Fire & Fury: Trump wanted Guiliani as Supreme Court Justice, but didnt put him because he's pro-life

Rudy’s even more of a head case than Trump.

But thanks for bringing up the BEST SELLER, Fire and Fury. People in Dubai, England, Wisconsin, Alabama etc are reading the book and learning what a mental midget this president is.
However, the author has admitted the book is a pack of lies. Why do you want people to read a book that is a pack of lies? Are you so unethical that you don't care if people read a book that is a pack of lies?
How many times do I have to correct you on your lie?
I’ve seen him interviewed about 6 times now and he’s never said it or even implied it.
Your butthurt lying media is spreading the lie and you bought it.
Michael Wolff, ‘Fire and Fury’ author, admits: Not all in Trump book true
And I explained it to you what he was referring to but you’re too stupid to read behind the headline.
The author admits in the book that he lacks confidence that everything people said to him was true. Why do give more credence to the book than the author, who has admitted that much of it may be lies?

what he said was that some trumpers are liars and have conflicting stories.

he has tapes of them, though. and no one is saying Donald isn't a moron or psycho.
no one who was mentioned in the book calling Trump an idiot or worse has recanted their comments.
Not one.
Michael Wolff said, “ I’m going to send the prez a box of chocolates for helping advertise my book. “
However, the author has admitted the book is a pack of lies. Why do you want people to read a book that is a pack of lies? Are you so unethical that you don't care if people read a book that is a pack of lies?
How many times do I have to correct you on your lie?
I’ve seen him interviewed about 6 times now and he’s never said it or even implied it.
Your butthurt lying media is spreading the lie and you bought it.
Michael Wolff, ‘Fire and Fury’ author, admits: Not all in Trump book true
And I explained it to you what he was referring to but you’re too stupid to read behind the headline.
The author admits in the book that he lacks confidence that everything people said to him was true. Why do give more credence to the book than the author, who has admitted that much of it may be lies?

what he said was that some trumpers are liars and have conflicting stories.

he has tapes of them, though. and no one is saying Donald isn't a moron or psycho.
So you admit that much of the book is lies.

Also, if Donald Trump is a moron and a psycho, how did he build a multi-billion dollar Empire? How did he get elected President? How has he achieved so much success in enacting his pro-growth agenda in his first year of being President?
no one who was mentioned in the book calling Trump an idiot or worse has recanted their comments.
Not one.
Michael Wolff said, “ I’m going to send the prez a box of chocolates for helping advertise my book. “
But Wolff has admitted that you can't trust the information in his book is true. Why doesn't that bother you? Do you lack a conscience?
Rudy’s even more of a head case than Trump.

But thanks for bringing up the BEST SELLER, Fire and Fury. People in Dubai, England, Wisconsin, Alabama etc are reading the book and learning what a mental midget this president is.
However, the author has admitted the book is a pack of lies. Why do you want people to read a book that is a pack of lies? Are you so unethical that you don't care if people read a book that is a pack of lies?
How many times do I have to correct you on your lie?
I’ve seen him interviewed about 6 times now and he’s never said it or even implied it.
Your butthurt lying media is spreading the lie and you bought it.
Michael Wolff, ‘Fire and Fury’ author, admits: Not all in Trump book true
And I explained it to you what he was referring to but you’re too stupid to read behind the headline.
The author admits in the book that he lacks confidence that everything people said to him was true. Why do give more credence to the book than the author, who has admitted that much of it may be lies?
If only HALF of the staffers that Wolff interviewed said Trump is unfit to serve “ and “ an idiot” that’s a bombshell.
Many many other reporters have interviewed people in the WH for the last year and THEY all say the exact same things.
However, the author has admitted the book is a pack of lies. Why do you want people to read a book that is a pack of lies? Are you so unethical that you don't care if people read a book that is a pack of lies?
How many times do I have to correct you on your lie?
I’ve seen him interviewed about 6 times now and he’s never said it or even implied it.
Your butthurt lying media is spreading the lie and you bought it.
Michael Wolff, ‘Fire and Fury’ author, admits: Not all in Trump book true
And I explained it to you what he was referring to but you’re too stupid to read behind the headline.
The author admits in the book that he lacks confidence that everything people said to him was true. Why do give more credence to the book than the author, who has admitted that much of it may be lies?
If only HALF of the staffers that Wolff interviewed said Trump is unfit to serve “ and “ an idiot” that’s a bombshell.
Many many other reporters have interviewed people in the WH for the last year and THEY all say the exact same things.
But how can you rely on a book that even the author admits is full of falsehoods?
no one who was mentioned in the book calling Trump an idiot or worse has recanted their comments.
Not one.
Michael Wolff said, “ I’m going to send the prez a box of chocolates for helping advertise my book. “
But Wolff has admitted that you can't trust the information in his book is true. Why doesn't that bother you? Do you lack a conscience?

