Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

Great catch. I love this part:

I don’t get this debate at all. It is not even a real debate. The fire-protection services were government services. The fee in question was a government-mandated fee. The county lines in which the fee was applicable is a government-drawn line that is completely arbitrary. The policy of not putting out the fire was a government policy enforced by the mayor. As he said, in the words of a good bureaucrat, “Anybody that’s not in the city of South Fulton, it’s a service we offer, either they accept it or they don’t.”

So why is the market being criticized here? This was not a real market. Instead, this is precisely what we would expect from government. In a real market, there is no way that a free-enterprise fire service would have refused to provide the homeowner service. They would be in business to provide that service. The fire would have been put out and he would have been charged for the service. It is as simple as that. It is the same as lawn-mowing services or plumbing services or any other type of service. Can we know for sure that the market would provide such services? Well, if insurance companies have anything to say about it, such services would certainly be everywhere.

Except that this is a basic service required of a local government. Free market be damned.

Yeah, and look how well that turned out.

Which is why that local government should be punished. Your idea of pimping out basic government responsibilities to the private sector is misguided. What's next, hiring private security guards (mercenaries) to perform border patrol duties because the free market dictates they would do a better job?
Yeah, call me crazy, but turning off your public water service until a fee can be paid is a tad different from letting your property and your pets perish in flames. And if your health and well being depended upon that public water supply they should be obligated to leave the water on and find another remedy via municipal lien or something.

Maybe it should remain that you are obligated to pay for your own personal needs...

This notion that people are owed even their most basic of needs by others is ludicrous

Heck, I can see people saying government has no business providing welfare payments, social security, and any number of socialistic programs. I can see the reasoning behind that. But even libertarians agree that government should provide a safety net of general welfare to protect its citizens, such as police, ambulance, and fire department. What fucking good is a government if it can't provide those basic services, but is hung up with a bunch of other shit, like furnishing the local county court house, or city hall?

Fire protection isn't one of those fancy add ons. It is a basic protection that local governments ought to provide.

No... The government is in place to protect the citizenry... not inherently individual citizens that are not wards of the state and who can take care of little personal responsibilities such as getting water or paying $75 for annual fire protection from a neighboring town

Now... a municipality that agrees by law that all citizen property owners should pay for a centralized protective service thru taxation... that is one thing, for even that is not set in stone and is in legislation which can be changed or nullified.. saying it is OWED regardless of contribution to protect your personal dwelling that you have personal responsibility for, or owed something as simple as water which is a basic need everyone can meet with even the simplest of effort, hell no

Again.. this was not public property to be protected by the public system, this is indeed PRIVATE property and a personal responsibility
Unconscionable. :(

The fire reportedly started in some barrels outside. As the flames crept closer to the home, Cranick says he offered to pay whatever it would take. The plea fell on deaf ears. Hours later, the home was gone.

So were three dogs and a cat.

"They coulda' been saved if they put water on it. But they didn't do it," Cranick told MSNBC.

Firefighters Watch As Home Burns: Gene Cranick's House Destroyed In Tennessee Over $75 Fee (VIDEO)

The only thing the fire fighters did wrong was they didn't throw his ass in the house. He recklessly put his family, neighbors, home and pets at risk. Throw his butt in jail for reckless endangerment.
Unconscionable. :(

The fire reportedly started in some barrels outside. As the flames crept closer to the home, Cranick says he offered to pay whatever it would take. The plea fell on deaf ears. Hours later, the home was gone.

So were three dogs and a cat.

"They coulda' been saved if they put water on it. But they didn't do it," Cranick told MSNBC.
Firefighters Watch As Home Burns: Gene Cranick's House Destroyed In Tennessee Over $75 Fee (VIDEO)

The only thing the fire fighters did wrong was they didn't throw his ass in the house. He recklessly put his family, neighbors, home and pets at risk. Throw his butt in jail for reckless endangerment.
:cuckoo: How can it be reckless endangerment if the fee was optional?
Maybe it should remain that you are obligated to pay for your own personal needs...

This notion that people are owed even their most basic of needs by others is ludicrous

Heck, I can see people saying government has no business providing welfare payments, social security, and any number of socialistic programs. I can see the reasoning behind that. But even libertarians agree that government should provide a safety net of general welfare to protect its citizens, such as police, ambulance, and fire department. What fucking good is a government if it can't provide those basic services, but is hung up with a bunch of other shit, like furnishing the local county court house, or city hall?

Fire protection isn't one of those fancy add ons. It is a basic protection that local governments ought to provide.

