Firefighters Say Rudy Giuliani "Ran Like a Coward" on 9/11, Now for Sec. of State?

Obama and Hillary Clinton knew the security situation in Libya was deteriorating and the security at the diplomatic compound was Inadequate yet did nothing and they knew this months before the attack not 39 minutes.

And Ronald Reagan was told days ahead of the barracks bombing in Beirut,

BS The CIA said an attack was possible but didn't know when, where or the time. Stop making shit up to suit your agenda

From Fox News:

WASHINGTON – A former defense secretary for Ronald Reagan says he implored the president to put Marines serving in Beirut in a safer position before terrorists attacked them in 1983, killing 241 servicemen.
"I was not persuasive enough to persuade the president that the Marines were there on an impossible mission," Caspar Weinberger says in an oral history project capturing the views of former Reagan administration officials.
Recollections of an initial 25 Reagan aides were released this week by the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia. Altogether, scholars interviewed 45 Cabinet members, White House staffers and campaign advisers in a project begun in 2001, when Reagan was secluded with advanced stages of Alzheimer's disease. Reagan died in June 2004 at the age of 93.
Transcripts offer largely admiring portraits by Reagan's chief loyalists and Weinberger is no exception, crediting the president with restoring U.S. power and outfoxing the Soviet Union.
But he said one of his greatest regrets was in failing to overcome the arguments that "'Marines don't cut and run,' and 'We can't leave because we're there"' before the devastating suicide attack on the lightly armed force.
"They had no mission but to sit at the airport, which is just like sitting in a bull's-eye," Weinberger said. "I begged the president at least to pull them back and put them back on their transports as a more defensible position."
Aide: Reagan Left Marines Vulnerable in Beirut

The suicide truck attack on October 23 stunned the world. Yet, as Colin Powell, who was then a major general, later observed in his autobiography: "Since [the Muslims] could not reach the battleship, they found a more vulnerable target, the exposed Marines at the airport."
The Reagan administration sought to deflect blame for the attack with smokescreens of false statements and misrepresentations. In a televised speech four days after the bombing, Reagan portrayed the attack as unstoppable, declaring that the truck "crashed through a series of barriers, including a chain-link fence and barbed-wire entanglements. The guards opened fire, but it was too late." Reagan claimed the attack proved the U.S. mission was succeeding: "Would the terrorists have launched their suicide attacks against the multinational force if it were not doing its job? . . . It is accomplishing its mission." Reagan also said the United States was involved in the Middle East in part to secure a "solution to the Palestinian problem."
Reagan sent Marine Corps commander Paul X. Kelley to Beirut. Kelley quickly announced that he was "totally satisfied" with the security around the barracks at the time of the bombing. Upon returning to Washington, Kelley was summoned to Capitol Hill; Kelley inaccurately testified that the Marine guards had loaded weapons and that two of them had been killed in the attack. In 1983, as now, the issue of the security and survival of American troops was overshadowed by the flaunting of the feelings of high-ranking government officials. When congressmen persisted questioning, Kelley became enraged and shouted: "We’re talking about clips in weapons, but we’re not talking about the people who did it. I want to find the perpetrators. I want to bring them to justice! You have to allow me this one moment of anger."
Even though there had already been numerous major car bombings in Beirut that year and scores of other suicide attacks, Kelley told Congress that the truck bombing "represents a new and unique terrorist threat, one that could not have been anticipated by any commander." Kelley denied the Marines received any warning of an impending attack. However, on the morning of Kelley’s second day of testimony, the New York Times reported that the CIA specifically warned the Marines three days ahead of time that an Iranian-linked group was planning an attack against them.
Top military officials brazenly denied that the U.S. government deserved any culpability in the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers. Vice Admiral Edward Martin, the commander of the Sixth Fleet, declared: "The only person I can see who was responsible was the driver of that truck." Martin stressed absurdly in an interview: "You have to remember that prior to Oct. 23, there hadn’t been any real terrorism threat."
The Reagan administration sought to distract attention from the military’s appalling incompetence. For instance, the Marines failed to defend all approaches to the barracks. Thomas Friedman reported in the New York Times shortly after the bombing: "The Marines almost never used the entry from the parking lot south of their headquarters, where the suicide bomber drove in. The area was blocked off to civilian traffic and was used only as a helicopter landing pad. Judging from conversations with marines and Lebanese Army officers, it is clear they thought that because they did not use that entrance no one else would think of it." The Marines also neglected to install the type of speed bumps and metal spikes around their barracks that the British used in Northern Ireland.
20 Years Later: Nothing Learned, So More American Soldiers Will Die by James Bovard

From your beloved NY Slimes...