Why should it bother me that Trump's administration is full of liars?

I didn't vote for him.
How many times do I have to correct you on your lie?
I’ve seen him interviewed about 6 times now and he’s never said it or even implied it.
Your butthurt lying media is spreading the lie and you bought it.
Michael Wolff, ‘Fire and Fury’ author, admits: Not all in Trump book true
And I explained it to you what he was referring to but you’re too stupid to read behind the headline.
The author admits in the book that he lacks confidence that everything people said to him was true. Why do give more credence to the book than the author, who has admitted that much of it may be lies?
If only HALF of the staffers that Wolff interviewed said Trump is unfit to serve “ and “ an idiot” that’s a bombshell.
Many many other reporters have interviewed people in the WH for the last year and THEY all say the exact same things.
But how can you rely on a book that even the author admits is full of falsehoods?

Who said anything about "relying" on it?
So, now that I've proven with a link that the author of this book admits it's a pack of lies, do you still want people to read it and believe lies?
The author said that Trump's lackeys are a herd of liars, as to be expected, and so their stories contradict each other.

All caught up now, rube?
no one who was mentioned in the book calling Trump an idiot or worse has recanted their comments.
Not one.
Michael Wolff said, “ I’m going to send the prez a box of chocolates for helping advertise my book. “
But Wolff has admitted that you can't trust the information in his book is true. Why doesn't that bother you? Do you lack a conscience?

Why should it bother me that Trump's administration is full of liars?

I didn't vote for him.
The book is full of falsehoods and can't be relied upon. Even the author admits this. Therefore, all stories coming out of the book must be discounted by ethical people. Are you ethical?
Look at how the regressive stains call names and stuff when their lies are called out.
no one who was mentioned in the book calling Trump an idiot or worse has recanted their comments.
Not one.
Michael Wolff said, “ I’m going to send the prez a box of chocolates for helping advertise my book. “
But Wolff has admitted that you can't trust the information in his book is true. Why doesn't that bother you? Do you lack a conscience?
I explained it to you. You keep misquoting Wolff because you’re deathly afraid of the country learning about how unfit trump is to serve.
Guess what. They already know. All you need are eyes and ears..

People all over the world are finding out that even the people that work with Trump see him as a dunce. It’s not just 66% of the country and the entire world.
So, now that I've proven with a link that the author of this book admits it's a pack of lies, do you still want people to read it and believe lies?
The author said that Trump's lackeys are a herd of liars, as to be expected, and so their stories contradict each other.

All caught up now, rube?
So you agree with me that the media should not be quoting this book as if it contains truthful information about Trump.
no one who was mentioned in the book calling Trump an idiot or worse has recanted their comments.
Not one.
Michael Wolff said, “ I’m going to send the prez a box of chocolates for helping advertise my book. “
But Wolff has admitted that you can't trust the information in his book is true. Why doesn't that bother you? Do you lack a conscience?
I explained it to you. You keep misquoting Wolff because you’re deathly afraid of the country learning about how unfit trump is to serve.
Guess what. They already know. All you need are eyes and ears..

People all over the world are finding out that even the people that work with Trump see him as a dunce. It’s not just 66% of the country and the entire world.
Well, the economy is booming, the Dow Jones has reached record levels, unemployment is down, including black unemployment, taxes have been cut, how do you explain all this success if Trump is a dunce?
Look at how the regressive stains call names and stuff when their lies are called out.
Can’t handle that the cat is out of the bag that this prez is incompetent as he seems and as lazy and unproductive as all the other reports that have been stated for the past year.
no one who was mentioned in the book calling Trump an idiot or worse has recanted their comments.
Not one.
Michael Wolff said, “ I’m going to send the prez a box of chocolates for helping advertise my book. “
But Wolff has admitted that you can't trust the information in his book is true. Why doesn't that bother you? Do you lack a conscience?

Why should it bother me that Trump's administration is full of liars?

I didn't vote for him.
The book is full of falsehoods and can't be relied upon. Even the author admits this. Therefore, all stories coming out of the book must be discounted by ethical people. Are you ethical?


There's nothing I enjoy more than watching illogical clowns try to frame their arguments logically.

Your statement is nonsense. There is no ethical requirement for people to "discount" this book because Trump's White House can't stop lying. It doesn't follow, logically.
The Russia/Trump collusion story has been discredited so now the libs have moved on to new lies, saying Trump is unfit for office.

Why don't you just admit you lost the election, and find a suitable candidate for 2020, and good issues to run on to beat Trump?

Wouldn't a positive approach be better?

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