Firefighters call Trumps comments reckless and insulting

Firefighters call Trumps comments reckless and insulting

Well firefighters in my area are worthless and lazy, most any day of the week they have a firetruck parked in front of a grocery store in there filling up there grocery cart on your dime.
Do you know who is most often the first on scene during accidents/emergencies?
------------------------------------------ just doing their jobs eh Slade , they get paid to do their jobs Slade .
Firefighters have their life on the line and our President blames them

Firefighter groups: Trump's California wildfire tweet was 'shameful' and 'ill-informed'

The presidents of two professional firefighters associations have denounced President Donald Trump's assertion that "gross mismanagement of the forests" is to blame for California's devastating fires.

California Professional Firefighters president Brian Rice called the President's words "ill-informed, ill-timed and demeaning" in a written statement.

Harold Schaitberger, General President of the International Association of Fire Fighters, said the comments were "reckless and insulting."

I am a tad confused by this.

Is forest management a duty of the fire department? Maybe it is, and I just don't know.

California's Devastating Fires Are Man-Caused -- But Not In The Way They Tell Us

All the evidence suggests that Trump is right. Why firefighters whom Trump was not directing any comments towards, are angry about this..... is stupid.

What did he say, that had anything to do with firefighters? Did I miss something?
These numbers don’t add up!

Moreover, nearly 60 percent of California forests are under federal management, and another two-thirds under private control. It is the federal government that has chosen to divert resources away from forest management, not California."
And when did these resources get diverted ?? Under Trump or Obummy ??

I don't know about diverted as much as cut.

trump did it in the last budget and is doing it again in the one for next year.

The federal government has only done a quarter of the clearing of the forests that it's supposed to do.

trump is now threatening to cut more money from their budget again.

Trump wants to clear more trees to halt fires. The feds need to spend more, experts say.

As fires ravage California, Donald Trump threatens to cut off funds
Is he cutting funds because they are being mis-managed ? Otherwise if the old gaurd is wasting resources by not doing right, then Trump will definitely have somewhere else for the funds to go. Any politician thinks in these ways, but now all of a sudden Trump is different from any other politician or President eh ??? Ok then.

Sometimes funds when removed due to mismanagement, outs the ones who are the real culprits for whom have really been screwing over the public.

Why should the tax payers be called on, to pay for the land management of California, or any other state?

Each state.... should pay for their own land management.

In reality, California doesn't even need to pay for it.
Allow the logging industry to start cutting down trees. They'll do it, and pay the state a license fee to do it, and that will reduce the fire stock that is fueling these wild fires.

This is what California used to do, before they were over run with left-wing idiotic eco-nuts.

Right now, California is importing wood, because they are too stupid to cut down their own trees.
Oh, my, the TDS is great with this one. His comment had nothing to do with the firefighters. Why are they making it about themselves? Because someone told them to. Lol
Trump is a dick....people are dying, houses are burnt down, and he has to come out and say negative things...who the fuck does that but an asshole prick.
No, Trump is a man of action... He assesses the situation, and he calls out the possible problems that may contribute to the problems, and vegetation management is definitely part of the problem. Now of course those politicians who have sat around on their aces might find Trumps words hard to swallow, but of course they do.

If you people want the same old bullcrap that had been the same old bullcrap for the past decades, then keep on trashing the one who really cares (Trump), and the one who is wanting positive change for us in a very positive way.

It's no wonder why Trump calls people out on their bullcrap, and he is right to do it.
People are still dying, and his insensentive ass could at least shut the fuck up. He doesnt know jack shit about anything.

Trump correctly called out the problem. He's right. Left-wing California has failed repeatedly to deal with this problem. It is a man-made problem at this point.

Nothing he said was insensitive. Are you against dealing with the problem that caused these people to die in these fires? Then you are the insensitive pick, not Trump. At this moment in time, Trump has done far more to call attention to a problem that needs solved by California, than either you, or California has.

How about you shut up, since you don't know jack shit about anything.
Oh, my, the TDS is great with this one. His comment had nothing to do with the firefighters. Why are they making it about themselves? Because someone told them to. Lol
Trump is a dick....people are dying, houses are burnt down, and he has to come out and say negative things...who the fuck does that but an asshole prick.
No, Trump is a man of action... He assesses the situation, and he calls out the possible problems that may contribute to the problems, and vegetation management is definitely part of the problem. Now of course those politicians who have sat around on their aces might find Trumps words hard to swallow, but of course they do.

If you people want the same old bullcrap that had been the same old bullcrap for the past decades, then keep on trashing the one who really cares (Trump), and the one who is wanting positive change for us in a very positive way.

It's no wonder why Trump calls people out on their bullcrap, and he is right to do it.
People are still dying, and his insensentive ass could at least shut the fuck up. He doesnt know jack shit about anything.