The warning did not predict the exact time, type or target of an attack, according to the officials, but nevertheless stood out from the flow of vague rumors and imprecise intelligence about terrorist activities in Lebanon. 'A Heads-Up, a Warning'


And it's says,,,,
"Even though there had already been numerous major car bombings in Beirut that year and scores of other suicide attacks, Kelley told Congress that the truck bombing "represents a new and unique terrorist threat, one that could not have been anticipated by any commander." Kelley denied the Marines received any warning of an impending attack. However, on the morning of Kelley’s second day of testimony, the New York Times reported that the CIA specifically warned the Marines three days ahead of time that an Iranian-linked group was planning an attack against them.

And this from Weinberger;

But he said one of his greatest regrets was in failing to overcome the arguments that "'Marines don't cut and run,' and 'We can't leave because we're there"' before the devastating suicide attack on the lightly armed force.
"They had no mission but to sit at the airport, which is just like sitting in a bull's-eye," Weinberger said. "I begged the president at least to pull them back and put them back on their transports as a more defensible position."

In other words, the Reagan was warned. Now usually if you are warned about an attack, you don't keep on doing what your doing. For starters, the guards should have ammo in the guns and second as you set up a defense or (Weinberger suggested to Reagan) move to a more secure area.
It's really the simple.
Sassy, if you were in charge, you would have done nothing, so all those lives would have been lost. Most thinkers would have reacted, particularly due to the fact that there had been car bombings in the area in recent times.

Yeah OK but they had no idea when, where, or time....that's the bee in your bonnet. WTF does Regan do? Evacuate every American from the entire country?
And Ronald Reagan was told days ahead of the barracks bombing in Beirut,

BS The CIA said an attack was possible but didn't know when, where or the time. Stop making shit up to suit your agenda

From Fox News:

WASHINGTON – A former defense secretary for Ronald Reagan says he implored the president to put Marines serving in Beirut in a safer position before terrorists attacked them in 1983, killing 241 servicemen.
"I was not persuasive enough to persuade the president that the Marines were there on an impossible mission," Caspar Weinberger says in an oral history project capturing the views of former Reagan administration officials.
Recollections of an initial 25 Reagan aides were released this week by the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia. Altogether, scholars interviewed 45 Cabinet members, White House staffers and campaign advisers in a project begun in 2001, when Reagan was secluded with advanced stages of Alzheimer's disease. Reagan died in June 2004 at the age of 93.
Transcripts offer largely admiring portraits by Reagan's chief loyalists and Weinberger is no exception, crediting the president with restoring U.S. power and outfoxing the Soviet Union.
But he said one of his greatest regrets was in failing to overcome the arguments that "'Marines don't cut and run,' and 'We can't leave because we're there"' before the devastating suicide attack on the lightly armed force.
"They had no mission but to sit at the airport, which is just like sitting in a bull's-eye," Weinberger said. "I begged the president at least to pull them back and put them back on their transports as a more defensible position."
Aide: Reagan Left Marines Vulnerable in Beirut

The suicide truck attack on October 23 stunned the world. Yet, as Colin Powell, who was then a major general, later observed in his autobiography: "Since [the Muslims] could not reach the battleship, they found a more vulnerable target, the exposed Marines at the airport."
The Reagan administration sought to deflect blame for the attack with smokescreens of false statements and misrepresentations. In a televised speech four days after the bombing, Reagan portrayed the attack as unstoppable, declaring that the truck "crashed through a series of barriers, including a chain-link fence and barbed-wire entanglements. The guards opened fire, but it was too late." Reagan claimed the attack proved the U.S. mission was succeeding: "Would the terrorists have launched their suicide attacks against the multinational force if it were not doing its job? . . . It is accomplishing its mission." Reagan also said the United States was involved in the Middle East in part to secure a "solution to the Palestinian problem."
Reagan sent Marine Corps commander Paul X. Kelley to Beirut. Kelley quickly announced that he was "totally satisfied" with the security around the barracks at the time of the bombing. Upon returning to Washington, Kelley was summoned to Capitol Hill; Kelley inaccurately testified that the Marine guards had loaded weapons and that two of them had been killed in the attack. In 1983, as now, the issue of the security and survival of American troops was overshadowed by the flaunting of the feelings of high-ranking government officials. When congressmen persisted questioning, Kelley became enraged and shouted: "We’re talking about clips in weapons, but we’re not talking about the people who did it. I want to find the perpetrators. I want to bring them to justice! You have to allow me this one moment of anger."
Even though there had already been numerous major car bombings in Beirut that year and scores of other suicide attacks, Kelley told Congress that the truck bombing "represents a new and unique terrorist threat, one that could not have been anticipated by any commander." Kelley denied the Marines received any warning of an impending attack. However, on the morning of Kelley’s second day of testimony, the New York Times reported that the CIA specifically warned the Marines three days ahead of time that an Iranian-linked group was planning an attack against them.
Top military officials brazenly denied that the U.S. government deserved any culpability in the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers. Vice Admiral Edward Martin, the commander of the Sixth Fleet, declared: "The only person I can see who was responsible was the driver of that truck." Martin stressed absurdly in an interview: "You have to remember that prior to Oct. 23, there hadn’t been any real terrorism threat."
The Reagan administration sought to distract attention from the military’s appalling incompetence. For instance, the Marines failed to defend all approaches to the barracks. Thomas Friedman reported in the New York Times shortly after the bombing: "The Marines almost never used the entry from the parking lot south of their headquarters, where the suicide bomber drove in. The area was blocked off to civilian traffic and was used only as a helicopter landing pad. Judging from conversations with marines and Lebanese Army officers, it is clear they thought that because they did not use that entrance no one else would think of it." The Marines also neglected to install the type of speed bumps and metal spikes around their barracks that the British used in Northern Ireland.
20 Years Later: Nothing Learned, So More American Soldiers Will Die by James Bovard

