Fire National Anthem Kneelers

If you want to make a point with the maximum number of people, you protest where you get the most exposure.
Within limits. One of those is you don't attack/smear the country, the anthem, the flag, the military, the veterans (alive and dead) Duh!
Does anyone in the military remember the Retreat ceremony? As I remember when the bugle sounded there would be a scramble for the GI's to find cover. Under cover one did not have to stand and hold the salute until the end of the ceremony. Traitors all.
The OP is wrong. Taking a knee during the national anthem is NOT disrespectful of the military. Why? Because the military swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. We don't swear our oath to the flag or the anthem, but rather to the founding document of this country, the Constitution.

If I support the Constitution, I also support everything contained in that document like free speech and the right to peaceful protest.

The ones who are disrespecting the military are the ones who are trying to take away those guaranteed rights from other citizens, because the freedoms we enjoy because of that document is what the military actually is fighting for. Learned that every year during Navy Rights and Responsibilities classes.
The OP is wrong. Taking a knee during the national anthem is NOT disrespectful of the military. Why? Because the military swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. We don't swear our oath to the flag or the anthem, but rather to the founding document of this country, the Constitution.

If I support the Constitution, I also support everything contained in that document like free speech and the right to peaceful protest.

The ones who are disrespecting the military are the ones who are trying to take away those guaranteed rights from other citizens, because the freedoms we enjoy because of that document is what the military actually is fighting for. Learned that every year during Navy Rights and Responsibilities classes.
The military supports the COUNTRY, of which the Constitution is a PART. Another part is the military itself, including thousands of servicemen alive and dead, who are respectfully represented by the flag and the national anthem, and which the dumb, spoiled brat football kneelers disrespect, deliberately.

They should all be FIRED, with their names publicized as the traitors that they are.
The OP is wrong. Taking a knee during the national anthem is NOT disrespectful of the military. Why? Because the military swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. We don't swear our oath to the flag or the anthem, but rather to the founding document of this country, the Constitution.

If I support the Constitution, I also support everything contained in that document like free speech and the right to peaceful protest.

The ones who are disrespecting the military are the ones who are trying to take away those guaranteed rights from other citizens, because the freedoms we enjoy because of that document is what the military actually is fighting for. Learned that every year during Navy Rights and Responsibilities classes.
The military supports the COUNTRY, of which the Constitution is a PART. Another part is the military itself, including thousands of servicemen alive and dead, who are respectfully represented by the flag and the national anthem, and which the dumb, spoiled brat football kneelers disrespect, deliberately.

They should all be FIRED, with their names publicized as the traitors that they are.
poor whining you, that they wont be.
The OP is wrong. Taking a knee during the national anthem is NOT disrespectful of the military. Why? Because the military swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. We don't swear our oath to the flag or the anthem, but rather to the founding document of this country, the Constitution.

If I support the Constitution, I also support everything contained in that document like free speech and the right to peaceful protest.

The ones who are disrespecting the military are the ones who are trying to take away those guaranteed rights from other citizens, because the freedoms we enjoy because of that document is what the military actually is fighting for. Learned that every year during Navy Rights and Responsibilities classes.
The military supports the COUNTRY, of which the Constitution is a PART. Another part is the military itself, including thousands of servicemen alive and dead, who are respectfully represented by the flag and the national anthem, and which the dumb, spoiled brat football kneelers disrespect, deliberately.

They should all be FIRED, with their names publicized as the traitors that they are. they're 'traitors".......just what someone in a totalitarian country would say.
If you want to make a point with the maximum number of people, you protest where you get the most exposure.
Within limits. One of those is you don't attack/smear the country, the anthem, the flag, the military, the veterans (alive and dead) Duh!
Does anyone in the military remember the Retreat ceremony? As I remember when the bugle sounded there would be a scramble for the GI's to find cover. Under cover one did not have to stand and hold the salute until the end of the ceremony. Traitors all.
Did you see that video of Hannity's interview of trump when he thought Retreat was for HIM? What a loser he is.
They want to insult the country let them do it on their own dime.

Just about sums up the sentiments of the majority of Americans.

True story. :cool:
Protesting police brutality is "insulting the country"? Not my country. I applaud anyone against police brutality. You maybe not so much.
In what universe does not standing up for a country's national anthem by participants in an event, not insulting the country and what it stands for?

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
NFL's numbers were declining long before this shit started, but now thanks to the national anthem controversy, it's taking a nose dive.
Hmm, seems like no one gives a fuck
No it doesn't. Obviously, a lot of people care - a lot. That's why the dopey kneelers are standing up again. Only 6 or 7 left now(according to Roger Goodell)
The OP is wrong. Taking a knee during the national anthem is NOT disrespectful of the military. Why? Because the military swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. We don't swear our oath to the flag or the anthem, but rather to the founding document of this country, the Constitution.

If I support the Constitution, I also support everything contained in that document like free speech and the right to peaceful protest.

The ones who are disrespecting the military are the ones who are trying to take away those guaranteed rights from other citizens, because the freedoms we enjoy because of that document is what the military actually is fighting for. Learned that every year during Navy Rights and Responsibilities classes.
The military supports the COUNTRY, of which the Constitution is a PART. Another part is the military itself, including thousands of servicemen alive and dead, who are respectfully represented by the flag and the national anthem, and which the dumb, spoiled brat football kneelers disrespect, deliberately.

They should all be FIRED, with their names publicized as the traitors that they are.

You have obviously never served in the military, otherwise, you would understand that the oath of enlistment is sworn to support and uphold the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Why do we swear our oath to the Constitution? Because that document is what created this country.

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