f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

He also wants the debt ceiling raised enough that it will get them past the 2012 elections so they can conveniently bury all of this shit until it's finished. How can you go 800+ days without passing any form of a budget, add trillions in debt, play politics with America's credit rating, insinuate that seniors aren't going to get their checks, and then just expect that everyone is going to forget about it? I think they're betting on an awful damn lot, and it's going to come back to bite them in the ass.

:lol: I find it completely amusing that you ramble on about playing politics with America's credit rating when the Boehner plan just kicks the can 6 months down the road. This is intentional in order to play politics with the debt ceiling once again in the midst of the election season.

The Republicans previously opposed something like Boehner's plan because it could endanger our credit rating.
It shows how fucking stupid these wingnut teabaggers are that they STILL think the Debt Ceiling is for FUTURE spending.

If it isnt for future spending explain why they want it to carry through the end of 2012.

Did you think before your comment or was it just off the cuff?
He also wants the debt ceiling raised enough that it will get them past the 2012 elections so they can conveniently bury all of this shit until it's finished. How can you go 800+ days without passing any form of a budget, add trillions in debt, play politics with America's credit rating, insinuate that seniors aren't going to get their checks, and then just expect that everyone is going to forget about it? I think they're betting on an awful damn lot, and it's going to come back to bite them in the ass.

:lol: I find it completely amusing that you ramble on about playing politics with America's credit rating when the Boehner plan just kicks the can 6 months down the road. This is intentional in order to play politics with the debt ceiling once again in the midst of the election season.

The Republicans previously opposed something like Boehner's plan because it could endanger our credit rating.


Why do yoiu see a plan that takes us 6 months down the road as "kicking the can" and playing politics but you dont see a p[roposed plan that takes us JUST PAST THE NEXT ELECTION as kicking the can and playing politics?

Please explain O great one.
He also wants the debt ceiling raised enough that it will get them past the 2012 elections so they can conveniently bury all of this shit until it's finished. How can you go 800+ days without passing any form of a budget, add trillions in debt, play politics with America's credit rating, insinuate that seniors aren't going to get their checks, and then just expect that everyone is going to forget about it? I think they're betting on an awful damn lot, and it's going to come back to bite them in the ass.

:lol: I find it completely amusing that you ramble on about playing politics with America's credit rating when the Boehner plan just kicks the can 6 months down the road. This is intentional in order to play politics with the debt ceiling once again in the midst of the election season.

The Republicans previously opposed something like Boehner's plan because it could endanger our credit rating.

I think the Balanced Budget bill did more than kick it down the road 6 months sparky, and where is that sitting right now?

Why do yoiu see a plan that takes us 6 months down the road as "kicking the can" and playing politics but you dont see a p[roposed plan that takes us JUST PAST THE NEXT ELECTION as kicking the can and playing politics?

Please explain O great one.

This shouldn't be an election issue. The debt ceiling shouldn't be a political football to be used by either side. I point out what I did about the Boehner plan because it's foolish to act like it's anything but politics.

It's also not kicking the can down the road when it comes to the debt ceiling. The Boehner plan is.

Last I checked, we don't need the debt ceiling limit over our heads to get a deficit cutting deal done. Perhaps you don't see the difference between the two since you're asking me such a question.
Their plan is to keep the markets as unstable as possible, to hinder growth, and play political football with the economy until the election all while accusing Obama of purposely trying to destroy the economy.

cut cap and balance did no such thing. It was actually a very good plan which would have reigned in much of this out of control spending from both parties.

The dems in the senate obstructed the plan and obama indicated he would obstruct it if they didn't.

All I see is republicans offering up plans to settle it and dems just saying NO NO NO NO NO

The dems are now the party of NO like the republicans were.

The GOP controls one half of one third of the government and think they are in charge and can dictate what's what. Just like with the filibuster spree in 2009-2010 they retardly think they can rule from the minority. News flash, bro, y'all are going to have to offer up something EVERYONE ELSE will agree with to get a deal done because they aren't in charge. And this "crisis" is manufactured by the GOP by refusing to pass a clean bill and turning the debt ceiling into a political football in the first place. I'm completely distgusted by all this shit.

Well you should be disgusted by your Marxist leader Barack Hussein then.

Conservatives want a balanced budget amendment to ensure this $14 trillion nightmare does not get worse and does not happen again. Liberals want the debt ceiling raised. The House passed a bill that does both. That is compromise. Conservatives were wiling to raise the debt ceiling in exchange for a balanced budget amendment. Everyone wins.

Except, Reid and Obama have said no and refuse to budge. So much for compromise, uh? This is exactly why Obama's numbers keep plummeting and why he will be an after thought by 2013.
Well, Mr. Nick, you don't understand at all, do you? If 20% of Americans hurt the other 80%, then the Tea Party will be crushed and the GOP badly hurt.
I fully understand...The progressive minion voting block are too fucking stupid to understand. They're willing to sell their souls to the fucking authoritarians because they want security over a healthy socioeconomic environment. This is why your fucking president implied that YOU are too fucking dumb to understand whats going on today and our financial issues are best left up to the "gubbiment."