From your beloved NY Slimes...

The warning did not predict the exact time, type or target of an attack, according to the officials, but nevertheless stood out from the flow of vague rumors and imprecise intelligence about terrorist activities in Lebanon. 'A Heads-Up, a Warning'


And it's says,,,,
"Even though there had already been numerous major car bombings in Beirut that year and scores of other suicide attacks, Kelley told Congress that the truck bombing "represents a new and unique terrorist threat, one that could not have been anticipated by any commander." Kelley denied the Marines received any warning of an impending attack. However, on the morning of Kelley’s second day of testimony, the New York Times reported that the CIA specifically warned the Marines three days ahead of time that an Iranian-linked group was planning an attack against them.

And this from Weinberger;

But he said one of his greatest regrets was in failing to overcome the arguments that "'Marines don't cut and run,' and 'We can't leave because we're there"' before the devastating suicide attack on the lightly armed force.
"They had no mission but to sit at the airport, which is just like sitting in a bull's-eye," Weinberger said. "I begged the president at least to pull them back and put them back on their transports as a more defensible position."

In other words, the Reagan was warned. Now usually if you are warned about an attack, you don't keep on doing what your doing. For starters, the guards should have ammo in the guns and second as you set up a defense or (Weinberger suggested to Reagan) move to a more secure area.
It's really the simple.
Sassy, if you were in charge, you would have done nothing, so all those lives would have been lost. Most thinkers would have reacted, particularly due to the fact that there had been car bombings in the area in recent times.

Yeah OK but they had no idea when, where, or time....that's the bee in your bonnet. WTF does Regan do? Evacuate every American from the entire country?

Reagan was warned by Weinberger, specifically about the barracks in Beirut. Do you have a problem with reading comprehension or what?
I'm so glad I'm not you, a fucking air head.
BS The CIA said an attack was possible but didn't know when, where or the time. Stop making shit up to suit your agenda

From Fox News:

WASHINGTON – A former defense secretary for Ronald Reagan says he implored the president to put Marines serving in Beirut in a safer position before terrorists attacked them in 1983, killing 241 servicemen.
"I was not persuasive enough to persuade the president that the Marines were there on an impossible mission," Caspar Weinberger says in an oral history project capturing the views of former Reagan administration officials.
Recollections of an initial 25 Reagan aides were released this week by the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia. Altogether, scholars interviewed 45 Cabinet members, White House staffers and campaign advisers in a project begun in 2001, when Reagan was secluded with advanced stages of Alzheimer's disease. Reagan died in June 2004 at the age of 93.
Transcripts offer largely admiring portraits by Reagan's chief loyalists and Weinberger is no exception, crediting the president with restoring U.S. power and outfoxing the Soviet Union.
But he said one of his greatest regrets was in failing to overcome the arguments that "'Marines don't cut and run,' and 'We can't leave because we're there"' before the devastating suicide attack on the lightly armed force.
"They had no mission but to sit at the airport, which is just like sitting in a bull's-eye," Weinberger said. "I begged the president at least to pull them back and put them back on their transports as a more defensible position."
Aide: Reagan Left Marines Vulnerable in Beirut

