Fire National Anthem Kneelers

I addressed that. But it's not what were talking about here. The Constitution applies only in that they won't get arrested. But they are not protected in terms of employment which is the question.
Of course. There's no such thing as freedom of speech in the workplace. Offices, construction sites, football fields, whatever.

You say the wrong thing, you're out. Happens 1000 times every day across America.

Eat my shorts, traitor punk.

I agree . Why does the families, give images to the news when their kids were 12 years old . Chris Brown looked nothing like this image .


And Trayvon Martin looked nothing like this .

These two images are totally misleading on their age of death .
Both were thugs ...
I agree . Why does the families, give images to the news when their kids were 12 years old . Chris Brown looked nothing like this image .

View attachment 155844

And Trayvon Martin looked nothing like this .
View attachment 155845

These two images are totally misleading on their age of death .
Both were thugs ...
They do it to lend sympathy to the thug-thief Martin, and to villainize a guy who was trying to secure his homeplace (Zimmerman). It's the upside-down way they think and act.
I agree . Why does the families, give images to the news when their kids were 12 years old . Chris Brown looked nothing like this image .

View attachment 155844

And Trayvon Martin looked nothing like this .
View attachment 155845

These two images are totally misleading on their age of death .
Both were thugs ...
They do it to lend sympathy to the thug-thief Martin, and to villainize a guy who was trying to secure his homeplace (Zimmerman). It's the upside-down way they think and act.

Chris Brown step-father en-sighted a riot, that was caught on live TV .
Police consider charges against Brown’s step-father
I agree . Why does the families, give images to the news when their kids were 12 years old . Chris Brown looked nothing like this image .

View attachment 155844

And Trayvon Martin looked nothing like this .
View attachment 155845

These two images are totally misleading on their age of death .
Both were thugs ...
They do it to lend sympathy to the thug-thief Martin, and to villainize a guy who was trying to secure his homeplace (Zimmerman). It's the upside-down way they think and act.
Zimmerman was just trying to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. Were you one of the crackers who sent him reward money?
My Father and my husband both served in the Military so that these people CAN KNEEL in protest (if they want to) when the Anthem is being played.

END OF STORY comrade!
I agree . Why does the families, give images to the news when their kids were 12 years old . Chris Brown looked nothing like this image .

View attachment 155844

And Trayvon Martin looked nothing like this .
View attachment 155845

These two images are totally misleading on their age of death .
Both were thugs ...
They do it to lend sympathy to the thug-thief Martin, and to villainize a guy who was trying to secure his homeplace (Zimmerman). It's the upside-down way they think and act.
Zimmerman was just trying to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. Were you one of the crackers who sent him reward money?

I'm the one that loaded his gun, when Martin was banging his ( Zimmerman ) head off the concrete .
I agree . Why does the families, give images to the news when their kids were 12 years old . Chris Brown looked nothing like this image .

View attachment 155844

And Trayvon Martin looked nothing like this .
View attachment 155845

These two images are totally misleading on their age of death .
Both were thugs ...
They do it to lend sympathy to the thug-thief Martin, and to villainize a guy who was trying to secure his homeplace (Zimmerman). It's the upside-down way they think and act.
Zimmerman was just trying to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. Were you one of the crackers who sent him reward money?

I have a better question for you August West .
Why would you stay in a country that enslaved you ?

Do you think the Jews, stay in Germany after world War II ?
WTF? Our tax system is a convoluted joke. Our healthcare system fluctuates between the best in the world and the leading cause of bankrupcy. Our elected officials routinely lie to us. Our privacy has become laughable. Our borders are porous as hell. Obesity, and the related health problems, are at epidemic levels. Our education system is a joke.

But a dozen athletes kneeling during the National Anthem is the biggest issue ever? That you think that is sad.
What is sad is your disrespect for the country, its flag, its national anthem, and military members who died, so you can mouth off, as you're doing here now.

And that you don't have sense enough to realize this. Or you're so suckered by the Obama/Sharpton race hustlers, that you can't think straight.

You sanctimonious prick. I have never disrespected the flag, national anthem, my country or anyone who died in service of our nation. Not once. But because I do not believe patriotism should be forced, you accused me of heinous acts? Fuck you.I earned my freedom too. But, unlike you, I do not demand that everyone think and believe the way I do.

