Firefighters call Trumps comments reckless and insulting

Trump doesn't understand science... He thinks climate change is a hoax.

California has lots of droughts, they get a great deal of wind... a simple camp fire during no-burn seasons, or even some idiot throwing his cigarette butt outside their car window, can start a fire that spreads like crazy. It has nothing do with management. People can't control droughts, and those that break the law.
What do you think vegetation management is for ????? ROTFLMBO.

You think deforestation is the answer?
In a managed way, some deforestation in some strategic locations along with the removal of underbrush fuel in many locations, otherwise to then be replaced with other less volital and ignitable growth is another solution yes.
Firefighters have their life on the line and our President blames them

Firefighter groups: Trump's California wildfire tweet was 'shameful' and 'ill-informed'

The presidents of two professional firefighters associations have denounced President Donald Trump's assertion that "gross mismanagement of the forests" is to blame for California's devastating fires.

California Professional Firefighters president Brian Rice called the President's words "ill-informed, ill-timed and demeaning" in a written statement.

Harold Schaitberger, General President of the International Association of Fire Fighters, said the comments were "reckless and insulting."

Since when do firefighters work for the forestry service?

California Forestry workers are stupid and do not manage the land properly.

They do not make fire cuts and do not pre-emptively burn off undergrowth. Therefore, when it burns, it all burns, 5x more than needs to be.
Since when do firefighters work for the forestry service?

There's a budgetary connection.

They do not make fire cuts and do not pre-emptively burn off undergrowth. Therefore, when it burns, it all burns, 5x more than needs to be

Yes they do , i even got some minor burns when the wind changed on me , deciding i could be jumpin' jack flash

it was a gas gas gas.....
'Trump blames fires, erroneously, on California forest management. Firefighters call it a 'shameful attack'

"Trump said poor forest management policies caused the fires plaguing the state, even though the massive Woolsey fire didn’t occur in a forest.The Woolsey fire started near Simi Valley in a hillside area next to the old Santa Susana Field Lab and quickly spread into nearby suburban communities.

Some firefighters took to social media to point out the distinction.“Mr. President, with all due respect, you are wrong. The fires in So. Cal are urban interface fires and have NOTHING to do with forest management. Come to SoCal and learn the facts & help the victims,” the Pasadena Firefighters Assn. said on Twitter.

Experts have said forest management was not a factor in California’s two most destructive fires: the Camp, which has burned more than 6,000 structures this week in Paradise, and the Tubbs fire last year in wine country.Forest thinning would not have stopped either fire. Fueled by dry grass growing amid scattered pine and oak trees, the Camp fire tore across land thinned by flames just 10 years ago. The Tubbs fire burned grassy oak woodlands, not timber land."
People blindly follow a dumb-fuck of a president.

Firefighters have their life on the line and our President blames them

Firefighter groups: Trump's California wildfire tweet was 'shameful' and 'ill-informed'

The presidents of two professional firefighters associations have denounced President Donald Trump's assertion that "gross mismanagement of the forests" is to blame for California's devastating fires.

California Professional Firefighters president Brian Rice called the President's words "ill-informed, ill-timed and demeaning" in a written statement.

Harold Schaitberger, General President of the International Association of Fire Fighters, said the comments were "reckless and insulting."

Presidential words on firefighters:

"There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor," Trump tweeted. "Billions of dollars are given each year, with so many lives lost, all because of gross mismanagement of the forests. Remedy now, or no more Fed payments!"

