Fire National Anthem Kneelers

They are protesting in a very respectful way. In fact, they take the pose of someone paying respect to someone or something. The fact that someone else has tried to make it about smearing the flag does not actually change the truth.

roflmao, there are defined ways to show respect to the US Flag and the Republic, and you can try and defend these America hating cretins all you want by re-imagining the world, if you want, but that is all it is; your fantasy.

Showing disrespect to our flag is their whole intention from the start.
When there were riots in Ferguson how many of you here said I respect their right to protest PEACEFULLY? They are and people still hate them for it. Those players know that the next unarmed black person who is pulled over and shot by the police could be them.

There was " NO " peacefully protest in Ferguson .
They burnt the place to the ground ..
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
1. There is no right to protest while on the employers time in the Constitution.

2. These ass holes are adding to the racial and ideological division in this country.

3. They are pissing on the flag and nothing you say contrary is helping your cause as this is alienating the public against the left more than you apparently realize.

4. I am glad the controversy happened as I feel like I have so much free time now that I dont watch the fucking NFL any more.

And for going against the criminal justice system, they can all be charged under the Patroit act ..
Here's a good question ?
Can football players be charged under the " Patriot Act " ..

Also, keep in mind what there protesting ...

That should perpetuate a patriot act of serve the Pope or die for another thousand years as that contingent of thieving JFK bereavement memorial arsonists some 50 years ago which baptize eyes by urination, being the master race of suicidal Islam Christiananality pedophile churchstate mentality officers they are for Godvernment funding.
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
1. There is no right to protest while on the employers time in the Constitution.

2. These ass holes are adding to the racial and ideological division in this country.

3. They are pissing on the flag and nothing you say contrary is helping your cause as this is alienating the public against the left more than you apparently realize.

4. I am glad the controversy happened as I feel like I have so much free time now that I dont watch the fucking NFL any more.

1. While not the first to point this out, I will address it here more fully. First of all, the players are not taking time away from work to protest. They are there, dressed out, and ready to play. In fact, they were first trotted out on display during the National Anthem in order to help the military recruit. The game has not started. So this whole "not at work" this doesn't fly.

2. Those "assholes" are not adding to any racial or ideological division. Now the people screaming about them pissing on the flag and slapping dead veterans are certainly adding to the racial and ideological divide.

3. No, they are not pissing on anything. They quietly kneel. And whether other people see that or not is no problem for me. I am not one of the sheep, blindly following someone else's words.

4. If it took something like this to get you to stop watching the NFL, and you are glad you did, you need to reexamine what you think is important. Don't want to watch the games? Cool, don't watch.
If you want to make a point with the maximum number of people, you protest where you get the most exposure.
Within limits. One of those is you don't attack/smear the country, the anthem, the flag, the military, the veterans (alive and dead) Duh!

They are not smearing anything. To claim they are is a lie. They may not be patriotic Americans, but they are not smearing the flag, the veterans or the country.

How can you say they are not patriotic?
Here's a good question ?
Can football players be charged under the " Patriot Act " ..

Also, keep in mind what there protesting ...

That should perpetuate a patriot act of serve the Pope or die for another thousand years as that contingent of thieving JFK bereavement memorial arsonists some 50 years ago which baptize eyes by urination, being the master race of suicidal Islam Christiananality pedophile churchstate mentality officers they are for Godvernment funding.

I personally love the patroit act .
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
1. There is no right to protest while on the employers time in the Constitution.

2. These ass holes are adding to the racial and ideological division in this country.

3. They are pissing on the flag and nothing you say contrary is helping your cause as this is alienating the public against the left more than you apparently realize.

4. I am glad the controversy happened as I feel like I have so much free time now that I dont watch the fucking NFL any more.

And for going against the criminal justice system, they can all be charged under the Patroit act ..

Exactly what part of the Patriot Act are they guilty under?
If you want to make a point with the maximum number of people, you protest where you get the most exposure.
Within limits. One of those is you don't attack/smear the country, the anthem, the flag, the military, the veterans (alive and dead) Duh!

They are not smearing anything. To claim they are is a lie. They may not be patriotic Americans, but they are not smearing the flag, the veterans or the country.

How can you say they are not patriotic?

I don't know them. Also, I did not say they are unpatriotic. I simply said they MAY not be patriotic.
It is a big issue because it was hyped into a big issue.
It's a BIG issue. The BIGGEST. None was ever bigger.

WTF? Our tax system is a convoluted joke. Our healthcare system fluctuates between the best in the world and the leading cause of bankrupcy. Our elected officials routinely lie to us. Our privacy has become laughable. Our borders are porous as hell. Obesity, and the related health problems, are at epidemic levels. Our education system is a joke.

But a dozen athletes kneeling during the National Anthem is the biggest issue ever? That you think that is sad.
The athelets kneel because they are PRAYING!!!!! yOU PATRIOTIC FLAG WAVING FAGGOT!

Some are praying they finish the game healthy, yes.
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
1. There is no right to protest while on the employers time in the Constitution.

