Fire National Anthem Kneelers

It is a big issue because it was hyped into a big issue.
It's a BIG issue. The BIGGEST. None was ever bigger.

WTF? Our tax system is a convoluted joke. Our healthcare system fluctuates between the best in the world and the leading cause of bankrupcy. Our elected officials routinely lie to us. Our privacy has become laughable. Our borders are porous as hell. Obesity, and the related health problems, are at epidemic levels. Our education system is a joke.

But a dozen athletes kneeling during the National Anthem is the biggest issue ever? That you think that is sad.
If you want to make a point with the maximum number of people, you protest where you get the most exposure.
Within limits. One of those is you don't attack/smear the country, the anthem, the flag, the military, the veterans (alive and dead) Duh!

They are not smearing anything. To claim they are is a lie. They may not be patriotic Americans, but they are not smearing the flag, the veterans or the country.
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
the one causing the problem is the white supremacist in the White House
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West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette

The West Virginia Board of Education passed a resolution during World War 2 requiring that a salute to salute the flag become a “regular part of the program of activities in the public schools.”

A small group of Jehovah’s Witnesses, however, refused. They took their case to the Supreme Court.

In 1943, during the Second World War, the Supreme Court rendered its verdict.

"If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion, or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein. "

"Nevertheless, we apply the limitations of the Constitution with no fear that freedom to be intellectually and spiritually diverse or even contrary will disintegrate the social organization. To believe that patriotism will not flourish if patriotic ceremonies are voluntary and spontaneous, instead of a compulsory routine, is to make an unflattering estimate of the appeal of our institutions to free minds. "

In other words, the power of the salute lies with the choice to salute, and the most repugnant form of censorship is compelled speech. And that is what this opposition to the NFL players protesting racial injustice represents, an unconstitutional attempt to force compelled speech or compulsory salutation.
1. There IS NO racial injustice (except Affirmative Action discrimination - and that victimizes whites)

2. This is not a case of what is orthodox. It is a case of what is UNorthodox (ie. disrespectful)

What? Their religion does not allow them to pay homage to or pledge allegiance to anyone or anything besides God. But you would force them to stand, because of YOUR beliefs? Figures.
The OP is wrong. Taking a knee during the national anthem is NOT disrespectful of the military. Why? Because the military swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. We don't swear our oath to the flag or the anthem, but rather to the founding document of this country, the Constitution.

If I support the Constitution, I also support everything contained in that document like free speech and the right to peaceful protest.

The ones who are disrespecting the military are the ones who are trying to take away those guaranteed rights from other citizens, because the freedoms we enjoy because of that document is what the military actually is fighting for. Learned that every year during Navy Rights and Responsibilities classes.
The military supports the COUNTRY, of which the Constitution is a PART. Another part is the military itself, including thousands of servicemen alive and dead, who are respectfully represented by the flag and the national anthem, and which the dumb, spoiled brat football kneelers disrespect, deliberately.

They should all be FIRED, with their names publicized as the traitors that they are.

You have obviously never served in the military, otherwise, you would understand that the oath of enlistment is sworn to support and uphold the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Why do we swear our oath to the Constitution? Because that document is what created this country.

THank you. He claims to have been in the Army. Damn shame
The OP is wrong. Taking a knee during the national anthem is NOT disrespectful of the military. Why? Because the military swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. We don't swear our oath to the flag or the anthem, but rather to the founding document of this country, the Constitution.

If I support the Constitution, I also support everything contained in that document like free speech and the right to peaceful protest.

The ones who are disrespecting the military are the ones who are trying to take away those guaranteed rights from other citizens, because the freedoms we enjoy because of that document is what the military actually is fighting for. Learned that every year during Navy Rights and Responsibilities classes.
The military supports the COUNTRY, of which the Constitution is a PART. Another part is the military itself, including thousands of servicemen alive and dead, who are respectfully represented by the flag and the national anthem, and which the dumb, spoiled brat football kneelers disrespect, deliberately.

They should all be FIRED, with their names publicized as the traitors that they are.

The military supports and protects the country. The US Constitution is the basis for our nation, and the most important document our nation has ever had.

