Fire Sharpton MSNBC

Fire him for what?

Urging peace and calm?

This is exactly what we heard from racists about ever other civil rights leader in history.

When people talk about boycotting race and hate monger drugger Lushbo, you racists start raving about free speach. Let it be someone you don't like and you want him silenced.

What are you so afraid of?

Learn how to change your channel and just move on.
Fire him for what?

Urging peace and calm?

This is exactly what we heard from racists about ever other civil rights leader in history.

When people talk about boycotting race and hate monger drugger Lushbo, you racists start raving about free speech. Let it be someone you don't like and you want him silenced.

What are you so afraid of?

Learn how to change your channel and just move on.

Hit a nerve, didn't I.

Why are the racists so afraid of what this man says?

If you don't like him calling for peace and calm, don't listen to him. Watch fux, listen to your brain cells die and polish you guns but face the fact that you're stuck with the Constitution and free speech.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Fire him for what?

Urging peace and calm?

This is exactly what we heard from racists about ever other civil rights leader in history.

When people talk about boycotting race and hate monger drugger Lushbo, you racists start raving about free speach. Let it be someone you don't like and you want him silenced.

What are you so afraid of?

Learn how to change your channel and just move on.
Fire him for what?

Urging peace and calm?

This is exactly what we heard from racists about ever other civil rights leader in history.

When people talk about boycotting race and hate monger drugger Lushbo, you racists start raving about free speech. Let it be someone you don't like and you want him silenced.

What are you so afraid of?

Learn how to change your channel and just move on.

Hit a nerve, didn't I.

Why are the racists so afraid of what this man says?

If you don't like him calling for peace and calm, don't listen to him. Watch fux, listen to your brain cells die and polish you guns but face the fact that you're stuck with the Constitution and free speech.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No kidding, that was so much spin he must be dizzy. my gawd the DRAMATIC
"Fire Sharpton MSNBC"

You're at liberty of course to demand of MSNBC to fire Sharpton, and no one would presume to deny you that right; provided you realize that as a conservative your desire to limit Sharpton's avenues of communication is consistent with the hostility and fear most on the right exhibit toward expressions of diversity and dissent.

Dissent is one thing, but Sharpton is one of the most divisive individuals in America today and employers like MSNBC need to know that millions of Americans are going to hold them responsible for allowing him a stage to further divide us.
And millions more are going to continue to listen to him and protect his First Amendment Rights.
Who is "us" and who is he dividing???
Fire him for what?

Urging peace and calm?

This is exactly what we heard from racists about ever other civil rights leader in history.

When people talk about boycotting race and hate monger drugger Lushbo, you racists start raving about free speach. Let it be someone you don't like and you want him silenced.

What are you so afraid of?

Learn how to change your channel and just move on.
Fire him for what?

Urging peace and calm?

This is exactly what we heard from racists about ever other civil rights leader in history.

When people talk about boycotting race and hate monger drugger Lushbo, you racists start raving about free speech. Let it be someone you don't like and you want him silenced.

What are you so afraid of?

Learn how to change your channel and just move on.

Hit a nerve, didn't I.

Why are the racists so afraid of what this man says?

If you don't like him calling for peace and calm, don't listen to him. Watch fux, listen to your brain cells die and polish you guns but face the fact that you're stuck with the Constitution and free speech.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No kidding, that was so much spin he must be dizzy. my gawd the DRAMATIC

Says the Drama Queen who, like Sunni not-a-man can't respond to content.

What you need is another American Spring, millions and millions of people, marching on DC, "unarmed this time" ...

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The dividers are the birthers and the voter ID nutjobs.

wow, you got an atta boy for that. shallow

As usual, you can't reply to content so you say the same STOOPID STUFF you always say.

Fact is, RWs are very divisive and they use burfur and voter ID lies to damage the country. And, as this thread shows, they want an end to free speech.

RWs consistently hate the Constitution when it protects those they fear.
there's a petition going around. SIGN it to get that nasty person (Sharpton) off our Televisions. He has BLOOD on his hands
The Tree Dweller Browns demanded a GJ hearing! When the results didn't go their way they refuse to accept the ruling. Tough fucking titty!
Can't wait for the next time a sub-human like BM get's his head blown off by a cop and a GJ finds the cop innocent.

Al Sharpton Educates Pope Francis on Race, Sissies and Prison Showers

AL SHARPTON: Welcome to my news show on MSNBC where I host, Mr. Pope.

POPE FRANCIS: Thank you, sir.

AL SHARPTON: You may call me Reverend.

POPE: Oh, you are a servant of the Lord?

AL SHARPTON: No defense, Mr. Pope, but in America it’s not polite to call an African American a servant.

POPE: People from all over the world serve Jesus Christ, my son.

AL SHARPTON: Well I can assure you, African Americans are paid a lot less for it than everyone else.

POPE: I see.

Reading the entire "interview" only a certifiable idiot like Pogo could come to the conclusion the professional race baiting charlatan Sharpton "schooled" Pope Francis.

This "interview" revealed the undeniable ignorance, the total hypocrisy, the racist crap promoting sub human trash known as Reverend Al Sharpton by the equally ignorant and hate filled a acolytes of his.

It also showed the knowledge, the tolerance, the wisdom and the Christian spirit of the Holy Father.

Something that phony jerks like "Reverends" Sharpton and Jackson and Farakhan and the rest of rabble rousing idiots could never acquire simply because they would not want to because they are stuck in their racist he'll holes of hate.
You can't fire Sharpton, it's impossible to get this much entertainment from a trained THUG anywhere else!


Yes....MSNBC has to reach low, very low, for ratings.
Makes you wonder who is FUNDING that station (PmsNbc)? Their ratings are always in the gutter yet they stay on the air.

I've got a couple guesses
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The Tree Dweller Browns demanded a GJ hearing! When the results didn't go their way they refuse to accept the ruling. Tough fucking titty!
Can't wait for the next time a sub-human like BM get's his head blown off by a cop and a GJ finds the cop innocent.
If the Grand juries in Ferguson an Brooklyn had come down WITH individual grants, it would have been only the postponement of the inevitability of riots.

The indictments would have been on totally flimsy and politically correct 'evidence' therefore there would not have ever been a conviction in either case.

If anyone needs any idea what no conviction by jury of peers can result in remember or look up history what happened in the Rodney King trial.
Fire him for what?

Urging peace and calm?

This is exactly what we heard from racists about ever other civil rights leader in history.

When people talk about boycotting race and hate monger drugger Lushbo, you racists start raving about free speach. Let it be someone you don't like and you want him silenced.

What are you so afraid of?

Learn how to change your channel and just move on.
Yeah let Sharpton keep the hate going. That way more brothers get killed, more business get looted. Liberals just want the best, right?
Let's use the lefty playbook. Organize a boycott of all MSNBC sponsors, local and national, until they send Al "the conk" packing.
All we need to do is get a handful of people. Give them multiple email accounts, let the fun begin. That's how liberals do it.

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