2. These ass holes are adding to the racial and ideological division in this country.

3. They are pissing on the flag and nothing you say contrary is helping your cause as this is alienating the public against the left more than you apparently realize.

4. I am glad the controversy happened as I feel like I have so much free time now that I dont watch the fucking NFL any more.

And for going against the criminal justice system, they can all be charged under the Patroit act ..

Exactly what part of the Patriot Act are they guilty under?

If you go against the United States Government, you are a terrorist .
Which will now, bring in the patroit act .....
If you want to make a point with the maximum number of people, you protest where you get the most exposure.
Within limits. One of those is you don't attack/smear the country, the anthem, the flag, the military, the veterans (alive and dead) Duh!

They are not smearing anything. To claim they are is a lie. They may not be patriotic Americans, but they are not smearing the flag, the veterans or the country.

How can you say they are not patriotic?

I don't know them. Also, I did not say they are unpatriotic. I simply said they MAY not be patriotic.

How can you even say that? Really, what is patriotism?
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
1. There is no right to protest while on the employers time in the Constitution.

2. These ass holes are adding to the racial and ideological division in this country.

3. They are pissing on the flag and nothing you say contrary is helping your cause as this is alienating the public against the left more than you apparently realize.

4. I am glad the controversy happened as I feel like I have so much free time now that I dont watch the fucking NFL any more.

And for going against the criminal justice system, they can all be charged under the Patroit act ..

Exactly what part of the Patriot Act are they guilty under?

If you go against the United States Government, you are a terrorist .
Which will now, bring in the patroit act .....

They are protesting in a very respectful way. In fact, they take the pose of someone paying respect to someone or something. The fact that someone else has tried to make it about smearing the flag does not actually change the truth.

roflmao, there are defined ways to show respect to the US Flag and the Republic, and you can try and defend these America hating cretins all you want by re-imagining the world, if you want, but that is all it is; your fantasy.

Showing disrespect to our flag is their whole intention from the start.
Kneeling is disrespect eh? So all those church-goers kneeling are disrepecting their god every Sunday. That's an interesting fact to know.
As President Trump correctly said, they should all be fired, and their contracts nullified, for breach of contract. It must be stated somewhere in their contracts that this can be done, in the event of bad conduct on the part of the players. This goes for football or any other professional sport.

In addition, the names of these disrespectful, spoiled brats ought to be widely publicized, to give prospective employers a warning of who they are, and what they've done - disrespecting the national anthem and te thousands of military members who've sacrificed their lives in wars.

How outrageous it is for these miscreants to insult the way they do, when they wouldn't have the ability to exercise any free speech at all, if the soldiers whose memories they disparage, had not given their lives to provide them safety from Hitler. And others who fought (and fight now) the current war against the international jihad.

Also to be punished are TV bigmouths like Marie Harf, for lending support to these disrespectful traitors. Politicians insulting our military heroes, past & present, likewise, ought to be voted out of office.

I'd also suggest some kind of retribution for Hillary Clinton, for her idiotic statement that kneeling is a reverent thing, if she wasn't such an pitiful, rejected loser, with about as much relevance as a dustball on the floor (other than to her millions of illegal aliens).
Trumpettes are always looking for away to shut up their opposition.

Funny how Trumpettes support the slaughter of black men by police. Trump insults real Americans by lying about the purpose if these protests.
If it was my team I'd fire the chickenshits not kneeling.

And the chances of you having enough money to actually buy an NFL franchise is somewhere between slim and none.

I wouldn't fire anyone kneeling or not. But if I owned a team, being that I am black, would kneel or sit on the bench during the anthem. Then if whites in that city wanted to talk shit, I'd move my team.
It is a big issue because it was hyped into a big issue.
It's a BIG issue. The BIGGEST. None was ever bigger.

WTF? Our tax system is a convoluted joke. Our healthcare system fluctuates between the best in the world and the leading cause of bankrupcy. Our elected officials routinely lie to us. Our privacy has become laughable. Our borders are porous as hell. Obesity, and the related health problems, are at epidemic levels. Our education system is a joke.

But a dozen athletes kneeling during the National Anthem is the biggest issue ever? That you think that is sad.
The athelets kneel because they are PRAYING!!!!! yOU PATRIOTIC FLAG WAVING FAGGOT!

Some are praying they finish the game healthy, yes.

One of the examples of the worst of this country is those who have whined and cried about them ruining the NFL by changing rules to keep players safe. How many posts and threads have complained about them ruining the NFL because they are trying to prevent players being seriously hurt. But let those players quietly kneel before they go out and risk serious injury or brain damage, and those same lazy fucks watching at home go nuts.
They are protesting in a very respectful way. In fact, they take the pose of someone paying respect to someone or something. The fact that someone else has tried to make it about smearing the flag does not actually change the truth.

roflmao, there are defined ways to show respect to the US Flag and the Republic, and you can try and defend these America hating cretins all you want by re-imagining the world, if you want, but that is all it is; your fantasy.

Showing disrespect to our flag is their whole intention from the start.

Look at it this way punk, the flag has disrespected us a blacks. So go fuck yourself.

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