Firefighters Say Rudy Giuliani "Ran Like a Coward" on 9/11, Now for Sec. of State?

Is it the job of firefighters to die in collapsing buildings? I think not. But they did. Heroes...all of them. Vastly underpaid heroes. Massively underpaid.


Apologists for cowardice in here. No he didn't have to but if I were mayor you couldn't drag me away from my firefighters in a crunch. What sorry excuses for men our politicians are nowadays.
Is it the job of firefighters to die in collapsing buildings? I think not. But they did. Heroes...all of them. Vastly underpaid heroes. Massively underpaid.


Apologists for cowardice in here. No he didn't have to but if I were mayor you couldn't drag me away from my firefighters in a crunch. What sorry excuses for men our politicians are nowadays. If it was Teddy Roosevelt he would have gone in himself.
Abandoned his post? Where the hell was Rudy's post? Everybody ran when the Towers started falling except N.Y's bravest. New York's Firefighters had a mission to try to save the people in the Towers but Rudy was the freaking mayor. This is just more bullshit generated by the left.
Is it the job of firefighters to die in collapsing buildings? I think not. But they did. Heroes...all of them. Vastly underpaid heroes. Massively underpaid.


Apologists for cowardice in here. No he didn't have to but if I were mayor you couldn't drag me away from my firefighters in a crunch. What sorry excuses for men our politicians are nowadays. how Hillary and Obabble stood with the fighters in Benghazi.

This thread is more proof that Democrats are very stupid and deeply disturbed.
Is it the job of firefighters to die in collapsing buildings? I think not. But they did. Heroes...all of them. Vastly underpaid heroes. Massively underpaid.


Apologists for cowardice in here. No he didn't have to but if I were mayor you couldn't drag me away from my firefighters in a crunch.
I have no doubt that you honestly 100% mean that. I would not even attempt to suggest you are being keyboard strong right now. You would be there.
However having been in situations that could have ended badly I can tell you this, what I thought I would act like before it ever happened turned out to be a totally different thing when it actually did happen. (had to do with diffusing explosive devices ) I did it because I had to, I was forced because it was my job at the time. However had I had a choice at that moment, I dont think I would have gone in to do it.
And I dont consider running from danger when you are not the trained professional an act of cowardice.
Of course, there are people out there that would take the risk, and you may very well be one of them, I dont know, and unless you have been confronted with that situation, you honestly can not know for sure at this point. But just your willingness to say you would go in, makes you a perfect candidate to work side by side with in an emergency.
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Obama and Hillary Clinton knew the security situation in Libya was deteriorating and the security at the diplomatic compound was Inadequate yet did nothing and they knew this months before the attack not 39 minutes.

And Ronald Reagan was told days ahead of the barracks bombing in Beirut, What did Reagan do after he was advised to move the troops? Refused to move them and 242 troops died, Quite a bit of a bigger deal than Benghazi in the real world, but not to the a specific group of ideologues. Oh and the Reagan White House took a week before they admitted they were warned, after a leak from the CIA. In the aftermath, just a short investigation and even shorter hearings.
But please, keep it up with your obsession.
Abandoned his post? Where the hell was Rudy's post? Everybody ran when the Towers started falling except N.Y's bravest. New York's Firefighters had a mission to try to save the people in the Towers but Rudy was the freaking mayor. This is just more bullshit generated by the left.

Not on the left. Voted for Trump. Saying he needs to do better than Rudy.
Whenever an emergency arises, like a fire, bomb threat or assassination attempt, Presidents, governors, and mayors are not given a choice to hang around and be brave. They have security people who pick them up and haul them out of danger. That is the way it is. Democrats who say otherwise are being hateful and evil.
Abandoned his post? Where the hell was Rudy's post? Everybody ran when the Towers started falling except N.Y's bravest. New York's Firefighters had a mission to try to save the people in the Towers but Rudy was the freaking mayor. This is just more bullshit generated by the left.

Not on the left. Voted for Trump. Saying he needs to do better than Rudy.
You're an idiot.
Obama and Hillary Clinton knew the security situation in Libya was deteriorating and the security at the diplomatic compound was Inadequate yet did nothing and they knew this months before the attack not 39 minutes.

And Ronald Reagan was told days ahead of the barracks bombing in Beirut, What did Reagan do after he was advised to move the troops? Refused to move them and 242 troops died, Quite a bit of a bigger deal than Benghazi in the real world, but not to the a specific group of ideologues. Oh and the Reagan White House took a week before they admitted they were warned, after a leak from the CIA. In the aftermath, just a short investigation and even shorter hearings.
But please, keep it up with your obsession.
Please keep up your obsession of using one mistake to justify or excuse another.
Said he was told the South Tower was going to fall, so he abandoned his post under fire to save his own ass without telling anybody. Now Trump is considering him for Secretary of State? Also arranged the destruction of the steel evidence to be shipped to China and melted.

