Firefighters call Trumps comments reckless and insulting

The fire fighters have to come in and risk their lives after the gross mismanagement of the state. Fire fighters have nothing to do with forestry management.

Did someone pull their Chatty Cathy string so they "gotta blame Trump for something."
Yeppers, the DNC dowagers and dicks alike are the Chatty Cathy dolls that dismember their targets (this time, President Donald Trump) with a constant flood of allegements galore with character assassinations. In California these big mouthed singers spew their phlegmatic vomitus into people's home televisions like Mynah birds in lusterless but ear-splitting cacophony. It's no wonder our first responders, tired from several sleepless days of around-the-clock service are too tired to realize they've been had by the deceivers of doom and gloom who smear their home television screens with pure dee smarm. *sigh*
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The fire fighters have to come in and risk their lives after the gross mismanagement of the state. Fire fighters have nothing to do with forestry management.

Did someone pull their Chatty Cathy string so they "gotta blame Trump for something."

Prove it, please.

Can you give us a link that factually and unbiasedly proves that 'firefighters have nothing to do with forestry management'?
Please provide a link that says they do.
Tipsy, the loyal opposition is not spitting into the wind on this one, and I can't even place this into the broken clock is right two times a day category. *sigh*

I'm just sorry there was a rush to judgment to hang President Trump for anything he said, which is actually apples and oranges in blame by the usual suspects in the press who have been planning his impeachment since the day he announced that he was running for President. The ninnyhammers of the press have a cadence with only the DNC, who are moving further and further away from the founders by twisting any and every little spoken word into a frivolous charge of a press crime, imho.
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Firefighters call Trumps comments reckless and insulting

Well firefighters in my area are worthless and lazy, most any day of the week they have a firetruck parked in front of a grocery store in there filling up there grocery cart on your dime.

What does this have to do with this topic typical ignorant bastard stick to the topic.

What comes after "Hey hey ho ho"?
/——/ I say Mary Ann or Ginger.
/——/ I say Mary Ann or Ginger.

Firefighters have their life on the line and our President blames them

Firefighter groups: Trump's California wildfire tweet was 'shameful' and 'ill-informed'

The presidents of two professional firefighters associations have denounced President Donald Trump's assertion that "gross mismanagement of the forests" is to blame for California's devastating fires.

California Professional Firefighters president Brian Rice called the President's words "ill-informed, ill-timed and demeaning" in a written statement.

Harold Schaitberger, General President of the International Association of Fire Fighters, said the comments were "reckless and insulting."
I guess the truth really does hurt.
Firefighters have their life on the line and our President blames them

Firefighter groups: Trump's California wildfire tweet was 'shameful' and 'ill-informed'

The presidents of two professional firefighters associations have denounced President Donald Trump's assertion that "gross mismanagement of the forests" is to blame for California's devastating fires.

California Professional Firefighters president Brian Rice called the President's words "ill-informed, ill-timed and demeaning" in a written statement.

Harold Schaitberger, General President of the International Association of Fire Fighters, said the comments were "reckless and insulting."
And now it's time to watch the deplorable trumpanzees attack our nation's firefighters.
Not blaming fire fighters, it's liberalism that destroys everything it touches. California is a great example.
Trump is correct and science backs up Trump's statement. Wildfires in western states is a direct result of mismanagement by humans. For millions of years mother nature burned off the dead debris each year via lightening strikes. There was limited dry/dead fuel to burn so the fires were low intensity, they burned off the dead debris and killed off the bugs and pests while leaving the trees unharmed.

Then humans decided these fires were the enemy so they spent decades running around each year stamping out the fires....and the dead dry debris piled up, decade after decade until now there's several FEET of dry dead debris. Now when a fire starts there's so much fuel the fires burn white hot, they are so ferocious they kill everything in their path including the trees, way to go humans you idiots.
Firefighters have their life on the line and our President blames them

Firefighter groups: Trump's California wildfire tweet was 'shameful' and 'ill-informed'

The presidents of two professional firefighters associations have denounced President Donald Trump's assertion that "gross mismanagement of the forests" is to blame for California's devastating fires.

California Professional Firefighters president Brian Rice called the President's words "ill-informed, ill-timed and demeaning" in a written statement.

Harold Schaitberger, General President of the International Association of Fire Fighters, said the comments were "reckless and insulting."

