Firefighters Say Rudy Giuliani "Ran Like a Coward" on 9/11, Now for Sec. of State?

Giuliani rebuilt and revitalized New York City. I know the petty Communist Democrats don't give him the credit he deserves, but he did return the city to being the tourism mecca you see today. Before Giuliani, the city was dead.

He also took on the Mafia, and won. He's no coward. Anyone who says that, is just being a partisan asshole. Giuliani is a smart pick for Trump. Period, end of story.
He has business contracts with Qatar and gave paid speeches to a known terrorist organization in Iran. Might as well reappoint Hillary.

He scared the shit out of the Mafia. He's no coward. So anyone who says he is, has to be a bitter hateful asshole. Period, end of story.
I didn't say he was a coward, I said he was a bitch, comparable to Hillary Clinton.

The OP claims he's a coward. Point of the whole thread. But i assure you, that isn't the case. He made the Mafia piss its pants in fear. He single-handedly decimated it.
The firefighter said it, it's in the video.

You got any video of Giuliani making mafia arrests? Or do you want to give the police a little credit.

Look it up. Giuliani was feared by the Mafia. And for good reason. He put a whole lot of em away. And most Police and Firefighters supported Donald Trump for President. Most are fine with Trump including Giuliani in his Administration.

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