Only fools believe that the majority of Democrats, the center of the Republican Party, and Independents are somehow authoritarian because they won't let the Tea Party rule as a minority authoritarian government.

The Tea Party will help govern in consensus or turn over its power to the majority or cause a default. I hope's it the first, I don't expect the second, and a third will lead to the Tea Party will e crushed and punished.

Why do yoiu see a plan that takes us 6 months down the road as "kicking the can" and playing politics but you dont see a p[roposed plan that takes us JUST PAST THE NEXT ELECTION as kicking the can and playing politics?

Please explain O great one.

This shouldn't be an election issue. The debt ceiling shouldn't be a political football to be used by either side. I point out what I did about the Boehner plan because it's foolish to act like it's anything but politics.

It's also not kicking the can down the road when it comes to the debt ceiling. The Boehner plan is.

Last I checked, we don't need the debt ceiling limit over our heads to get a deficit cutting deal done. Perhaps you don't see the difference between the two since you're asking me such a question.

And Obama wanting the debt ceiling raised and not addressed again until 2012 is the exact same political game....

Sadly, you refuse to see it becuase anyone on the left can do no wrong.

Its getting too fucking old already.
I think the Balanced Budget bill did more than kick it down the road 6 months sparky, and where is that sitting right now?

The same Balanced Budget Amendment bill that John McCain and Paul Ryan both criticize as being completely unrealistic as passing at this point in time? That one you mean?
It shows how fucking stupid these wingnut teabaggers are that they STILL think the Debt Ceiling is for FUTURE spending.

If it isnt for future spending explain why they want it to carry through the end of 2012.

Did you think before your comment or was it just off the cuff?

Two words: presidential election.. :eusa_shhh:

The economic stupidity is hard to imagine, yet we see it right here.

If we dont borrow more rates will go up. IE the sky will fall.

But borrowing more cause the debt service to rise, the sky doesnt fall.

As I said stupidity in its purest form.
At least 20 of the Baggers will be gone in 2012. They have written their own Obituary...:clap2:

What's nice about that is they don't care. For once you have a group who are not beholden to the "good ole boy network". They can't be bought. That is refreshing.
What's more, all of your taxes are going up folks. This country is headed for an economic disaster of epic proportions but go ahead and keep your head in the sand. Just remember, no amount of saying "lalala" to yourselves is going to negate the fact that this country is borrowing money to pay bills that don't need to exist in the first place.
And Republicans could have also accepted Reid's plan which gives them what they wanted in no revenue increases. By your logic, I guess Republicans rather have blood in the streets.

Our plan was in writing, Reid's was not

Obama changed his stance at the last minute because he wants to star5t a revolution by starving our Seniors

He also wants the debt ceiling raised enough that it will get them past the 2012 elections so they can conveniently bury all of this shit until it's finished. How can you go 800+ days without passing any form of a budget, add trillions in debt, play politics with America's credit rating, insinuate that seniors aren't going to get their checks, and then just expect that everyone is going to forget about it? I think they're betting on an awful damn lot, and it's going to come back to bite them in the ass.

Obama wants to be rewarded for his criminally irresponsible behavior.

Yes, workouts are never fun and you have to report to the creditors; that's life with $1T deficits Barry.
Raising taxes is not the only option. We could get rid of it. Or turn it over to the private sector. Or just allow charity to handle the social issues of this nation while the federal government focuses on it's constitutional responsibilities.

Libertarianism, Rott, is the corruption of the American Dream. You clearly do not understand Constitutionalism, American history, or our social culture. Your comment above clearly indicates why the Tea Party will fail us in this crisis and will disappear.

You have clearly demonstrated you have nothing to offer.

Actually, I've offered facts in the form of cold, hard numbers. And since the numbers and the facts don't lie, all you do is ignore them and insult people.

By the way, libertarinaism is nothing but adhering to the constitution. So your statement is absurd beyond words. The document that founded the US, which grants you your freedom, and which has given the world the greatest country in history, you just claimed is "corruption of the American Dream". That's how absurd your views and statements are. The US Constitution is "corruption of the American Dream" in your Marxist/Socialist/Communist mind.

The American dream is freedom to succeed my friend. Not a Marxist/Socialist/Communist government providing for you. You should really read your history and stop with the MSNBC propaganda. One of their hosts actually said he was "proud to be a socialist". Exactly. Enough said.
And Obama wanting the debt ceiling raised and not addressed again until 2012 is the exact same political game....

Sadly, you refuse to see it becuase anyone on the left can do no wrong.

Its getting too fucking old already.

Except it's not. Cutting the deficit and raising the debt ceiling are two entirely different things. The debt ceiling is related to spending already incurred. It's not some sort of blank check given to the President.

Here's a novel idea: Have the Republican nominee campaign on what you said in 2012. If the American people agree with him or her, they will elect the Republican.