No... The government is in place to protect the citizenry... not inherently individual citizens that are not wards of the state and who can take care of little personal responsibilities such as getting water or paying $75 for annual fire protection from a neighboring town
The citizenry consists of the citizens. While I can understand a water fee, I absolutely do not see a comparison between a water fee (where water is delivered to you via a pipeline
) and the fire department.
Now... a municipality that agrees by law that all citizen property owners should pay for a centralized protective service thru taxation... that is one thing, for even that is not set in stone and is in legislation which can be changed or nullified.. saying it is OWED regardless of contribution to protect your personal dwelling that you have personal responsibility for, or owed something as simple as water which is a basic need everyone can meet with even the simplest of effort, hell no
The government has an obligation to protect its citizenry, fee or no fee. And to boot, that property owner offered to fork up the "owed" money. What kind of sick shit is it that they still refused to put out the fire? Defend that.
Again.. this was not public property to be protected by the public system, this is indeed PRIVATE property and a personal responsibility
I'm sure that these private property owners still pay property taxes. On top of that, unless you expect every private property owner to have their own private fire department, your argument is absurd.
Except that this is a basic service required of a local government. Free market be damned.

Yeah, and look how well that turned out.

Which is why that local government should be punished. Your idea of pimping out basic government responsibilities to the private sector is misguided. What's next, hiring private security guards (mercenaries) to perform border patrol duties because the free market dictates they would do a better job?

I'm not an anarchist, but services like fire could easily and more effectively be supplied by the market. This guy would certainly still have his house.

The only thing the fire fighters did wrong was they didn't throw his ass in the house. He recklessly put his family, neighbors, home and pets at risk. Throw his butt in jail for reckless endangerment.
:cuckoo: How can it be reckless endangerment if the fee was optional?

I'm just mad about the animals Ravi.
Yeah, and look how well that turned out.

Which is why that local government should be punished. Your idea of pimping out basic government responsibilities to the private sector is misguided. What's next, hiring private security guards (mercenaries) to perform border patrol duties because the free market dictates they would do a better job?

I'm not an anarchist, but services like fire could easily and more effectively be supplied by the market. This guy would certainly still have his house.

Haha, I can see it now... Operator in India picks up: "Your house is on fire? Acme fire services did a market study and found that fire-fighting in your locality is not profitable according to free market principles. Sorry, but you will have to travel to the nearest mid-sized city to get your fired serviced due to this downsizing of operations."
They shouldn't have even asked if he had payed the fee.. They shoulda put the fire out.
Of course Conservatives are gonna cry "personal responsibility".. Or in other words, "we don't give a shit". The days of compassionant conservatism is long over.
Anyone who supportted the decision to let the house burn down, along with the animals inside, are hateful people, and don't care about their fellow man.

Someone forgets to pay a fee and all of the sudden his family deserves to lose their whole house? Yeah, we totally want conservatives back in control of this country.
I'm not an anarchist, but services like fire could easily and more effectively be supplied by the market. This guy would certainly still have his house.
Do the math.

The Fire Dept. was only charging less than 21 cents per day.

I doubt the so called Free Market would have been any cheaper.

Plus, in most small towns the fire fighters are all volunteers.

Anyway, I don't think this self centered bozo would have paid the fee if it was a penny per day. :evil:
Heck, I can see people saying government has no business providing welfare payments, social security, and any number of socialistic programs. I can see the reasoning behind that. But even libertarians agree that government should provide a safety net of general welfare to protect its citizens, such as police, ambulance, and fire department. What fucking good is a government if it can't provide those basic services, but is hung up with a bunch of other shit, like furnishing the local county court house, or city hall?

Fire protection isn't one of those fancy add ons. It is a basic protection that local governments ought to provide.

No... The government is in place to protect the citizenry... not inherently individual citizens that are not wards of the state and who can take care of little personal responsibilities such as getting water or paying $75 for annual fire protection from a neighboring town
The citizenry consists of the citizens. While I can understand a water fee, I absolutely do not see a comparison between a water fee (where water is delivered to you via a pipeline
) and the fire department.
Now... a municipality that agrees by law that all citizen property owners should pay for a centralized protective service thru taxation... that is one thing, for even that is not set in stone and is in legislation which can be changed or nullified.. saying it is OWED regardless of contribution to protect your personal dwelling that you have personal responsibility for, or owed something as simple as water which is a basic need everyone can meet with even the simplest of effort, hell no
The government has an obligation to protect its citizenry, fee or no fee. And to boot, that property owner offered to fork up the "owed" money. What kind of sick shit is it that they still refused to put out the fire? Defend that.
Again.. this was not public property to be protected by the public system, this is indeed PRIVATE property and a personal responsibility
I'm sure that these private property owners still pay property taxes. On top of that, unless you expect every private property owner to have their own private fire department, your argument is absurd.

Protection of the individual, however, is not the same as protection of the union or of the citizenry as a whole

Nice try though

The property owner offered after the fact... you gonna walk up to a casino roulette wheel and scream how you intended to make the bet after the spin happened? You going to scream that you can now pay for insurance after you come down with a horrific injury? The ignoramus played the betting game and lost his gamble of not having his house catch fire when he TURNED DOWN A SERVICE OFFERED OF HIS OWN FREE WILL....