The suicide truck attack on October 23 stunned the world. Yet, as Colin Powell, who was then a major general, later observed in his autobiography: "Since [the Muslims] could not reach the battleship, they found a more vulnerable target, the exposed Marines at the airport."
The Reagan administration sought to deflect blame for the attack with smokescreens of false statements and misrepresentations. In a televised speech four days after the bombing, Reagan portrayed the attack as unstoppable, declaring that the truck "crashed through a series of barriers, including a chain-link fence and barbed-wire entanglements. The guards opened fire, but it was too late." Reagan claimed the attack proved the U.S. mission was succeeding: "Would the terrorists have launched their suicide attacks against the multinational force if it were not doing its job? . . . It is accomplishing its mission." Reagan also said the United States was involved in the Middle East in part to secure a "solution to the Palestinian problem."
Reagan sent Marine Corps commander Paul X. Kelley to Beirut. Kelley quickly announced that he was "totally satisfied" with the security around the barracks at the time of the bombing. Upon returning to Washington, Kelley was summoned to Capitol Hill; Kelley inaccurately testified that the Marine guards had loaded weapons and that two of them had been killed in the attack. In 1983, as now, the issue of the security and survival of American troops was overshadowed by the flaunting of the feelings of high-ranking government officials. When congressmen persisted questioning, Kelley became enraged and shouted: "We’re talking about clips in weapons, but we’re not talking about the people who did it. I want to find the perpetrators. I want to bring them to justice! You have to allow me this one moment of anger."
Even though there had already been numerous major car bombings in Beirut that year and scores of other suicide attacks, Kelley told Congress that the truck bombing "represents a new and unique terrorist threat, one that could not have been anticipated by any commander." Kelley denied the Marines received any warning of an impending attack. However, on the morning of Kelley’s second day of testimony, the New York Times reported that the CIA specifically warned the Marines three days ahead of time that an Iranian-linked group was planning an attack against them.
Top military officials brazenly denied that the U.S. government deserved any culpability in the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers. Vice Admiral Edward Martin, the commander of the Sixth Fleet, declared: "The only person I can see who was responsible was the driver of that truck." Martin stressed absurdly in an interview: "You have to remember that prior to Oct. 23, there hadn’t been any real terrorism threat."
The Reagan administration sought to distract attention from the military’s appalling incompetence. For instance, the Marines failed to defend all approaches to the barracks. Thomas Friedman reported in the New York Times shortly after the bombing: "The Marines almost never used the entry from the parking lot south of their headquarters, where the suicide bomber drove in. The area was blocked off to civilian traffic and was used only as a helicopter landing pad. Judging from conversations with marines and Lebanese Army officers, it is clear they thought that because they did not use that entrance no one else would think of it." The Marines also neglected to install the type of speed bumps and metal spikes around their barracks that the British used in Northern Ireland.
20 Years Later: Nothing Learned, So More American Soldiers Will Die by James Bovard

From your beloved NY Slimes...

The warning did not predict the exact time, type or target of an attack, according to the officials, but nevertheless stood out from the flow of vague rumors and imprecise intelligence about terrorist activities in Lebanon. 'A Heads-Up, a Warning'


And it's says,,,,
"Even though there had already been numerous major car bombings in Beirut that year and scores of other suicide attacks, Kelley told Congress that the truck bombing "represents a new and unique terrorist threat, one that could not have been anticipated by any commander." Kelley denied the Marines received any warning of an impending attack. However, on the morning of Kelley’s second day of testimony, the New York Times reported that the CIA specifically warned the Marines three days ahead of time that an Iranian-linked group was planning an attack against them.

And this from Weinberger;

But he said one of his greatest regrets was in failing to overcome the arguments that "'Marines don't cut and run,' and 'We can't leave because we're there"' before the devastating suicide attack on the lightly armed force.
"They had no mission but to sit at the airport, which is just like sitting in a bull's-eye," Weinberger said. "I begged the president at least to pull them back and put them back on their transports as a more defensible position."

In other words, the Reagan was warned. Now usually if you are warned about an attack, you don't keep on doing what your doing. For starters, the guards should have ammo in the guns and second as you set up a defense or (Weinberger suggested to Reagan) move to a more secure area.
It's really the simple.
Sassy, if you were in charge, you would have done nothing, so all those lives would have been lost. Most thinkers would have reacted, particularly due to the fact that there had been car bombings in the area in recent times.

Yeah OK but they had no idea when, where, or time....that's the bee in your bonnet. WTF does Regan do? Evacuate every American from the entire country?

Reagan was warned by Weinberger, specifically about the barracks in Beirut. Do you have a problem with reading comprehension or what?
I'm so glad I'm not you, a fucking air head.

Relax, toad. They had no idea WHERE the attack was going to take place...I posted as such so cease whining about reading comprehension you moronic jackwad
Giuliani's a good pick for either Attorney General or head of Homeland Security. He successfully took on the Mafia in New York. And he single-handedly rebuilt and revitalized the city. Just take a look at Times Square for example. Look at old photos and videos of it before Giuliani was Mayor. Then take a look at it now. Tourism has boomed in New York ever since.

Giuliani doesn't get the credit he deserves for the New York comeback. New York is still mostly controlled by hateful Communist/Progressive Democrats. They'll never acknowledge what he did for the city. Giuliani would be a wise pick for Trump. Period, end of story.
Giuliani's a good pick for either Attorney General or head of Homeland Security. He successfully took on the Mafia in New York. And he single-handedly rebuilt and revitalized the city. Just take a look at Times Square for example. Look at old photos and videos of it before Giuliani was Mayor. Then take a look at it now. Tourism has boomed in New York ever since.

Giuliani doesn't get the credit he deserves for the New York comeback. New York is still mostly controlled by hateful Communist/Progressive Democrats. They'll never acknowledge what he did for the city. Giuliani would be a wise pick for Trump. Period, end of story.
You are nothing if not a pretender.
9/11 Suspects: Rudy Giuliani : The Corbett Report
Giuliani's a good pick for either Attorney General or head of Homeland Security. He successfully took on the Mafia in New York. And he single-handedly rebuilt and revitalized the city. Just take a look at Times Square for example. Look at old photos and videos of it before Giuliani was Mayor. Then take a look at it now. Tourism has boomed in New York ever since.