I never said the Democrats were without fault in this situation. That's you projecting because you attacked me from the very beginning simply because I disagreed with you. What's next out of your playbook? I'm brainwashed?
Well, Mr. Nick, you don't understand at all, do you? If 20% of Americans hurt the other 80%, then the Tea Party will be crushed and the GOP badly hurt.
I fully understand...The progressive minion voting block are too fucking stupid to understand. They're willing to sell their souls to the fucking authoritarians because they want security over a healthy socioeconomic environment. This is why your fucking president implied that YOU are too fucking dumb to understand whats going on today and our financial issues are best left up to the "gubbiment."

Only fools believe that the majority of Democrats, the center of the Republican Party, and Independents are somehow authoritarian because they won't let the Tea Party rule as a minority authoritarian government.

The Tea Party will help govern in consensus or turn over its power to the majority or cause a default. I hope's it the first, I don't expect the second, and a third will lead to the Tea Party will e crushed and punished.

Thats one of the dumbest things I have heard since the last time Pelosi got up and said something in public.

You pretty much just labeled classical liberals authoritarian..

The tea party is against large government, do you understand that? do you understand it takes a government to be "authoritarian."

Thanks for sharing your MSNBC education...
Libertarianism is the corruption of the American Dream, a "society of free individuals" that permit the strongest to persecute the weak and take from them what little they possess. Libertarianism is anti-constitutionalism, Rott. You clearly do not know or do not care about your history. The Founders drove your type into the borderlands. Politically, both major parties will do so in 2012.
I fully understand...The progressive minion voting block are too fucking stupid to understand. They're willing to sell their souls to the fucking authoritarians because they want security over a healthy socioeconomic environment. This is why your fucking president implied that YOU are too fucking dumb to understand whats going on today and our financial issues are best left up to the "gubbiment."

Only fools believe that the majority of Democrats, the center of the Republican Party, and Independents are somehow authoritarian because they won't let the Tea Party rule as a minority authoritarian government.

The Tea Party will help govern in consensus or turn over its power to the majority or cause a default. I hope's it the first, I don't expect the second, and a third will lead to the Tea Party will e crushed and punished.

Thats one of the dumbest things I have heard since the last time Pelosi got up and said something in public.

You pretty much just labeled classical liberals authoritarian..

The tea party is against large government, do you understand that? do you understand it takes a government to be "authoritarian."

Thanks for sharing your MSNBC education...

The Tea Party is against large government...

Unless you're talking about marriage. or abortion. or overseas wars. or medicare.....
Yeah, won't it just be GREAT when all of our interest rates go up? Awesome job tea mother fucking baggers.

I hereby pledge to kick Grover Norquist in the balls if he is ever within kicking distance.

Typical Dumbocrat - turn to violence when someone advocates that we stop giving you life on a platter and demand that you actually work like a big boy or girl for the things you need in life. How dare us! Instead, we should collapse the nation like the U.S.S.R., Cuba, and Greece so that you Dumbocrats don't have to hold a job!

Typical tea bagger...talking with his mouth full. It is in defaulting on our loans that will bring about an economic collapse.

I've had a job since I was 13 and then served my country for 20 years. What branch of service were you in bagger?

Yep, you worked since you were 13 at minimum wage jobs, never trying to improve yourself, and like a typical Dumbocrat, you have nothing but hate and bitterness towards those that have done better than you in life.

Sorry my friend, but dragging others down to your level through Marxism/Socialism/Communism may make you feel better, but it will collapse this nation. While you sit stewing with venom and hate towards successful people, the rest of the world is busy learning from the failed policies of liberals. Greece has collapsed and has daily riots because of the idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. The U.S.S.R. completely collapsed under the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. Cuba has existed in a state of perpetual poverty since Fidel Castro took over by force as a dictator and implemented the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. And now the US is $14 trillion in debt and on the verge of collapse because of the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. How much evidence does the idiot Dumbocrat need to realize that liberal policy = poverty?

I would sumbit they already know it will create poverty, but in their bitter little minds, that's what they want because then everyone would be "equal" - equally wallowing in poverty. God bless you my friend. I pray some day you can get over your bitterness and envy towards those who were more successful than you in life.
. The tea party is against large government, do you understand that? do you understand it takes a government to be "authoritarian."

Thanks for sharing your MSNBC education...

The Tea Party and the Patriot Act Vote ? The Monkey Cage

Much of the reaction to Tuesday’s vote not to fast-track some provisions of the Patriot Act has painted it as a victory for the Tea Party (e.g., here, here, here, and here). Tea Partiers, the story goes, were central to a group of Republicans bolting their party and preventing the measure from passing.

The problem is that the numbers don’t suggest the Tea Party had anything to do with it.

Pinning down the role of the Tea Party can be tricky, because the exact membership of the new “Tea Party Caucus” in the 112th Congress is not yet known, although we do know the membership in the 111th. Michelle Bachmann’s office says the new list will be released Feb. 17. But we can look at who was endorsed by a Tea Party organization or identified as a Tea Party candidate by a major news outlet in the 2010 midterms. And those members were not really less likely to support the Republican leadership on this vote than members who were not:


Looks like Small Government to me. :lol:

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