Fire Fauci?

We have turned the corner ya nut.

100,000 infections and 1,000 dead per DAY is your idea of "turning the corner"?

Where do you think we're GOING?
I think that if we could keep the super spreader, Tamala Harris, out of Pa. we would have a much better chance of controlling the virus. Hell, I even put my mask on when she comes on TV. Stick with Trumpy.
We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
My guess is that a second Trump term would be significantly more authoritarian than his first.

He'll get rid of and destroy anyone who says ONE wrong word, if he has the power to do so.

His second term will be about securing the adoration of his flock for the rest of his life. That's it.
Nothing authoritarian about a guy who wants to lock everything down and make everybody suffer. Jesus, do you hear yourself?
But the Commievirus cooties are completely banished from the grocery store.....and WalMart.....And Homeboy Depot....and Costco....
What about those places?

That's WHERE you spread this horror after you stupidly go bar hopping in a pandemic
Does such stupidity as that which you are displaying here cause physical pain?

It ought to.
If I go to a bar and I have COVID and I spread it, it is because others chose to go to the same bar. CHOSE to go to the same bar. Choice. America. Freedom of choice.
What are you missing?

Question...If I go to a bar and I have COVID and not know it, and I spread it to other bar attendees who chose to risk getting COVID by going to the it my fault or their fault if they contract COVID?
A. You ALL contribute to the spread of this virus by doing that

B. You spread to others who HAVEN'T made those bad choices every time you interact with anyone. Unless of course all you do is go from your home to bars and NOWHERE else and you live alone

Is that likely?


The only way I can spread the virus (if I have it) is because others decided to go to places that I choose to go. So I am curious. I have been tested twice with both coming in negative. If I go to a bar, and some get COVID because I got it DURING testing without knowing it my fault or their fault? I had no idea and they chose to go to the bar. Is it my fault?
FYI...this is the second time I asked.,
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it

Doc Fauci is a failure.

His President tasked with the job of getting rid of the Corona Panic- he has failed completely. Should he get a promotion because he is "trying" and has "good intentions"? The road to Hell (and all other socialist regimes) is paved with good intentions.

In the Trump World, in America, failure means you get fired.
What you see as Trump ignoring what Fauci and other actual doctors are saying

President Trump is paying attention Dr. Fauci's RESULTS. And the results he has to report are pretty pathetic.
Fauci has had to work around the likes of Atlas and Trump from the beginning

Sheeple, wear a maaaAAaaask

But the Commievirus cooties are completely banished from the grocery store.....and WalMart.....And Homeboy Depot....and Costco....
What about those places?

That's WHERE you spread this horror after you stupidly go bar hopping in a pandemic
Does such stupidity as that which you are displaying here cause physical pain?

It ought to.
wow. What a solid and mature response. If one can not refute the response of a debater, one must insult the intelligence of the debater
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
Dont fire him , send him off to china . He is bought and paid for .
Fauci flip flops as much as John Kerry did. Depends on which way the wind blows at the moment.
But the Commievirus cooties are completely banished from the grocery store.....and WalMart.....And Homeboy Depot....and Costco....
What about those places?

That's WHERE you spread this horror after you stupidly go bar hopping in a pandemic
Does such stupidity as that which you are displaying here cause physical pain?

It ought to.
wow. What a solid and mature response. If one can not refute the response of a debater, one must insult the intelligence of the debater
It's the only response worthy of such stupidity.

Are the Covid cooties banished from all the places I mentioned, or are they only allowed in bars and restaurants?
We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
My guess is that a second Trump term would be significantly more authoritarian than his first.

He'll get rid of and destroy anyone who says ONE wrong word, if he has the power to do so.

His second term will be about securing the adoration of his flock for the rest of his life. That's it.
Nothing authoritarian about a guy who wants to lock everything down and make everybody suffer. Jesus, do you hear yourself?
I do. Neither your approval nor your agreement is required.
But the Commievirus cooties are completely banished from the grocery store.....and WalMart.....And Homeboy Depot....and Costco....
What about those places?

That's WHERE you spread this horror after you stupidly go bar hopping in a pandemic
Does such stupidity as that which you are displaying here cause physical pain?

It ought to.
wow. What a solid and mature response. If one can not refute the response of a debater, one must insult the intelligence of the debater
It's the only response worthy of such stupidity.

Are the Covid cooties banished from all the places I mentioned, or are they only allowed in bars and restaurants?
The covid cooties are only transferrable in bars and restaurants if people choose to go to those bar and restaurants. Not just those that may have the cooties...but those that decide to go without the cooties.
You know why I refuse to drive on New Years Eve? Because I am aware there my be drunk drivers that will kill me and my wife.
It is a choice I make. Just as others who are cooties free make when they go to a restaurant.
What are you missing here?
Curious....why didn't Obama ban driving on New Years Eve seeing as there are an abundant amount of drunk drivers out that night? Is it because he didn't care about innocent people dying from drunk drivers?
The ENTIRE WORLD is going through a second wave. It was predicted 6 months ago.
The fact that it is a surprise to you is telling.

Apparently TRUMP is surprised. HE claims we've turned the corner. You missed that?
Wow! It's a deadly disease with a 99% survival rate!

