Fire National Anthem Kneelers

Mr. Obama was the last President to make sure the patroit act stays in law .
So eat shit bitch .........

The new act is called " America Patriot Act " ...................

I don't give a damn who kept it, created it, or carries a copy in his pocket.

The patriot act is blatantly unconstitutional. And the US Constitution is not superseded by any document.

And, while I disagree with the premise, there is some validity to the claims that there is not guarantee there will not be consequences to a protest.

But to call for peaceful protesters to be labeled terrorist and prosecuted? No. Absolutely not.

The reason I talk about the act is because if season ticket sales are down and the game start to take a dive . Players contracts are up next year, they don't get the money they want . One thing needs to another, that's why the act in place ...

We live in the 21 century, not 1776 ............................................................................

I am quite aware of the year. But whether the NFL fails or not (if it does it will not be due to this nonsense), the players are not terrorists. Period.

And while it is the 21st century, wanting to see peaceful protesters prosecuted as terrorists is ridiculous.

And the act is in place to garner more power for elected officials after their fear mongering worked. Scare the population and you don't have to take away rights and freedoms. The idiots will hand them to you, gift wrapped.

Time will tell .

I seen first hand what will happen if they ( players ) strike and you try to cross the picket line . You'll be welcomed with 2 by fours and baseball bats . I seen it in the 80s when the players went on strike ..........

A players strike is a different topic. And pretty much every strike ever has been violent towards scabs. That is certainly not terrorism. And the protests we are discussing involve absolutely no violence.

Like I said, lets see what happens with season ticket sales next year .
Mr. Obama was the last President to make sure the patroit act stays in law .
So eat shit bitch .........

The new act is called " America Patriot Act " ...................

I don't give a damn who kept it, created it, or carries a copy in his pocket.

The patriot act is blatantly unconstitutional. And the US Constitution is not superseded by any document.

And, while I disagree with the premise, there is some validity to the claims that there is not guarantee there will not be consequences to a protest.

But to call for peaceful protesters to be labeled terrorist and prosecuted? No. Absolutely not.

The reason I talk about the act is because if season ticket sales are down and the game start to take a dive . Players contracts are up next year, they don't get the money they want . One thing needs to another, that's why the act in place ...

We live in the 21 century, not 1776 ............................................................................

I am quite aware of the year. But whether the NFL fails or not (if it does it will not be due to this nonsense), the players are not terrorists. Period.

And while it is the 21st century, wanting to see peaceful protesters prosecuted as terrorists is ridiculous.

And the act is in place to garner more power for elected officials after their fear mongering worked. Scare the population and you don't have to take away rights and freedoms. The idiots will hand them to you, gift wrapped.

Time will tell .

I seen first hand what will happen if they ( players ) strike and you try to cross the picket line . You'll be welcomed with 2 by fours and baseball bats . I seen it in the 80s when the players went on strike ..........

A players strike is a different topic. And pretty much every strike ever has been violent towards scabs. That is certainly not terrorism. And the protests we are discussing involve absolutely no violence.

Keep in mind, football not the only thing that take place in that stadium .
I was driving a produce truck, when I was attacked, or warned ...........
I don't give a damn who kept it, created it, or carries a copy in his pocket.

The patriot act is blatantly unconstitutional. And the US Constitution is not superseded by any document.

And, while I disagree with the premise, there is some validity to the claims that there is not guarantee there will not be consequences to a protest.

But to call for peaceful protesters to be labeled terrorist and prosecuted? No. Absolutely not.

The reason I talk about the act is because if season ticket sales are down and the game start to take a dive . Players contracts are up next year, they don't get the money they want . One thing needs to another, that's why the act in place ...

We live in the 21 century, not 1776 ............................................................................

I am quite aware of the year. But whether the NFL fails or not (if it does it will not be due to this nonsense), the players are not terrorists. Period.

And while it is the 21st century, wanting to see peaceful protesters prosecuted as terrorists is ridiculous.

And the act is in place to garner more power for elected officials after their fear mongering worked. Scare the population and you don't have to take away rights and freedoms. The idiots will hand them to you, gift wrapped.

Time will tell .

I seen first hand what will happen if they ( players ) strike and you try to cross the picket line . You'll be welcomed with 2 by fours and baseball bats . I seen it in the 80s when the players went on strike ..........

A players strike is a different topic. And pretty much every strike ever has been violent towards scabs. That is certainly not terrorism. And the protests we are discussing involve absolutely no violence.

Like I said, lets see what happens with season ticket sales next year .

I don't care if they don't sell s single season ticket. The men kneeling in protest are not terrorists.
I don't give a damn who kept it, created it, or carries a copy in his pocket.

The patriot act is blatantly unconstitutional. And the US Constitution is not superseded by any document.

And, while I disagree with the premise, there is some validity to the claims that there is not guarantee there will not be consequences to a protest.

But to call for peaceful protesters to be labeled terrorist and prosecuted? No. Absolutely not.