Giuliani doesn't get the credit he deserves for the New York comeback. New York is still mostly controlled by hateful Communist/Progressive Democrats. They'll never acknowledge what he did for the city. Giuliani would be a wise pick for Trump. Period, end of story.
You are nothing if not a pretender.
9/11 Suspects: Rudy Giuliani : The Corbett Report

I hear ya. But we'll never get the truth about 9/11. It happened, and that's that. It'll go the way of the JFK and RFK assassinations. Endless argument and conjecture, but no resolution. It is what it is.
Last edited:
Giuliani's a good pick for either Attorney General or head of Homeland Security. He successfully took on the Mafia in New York. And he single-handedly rebuilt and revitalized the city. Just take a look at Times Square for example. Look at old photos and videos of it before Giuliani was Mayor. Then take a look at it now. Tourism has boomed in New York ever since.

Giuliani doesn't get the credit he deserves for the New York comeback. New York is still mostly controlled by hateful Communist/Progressive Democrats. They'll never acknowledge what he did for the city. Giuliani would be a wise pick for Trump. Period, end of story.
You are nothing if not a pretender.
9/11 Suspects: Rudy Giuliani : The Corbett Report

I hear ya. But we'll never get the truth about 9/11. It happened, and that's that. It'll go the way of the JFK and RFK assassinations. Endless argument and conjecture, but no resolution. It is what it is.
So let's promote the guy to SOS? C'mon, I know Trump is your guy and all but try to keep some perspective.
From Fox News:

WASHINGTON – A former defense secretary for Ronald Reagan says he implored the president to put Marines serving in Beirut in a safer position before terrorists attacked them in 1983, killing 241 servicemen.
"I was not persuasive enough to persuade the president that the Marines were there on an impossible mission," Caspar Weinberger says in an oral history project capturing the views of former Reagan administration officials.
Recollections of an initial 25 Reagan aides were released this week by the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia. Altogether, scholars interviewed 45 Cabinet members, White House staffers and campaign advisers in a project begun in 2001, when Reagan was secluded with advanced stages of Alzheimer's disease. Reagan died in June 2004 at the age of 93.
Transcripts offer largely admiring portraits by Reagan's chief loyalists and Weinberger is no exception, crediting the president with restoring U.S. power and outfoxing the Soviet Union.
But he said one of his greatest regrets was in failing to overcome the arguments that "'Marines don't cut and run,' and 'We can't leave because we're there"' before the devastating suicide attack on the lightly armed force.
"They had no mission but to sit at the airport, which is just like sitting in a bull's-eye," Weinberger said. "I begged the president at least to pull them back and put them back on their transports as a more defensible position."
Aide: Reagan Left Marines Vulnerable in Beirut

The suicide truck attack on October 23 stunned the world. Yet, as Colin Powell, who was then a major general, later observed in his autobiography: "Since [the Muslims] could not reach the battleship, they found a more vulnerable target, the exposed Marines at the airport."
The Reagan administration sought to deflect blame for the attack with smokescreens of false statements and misrepresentations. In a televised speech four days after the bombing, Reagan portrayed the attack as unstoppable, declaring that the truck "crashed through a series of barriers, including a chain-link fence and barbed-wire entanglements. The guards opened fire, but it was too late." Reagan claimed the attack proved the U.S. mission was succeeding: "Would the terrorists have launched their suicide attacks against the multinational force if it were not doing its job? . . . It is accomplishing its mission." Reagan also said the United States was involved in the Middle East in part to secure a "solution to the Palestinian problem."
Reagan sent Marine Corps commander Paul X. Kelley to Beirut. Kelley quickly announced that he was "totally satisfied" with the security around the barracks at the time of the bombing. Upon returning to Washington, Kelley was summoned to Capitol Hill; Kelley inaccurately testified that the Marine guards had loaded weapons and that two of them had been killed in the attack. In 1983, as now, the issue of the security and survival of American troops was overshadowed by the flaunting of the feelings of high-ranking government officials. When congressmen persisted questioning, Kelley became enraged and shouted: "We’re talking about clips in weapons, but we’re not talking about the people who did it. I want to find the perpetrators. I want to bring them to justice! You have to allow me this one moment of anger."
Even though there had already been numerous major car bombings in Beirut that year and scores of other suicide attacks, Kelley told Congress that the truck bombing "represents a new and unique terrorist threat, one that could not have been anticipated by any commander." Kelley denied the Marines received any warning of an impending attack. However, on the morning of Kelley’s second day of testimony, the New York Times reported that the CIA specifically warned the Marines three days ahead of time that an Iranian-linked group was planning an attack against them.
Top military officials brazenly denied that the U.S. government deserved any culpability in the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers. Vice Admiral Edward Martin, the commander of the Sixth Fleet, declared: "The only person I can see who was responsible was the driver of that truck." Martin stressed absurdly in an interview: "You have to remember that prior to Oct. 23, there hadn’t been any real terrorism threat."
The Reagan administration sought to distract attention from the military’s appalling incompetence. For instance, the Marines failed to defend all approaches to the barracks. Thomas Friedman reported in the New York Times shortly after the bombing: "The Marines almost never used the entry from the parking lot south of their headquarters, where the suicide bomber drove in. The area was blocked off to civilian traffic and was used only as a helicopter landing pad. Judging from conversations with marines and Lebanese Army officers, it is clear they thought that because they did not use that entrance no one else would think of it." The Marines also neglected to install the type of speed bumps and metal spikes around their barracks that the British used in Northern Ireland.
20 Years Later: Nothing Learned, So More American Soldiers Will Die by James Bovard