Later on Saturday, Trump tweeted appreciation for the firefighters battling the blazes: "Our hearts are with those fighting the fires, the 52,000 who have evacuated, and the families of the 11 who have died. The destruction is catastrophic. God Bless them all."
Aw, come on, rwer, you're already working on the next election since it seems unlikely your party can carry through its plan of impeaching President Trump sans any solid evidence that he would ever harm this country. The two above "tweets" tell me a story with other aspects than politics:

He is looking into firing people who mismanage forests so blatantly that the fires destroyed too many people's homes and businesses. That's just how our elected President Donald Trump has always rolled when he sees a business blooper in his own realm. He likely will prompt people in the forest management to recharge their priorities to make certain national forests do not create a fire hazard to nearby communitites with a failure to remove incendiaries from being too close to real property next door. The forest service will have to trim back the size of the forest several yards all the way around or he will kick they butts for endangering adjacent property owners with death and home loss due to fire of bordering trees that grow too close to property lines of American citizens he cares about it.

Secondly, he has nothing but admiration and respect for the firefighting community, a few who took umbrage of President Trump's tweets are detractors who love to misinterpret what he said to specific audiences with their inaccurate spin on what was actually said and meant by President Trump.

Firefighters are close to being my favorite people on this planet. They are first responders, and I'm not the only American citizen who loves the ground they grace by walking on top of it with their fire-resistant boots and a hundred pounds of firefighting equipment on their backs headed into a cruel fire. But the California firefighters are so busy right now, they may not have had the opportunity to read anything but what the loud mouth limes out there were blathering inanities about President Trump on television, and information may have been grossly misinterpreted by the rabid press to very tired and very sleep-deprived leaders in the first responder community, due to their being out there where the rubber hits the roads (and smells to high heaven) in California where the fires are so heinously consuming when they spread into bordering homes and properties due to the proximity of burning dry vegetation and high winds blowing sparks further than usual. Paving a large area with fire-resistant pavement may be the only answer for containing such a fire from communities bordering the fire, but the President I am sure wants a change made to protect California liberals from loss of home, bread and butter.
It's a scandal that the unified hate-filled leftwing press who could not do enough to President Trump the other day at the White House are having such fun decimating his character from the comfort of their internets at home to mislead our dear firefighters into thinking that they are not supported. Even so, it doesn't surprise me one bit, because the liberal press has proven only that they as a body are indeed, sore losers and continue on beating up on every word that can be misinterpreted by those naughty, naughty products of liberal journalism departments that are now becoming known as deceit centers of the universities they strangle with arrogant, unkind harassment against conservatives one and all..

Excellent, and absolutely correct.

The citizens who blindly voted for those in politics who are guilty of the tactic should be so ashamed of themselves right now. They should be finding somewhere to hide their heads or rather to hang their heads low in sorrows for what they do.

Acosta was one who was rabid with hate, and he got what he deserved, and those who tried to turn these firefighters against Trump should also be shunned by their communities and their peers if they have any. People see it all now, and they have got to be stunned if they have any shred of decency left at all within themselves.
'Trump blames fires, erroneously, on California forest management. Firefighters call it a 'shameful attack'

"Trump said poor forest management policies caused the fires plaguing the state, even though the massive Woolsey fire didn’t occur in a forest.The Woolsey fire started near Simi Valley in a hillside area next to the old Santa Susana Field Lab and quickly spread into nearby suburban communities.

Some firefighters took to social media to point out the distinction.“Mr. President, with all due respect, you are wrong. The fires in So. Cal are urban interface fires and have NOTHING to do with forest management. Come to SoCal and learn the facts & help the victims,” the Pasadena Firefighters Assn. said on Twitter.

Experts have said forest management was not a factor in California’s two most destructive fires: the Camp, which has burned more than 6,000 structures this week in Paradise, and the Tubbs fire last year in wine country.Forest thinning would not have stopped either fire. Fueled by dry grass growing amid scattered pine and oak trees, the Camp fire tore across land thinned by flames just 10 years ago. The Tubbs fire burned grassy oak woodlands, not timber land."
People blindly follow a dumb-fuck of a president.

So what do these people pay firefighters for?

Apparently, idk, fires do not get out of hand like that here. Fucking even with the mad arsonist in Pasco, not that much land burns.

PS: I said that b4 Trump said it.. months ago. :cul2:

Do they need some farm sprinklers to wet everything up, or what?