The reason I talk about the act is because if season ticket sales are down and the game start to take a dive . Players contracts are up next year, they don't get the money they want . One thing needs to another, that's why the act in place ...

We live in the 21 century, not 1776 ............................................................................

I am quite aware of the year. But whether the NFL fails or not (if it does it will not be due to this nonsense), the players are not terrorists. Period.

And while it is the 21st century, wanting to see peaceful protesters prosecuted as terrorists is ridiculous.

And the act is in place to garner more power for elected officials after their fear mongering worked. Scare the population and you don't have to take away rights and freedoms. The idiots will hand them to you, gift wrapped.

Time will tell .

I seen first hand what will happen if they ( players ) strike and you try to cross the picket line . You'll be welcomed with 2 by fours and baseball bats . I seen it in the 80s when the players went on strike ..........

A players strike is a different topic. And pretty much every strike ever has been violent towards scabs. That is certainly not terrorism. And the protests we are discussing involve absolutely no violence.

Keep in mind, football not the only thing that take place in that stadium .
I was driving a produce truck, when I was attacked, or warned ...........

Not sure why you think this is relevant to the topic of players peacefully protesting.
The reason I talk about the act is because if season ticket sales are down and the game start to take a dive . Players contracts are up next year, they don't get the money they want . One thing needs to another, that's why the act in place ...

We live in the 21 century, not 1776 ............................................................................

I am quite aware of the year. But whether the NFL fails or not (if it does it will not be due to this nonsense), the players are not terrorists. Period.

And while it is the 21st century, wanting to see peaceful protesters prosecuted as terrorists is ridiculous.

And the act is in place to garner more power for elected officials after their fear mongering worked. Scare the population and you don't have to take away rights and freedoms. The idiots will hand them to you, gift wrapped.

Time will tell .

I seen first hand what will happen if they ( players ) strike and you try to cross the picket line . You'll be welcomed with 2 by fours and baseball bats . I seen it in the 80s when the players went on strike ..........

A players strike is a different topic. And pretty much every strike ever has been violent towards scabs. That is certainly not terrorism. And the protests we are discussing involve absolutely no violence.

Keep in mind, football not the only thing that take place in that stadium .
I was driving a produce truck, when I was attacked, or warned ...........

Not sure why you think this is relevant to the topic of players peacefully protesting.

Peaceful on who part .
The booing fans .
Meeting ( players ) last week, on what to do .
The Commissioner tell them to stand .
Owners telling them to stand .

Sound like silent peace . If that what you call peace ............
I am quite aware of the year. But whether the NFL fails or not (if it does it will not be due to this nonsense), the players are not terrorists. Period.

And while it is the 21st century, wanting to see peaceful protesters prosecuted as terrorists is ridiculous.

And the act is in place to garner more power for elected officials after their fear mongering worked. Scare the population and you don't have to take away rights and freedoms. The idiots will hand them to you, gift wrapped.

Time will tell .

I seen first hand what will happen if they ( players ) strike and you try to cross the picket line . You'll be welcomed with 2 by fours and baseball bats . I seen it in the 80s when the players went on strike ..........

A players strike is a different topic. And pretty much every strike ever has been violent towards scabs. That is certainly not terrorism. And the protests we are discussing involve absolutely no violence.

Keep in mind, football not the only thing that take place in that stadium .
I was driving a produce truck, when I was attacked, or warned ...........

Not sure why you think this is relevant to the topic of players peacefully protesting.

Peaceful on who part .
The booing fans .
Meeting ( players ) last week, on what to do .
The Commissioner tell them to stand .
Owners telling them to stand .

Sound like silent peace . If that what you call peace ............

Since the actual topic is the NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem, I was referring to the players kneeling for the National Anthem.

And quietly kneeling is what I call a peaceful protest.

Maybe you can claim the Booing fans are terrorists too?
If you go against the United States Government, you are a terrorist .
Which will now, bring in the patroit act .....
So the US Constitution guarantees the right to protest. But the Patriot act sees any criticism of the US Gov't as terrorism. That alone should be reason enough to get rid of the patriot act.
The Constitution doesn't mean shit today .
That's why we have the Patroit Act, which supersedes the Constitution ..
The constitution legally means everything today. You just think it doesn't because your white ass doesn't get to do what you want like you got to in the "good ol days". In American law, nothing supersedes this document.

Except for where Byrd's West Nazi Germany Virginia KKK churchstate of thieving US Constitution & old glory arsonists in their "serve the Pope or die" "it's only federal sin" crusade supercedes in making it almost heaven playing their Islamic pedophile national religion of seek & you shall find ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Is this whitebonics?

