Fire National Anthem Kneelers

It is a big issue because it was hyped into a big issue.
It's a BIG issue. The BIGGEST. None was ever bigger.

WTF? Our tax system is a convoluted joke. Our healthcare system fluctuates between the best in the world and the leading cause of bankrupcy. Our elected officials routinely lie to us. Our privacy has become laughable. Our borders are porous as hell. Obesity, and the related health problems, are at epidemic levels. Our education system is a joke.

But a dozen athletes kneeling during the National Anthem is the biggest issue ever? That you think that is sad.
The athelets kneel because they are PRAYING!!!!! yOU PATRIOTIC FLAG WAVING FAGGOT!
Bzzzzt wrong again dipstick, the only athlete who was actually kneeling for prayer (not during anthem) was forbidden by the NFL to do that.
It is a big issue because it was hyped into a big issue.
It's a BIG issue. The BIGGEST. None was ever bigger.

WTF? Our tax system is a convoluted joke. Our healthcare system fluctuates between the best in the world and the leading cause of bankrupcy. Our elected officials routinely lie to us. Our privacy has become laughable. Our borders are porous as hell. Obesity, and the related health problems, are at epidemic levels. Our education system is a joke.

But a dozen athletes kneeling during the National Anthem is the biggest issue ever? That you think that is sad.
The athelets kneel because they are PRAYING!!!!! yOU PATRIOTIC FLAG WAVING FAGGOT!

Hey Sparky, you might want to save all that hostility for the ones wanting the protesters fired.

But how in the hell do you know they are praying? Did one of them tell you and no one else?
They are telling the cock sucking flag waver to go and fuck themselves!!! They standing along side you god dam conservatie FLAG WAVERS.

Hey Dumbass, you might want to actually read the thread. I have been arguing IN FAVOR of the right of the players to protest. If you can't work that out in your head, it is your own mental issue, not mine.
You have obviously never served in the military, otherwise, you would understand that the oath of enlistment is sworn to support and uphold the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Why do we swear our oath to the Constitution? Because that document is what created this country.
I have honorable discharges from both the US Army (DD214) nd the Army National Guard. Your post is senseless. I never said the oath of enlistment is not sworn to support and uphold the Constitution.

I only stated what the military ALSO supports. You do know what the word "also" means don't you ? Sheeeesh!
WTF? Our tax system is a convoluted joke. Our healthcare system fluctuates between the best in the world and the leading cause of bankrupcy. Our elected officials routinely lie to us. Our privacy has become laughable. Our borders are porous as hell. Obesity, and the related health problems, are at epidemic levels. Our education system is a joke.

But a dozen athletes kneeling during the National Anthem is the biggest issue ever? That you think that is sad.
What is sad is your disrespect for the country, its flag, its national anthem, and military members who died, so you can mouth off, as you're doing here now.

And that you don't have sense enough to realize this. Or you're so suckered by the Obama/Sharpton race hustlers, that you can't think straight.
FUCK YOU! They ain't going to stand and respect a conservative National Anthem. Sorry you knuckle dragging cock suckers are on your own.
That's what YOU are. And you just proved it. I don't have to say anything more. :laugh:
They are not smearing anything. To claim they are is a lie. They may not be patriotic Americans, but they are not smearing the flag, the veterans or the country.
Of course they are. You're either a baldfaced liar, or incredibly dumb.
the one causing the problem is the white supremacist in the White House
HA HA HA. Let's hear a shred of evidence to support that outlandish claim, little Ms Race Card.. Let's hear it.

Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:
They are not smearing anything. To claim they are is a lie. They may not be patriotic Americans, but they are not smearing the flag, the veterans or the country.

They are smearing it, whether they intended to or not. Unintentional consequence strikes again.
What? Their religion does not allow them to pay homage to or pledge allegiance to anyone or anything besides God. But you would force them to stand, because of YOUR beliefs? Figures.
MY beliefs ? So it's not your belief that we should all pay respect to the thousands of those who have sacrificed their lives in wars (what the national anthem represents), to defend us all ? Are you that nuts ? They gave up their lives, and you can't even so much as stand for one minute. ? Wow!!
The military supports and protects the country. The US Constitution is the basis for our nation, and the most important document our nation has ever had.

Oh, and the flag represents ALL citizens.
No shit, Sherlock.
The athelets kneel because they are PRAYING!!!!! yOU PATRIOTIC FLAG WAVING FAGGOT!

Hlllary Clinton recently just said this same idiotic thing. And just in time for Halloween. :rolleyes:



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Hey Sparky, you might want to save all that hostility for the ones wanting the protesters fired.

But how in the hell do you know they are praying? Did one of them tell you and no one else?
He's dreaming out loud. Either that or >>>
They are telling the cock sucking flag waver to go and fuck themselves!!! They standing along side you god dam conservatie FLAG WAVERS.
Back to the 4th grade for you. Watch out for that English grammar teacher- the one with the wooden pointer stick, or wooden ruler. LOL

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NFL fans are cool with players who beat women and use their money to dodge rape charges as long as they stand for that annoying song.
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.

How many freaking times does this have to explained??? The right to protest while on the job is not guaranteed in the US Constitution. You won't get arrested, but you might get fired.

You might. It will depend on whether or not your contract says it explicitly or whether you were failing to perform your job while you were protesting. Neither of those apply here.

That's exactly the point. Depends on the player contracts and the NFL rules. In other words, the Constitution doesn't apply here.

Since it is a constitutionally protected act, it does apply. It is not the only thing that applies. But it applies.

I addressed that. But it's not what were talking about here. The Constitution applies only in that they won't get arrested. But they are not protected in terms of employment which is the question.
the one causing the problem is the white supremacist in the White House
HA HA HA. Let's hear a shred of evidence to support that outlandish claim, little Ms Race Card.. Let's hear it.

Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:

In this Islamidiotocracy of homocidal sociopsychopath suicidal Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities, Trump has about as much use for Kaepernick as those burning Bush's immaculate drug trafficking churchstate had for a phonetically spelled list of Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount before 9/11 for their Fourth Reich crusade just as Rehnquist's immaculate drug trafficking conception had about as much use for lists of thieving President Ike presented for business excellence old glory & US Constitution arsonists for the Bicentennial.
NFL fans are cool with players who beat women and use their money to dodge rape charges as long as they stand for that annoying song.
To call it annoying shows a complete ignorance of it. No one who understands it and its significance, would ever say that.

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