Oh wait, you can't water in CA without getting fined.
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The fire fighters have to come in and risk their lives after the gross mismanagement of the state. Fire fighters have nothing to do with forestry management.

Did someone pull their Chatty Cathy string so they "gotta blame Trump for something."
You're right. They determined after the Yellowstone fire way back that too much fiddling around and "management" of the forests just made fires worse. Maybe they've changed their minds again, or have a different idea about forested areas near populated areas, but I know for a long time they felt that it was best to let Mother Nature take her course.

And you're also right that firefighters have nothing to do with forest management and had no reason to be offended by the President's comments.
In my younger and crazier days I lived in Northern California.

I personally saw several major wildfires.

Every one destroyed homes that were built in forested areas whose owners had not bothered to clear a "defensible space" around those homes.

Every one fueled by underbrush and deadfall left on the ground due to environmental objections to cleaning it up and thinning the fuel load.

Californis is burning because California's Democrat "leaders" WANT California to burn.

"Defensible space" doesn't matter when the winds can pick up embers and carry them miles and catch houses on fire. Just yesterday a guy on MSNBC was covering the fire and he was standing in a subdivision with no trees around, and a random house caught fire from a flying ember.
No embers to worry about if the forest was properly managed, because the fire couldn't get hot enough to create the kind of embers you speak of, and if the proper buffer zones were created, an ember would burn out before causing any damage on re-entry for re-ingition. Yes embers are a problem sure, but the type of embers can be controlled on the front end instead of waiting for them on the back end.

Why not this, in the most volital areas of possibility, install huge sprinkler systems like they do for the crops down south or out west and/or in the north west ???

I mean down in New Orleans they have this elaborate pump system that had to be upgraded due to failure in Hurricane Katrina. If we can address a situation like that, and build massive windmills for power, and extract oil from miles beneath the oceans, build the interstate highway system, the Panama canal, these massive dams, and on and on it goes, yet we can't fix a problem with wildfires in a place that has been plagued with them for centuries ??? If there's a problem, then we fix it, but with liberals in charge, oh well just look at crime in major cities in order to look no further.
More than likely Trump will be remembered as the faux literate potus .....

I send hot embers up all winter. They burn out after rising 30 feet. What's the deal in CA?
In my younger and crazier days I lived in Northern California.

I personally saw several major wildfires.

Every one destroyed homes that were built in forested areas whose owners had not bothered to clear a "defensible space" around those homes.

Every one fueled by underbrush and deadfall left on the ground due to environmental objections to cleaning it up and thinning the fuel load.

Californis is burning because California's Democrat "leaders" WANT California to burn.

"Defensible space" doesn't matter when the winds can pick up embers and carry them miles and catch houses on fire. Just yesterday a guy on MSNBC was covering the fire and he was standing in a subdivision with no trees around, and a random house caught fire from a flying ember.
No embers to worry about if the forest was properly managed, because the fire couldn't get hot enough to create the kind of embers you speak of, and if the proper buffer zones were created, an ember would burn out before causing any damage on re-entry for re-ingition. Yes embers are a problem sure, but the type of embers can be controlled on the front end instead of waiting for them on the back end.

Why not this, in the most volital areas of possibility, install huge sprinkler systems like they do for the crops down south or out west and/or in the north west ???

I mean down in New Orleans they have this elaborate pump system that had to be upgraded due to failure in Hurricane Katrina. If we can address a situation like that, and build massive windmills for power, and extract oil from miles beneath the oceans, build the interstate highway system, the Panama canal, these massive dams, and on and on it goes, yet we can't fix a problem with wildfires in a place that has been plagued with them for centuries ??? If there's a problem, then we fix it, but with liberals in charge, oh well just look at crime in major cities in order to look no further.

You can't compare California to New Orleans based on the fact most of New Orleans is below the water level, and California is full of mountainous terrain that would need a lot of water pressure to set up a "sprinkler system" to avoid the land getting so dry. Hell it was a massive undertaking when they set up the system they have now to get water to Hollywood that many didn't think would work.
In my younger and crazier days I lived in Northern California.