Oh, and the flag represents ALL citizens.
As President Trump correctly said, they should all be fired, and their contracts nullified, for breach of contract. It must be stated somewhere in their contracts that this can be done, in the event of bad conduct on the part of the players. This goes for football or any other professional sport.

In addition, the names of these disrespectful, spoiled brats ought to be widely publicized, to give prospective employers a warning of who they are, and what they've done - disrespecting the national anthem and te thousands of military members who've sacrificed their lives in wars.

How outrageous it is for these miscreants to insult the way they do, when they wouldn't have the ability to exercise any free speech at all, if the soldiers whose memories they disparage, had not given their lives to provide them safety from Hitler. And others who fought (and fight now) the current war against the international jihad.

Also to be punished are TV bigmouths like Marie Harf, for lending support to these disrespectful traitors. Politicians insulting our military heroes, past & present, likewise, ought to be voted out of office.

I'd also suggest some kind of retribution for Hillary Clinton, for her idiotic statement that kneeling is a reverent thing, if she wasn't such an pitiful, rejected loser, with about as much relevance as a dustball on the floor (other than to her millions of illegal aliens).
FUCK YOU! They ain't going to stand and respect a conservative National Anthem. Sorry you knuckle dragging cock suckers are on your own.
The OP is wrong. Taking a knee during the national anthem is NOT disrespectful of the military. Why? Because the military swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. We don't swear our oath to the flag or the anthem, but rather to the founding document of this country, the Constitution.

If I support the Constitution, I also support everything contained in that document like free speech and the right to peaceful protest.

The ones who are disrespecting the military are the ones who are trying to take away those guaranteed rights from other citizens, because the freedoms we enjoy because of that document is what the military actually is fighting for. Learned that every year during Navy Rights and Responsibilities classes.
The military supports the COUNTRY, of which the Constitution is a PART. Another part is the military itself, including thousands of servicemen alive and dead, who are respectfully represented by the flag and the national anthem, and which the dumb, spoiled brat football kneelers disrespect, deliberately.

They should all be FIRED, with their names publicized as the traitors that they are.

The military supports and protects the country. The US Constitution is the basis for our nation, and the most important document our nation has ever had.

Oh, and the flag represents ALL citizens.
More conservative BULL-SHIT!!!!
It is a big issue because it was hyped into a big issue.
It's a BIG issue. The BIGGEST. None was ever bigger.

WTF? Our tax system is a convoluted joke. Our healthcare system fluctuates between the best in the world and the leading cause of bankrupcy. Our elected officials routinely lie to us. Our privacy has become laughable. Our borders are porous as hell. Obesity, and the related health problems, are at epidemic levels. Our education system is a joke.

But a dozen athletes kneeling during the National Anthem is the biggest issue ever? That you think that is sad.
The athelets kneel because they are PRAYING!!!!! yOU PATRIOTIC FLAG WAVING FAGGOT!
The OP is wrong. Taking a knee during the national anthem is NOT disrespectful of the military. Why? Because the military swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. We don't swear our oath to the flag or the anthem, but rather to the founding document of this country, the Constitution.

If I support the Constitution, I also support everything contained in that document like free speech and the right to peaceful protest.

The ones who are disrespecting the military are the ones who are trying to take away those guaranteed rights from other citizens, because the freedoms we enjoy because of that document is what the military actually is fighting for. Learned that every year during Navy Rights and Responsibilities classes.
The military supports the COUNTRY, of which the Constitution is a PART. Another part is the military itself, including thousands of servicemen alive and dead, who are respectfully represented by the flag and the national anthem, and which the dumb, spoiled brat football kneelers disrespect, deliberately.

They should all be FIRED, with their names publicized as the traitors that they are.

The military supports and protects the country. The US Constitution is the basis for our nation, and the most important document our nation has ever had.

Oh, and the flag represents ALL citizens.
More conservative BULL-SHIT!!!!

What in my post, exactly, is bullshit?
It is a big issue because it was hyped into a big issue.
It's a BIG issue. The BIGGEST. None was ever bigger.