This is NYC firefighters dogging him on the campaign trail when he was running for president. Hero of 9/11 my ass.

Not to mention Rudy is basically a gangster with close ties to his convicted gangster buddy Bernie Kerik. These people are thugs.

Wow. This is a old sock account. Where ya been dude!
Obama and Hillary Clinton knew the security situation in Libya was deteriorating and the security at the diplomatic compound was Inadequate yet did nothing and they knew this months before the attack not 39 minutes.

And Ronald Reagan was told days ahead of the barracks bombing in Beirut, What did Reagan do after he was advised to move the troops? Refused to move them and 242 troops died, Quite a bit of a bigger deal than Benghazi in the real world, but not to the a specific group of ideologues. Oh and the Reagan White House took a week before they admitted they were warned, after a leak from the CIA. In the aftermath, just a short investigation and even shorter hearings.
But please, keep it up with your obsession.
Please keep up your obsession of using one mistake to justify or excuse another.

I understand why you don't like to have Beirut and Benghazi side by side. 242 dead versus 4. But then 4 still counts, shouldn't of happened.
Your bright idea about bringing up Benghazi, is off topic, illustrating your obsession with Benghazi.
Therefore, your above post is totally hypocritical of you.:2up:
Obama and Hillary Clinton knew the security situation in Libya was deteriorating and the security at the diplomatic compound was Inadequate yet did nothing and they knew this months before the attack not 39 minutes.

And Ronald Reagan was told days ahead of the barracks bombing in Beirut, What did Reagan do after he was advised to move the troops? Refused to move them and 242 troops died, Quite a bit of a bigger deal than Benghazi in the real world, but not to the a specific group of ideologues. Oh and the Reagan White House took a week before they admitted they were warned, after a leak from the CIA. In the aftermath, just a short investigation and even shorter hearings.
But please, keep it up with your obsession.
Please keep up your obsession of using one mistake to justify or excuse another.

I understand why you don't like to have Beirut and Benghazi side by side. 242 dead versus 4. But then 4 still counts, shouldn't of happened.
Your bright idea about bringing up Benghazi, is off topic, illustrating your obsession with Benghazi.
Therefore, your above post is totally hypocritical of you.:2up:
The point of bringing up Benghazi is to show the contrast between dealing with the worst attack on the U.S. since Pearl Harbor as it's happening and missing something that there were warning signs about for months. People want trash Rudy Giuliani for supposedly missing something on 9-11 when all hell is breaking lose around him and he's getting tons information a lot of it probably contradictory. If people could miss stuff about Benghazi working under far calmer circumstances Imagine what is like dealing with 9-11 on the ground that is the point that went so clearly over your head.
Obama and Hillary Clinton knew the security situation in Libya was deteriorating and the security at the diplomatic compound was Inadequate yet did nothing and they knew this months before the attack not 39 minutes.

And Ronald Reagan was told days ahead of the barracks bombing in Beirut, What did Reagan do after he was advised to move the troops? Refused to move them and 242 troops died, Quite a bit of a bigger deal than Benghazi in the real world, but not to the a specific group of ideologues. Oh and the Reagan White House took a week before they admitted they were warned, after a leak from the CIA. In the aftermath, just a short investigation and even shorter hearings.
But please, keep it up with your obsession.
Please keep up your obsession of using one mistake to justify or excuse another.

I understand why you don't like to have Beirut and Benghazi side by side. 242 dead versus 4. But then 4 still counts, shouldn't of happened.
Your bright idea about bringing up Benghazi, is off topic, illustrating your obsession with Benghazi.
Therefore, your above post is totally hypocritical of you.:2up:
The point of bringing up Benghazi is to show the contrast between dealing with the worst attack on the U.S. since Pearl Harbor as it's happening and missing something that there were warning signs about for months. People want trash Rudy Giuliani for supposedly missing something on 9-11 when all hell is breaking lose around him and he's getting tons information a lot of it probably contradictory. If people could miss stuff about Benghazi working under far calmer circumstances Imagine what is like dealing with 9-11 on the ground that is the point that went so clearly over your head.

There are many, many other examples you could of used but you just had to use Benghazi.
See that's what happens when you have been obsessed something for way too long.
Now, if we keep this up it will be like an unbroken circle going on and on. I'm right, you are wrong.

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