Fire National Anthem Kneelers

Your post has absolutely no bearing on what I said. None.

I said nothing at all about my beliefs in that post. Nothing.

What I DID say was the posted information about the SCOTUS ruling was correct because their religious beliefs do not allow them to worship or pledge allegiance to anyone or anything except God.

AS often as you cry about someone going off topic and misquoting, you certainly are quick to do the same.
NOT! .............I'M saying something about your beliefs, and YOU are the one who brought up the subject of ""beliefs" If you can talk to me about my beliefs (you did), I'll talk about yours.

Nobody's religion bans them from pledging allegiance to a nation. You are talking jibberish. As for not "allow them to worship or pledge allegiance to anyone or anything except God". That is simply :bsflag:

So now I'll ask my question again, Mr Dodge >> "So it's not your belief that we should all pay respect to the thousands of those who have sacrificed their lives in wars (what the national anthem represents), to defend us all ?"

Wrong. The Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to pledge allegiance to anything except God. It is a basic tenet of their faith.
They are protesting in a very respectful way. In fact, they take the pose of someone paying respect to someone or something. The fact that someone else has tried to make it about smearing the flag does not actually change the truth.

roflmao, there are defined ways to show respect to the US Flag and the Republic, and you can try and defend these America hating cretins all you want by re-imagining the world, if you want, but that is all it is; your fantasy.

Showing disrespect to our flag is their whole intention from the start.
Kneeling is disrespect eh? So all those church-goers kneeling are disrepecting their god every Sunday. That's an interesting fact to know.
Meh! The player have a RIGHT to disrespect the god dam national anthem. Especially if it pisses off those flag waving so-called patriotic MOUTH BREATHERS!!!
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
1. There is no right to protest while on the employers time in the Constitution.

2. These ass holes are adding to the racial and ideological division in this country.

3. They are pissing on the flag and nothing you say contrary is helping your cause as this is alienating the public against the left more than you apparently realize.

4. I am glad the controversy happened as I feel like I have so much free time now that I dont watch the fucking NFL any more.

And for going against the criminal justice system, they can all be charged under the Patroit act ..

Exactly what part of the Patriot Act are they guilty under?

If you go against the United States Government, you are a terrorist .
Which will now, bring in the patroit act .....
What if you go against Conservatism? Which is all this flag waving--stand for the national is a about any way!!! No is stopping you from standing for the national anthem; just stand for the anthem and STFU! If one decides NOT to stand.......SO FUCKING BE IT!!!
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
1. There is no right to protest while on the employers time in the Constitution.

2. These ass holes are adding to the racial and ideological division in this country.

3. They are pissing on the flag and nothing you say contrary is helping your cause as this is alienating the public against the left more than you apparently realize.

4. I am glad the controversy happened as I feel like I have so much free time now that I dont watch the fucking NFL any more.

And for going against the criminal justice system, they can all be charged under the Patroit act ..

Exactly what part of the Patriot Act are they guilty under?

If you go against the United States Government, you are a terrorist .
Which will now, bring in the patroit act .....
Exactly what part of the Patriot Act are they guilty under?

If you go against the United States Government, you are a terrorist .
Which will now, bring in the patroit act .....

So the US Constitution guarantees the right to protest. But the Patriot act sees any criticism of the US Gov't as terrorism. That alone should be reason enough to get rid of the patriot act.

The Constitution doesn't mean shit today .
That's why we have the Patroit Act, which supersedes the Constitution ..

The constitution legally means everything today. You just think it doesn't because your white ass doesn't get to do what you want like you got to in the "good ol days". In American law, nothing supersedes this document.

Mr. Obama was the last President to make sure the patroit act stays in law .
So eat shit bitch .........

The new act is called " America Patriot Act " ...................
It should be called the CONSERVATIVE Patriot Act~~~~
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.

There's a fake video making the rounds - of football players burning a flag. Its not real but it serves an agenda.

Thing is, the US fought against more than one regime that forces their citizens to kneel.

My question is, why isn't trump upholding the oath he swore to?

To uphold the US Constitution.

The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
1. There is no right to protest while on the employers time in the Constitution.

2. These ass holes are adding to the racial and ideological division in this country.

3. They are pissing on the flag and nothing you say contrary is helping your cause as this is alienating the public against the left more than you apparently realize.

4. I am glad the controversy happened as I feel like I have so much free time now that I dont watch the fucking NFL any more.

And for going against the criminal justice system, they can all be charged under the Patroit act ..

Exactly what part of the Patriot Act are they guilty under?

If you go against the United States Government, you are a terrorist .
Which will now, bring in the patroit act .....

This is an interesting notion. The idea that any criticism of the federal gov't it classified as terrorism is the worst situation we could have.

Do you have any evidence to back this up?
1. While not the first to point this out, I will address it here more fully. First of all, the players are not taking time away from work to protest. They are there, dressed out, and ready to play. In fact, they were first trotted out on display during the National Anthem in order to help the military recruit. The game has not started. So this whole "not at work" this doesn't fly.

Sure it flies as these guys are not just paid for game time but for all their time at the stadiums, at the practices, mandated news conferences, etc.