WTF? Our tax system is a convoluted joke. Our healthcare system fluctuates between the best in the world and the leading cause of bankrupcy. Our elected officials routinely lie to us. Our privacy has become laughable. Our borders are porous as hell. Obesity, and the related health problems, are at epidemic levels. Our education system is a joke.

But a dozen athletes kneeling during the National Anthem is the biggest issue ever? That you think that is sad.
The athelets kneel because they are PRAYING!!!!! yOU PATRIOTIC FLAG WAVING FAGGOT!

Hey Sparky, you might want to save all that hostility for the ones wanting the protesters fired.

But how in the hell do you know they are praying? Did one of them tell you and no one else?
It is a big issue because it was hyped into a big issue.
It's a BIG issue. The BIGGEST. None was ever bigger.

WTF? Our tax system is a convoluted joke. Our healthcare system fluctuates between the best in the world and the leading cause of bankrupcy. Our elected officials routinely lie to us. Our privacy has become laughable. Our borders are porous as hell. Obesity, and the related health problems, are at epidemic levels. Our education system is a joke.

But a dozen athletes kneeling during the National Anthem is the biggest issue ever? That you think that is sad.
The athelets kneel because they are PRAYING!!!!! yOU PATRIOTIC FLAG WAVING FAGGOT!

Hey Sparky, you might want to save all that hostility for the ones wanting the protesters fired.

But how in the hell do you know they are praying? Did one of them tell you and no one else?
They are telling the cock sucking flag waver to go and fuck themselves!!! They standing along side you god dam conservatie FLAG WAVERS.
It is a big issue because it was hyped into a big issue.
It's a BIG issue. The BIGGEST. None was ever bigger.

WTF? Our tax system is a convoluted joke. Our healthcare system fluctuates between the best in the world and the leading cause of bankrupcy. Our elected officials routinely lie to us. Our privacy has become laughable. Our borders are porous as hell. Obesity, and the related health problems, are at epidemic levels. Our education system is a joke.

But a dozen athletes kneeling during the National Anthem is the biggest issue ever? That you think that is sad.
The athelets kneel because they are PRAYING!!!!! yOU PATRIOTIC FLAG WAVING FAGGOT!

Hey Sparky, you might want to save all that hostility for the ones wanting the protesters fired.

But how in the hell do you know they are praying? Did one of them tell you and no one else?

It is a big issue because it was hyped into a big issue.
It's a BIG issue. The BIGGEST. None was ever bigger.

WTF? Our tax system is a convoluted joke. Our healthcare system fluctuates between the best in the world and the leading cause of bankrupcy. Our elected officials routinely lie to us. Our privacy has become laughable. Our borders are porous as hell. Obesity, and the related health problems, are at epidemic levels. Our education system is a joke.

But a dozen athletes kneeling during the National Anthem is the biggest issue ever? That you think that is sad.
The athelets kneel because they are PRAYING!!!!! yOU PATRIOTIC FLAG WAVING FAGGOT!

Hey Sparky, you might want to save all that hostility for the ones wanting the protesters fired.

But how in the hell do you know they are praying? Did one of them tell you and no one else?
I don’t give a fuck if the players kneel, or what they think, about any freaking thing. But I think they should do their whining somewhere else, and on their own time. When they’re at the field they should be concentrating on their job, playing great football. Not whining.

I also think it’s wrong to make the players stand for the anthem. Nothing can make these players patriotic. And it’s better to know where they stand regarding this country.
I don’t give a fuck if the players kneel, or what they think, about any freaking thing. But I think they should do their whining somewhere else, and on their own time. When they’re at the field they should be concentrating on their job, playing great football. Not whining.

I also think it’s wrong to make the players stand for the anthem. Nothing can make these players patriotic. And it’s better to know where they stand regarding this country.
No big deal we've got the dumb fuck conservative flag wavers to show their foolish means nothing in the 21st Centry!!!
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
YOU are the bullshit, and everyone knows it (other than the airhead protestors).