It's that "West Virginians are always free" to steal & burn as many US Constitutions, old glories etc. as they deem they have no compulsory reason to actually uphold the US Constitution whatsoever.
The Left as usual is conflating the right to kneel during the anthem, with paid participants doing it at a an NFL game, which private, league held event. The NFL again, is a private, not public organization, and the team owners and the league have every right to fire these corksuckers or impose sanctions as necessary, if players are starting to piss off fans and majority of American people. At the end of the day, the NFL, like all other sports leagues is all about money and maintaining the league and owners' bottom lines.
You know, everyone is saying that the owners have the "right" (although I'd call it the ability), to fire anyone who they believe is violating their contract.

Only problem is, kneeling during the anthem isn't covered under the player's contracts, and won't be until the owners decide to actually put it in their contracts.

Well.............considering that the NFL draft is highly competitive between teams because each wants to get the best player, do you REALLY think that if a player who is in the top 10 says they won't sign if they are required by their contract to stand for the anthem each game is going to be let go to the other teams? I think that because of the greed of the owners (only winning teams make lots of money), they would take that clause out of the contract if the draftee was good enough.
Time will tell .

I seen first hand what will happen if they ( players ) strike and you try to cross the picket line . You'll be welcomed with 2 by fours and baseball bats . I seen it in the 80s when the players went on strike ..........

A players strike is a different topic. And pretty much every strike ever has been violent towards scabs. That is certainly not terrorism. And the protests we are discussing involve absolutely no violence.

Keep in mind, football not the only thing that take place in that stadium .
I was driving a produce truck, when I was attacked, or warned ...........

Not sure why you think this is relevant to the topic of players peacefully protesting.

Peaceful on who part .
The booing fans .
Meeting ( players ) last week, on what to do .
The Commissioner tell them to stand .
Owners telling them to stand .

Sound like silent peace . If that what you call peace ............

Since the actual topic is the NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem, I was referring to the players kneeling for the National Anthem.

And quietly kneeling is what I call a peaceful protest.

Maybe you can claim the Booing fans are terrorists too?

Nope, fans are not terrorists . Their paid guest ............
A players strike is a different topic. And pretty much every strike ever has been violent towards scabs. That is certainly not terrorism. And the protests we are discussing involve absolutely no violence.

Keep in mind, football not the only thing that take place in that stadium .
I was driving a produce truck, when I was attacked, or warned ...........

Not sure why you think this is relevant to the topic of players peacefully protesting.

Peaceful on who part .
The booing fans .
Meeting ( players ) last week, on what to do .
The Commissioner tell them to stand .
Owners telling them to stand .

Sound like silent peace . If that what you call peace ............

Since the actual topic is the NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem, I was referring to the players kneeling for the National Anthem.

And quietly kneeling is what I call a peaceful protest.

Maybe you can claim the Booing fans are terrorists too?

Nope, fans are not terrorists . Their paid guest ............

The protesting athletes are not terrorists either.
Time to start kneeling around trump.

Nope...............don't do that, because if you are kneeling when Trump goes by, he will simply take it as a loyalty gesture and continue to act like he's king.
Then logic would dictate that kneeling to the flag is also a sign of respect. Oh...did I say "logic" when referring to trump and trumpanzees? Silly me!
Your post has absolutely no bearing on what I said. None.

I said nothing at all about my beliefs in that post. Nothing.

What I DID say was the posted information about the SCOTUS ruling was correct because their religious beliefs do not allow them to worship or pledge allegiance to anyone or anything except God.

AS often as you cry about someone going off topic and misquoting, you certainly are quick to do the same.
NOT! .............I'M saying something about your beliefs, and YOU are the one who brought up the subject of ""beliefs" If you can talk to me about my beliefs (you did), I'll talk about yours.

Nobody's religion bans them from pledging allegiance to a nation. You are talking jibberish. As for not "allow them to worship or pledge allegiance to anyone or anything except God". That is simply :bsflag:

So now I'll ask my question again, Mr Dodge >> "So it's not your belief that we should all pay respect to the thousands of those who have sacrificed their lives in wars (what the national anthem represents), to defend us all ?"
Time to start kneeling around trump.

Nope...............don't do that, because if you are kneeling when Trump goes by, he will simply take it as a loyalty gesture and continue to act like he's king.
Then logic would dictate that kneeling to the flag is also a sign of respect. Oh...did I say "logic" when referring to trump and trumpanzees? Silly me!

Just goes to show, if you give your logic ( kneeling ) for protest .
Then that form ( kneeling ) makes or becomes protest ........
I proudly served. I also proudly remember my oath to " and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic".
In the military, one defends much more than just the Constitution. And the Constitution doesn't say we can't have exceptions to free speech.. We have many. Thank you for your service.
And I addressed it again. The fact that their contracts do not require them to stand, and that the businesses in question would be shooting themselves in the foot to do so, is relevant.
They may be shooting themselves in the foot by allowing them to kneel (and disrespect the country) - As Roudy said earlier, NFL popularity is waning. Now, so is the disrespecting (lucky for the NFL).

Maybe they're putting the pressure on the kneelers. Lots of boos in those stadiums.

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