It's a deadly disease that has killed approaching a quarter million people...mostly older folks.

Oh that's right. Older folks don't count. Right?
Older folks count everywhere except to the DNC or when they need Obamacare treatment during heavy demand and the rationing kicks in. It's too bad that todays youth don't learn from them. It would be better than the misguided Marxism they're being taught in school. Stick with Trumpy
You can say anything you want.

Most older folks have Medicare and most of them

A. Are terrified of getting this virus

B. Are happy with Medicare
If you're terrified of the virus, act accordingly and protect yourself. If you're on medicare as I am, you should be against putting anywhere from 15-30 million illegal aliens into the program as Biden wants. Medicare is already well on the way to insolvency. Putting tens of millions of illegals and the currently uncovered poor into the program will kill the program or double your taxes within 5 years. Stick with Trumpy
The only way I can spread the virus (if I have it) is because others decided to go to places that I choose to go.
So you can catch the virus and go (and spread) where you choose. But people who would prefer not to risk their health and their lives have to work around you?

Good thing you never go to the doctor's office or the supermarket or the gas station....

Oh do all of that
The ENTIRE WORLD is going through a second wave. It was predicted 6 months ago.
Lardass had been predicting as long as eight months ago that the pandemic was "going away", that he had it "very well under control," that "the people are getting better, they're all getting better!"

Now, Trump's goons are screeching at their Lord and Master, "Fire Fauci! Fire Fauci! Fire Fauci!" because the experienced public health authority does not defer to the irrational denials of the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer concerning Covid-19.

Such fanatical adulation and contempt for competence is entirely consistent with the mob frenzy of sh!thole nations where political rivals are assaulted with mindless demands "Lock her up!", "Lock him up!"

October 31, 2020

In spite of Trump's continued claims that the country is "rounding the corner," the United States reported
100,233 new Covid-19 infections on Friday, the most ever reported by any nation in a single 24-hour span, with coronavirus
''outbreaks engulfing large swaths of the country and 48 of the 50 states trending in the wrong direction.
Last edited:
But the Commievirus cooties are completely banished from the grocery store.....and WalMart.....And Homeboy Depot....and Costco....
What about those places?

That's WHERE you spread this horror after you stupidly go bar hopping in a pandemic
Does such stupidity as that which you are displaying here cause physical pain?

It ought to.
wow. What a solid and mature response. If one can not refute the response of a debater, one must insult the intelligence of the debater
It's the only response worthy of such stupidity.

Are the Covid cooties banished from all the places I mentioned, or are they only allowed in bars and restaurants?
The covid cooties are only transferrable in bars and restaurants if people choose to go to those bar and restaurants. Not just those that may have the cooties...but those that decide to go without the cooties.
You know why I refuse to drive on New Years Eve? Because I am aware there my be drunk drivers that will kill me and my wife.
It is a choice I make. Just as others who are cooties free make when they go to a restaurant.
What are you missing here?
Curious....why didn't Obama ban driving on New Years Eve seeing as there are an abundant amount of drunk drivers out that night? Is it because he didn't care about innocent people dying from drunk drivers?
Well there you have it.

Yet, somehow or another, the grocery store, WallyWorld, and so forth are free to go about business as usual, with nearly zero possibility of being a transmission vector, because......REASONS!
Yet, somehow or another, the grocery store, WallyWorld, and so forth are free to go about business as usual, with nearly zero possibility of being a transmission vector, because......REASONS!
Says who?

Anyone attending those kinds of super spreader activities in a a state where 4-6000 people per day are getting infected with a virus that has killed nearly a quarter million is not real bright
The only way I can spread the virus (if I have it) is because others decided to go to places that I choose to go.
So you can catch the virus and go (and spread) where you choose. But people who would prefer not to risk their health and their lives have to work around you?

Good thing you never go to the doctor's office or the supermarket or the gas station....

Oh do all of that
We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
My guess is that a second Trump term would be significantly more authoritarian than his first.

He'll get rid of and destroy anyone who says ONE wrong word, if he has the power to do so.

His second term will be about securing the adoration of his flock for the rest of his life. That's it.
Nothing authoritarian about a guy who wants to lock everything down and make everybody suffer. Jesus, do you hear yourself?
I do. Neither your approval nor your agreement is required.
Cool. It's good to know that although you ring the authoritarian bell, you don't give a shit whether or not you get an authoritarian in power. As long as he's a Democrat, right?
Try giving an honest answer. If people prefer not to risk their health and lives, then why are they going to restaurants and bars. If I believe I dont have COVID and I go to that bar abd restaurant....why am I in the worng but they have their right to go and not risk their lives?

Are you not aware of how your argument assumes I am bad, I am sick, I know it and I want to kill while the others are good, they are healthy and they 2want to simply live their lives?
What about me? I think i am healthy, I have tested and I went to a bar. Some democrat had Covid, DOESNT know it and due to my choice to go, I contracted it. Is that OK seeing as I am a conservative and deserve to die and they are a democrat and deserve to enjoy freedom of choice?
Do you truly not see you are actually arguing my side?

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