1. Not all speech is free. Freedom of speech is the weakest part of the Constitution, and has numerous exceptions (sedition, slander, libel, abuse of elderly - FL statute 825.102, perjury, threats, inciting a riot, fighting words, disturbing the peace, etc. etc.

2. Of course they are hurting (everyone in America) - They're disrespecting the US military, the flag, and National Anthem, which represents the sacrifices of thousands of US military, alive now and who died to preserve the freedoms that these bonehead, spoiled brats now enjoy.

3. Actions against a minority ? So the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustlers machine concocts a BS brew and you fall for it, huh ? Something tells me you're not that stupid.
I asked a local college football player (National Anthem kneeler) to tell me 3 case of police brutality against blacks. He cited 5.
Michael Brown & Darin Wilson........Betty Shelby & Terrence Crutcher......Pantaleo & Eric Garner.......Michael Sager & Walter Scott........Freddie Gray & the Baltimore 6.

All cases that were justifiable police action. Dumbbell kneelers :rolleyes:

The kneelers should be FIRED. People get fired from jobs every day, by the thousands, for things THEY SAY. In private industry there is no such thing as freedom of speech.

1) I never said all speech was free. But the idea that you want to FIRE people who kneel quietly during the National Anthem is ridiculous. Do you want to require everyone stand and show proper patriotism? Because any country that requires that is the worst sort of dictatorship or socialist nightmare.

2) No, the people kneeling are NOT hurting anyone. Your claims to the contrary are delusional. And the kneeling athletes are not anti-soldier, and they are not doing anything to soldiers or the flag. They are quietly kneeling in protest. If you can't handle that, then the word "snowflake" doesn't even BEGIN to cover you.

3) I never said I agree with the reason they are protesting. But I served in the military to make sure they have the right to protest. I don't agree with the KKK. But I served to protect their rights too.
if i am at a work sponsored event wearing branded clothing and i choose that time to use my job in order to push my own views, i'd be fired.

has nothing to do with free speech.

besides, as far as i'm concerned, let 'em. you'll notice that the conservatives don't take to the streets and protest - they just stop watching the games. it shows and this is their right as well.

as for fire - that's up to the employer, no one else.
I don’t give a fuck if the players kneel, or what they think, about any freaking thing. But I think they should do their whining somewhere else, and on their own time. When they’re at the field they should be concentrating on their job, playing great football. Not whining.

I also think it’s wrong to make the players stand for the anthem. Nothing can make these players patriotic. And it’s better to know where they stand regarding this country.

Since this national religion of making the cross higher than the flag has been in effect as already paid for by the cross for any federal sin like those cited as thieving old glory & US Constitution arsonists in lists so many years prior to a list of phonetically spelled Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount before 9/11 shows where this Christian Nation stands regarding it's patriot acts.
As President Trump correctly said, they should all be fired, and their contracts nullified, for breach of contract. It must be stated somewhere in their contracts that this can be done, in the event of bad conduct on the part of the players. This goes for football or any other professional sport.

In addition, the names of these disrespectful, spoiled brats ought to be widely publicized, to give prospective employers a warning of who they are, and what they've done - disrespecting the national anthem and te thousands of military members who've sacrificed their lives in wars.

How outrageous it is for these miscreants to insult the way they do, when they wouldn't have the ability to exercise any free speech at all, if the soldiers whose memories they disparage, had not given their lives to provide them safety from Hitler. And others who fought (and fight now) the current war against the international jihad.

Also to be punished are TV bigmouths like Marie Harf, for lending support to these disrespectful traitors. Politicians insulting our military heroes, past & present, likewise, ought to be voted out of office.

I'd also suggest some kind of retribution for Hillary Clinton, for her idiotic statement that kneeling is a reverent thing, if she wasn't such an pitiful, rejected loser, with about as much relevance as a dustball on the floor (other than to her millions of illegal aliens).
FUCK YOU! They ain't going to stand and respect a conservative National Anthem. Sorry you knuckle dragging cock suckers are on your own.
"Conservative national anthem?" Wow, how ignorant and delusional can you Libtards truly be?

You know that once the fans stop coming to the stadiums and watching the games, it will be the woman beating thugs at the National Felon's League that will be in their own.

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