Finland To Join N.A.T.O. On Tuesday.

What an utterly ridiculous move that only angers Russia

Angering a pissant failed state with delusional dreams of empire and making nuclear threats isn't a bad thing; what is ridiculous is caving in to them.
Wonderful news from Holland
A U.S. nuclear bomb may have been damaged after an accidental drop. Scientists noticed that the bomb was slightly bent and had duct tape on it to possibly cover the hole...
Tell us more about it, mr. Science.

You aren't embarrassed enough your mighty Army being handed your ass by Ukrainian civilians? lol You're probably terrified of Finland now. Just admit your Putin is a psycho, get rid of him, and focus on prospering. All Putin is going to do for you is get you rubbed out.
Finland will formally become a full-fledged NATO ally on Tuesday, the alliance’s Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Monday.

“This is an historic week,” the NATO chief told reporters. “Tomorrow, we will welcome Finland as the 31st member of NATO, making Finland safer and our alliance stronger.”

A ceremony marking Finland’s accession is set to take place Tuesday afternoon.

“We will raise the Finnish flag for the first time here at the NATO headquarters,” Stoltenberg said, adding: “It will be a good day for Finland’s security, for Nordic security, and for NATO as a whole.”

Suck on that Pooty Lovers. The Traitor was suppose to crippled N.A.T.O. and instead N.A.T.O. has expanded to 31-Countries.

Fuck Pooty.
If you anre calling trump a traitor you are wrong

What trump wanted was for NATO countries to pay their fair share

Its the trump haters who want to weaken NATO
Is that what the TV taught you? No wonder you write like an idiot.

lol you couldn't even grow wheat or make your own gasoline after your great 'empire' collapsed. EVen at your peak under Stalin you almost got overrun by a country a third your size and had to be bailed out by the Brits and U.S. You're laughably stupid.
Russia needs a stronger leader. A leader courageous enough to give a stark warning to all neighboring countries:

"If you decide to participate in the military encirclement of Russia you're gonna find yourself on the receiving end of russian bombs."

And then give the Baltic states 3 months to withdraw from NATO.
Putin threats have worked so well so far
Putin stopped the genocide of Russians in the southern Donbass region by NATO- backed anti Christian anti freedom of press nazis.

And Joe Biden committed an act of War when he blew up Russia's pipeline which by the way has tripled the cost of gas to Europe.

That's right Joe ....people are freezing to death on your watch as we speak. Sleep tight bro.

Putin is committing genocide in Ukraine. He only seems to be able to kill women, children, and old people.

Is that a Russian thing?
Finland will formally become a full-fledged NATO ally on Tuesday, the alliance’s Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Monday.

“This is an historic week,” the NATO chief told reporters. “Tomorrow, we will welcome Finland as the 31st member of NATO, making Finland safer and our alliance stronger.”

A ceremony marking Finland’s accession is set to take place Tuesday afternoon.

“We will raise the Finnish flag for the first time here at the NATO headquarters,” Stoltenberg said, adding: “It will be a good day for Finland’s security, for Nordic security, and for NATO as a whole.”

Suck on that Pooty Lovers. The Traitor was suppose to crippled N.A.T.O. and instead N.A.T.O. has expanded to 31-Countries.

Fuck Pooty.

NATO expands its presence on Russian borders.
How long before the US places missiles in Finland?

Map shows how Russia's border with NATO more than doubles with Finland as a member
I think this was a gamble that Putin lost.

One would think that a self-professed history aficionado would foresee that Finland is not exactly the biggest fan of Moscow-based, Russian-speaking expansionism.
Putin couldn’t have played this any worse.

He strengthened NATO and simultaneously displayed how pathetic his military is.
Finland will formally become a full-fledged NATO ally on Tuesday, the alliance’s Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Monday.

“This is an historic week,” the NATO chief told reporters. “Tomorrow, we will welcome Finland as the 31st member of NATO, making Finland safer and our alliance stronger.”

A ceremony marking Finland’s accession is set to take place Tuesday afternoon.

“We will raise the Finnish flag for the first time here at the NATO headquarters,” Stoltenberg said, adding: “It will be a good day for Finland’s security, for Nordic security, and for NATO as a whole.”

Suck on that Pooty Lovers. The Traitor was suppose to crippled N.A.T.O. and instead N.A.T.O. has expanded to 31-Countries.

Fuck Pooty.
More good news: Turkey approves Finland's NATO application, clearing the last hurdle. Sweden is still waiting

Putin really, really fucked up by invading Ukraine.
Putin stopped the genocide of Russians in the southern Donbass region by NATO- backed anti Christian anti freedom of press nazis.

And Joe Biden committed an act of War when he blew up Russia's pipeline which by the way has tripled the cost of gas to Europe.

That's right Joe ....people are freezing to death on your watch as we speak. Sleep tight bro.
Your allegations have no validity. There was no trouble in the Donbass region until the pro-russian government was voted out of the Ukraine. Then Russia stirred up the ethnic Russians in the Donbass and gave them weapons and military support. Russia is always the problem, doing under-handed things to destabilize their neighboring countries.

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