Would kneel during the anthem? Never. Will I defend the rights of others to kneel during the anthem. Every single time!! That is one of the many differences between us. For you it is all about you. For me it is all about what is right.
They are not smearing anything. To claim they are is a lie. They may not be patriotic Americans, but they are not smearing the flag, the veterans or the country.
Of course they are. You're either a baldfaced liar, or incredibly dumb.

No, I am neither. I am also not a snowflake like you. I don't break down into a puddle of tear when someone disagrees with me.

And just by way of an FYI, you and I see our nation in very different ways.

You apparently see our country as weak, and afraid. And you see our veterans ( alive and deceased) as delicate, fearful people who are clueless about our nation.

I see our nation as strong and independent. Not threatened by differences but made stronger by them.
I see our veterans as proud men & women who did what they did out of honor and a sense of pride in their nation. People who are unafraid of following the path they took. People who do not require the adoration of others for their acts. People who see our freedoms as wonderous, not something to be afraid of or to control.
They are not smearing anything. To claim they are is a lie. They may not be patriotic Americans, but they are not smearing the flag, the veterans or the country.

They are smearing it, whether they intended to or not. Unintentional consequence strikes again.

No, they are not. They are protesting in a very respectful way. In fact, they take the pose of someone paying respect to someone or something. The fact that someone else has tried to make it about smearing the flag does not actually change the truth.
What? Their religion does not allow them to pay homage to or pledge allegiance to anyone or anything besides God. But you would force them to stand, because of YOUR beliefs? Figures.
MY beliefs ? So it's not your belief that we should all pay respect to the thousands of those who have sacrificed their lives in wars (what the national anthem represents), to defend us all ? Are you that nuts ? They gave up their lives, and you can't even so much as stand for one minute. ? Wow!!

Your post has absolutely no bearing on what I said. None.

I said nothing at all about my beliefs in that post. Nothing.

What I DID say was the posted information about the SCOTUS ruling was correct because their religious beliefs do not allow them to worship or pledge allegiance to anyone or anything except God.

AS often as you cry about someone going off topic and misquoting, you certainly are quick to do the same.
THank you. He claims to have been in the Army. Damn shame
You claim to have been in the Navy. Damn shame.

The "shame" is all yours - and those who defend these spoiled brat miscreants.

I proudly served. I also proudly remember my oath to " and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic".
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.

How many freaking times does this have to explained??? The right to protest while on the job is not guaranteed in the US Constitution. You won't get arrested, but you might get fired.

You might. It will depend on whether or not your contract says it explicitly or whether you were failing to perform your job while you were protesting. Neither of those apply here.

That's exactly the point. Depends on the player contracts and the NFL rules. In other words, the Constitution doesn't apply here.

Since it is a constitutionally protected act, it does apply. It is not the only thing that applies. But it applies.

I addressed that. But it's not what were talking about here. The Constitution applies only in that they won't get arrested. But they are not protected in terms of employment which is the question.

And I addressed it again. The fact that their contracts do not require them to stand, and that the businesses in question would be shooting themselves in the foot to do so, is relevant.
My Father and my husband both served in the Military so that these people CAN KNEEL in protest (if they want to) when the Anthem is being played.

END OF STORY comrade!

Thank you!!

And thank you to your father and husband.
NFL fans are cool with players who beat women and use their money to dodge rape charges as long as they stand for that annoying song.
To call it annoying shows a complete ignorance of it. No one who understands it and its significance, would ever say that.

So this microcosm in sports of a US government which creates immaculate drug conceptions & fabricated misnomers to whitewash all it's thieving US Constitution & old glory arsonists under color of law collusion to prove their "man is God" significance of super egos of a Federal Lynching state of hate sportsman national religion is all too dang lily brilliant white in it's ignorance of censorship to maintain their cross crusade being higher than the flag as an Islamic mandate is easily understood.
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Here's a good question ?
Can football players be charged under the " Patriot Act " ..

Also, keep in mind what there protesting ...
When there were riots in Ferguson how many of you here said I respect their right to protest PEACEFULLY? They are and people still hate them for it. Those players know that the next unarmed black person who is pulled over and shot by the police could be them.
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
1. There is no right to protest while on the employers time in the Constitution.

2. These ass holes are adding to the racial and ideological division in this country.

3. They are pissing on the flag and nothing you say contrary is helping your cause as this is alienating the public against the left more than you apparently realize.

4. I am glad the controversy happened as I feel like I have so much free time now that I dont watch the fucking NFL any more.

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