The NFL has rules in their operations manual that says these players are to be respectful to the flag, in fact, which seals the FACT that the NFL consideres them to be on the clock.

2. Those "assholes" are not adding to any racial or ideological division. Now the people screaming about them pissing on the flag and slapping dead veterans are certainly adding to the racial and ideological divide.

YTes, they are by dividing our nation along BLM lines of opinion on police brutality in the black community.

This is not exactly rocket science, dude.

3. No, they are not pissing on anything. They quietly kneel. And whether other people see that or not is no problem for me. I am not one of the sheep, blindly following someone else's words.

They are supposed to show respect for the flag and that is what they are REFUSING to do and this has been intended as disrespect to the flag from the start when CK went from just sitting it out to kneeling instead.

So yes, they are being as disrespectful to our flag as if they just wiped their ass with it and that is the intent.

4. If it took something like this to get you to stop watching the NFL, and you are glad you did, you need to reexamine what you think is important. Don't want to watch the games? Cool, don't watch.

I want to enjoy entertainment that does not have anit-American propaganda in it as do millions of other fans.

The NFL will miss us as their audience has already slipped around 18% over the last two years.

Good, Fuck them, each and everyone of them.
1. There is no right to protest while on the employers time in the Constitution.

2. These ass holes are adding to the racial and ideological division in this country.

3. They are pissing on the flag and nothing you say contrary is helping your cause as this is alienating the public against the left more than you apparently realize.

4. I am glad the controversy happened as I feel like I have so much free time now that I dont watch the fucking NFL any more.

And for going against the criminal justice system, they can all be charged under the Patroit act ..

Exactly what part of the Patriot Act are they guilty under?

If you go against the United States Government, you are a terrorist .
Which will now, bring in the patroit act .....

So the US Constitution guarantees the right to protest. But the Patriot act sees any criticism of the US Gov't as terrorism. That alone should be reason enough to get rid of the patriot act.

The Constitution doesn't mean shit today .
That's why we have the Patroit Act, which supersedes the Constitution ..

You're wrong of course.

You're also wrong that the Patriot Act dictates behavior that proves patriotism. (!)

The right to sit, stand, kneel, lay down and take a nap - those are all guaranteed by the US Constitution. (See above)
They are protesting in a very respectful way. In fact, they take the pose of someone paying respect to someone or something. The fact that someone else has tried to make it about smearing the flag does not actually change the truth.

roflmao, there are defined ways to show respect to the US Flag and the Republic, and you can try and defend these America hating cretins all you want by re-imagining the world, if you want, but that is all it is; your fantasy.

Showing disrespect to our flag is their whole intention from the start.
Kneeling is disrespect eh? So all those church-goers kneeling are disrepecting their god every Sunday. That's an interesting fact to know.
Meh! The player have a RIGHT to disrespect the god dam national anthem. Especially if it pisses off those flag waving so-called patriotic MOUTH BREATHERS!!!

I get it now it's tit for tat , Trump pisses off his fellow liberals and you strike back at pissing on, taking a crap on military graves..

You must be proud to lower the bar some more..

The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
1. There is no right to protest while on the employers time in the Constitution.

2. These ass holes are adding to the racial and ideological division in this country.

3. They are pissing on the flag and nothing you say contrary is helping your cause as this is alienating the public against the left more than you apparently realize.

4. I am glad the controversy happened as I feel like I have so much free time now that I dont watch the fucking NFL any more.

And for going against the criminal justice system, they can all be charged under the Patroit act ..

Exactly what part of the Patriot Act are they guilty under?

If you go against the United States Government, you are a terrorist .
Which will now, bring in the patroit act .....

This is an interesting notion. The idea that any criticism of the federal gov't it classified as terrorism is the worst situation we could have.

Do you have any evidence to back this up?

As is the idea that the Patriot Act will force us to put our hands over our hearts or stand or whatever his fiction is.d

Note to Joe Hunt Deer

Have you read anything factual about the Patriot Act? If you have, then you know its anything BUT patriotic.
Second, please read the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, which includes what I posted above - that there is a constitutional right to do anything you damn well please while the anthem plays or the flag flies.
They are protesting in a very respectful way. In fact, they take the pose of someone paying respect to someone or something. The fact that someone else has tried to make it about smearing the flag does not actually change the truth.

roflmao, there are defined ways to show respect to the US Flag and the Republic, and you can try and defend these America hating cretins all you want by re-imagining the world, if you want, but that is all it is; your fantasy.

Showing disrespect to our flag is their whole intention from the start.
Kneeling is disrespect eh? So all those church-goers kneeling are disrepecting their god every Sunday. That's an interesting fact to know.
Meh! The player have a RIGHT to disrespect the god dam national anthem. Especially if it pisses off those flag waving so-called patriotic MOUTH BREATHERS!!!

I get it now it's tit for tat , Trump pisses off his fellow liberals and you strike back at pissing on, taking a crap on military graves..

You must be proud to lower the bar some more..


Actually, that raises the bar.

1. They are protesting something we should all be against - police brutality.

2. A lot of people died for the right to NOT kneel to any flag. Have some respect for our military and our vets. The orange moron has shown he has no respect for them but that does not mean the rest of us have to.

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