From your beloved NY Slimes...

The warning did not predict the exact time, type or target of an attack, according to the officials, but nevertheless stood out from the flow of vague rumors and imprecise intelligence about terrorist activities in Lebanon. 'A Heads-Up, a Warning'


And it's says,,,,
"Even though there had already been numerous major car bombings in Beirut that year and scores of other suicide attacks, Kelley told Congress that the truck bombing "represents a new and unique terrorist threat, one that could not have been anticipated by any commander." Kelley denied the Marines received any warning of an impending attack. However, on the morning of Kelley’s second day of testimony, the New York Times reported that the CIA specifically warned the Marines three days ahead of time that an Iranian-linked group was planning an attack against them.

And this from Weinberger;

But he said one of his greatest regrets was in failing to overcome the arguments that "'Marines don't cut and run,' and 'We can't leave because we're there"' before the devastating suicide attack on the lightly armed force.
"They had no mission but to sit at the airport, which is just like sitting in a bull's-eye," Weinberger said. "I begged the president at least to pull them back and put them back on their transports as a more defensible position."

In other words, the Reagan was warned. Now usually if you are warned about an attack, you don't keep on doing what your doing. For starters, the guards should have ammo in the guns and second as you set up a defense or (Weinberger suggested to Reagan) move to a more secure area.
It's really the simple.
Sassy, if you were in charge, you would have done nothing, so all those lives would have been lost. Most thinkers would have reacted, particularly due to the fact that there had been car bombings in the area in recent times.

Yeah OK but they had no idea when, where, or time....that's the bee in your bonnet. WTF does Regan do? Evacuate every American from the entire country?

Reagan was warned by Weinberger, specifically about the barracks in Beirut. Do you have a problem with reading comprehension or what?
I'm so glad I'm not you, a fucking air head.

Relax, toad. They had no idea WHERE the attack was going to take place...I posted as such so cease whining about reading comprehension you moronic jackwad

Casper Weinberger, the United States Secretary of Defense, pointed out specifically the exact spot that he deemed a prime target through his experience, would be the Barracks in Buirut. He warned Reagan and suggested the troops be moved as they were sitting ducks. He was 100% right.
What don't you understand? What is it, you just can't quite get?
From your beloved NY Slimes...

The warning did not predict the exact time, type or target of an attack, according to the officials, but nevertheless stood out from the flow of vague rumors and imprecise intelligence about terrorist activities in Lebanon. 'A Heads-Up, a Warning'


And it's says,,,,
"Even though there had already been numerous major car bombings in Beirut that year and scores of other suicide attacks, Kelley told Congress that the truck bombing "represents a new and unique terrorist threat, one that could not have been anticipated by any commander." Kelley denied the Marines received any warning of an impending attack. However, on the morning of Kelley’s second day of testimony, the New York Times reported that the CIA specifically warned the Marines three days ahead of time that an Iranian-linked group was planning an attack against them.

And this from Weinberger;

But he said one of his greatest regrets was in failing to overcome the arguments that "'Marines don't cut and run,' and 'We can't leave because we're there"' before the devastating suicide attack on the lightly armed force.
"They had no mission but to sit at the airport, which is just like sitting in a bull's-eye," Weinberger said. "I begged the president at least to pull them back and put them back on their transports as a more defensible position."

In other words, the Reagan was warned. Now usually if you are warned about an attack, you don't keep on doing what your doing. For starters, the guards should have ammo in the guns and second as you set up a defense or (Weinberger suggested to Reagan) move to a more secure area.
It's really the simple.
Sassy, if you were in charge, you would have done nothing, so all those lives would have been lost. Most thinkers would have reacted, particularly due to the fact that there had been car bombings in the area in recent times.

Yeah OK but they had no idea when, where, or time....that's the bee in your bonnet. WTF does Regan do? Evacuate every American from the entire country?

Reagan was warned by Weinberger, specifically about the barracks in Beirut. Do you have a problem with reading comprehension or what?
I'm so glad I'm not you, a fucking air head.

