've passed included raising the debt ceiling, which is what Obama, Reid, and the Dumbocrats want.

Good God, how can you weigh in on this issue when you have no idea what is going on???

He's a Progressive so he never know which end is up
. The tea party is against large government, do you understand that? do you understand it takes a government to be "authoritarian."

Thanks for sharing your MSNBC education...

The Tea Party and the Patriot Act Vote ? The Monkey Cage

Much of the reaction to Tuesday’s vote not to fast-track some provisions of the Patriot Act has painted it as a victory for the Tea Party (e.g., here, here, here, and here). Tea Partiers, the story goes, were central to a group of Republicans bolting their party and preventing the measure from passing.

The problem is that the numbers don’t suggest the Tea Party had anything to do with it.

Pinning down the role of the Tea Party can be tricky, because the exact membership of the new “Tea Party Caucus” in the 112th Congress is not yet known, although we do know the membership in the 111th. Michelle Bachmann’s office says the new list will be released Feb. 17. But we can look at who was endorsed by a Tea Party organization or identified as a Tea Party candidate by a major news outlet in the 2010 midterms. And those members were not really less likely to support the Republican leadership on this vote than members who were not:

View attachment 14425

Looks like Small Government to me. :lol:

Nice graph that only a fool would believe.

I can make a graph just like that and cite it as evidence without any evidence to back it.

I'm sure libfucks believe graphs are some serious shit... Apparently you do given the notion you post them to prove assertions without supplying evidence to back those said graphs.
As confused as you are......

Should I be surprised?

Let me get this straight. You honestly believe if we don't raise the Debt Ceiling by August 3 that there will not be any negative results from that?
You never give unlimited credit to a Failed Leader who blasts an annual $1+ trillion annual hole in the budget, crushed consumer confidence and pinned unemployment at 9%.


Except raising the debt ceiling isn't giving unlimited credit. Your talking points are not only blatantly false but show a lack of knowledge of the issue.

He walked away from a responsible deal that would have addressed the problem. The problem is that Barry and the Dems are on an annual $1 Trillion Deficit bender and that ends now
Saying that one side is being reasonable because they want only spending cuts, a balanced budget pronto and a constitutional amendment is akin to the other side claiming they are being reasonable by demanding government-funded universal healthcare for all within three months.

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