Trump correctly called out the problem. He's right. Left-wing California has failed repeatedly to deal with this problem. It is a man-made problem at this point.

Nothing he said was insensitive. Are you against dealing with the problem that caused these people to die in these fires? Then you are the insensitive pick, not Trump. At this moment in time, Trump has done far more to call attention to a problem that needs solved by California, than either you, or California has.

How about you shut up, since you don't know jack shit about anything.

How are droughts and natural winds a man-made problem?

You do realize that Trump said that humans don't effect the climate right?

Can you give us a link that factually and unbiasedly proves that 'firefighters have nothing to do with forestry management'?
I will concede to you this point if you can "give us a link that factually and unbiasedly proves that 'firefighters have nothing to do with" maintaining the upkeep of the lunar surface...[you may want to pretend you do not understand this question]
Firefighters call Trumps comments reckless and insulting

Well firefighters in my area are worthless and lazy, most any day of the week they have a firetruck parked in front of a grocery store in there filling up there grocery cart on your dime.

What do they do when there's a fire?
Firefighters call Trumps comments reckless and insulting

Well firefighters in my area are worthless and lazy, most any day of the week they have a firetruck parked in front of a grocery store in there filling up there grocery cart on your dime.

You do realize that firefighters work 24 hours a day or two and three days in a row, right?

You also realize that if they get a call, they run out, jump in the truck leaving their groceries behind?

If not your ignorance is insulting.

If you did know that, you are a world class dumbass!
Firefighters call Trumps comments reckless and insulting

Well firefighters in my area are worthless and lazy, most any day of the week they have a firetruck parked in front of a grocery store in there filling up there grocery cart on your dime.
So we should just have them remove your address from their database then?

Please do, never needed one , there so worthless around here they just sit outside on a bench in front of fire station waiting for there shift to end. Come to mind we have not had a fire around here in years.

Yeah, right! No car accidents? No medical emergencies? No little old lady's cat getting stuck in a tree?

What happened? Did your wife/girlfriend/whore run off with a firefighter?
Oh, my, the TDS is great with this one. His comment had nothing to do with the firefighters. Why are they making it about themselves? Because someone told them to. Lol
Trump is a dick....people are dying, houses are burnt down, and he has to come out and say negative things...who the fuck does that but an asshole prick.
No, Trump is a man of action... He assesses the situation, and he calls out the possible problems that may contribute to the problems, and vegetation management is definitely part of the problem. Now of course those politicians who have sat around on their aces might find Trumps words hard to swallow, but of course they do.

If you people want the same old bullcrap that had been the same old bullcrap for the past decades, then keep on trashing the one who really cares (Trump), and the one who is wanting positive change for us in a very positive way.

It's no wonder why Trump calls people out on their bullcrap, and he is right to do it.
People are still dying, and his insensentive ass could at least shut the fuck up. He doesnt know jack shit about anything.

Trump correctly called out the problem. He's right. Left-wing California has failed repeatedly to deal with this problem. It is a man-made problem at this point.

Nothing he said was insensitive. Are you against dealing with the problem that caused these people to die in these fires? Then you are the insensitive pick, not Trump. At this moment in time, Trump has done far more to call attention to a problem that needs solved by California, than either you, or California has.

How about you shut up, since you don't know jack shit about anything.

How are droughts and natural winds a man-made problem?

You do realize that Trump said that humans don't effect the climate right?


So you must have skipped over the post with the link to the article detailing exactly what California has done to cause these fires.

I'll post the link again for you.

California's Devastating Fires Are Man-Caused -- But Not In The Way They Tell Us

It is very well documented that the government of California has put in place policies and taxes, that have almost eliminated fire suppression management in the region.
Trump is a dick....people are dying, houses are burnt down, and he has to come out and say negative things...who the fuck does that but an asshole prick.
No, Trump is a man of action... He assesses the situation, and he calls out the possible problems that may contribute to the problems, and vegetation management is definitely part of the problem. Now of course those politicians who have sat around on their aces might find Trumps words hard to swallow, but of course they do.

If you people want the same old bullcrap that had been the same old bullcrap for the past decades, then keep on trashing the one who really cares (Trump), and the one who is wanting positive change for us in a very positive way.

It's no wonder why Trump calls people out on their bullcrap, and he is right to do it.
People are still dying, and his insensentive ass could at least shut the fuck up. He doesnt know jack shit about anything.

Trump correctly called out the problem. He's right. Left-wing California has failed repeatedly to deal with this problem. It is a man-made problem at this point.

Nothing he said was insensitive. Are you against dealing with the problem that caused these people to die in these fires? Then you are the insensitive pick, not Trump. At this moment in time, Trump has done far more to call attention to a problem that needs solved by California, than either you, or California has.