Relax, toad. They had no idea WHERE the attack was going to take place...I posted as such so cease whining about reading comprehension you moronic jackwad

Casper Weinberger, the United States Secretary of Defense, pointed out specifically the exact spot that he deemed a prime target through his experience, would be the Barracks in Buirut. He warned Reagan and suggested the troops be moved as they were sitting ducks. He was 100% right.
What don't you understand? What is it, you just can't quite get?

He deemed? That isn't concrete proof....just shut up already.
The same firefighters who looted Ground Zero?
You should be able to back up a claim like that. I suspect the lie comes from an allegation made in an early book by William Langewiesche that reported folded and tagged jeans from a gap store being allegedly discovered in or near Ladder Truck #4 after it was uncovered from the debris of the South Tower. When the story was debunked almost immediately after the book was published, the author had no defense for his outrageous claim and could not back it up. Just an ugly fake story made up to help book sales.
All the Ladder Truck #4 firemen were lost a half hour after they arrived at the scene and buried under the rubble of the South Tower when it collapsed on them.
A dispatcher lives in my town; he saw what some of them brought back.
Giuliani's a good pick for either Attorney General or head of Homeland Security. He successfully took on the Mafia in New York. And he single-handedly rebuilt and revitalized the city. Just take a look at Times Square for example. Look at old photos and videos of it before Giuliani was Mayor. Then take a look at it now. Tourism has boomed in New York ever since.

Giuliani doesn't get the credit he deserves for the New York comeback. New York is still mostly controlled by hateful Communist/Progressive Democrats. They'll never acknowledge what he did for the city. Giuliani would be a wise pick for Trump. Period, end of story.
You are nothing if not a pretender.
9/11 Suspects: Rudy Giuliani : The Corbett Report

I hear ya. But we'll never get the truth about 9/11. It happened, and that's that. It'll go the way of the JFK and RFK assassinations. Endless argument and conjecture, but no resolution. It is what it is.
So let's promote the guy to SOS? C'mon, I know Trump is your guy and all but try to keep some perspective.

SOS of all jobs requires some semblance of cultivation and polish. Rudy is a New York thug. It would be embarrassing.
Giuliani's a good pick for either Attorney General or head of Homeland Security. He successfully took on the Mafia in New York. And he single-handedly rebuilt and revitalized the city. Just take a look at Times Square for example. Look at old photos and videos of it before Giuliani was Mayor. Then take a look at it now. Tourism has boomed in New York ever since.

Giuliani doesn't get the credit he deserves for the New York comeback. New York is still mostly controlled by hateful Communist/Progressive Democrats. They'll never acknowledge what he did for the city. Giuliani would be a wise pick for Trump. Period, end of story.
You are nothing if not a pretender.
9/11 Suspects: Rudy Giuliani : The Corbett Report

I hear ya. But we'll never get the truth about 9/11. It happened, and that's that. It'll go the way of the JFK and RFK assassinations. Endless argument and conjecture, but no resolution. It is what it is.
So let's promote the guy to SOS? C'mon, I know Trump is your guy and all but try to keep some perspective.

SOS of all jobs requires some semblance of cultivation and polish. Rudy is a New York thug. It would be embarrassing.

Giuliani rebuilt and revitalized New York City. I know the petty Communist Democrats don't give him the credit he deserves, but he did return the city to being the tourism mecca you see today. Before Giuliani, the city was dead.

He also took on the Mafia, and won. He's no coward. Anyone who says that, is just being a partisan asshole. Giuliani is a smart pick for Trump. Period, end of story.
Giuliani's a good pick for either Attorney General or head of Homeland Security. He successfully took on the Mafia in New York. And he single-handedly rebuilt and revitalized the city. Just take a look at Times Square for example. Look at old photos and videos of it before Giuliani was Mayor. Then take a look at it now. Tourism has boomed in New York ever since.

Giuliani doesn't get the credit he deserves for the New York comeback. New York is still mostly controlled by hateful Communist/Progressive Democrats. They'll never acknowledge what he did for the city. Giuliani would be a wise pick for Trump. Period, end of story.
You are nothing if not a pretender.
9/11 Suspects: Rudy Giuliani : The Corbett Report

I hear ya. But we'll never get the truth about 9/11. It happened, and that's that. It'll go the way of the JFK and RFK assassinations. Endless argument and conjecture, but no resolution. It is what it is.
So let's promote the guy to SOS? C'mon, I know Trump is your guy and all but try to keep some perspective.

SOS of all jobs requires some semblance of cultivation and polish. Rudy is a New York thug. It would be embarrassing.

Giuliani rebuilt and revitalized New York City. I know the petty Communist Democrats don't give him the credit he deserves, but he did return the city to being the tourism mecca you see today. Before Giuliani, the city was dead.