The twit did not pay taxes to the municipality where the fire rescue came from.. and the area in which he lives has no dedicated public service for fire protection.... they were given the option to have the protection for a very small fee.. they refused... you roll the dice, you accept the consequences and take your chances... he came up snake eyes... too bad, too sad
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They shouldn't have even asked if he had payed the fee.. They shoulda put the fire out.
Of course Conservatives are gonna cry "personal responsibility".. Or in other words, "we don't give a shit". The days of compassionant conservatism is long over.
Anyone who supportted the decision to let the house burn down, along with the animals inside, are hateful people, and don't care about their fellow man.

Someone forgets to pay a fee and all of the sudden his family deserves to lose their whole house? Yeah, we totally want conservatives back in control of this country.

So you know for a fact that all of the fire fighters there were Conservatives??? :doubt:
Which is why that local government should be punished. Your idea of pimping out basic government responsibilities to the private sector is misguided. What's next, hiring private security guards (mercenaries) to perform border patrol duties because the free market dictates they would do a better job?

I'm not an anarchist, but services like fire could easily and more effectively be supplied by the market. This guy would certainly still have his house.

Haha, I can see it now... Operator in India picks up: "Your house is on fire? Acme fire services did a market study and found that fire-fighting in your locality is not profitable according to free market principles. Sorry, but you will have to travel to the nearest mid-sized city to get your fired serviced due to this downsizing of operations."

Yeah that's exactly how it would happen.
I'm not an anarchist, but services like fire could easily and more effectively be supplied by the market. This guy would certainly still have his house.
Do the math.

The Fire Dept. was only charging less than 21 cents per day.

I doubt the so called Free Market would have been any cheaper.

Plus, in most small towns the fire fighters are all volunteers.

Anyway, I don't think this self centered bozo would have paid the fee if it was a penny per day. :evil:

It wouldn't have mattered. They would have put out the fire and charged him.
They shouldn't have even asked if he had payed the fee.. They shoulda put the fire out.
Of course Conservatives are gonna cry "personal responsibility".. Or in other words, "we don't give a shit". The days of compassionant conservatism is long over.
Anyone who supportted the decision to let the house burn down, along with the animals inside, are hateful people, and don't care about their fellow man.

Someone forgets to pay a fee and all of the sudden his family deserves to lose their whole house? Yeah, we totally want conservatives back in control of this country.

So you know for a fact that all of the fire fighters there were Conservatives??? :doubt:

The ones agreeing with the decision on this thread are.
And every member of the county board are republican.. And I'm pretty sure the decision to not put the fire out came from them. The firemen were just scared of losing their job.. But I woulda just done the right thing.
I'm not an anarchist, but services like fire could easily and more effectively be supplied by the market. This guy would certainly still have his house.

Haha, I can see it now... Operator in India picks up: "Your house is on fire? Acme fire services did a market study and found that fire-fighting in your locality is not profitable according to free market principles. Sorry, but you will have to travel to the nearest mid-sized city to get your fired serviced due to this downsizing of operations."

Yeah that's exactly how it would happen.
Not quite. The Operator would have also said, "Have a wonderful day!"
They shouldn't have even asked if he had payed the fee.. They shoulda put the fire out.
Of course Conservatives are gonna cry "personal responsibility".. Or in other words, "we don't give a shit". The days of compassionant conservatism is long over.
Anyone who supportted the decision to let the house burn down, along with the animals inside, are hateful people, and don't care about their fellow man.

Someone forgets to pay a fee and all of the sudden his family deserves to lose their whole house? Yeah, we totally want conservatives back in control of this country.

So you know for a fact that all of the fire fighters there were Conservatives??? :doubt:

The ones agreeing with the decision on this thread are.
And every member of the county board are republican.. And I'm pretty sure the decision to not put the fire out came from them. The firemen were just scared of losing their job.. But I woulda just done the right thing.

You are aware that you're being silly, right? No one is gonna take you seriously with comments like 'I'm pretty sure....' because that's tantamount to saying I ASS U me. Nor do you know that the firemen were 'scared of losing their jobs'.
They shouldn't have even asked if he had payed the fee.. They shoulda put the fire out.
Of course Conservatives are gonna cry "personal responsibility".. Or in other words, "we don't give a shit". The days of compassionant conservatism is long over.
Anyone who supportted the decision to let the house burn down, along with the animals inside, are hateful people, and don't care about their fellow man.

Someone forgets to pay a fee and all of the sudden his family deserves to lose their whole house? Yeah, we totally want conservatives back in control of this country.

You send in your donations yet? It's the right thing to do.

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