I personally saw several major wildfires.

Every one destroyed homes that were built in forested areas whose owners had not bothered to clear a "defensible space" around those homes.

Every one fueled by underbrush and deadfall left on the ground due to environmental objections to cleaning it up and thinning the fuel load.

Californis is burning because California's Democrat "leaders" WANT California to burn.

"Defensible space" doesn't matter when the winds can pick up embers and carry them miles and catch houses on fire. Just yesterday a guy on MSNBC was covering the fire and he was standing in a subdivision with no trees around, and a random house caught fire from a flying ember.
No embers to worry about if the forest was properly managed, because the fire couldn't get hot enough to create the kind of embers you speak of, and if the proper buffer zones were created, an ember would burn out before causing any damage on re-entry for re-ingition. Yes embers are a problem sure, but the type of embers can be controlled on the front end instead of waiting for them on the back end.

Why not this, in the most volital areas of possibility, install huge sprinkler systems like they do for the crops down south or out west and/or in the north west ???

I mean down in New Orleans they have this elaborate pump system that had to be upgraded due to failure in Hurricane Katrina. If we can address a situation like that, and build massive windmills for power, and extract oil from miles beneath the oceans, build the interstate highway system, the Panama canal, these massive dams, and on and on it goes, yet we can't fix a problem with wildfires in a place that has been plagued with them for centuries ??? If there's a problem, then we fix it, but with liberals in charge, oh well just look at crime in major cities in order to look no further.

Fires are being reported to take over a football field of turf a second via the santa anna winds.

Trees literally explode form boiling sap

Our boys are throwing everything they have at this, to no avail

In my state, we make fire cuts in the forest. They go around with the "firecut machine" and cut a swath to compartmentalize fires. There are also controlled burns to burn off undergrowth so fires don't get too hot.
Firefighters have their life on the line and our President blames them

Firefighter groups: Trump's California wildfire tweet was 'shameful' and 'ill-informed'

The presidents of two professional firefighters associations have denounced President Donald Trump's assertion that "gross mismanagement of the forests" is to blame for California's devastating fires.

California Professional Firefighters president Brian Rice called the President's words "ill-informed, ill-timed and demeaning" in a written statement.

Harold Schaitberger, General President of the International Association of Fire Fighters, said the comments were "reckless and insulting."

I am a tad confused by this.

Is forest management a duty of the fire department? Maybe it is, and I just don't know.

California's Devastating Fires Are Man-Caused -- But Not In The Way They Tell Us

All the evidence suggests that Trump is right. Why firefighters whom Trump was not directing any comments towards, are angry about this..... is stupid.

What did he say, that had anything to do with firefighters? Did I miss something?

IMO...almost all the evidence suggests the opposite.

'California Professional Firefighters president Brian Rice called the President's words "ill-informed, ill-timed and demeaning" in a written statement.'

If the California Professional Firefighters President says Trump's words were "ill-informed, ill-timed and demeaning"? Whom is more likely to know if they were or not? Trump or the California Professional Firefighters President?

The answer is obvious....and it ain't Trump.

The fact that Trump later made a suck up tweet to the firefighters strongly suggests (to me) that he (or someone on his staff) realized he made an error and was trying to 'be nice' to cover up Trump's original tweet mistake.
Brian Rice should be replaced, because he is an idiot period.
Firefighters have their life on the line and our President blames them

Firefighter groups: Trump's California wildfire tweet was 'shameful' and 'ill-informed'

The presidents of two professional firefighters associations have denounced President Donald Trump's assertion that "gross mismanagement of the forests" is to blame for California's devastating fires.

California Professional Firefighters president Brian Rice called the President's words "ill-informed, ill-timed and demeaning" in a written statement.

Harold Schaitberger, General President of the International Association of Fire Fighters, said the comments were "reckless and insulting."

Trump is 100% correct! MAGA!

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