He also took on the Mafia, and won. He's no coward. Anyone who says that, is just being a partisan asshole. Giuliani is a smart pick for Trump. Period, end of story.
He has business contracts with Qatar and gave paid speeches to a known terrorist organization in Iran. Might as well reappoint Hillary.

I hear ya. But we'll never get the truth about 9/11. It happened, and that's that. It'll go the way of the JFK and RFK assassinations. Endless argument and conjecture, but no resolution. It is what it is.
So let's promote the guy to SOS? C'mon, I know Trump is your guy and all but try to keep some perspective.

SOS of all jobs requires some semblance of cultivation and polish. Rudy is a New York thug. It would be embarrassing.

Giuliani rebuilt and revitalized New York City. I know the petty Communist Democrats don't give him the credit he deserves, but he did return the city to being the tourism mecca you see today. Before Giuliani, the city was dead.

He also took on the Mafia, and won. He's no coward. Anyone who says that, is just being a partisan asshole. Giuliani is a smart pick for Trump. Period, end of story.
He has business contracts with Qatar and gave paid speeches to a known terrorist organization in Iran. Might as well reappoint Hillary.

He scared the shit out of the Mafia. He's no coward. So anyone who says he is, has to be a bitter hateful asshole. Period, end of story.
I hear ya. But we'll never get the truth about 9/11. It happened, and that's that. It'll go the way of the JFK and RFK assassinations. Endless argument and conjecture, but no resolution. It is what it is.
So let's promote the guy to SOS? C'mon, I know Trump is your guy and all but try to keep some perspective.

SOS of all jobs requires some semblance of cultivation and polish. Rudy is a New York thug. It would be embarrassing.

Giuliani rebuilt and revitalized New York City. I know the petty Communist Democrats don't give him the credit he deserves, but he did return the city to being the tourism mecca you see today. Before Giuliani, the city was dead.

He also took on the Mafia, and won. He's no coward. Anyone who says that, is just being a partisan asshole. Giuliani is a smart pick for Trump. Period, end of story.
He has business contracts with Qatar and gave paid speeches to a known terrorist organization in Iran. Might as well reappoint Hillary.

He scared the shit out of the Mafia. He's no coward. So anyone who says he is, has to be a bitter hateful asshole. Period, end of story.
I didn't say he was a coward, I said he was a bitch, comparable to Hillary Clinton.
So let's promote the guy to SOS? C'mon, I know Trump is your guy and all but try to keep some perspective.

SOS of all jobs requires some semblance of cultivation and polish. Rudy is a New York thug. It would be embarrassing.

Giuliani rebuilt and revitalized New York City. I know the petty Communist Democrats don't give him the credit he deserves, but he did return the city to being the tourism mecca you see today. Before Giuliani, the city was dead.

He also took on the Mafia, and won. He's no coward. Anyone who says that, is just being a partisan asshole. Giuliani is a smart pick for Trump. Period, end of story.
He has business contracts with Qatar and gave paid speeches to a known terrorist organization in Iran. Might as well reappoint Hillary.

He scared the shit out of the Mafia. He's no coward. So anyone who says he is, has to be a bitter hateful asshole. Period, end of story.
I didn't say he was a coward, I said he was a bitch, comparable to Hillary Clinton.

The OP claims he's a coward. Point of the whole thread. But i assure you, that isn't the case. He made the Mafia piss its pants in fear. He single-handedly decimated it.
SOS of all jobs requires some semblance of cultivation and polish. Rudy is a New York thug. It would be embarrassing.

Giuliani rebuilt and revitalized New York City. I know the petty Communist Democrats don't give him the credit he deserves, but he did return the city to being the tourism mecca you see today. Before Giuliani, the city was dead.

He also took on the Mafia, and won. He's no coward. Anyone who says that, is just being a partisan asshole. Giuliani is a smart pick for Trump. Period, end of story.
He has business contracts with Qatar and gave paid speeches to a known terrorist organization in Iran. Might as well reappoint Hillary.

He scared the shit out of the Mafia. He's no coward. So anyone who says he is, has to be a bitter hateful asshole. Period, end of story.
I didn't say he was a coward, I said he was a bitch, comparable to Hillary Clinton.

The OP claims he's a coward. Point of the whole thread. But i assure you, that isn't the case. He made the Mafia piss its pants in fear. He single-handedly decimated it.
The firefighter said it, it's in the video.

You got any video of Giuliani making mafia arrests? Or do you want to give the police a little credit.
Said he was told the South Tower was going to fall, so he abandoned his post under fire to save his own ass without telling anybody. Now Trump is considering him for Secretary of State? Also arranged the destruction of the steel evidence to be shipped to China and melted.

This is NYC firefighters dogging him on the campaign trail when he was running for president. Hero of 9/11 my ass.

Not to mention Rudy is basically a gangster with close ties to his convicted gangster buddy Bernie Kerik. These people are thugs.

Ever see those 9//11 videos? EVERYONE ran. Thats what you do when a building is collapsing.

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