How about you shut up, since you don't know jack shit about anything.

How are droughts and natural winds a man-made problem?

You do realize that Trump said that humans don't effect the climate right?


So you must have skipped over the post with the link to the article detailing exactly what California has done to cause these fires.

I'll post the link again for you.

California's Devastating Fires Are Man-Caused -- But Not In The Way They Tell Us

It is very well documented that the government of California has put in place policies and taxes, that have almost eliminated fire suppression management in the region.

People can't stop droughts and the Santa Ana winds.
point is they beg for the jobs , work 24 hours a day let them do their jobs and get paid on Friday Admiral . They are public servants , let them do their jobs and quit making a mess for Grocery Store Employees to clean up . [abandoned groceries] --- Admiral .
No, Trump is a man of action... He assesses the situation, and he calls out the possible problems that may contribute to the problems, and vegetation management is definitely part of the problem. Now of course those politicians who have sat around on their aces might find Trumps words hard to swallow, but of course they do.

If you people want the same old bullcrap that had been the same old bullcrap for the past decades, then keep on trashing the one who really cares (Trump), and the one who is wanting positive change for us in a very positive way.

It's no wonder why Trump calls people out on their bullcrap, and he is right to do it.
People are still dying, and his insensentive ass could at least shut the fuck up. He doesnt know jack shit about anything.

Trump correctly called out the problem. He's right. Left-wing California has failed repeatedly to deal with this problem. It is a man-made problem at this point.

Nothing he said was insensitive. Are you against dealing with the problem that caused these people to die in these fires? Then you are the insensitive pick, not Trump. At this moment in time, Trump has done far more to call attention to a problem that needs solved by California, than either you, or California has.

How about you shut up, since you don't know jack shit about anything.

How are droughts and natural winds a man-made problem?

You do realize that Trump said that humans don't effect the climate right?


So you must have skipped over the post with the link to the article detailing exactly what California has done to cause these fires.

I'll post the link again for you.

California's Devastating Fires Are Man-Caused -- But Not In The Way They Tell Us

It is very well documented that the government of California has put in place policies and taxes, that have almost eliminated fire suppression management in the region.

People can't stop droughts and the Santa Ana winds.

But again.... as the article details, they used to clear underbrush, use it to power electric generators, and thin out the trees, to reduce the amount of fuel stock. Doing this greatly reduced the heat levels, and fire spread of wild fires, helping fire fighters to contain blazes before they threatened populated areas.

Does that mean (as you seem to imply) that we can completely control everything in nature? Of course not. I am not suggesting that somehow if we did these 3 easy steps, that we would now be free of all forest fires. I am not suggesting anything so ridiculous.

However, it would be ignorant and un-scientific, to not realize that bad policies of eliminating all timber cutting, and all undergrowth clearing, in the name of clean energy and environmentalism, has not drastically increased the amount of fire stock that feeds these massive life threatening fires, and led California's fire fighters into situations they have no hope of controlling.

It's just a fact dude. You need to either accept reality, or accept you are not intellectually honest about it.
point is that firefighters volunteered and aren't Special same as Admirals aren't Special , see 'adm. johny kirby] [chuckle] . Let firefighters do the jobs that they beg for and are paid to do Admiral .
point is they beg for the jobs , work 24 hours a day let them do their jobs and get paid on Friday Admiral . They are public servants , let them do their jobs and quit making a mess for Grocery Store Employees to clean up . [abandoned groceries] --- Admiral .

Why are you such a twit, and an asshole to boot?

I worked in a grocery store many moons ago as did both of my older two kids. We dealt with our local firefighters all the time. You take the groceries and push the cart into the reefer until they come back.
point is that firefighters volunteered and aren't Special same as Admirals aren't Special , see 'adm. johny kirby] [chuckle] . Let firefighters do the jobs that they beg for and are paid to do Admiral .

Beg? Fuck you, you gigantic ass wipe!

Your own self-esteem issues need some major work. I just took you off ignore a day or two ago because I thought you might have gotten better. Nope!

You are still a prick!

Goodbye fuckwad!
all i said is that firefighters aren't special . They beg for the jobs , let them do the jobs and then get paid on Friday . Its as simple as that Admiral .
This is a perfect example of the dam breaking after the election. Anything, anything trumps says will be misconstrued in some way to make him look bad. Every single person on the left feels emboldened to create any fiction to attack the president. Here trump makes a factually correct point with no relationship to firefighters and suddenly the California unions presidents claim trump is trashing firefighters, and no one even checks the facts. This is going to become the norm for the next two years even more so than the previous two. The hate embodied in the left cannot continue to go unchecked without severe damage to our country.

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