Maybe they should have a beer summit? How do the police feel about Democrats given how democrats feel about the police?
Democrats have always supported our police force and FBI
Lol, that's why Obama had to have a beer summit.
LOL. Now firefighters. I suppose Ill go ahead and vote democrat now. "Firefighters" have spoken.
Firefighters have their life on the line and our President blames them

Firefighter groups: Trump's California wildfire tweet was 'shameful' and 'ill-informed'

The presidents of two professional firefighters associations have denounced President Donald Trump's assertion that "gross mismanagement of the forests" is to blame for California's devastating fires.

California Professional Firefighters president Brian Rice called the President's words "ill-informed, ill-timed and demeaning" in a written statement.

Harold Schaitberger, General President of the International Association of Fire Fighters, said the comments were "reckless and insulting."
Why would fire fighters give a shit when Trump comments about our obviously horrendous forest management? When you say "fire fighters," you really mean a couple of corrupt union politicians.
Liberals are the only ones even mentioning the firefighters as being at's how they hide their scams, once exposed they claim the finger pointer is accusing someone else so as to make the argument about anything but them, the guilty ones...they do it with everything they get caught at...cutting taxes was racist, defending babies in the womb is misogyny, caught/pointing out wasting federal money intended for national forests is attacking firefighters...demanding accountability from school administrators is anti-education/teacher...the one thing these all have in common is that liberals are the real culprits.
The fire fighters have to come in and risk their lives after the gross mismanagement of the state. Fire fighters have nothing to do with forestry management.

Did someone pull their Chatty Cathy string so they "gotta blame Trump for something."

Prove it, please.

Can you give us a link that factually and unbiasedly proves that 'firefighters have nothing to do with forestry management'?
You have to be a special kind of stupid to ask a question like that. It's like asking if the UAW has anything to do with hotel management.
Firefighters have their life on the line and our President blames them

Firefighter groups: Trump's California wildfire tweet was 'shameful' and 'ill-informed'

The presidents of two professional firefighters associations have denounced President Donald Trump's assertion that "gross mismanagement of the forests" is to blame for California's devastating fires.

California Professional Firefighters president Brian Rice called the President's words "ill-informed, ill-timed and demeaning" in a written statement.

Harold Schaitberger, General President of the International Association of Fire Fighters, said the comments were "reckless and insulting."
Why would fire fighters give a shit when Trump comments about our obviously horrendous forest management? When you say "fire fighters," you really mean a couple of corrupt union politicians.

Firefighters believe Trump was correct. My brother fights forest fires out of Tacoma Washington and has since he was 28 years old. He has dropped into fires all over the west and Canada and many times in California. This is the text he sent me this morning edited only to remove names. Yes it’s mispelled and not grammatically correct. I could correct it but I’ll leave his fury showing.

“Yup xxxx- You put liberals are in charge of everything and they have no idea what they’re doing this is what happens. No management of the forest. They can dare kill a tree or some underbrush I’m fucking done with these dump fucking lib-tards. They elect them to these positions because they’re guy or lesbian or have a uncle who has someone who owes him a favor. Same her in Washington they have miss managed everything g from mass transporting to fish and game. “

My brother is also a Veteran and today is his birthday as well. He is putting in for retirement. He says he is done fighting California fires that didn’t have to happen.

This is what real “firefighters” say. (When he says “here in Washington” he means the state where he lives and is based. Not DC)
Firefighters call Trumps comments reckless and insulting

Well firefighters in my area are worthless and lazy, most any day of the week they have a firetruck parked in front of a grocery store in there filling up there grocery cart on your dime.

Because they work around the clock shifts, dope.
Firefighters call Trumps comments reckless and insulting

Well firefighters in my area are worthless and lazy, most any day of the week they have a firetruck parked in front of a grocery store in there filling up there grocery cart on your dime.

Because they work around the clock shifts, dope.
They work 8 hours shifts, moron.
Firefighters call Trumps comments reckless and insulting

Well firefighters in my area are worthless and lazy, most any day of the week they have a firetruck parked in front of a grocery store in there filling up there grocery cart on your dime.

Tell it to the 343 firefighters who charged into the World Trade Center and never came out
The World Trade Center was in a forest?
Firefighters have their life on the line and our President blames them

Firefighter groups: Trump's California wildfire tweet was 'shameful' and 'ill-informed'

The presidents of two professional firefighters associations have denounced President Donald Trump's assertion that "gross mismanagement of the forests" is to blame for California's devastating fires.

California Professional Firefighters president Brian Rice called the President's words "ill-informed, ill-timed and demeaning" in a written statement.

Harold Schaitberger, General President of the International Association of Fire Fighters, said the comments were "reckless and insulting."

Maybe they should have a beer summit? How do the police feel about Democrats given how democrats feel about the police?
Democrats have always supported our police force and FBI
/——/ Who said “police acting stupidily”?

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