Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

It's beyond me how anyone can defend this tight wad home owner.

I wonder what these same poster's would say if they were in a car wreck.

And the other driver emerged from his wrecked car and was talking on his cell phone.

When asked what he was doing?

He said. "I'm calling GEICO to buy some auto insurance".

Oh don't be that guy.

When you wreck your car and don't have insurance, the police fire and ambulance still get you out of the car, and get your car towed off the freeway, and get you to a hospital if you need it. They don't fix your car. Nobody's saying the firemen should have repaired his house. Just put the damn fire out.

hes got you there Sunni....:lol:
It's beyond me how anyone can defend this tight wad home owner.

I wonder what these same poster's would say if they were in a car wreck.

And the other driver emerged from his wrecked car and was talking on his cell phone.

When asked what he was doing?

He said. "I'm calling GEICO to buy some auto insurance".

Oh don't be that guy.

When you wreck your car and don't have insurance, the police fire and ambulance still get you out of the car, and get your car towed off the freeway, and get you to a hospital if you need it. They don't fix your car. Nobody's saying the firemen should have repaired his house. Just put the damn fire out.

hes got you there Sunni....:lol:

Lives at risk, different situation. This was a house fire. All the strawmen being thrown in, they all just burn.
It is in the best interest of the State and county who collect property taxes from their home owners, to make certain ALL HOMES are protected.
Right now, the State and county property taxes have been reduced to NIL, on this burnt down the county and state loses out.

as said, piss poor policy.

*Talk about cutting off the nose to spite the face!!! sheesh!
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Sorry bout that,

1. Let me throw more fuel to this pyre.
2, California each year they have these wild fires, which consume hundreds of houses.
3. They as much as go into these houses, before the fires get to them, giving up before the fires arrive, and unload the houses of its contents, thinking they do the owners a favor and put it in the streets.
4. Then pretty much turn thier collective backs on the fires as they come up the valliey and burn these neighborhoods to the ground.
5. All but having a wiener roast!:lol:

Oh don't be that guy.

When you wreck your car and don't have insurance, the police fire and ambulance still get you out of the car, and get your car towed off the freeway, and get you to a hospital if you need it. They don't fix your car. Nobody's saying the firemen should have repaired his house. Just put the damn fire out.

And if a person was inside of the burning house the firemen would have gotten them out and provided medical attention, if necessary. No one was in the house.

And if the uninsured motorists car was ablaze the fire department would put it out too; They wouldn't just let it burn, or call the county and see if he was up to date on his taxes. Even if he was from out of state, you don't let something burn when you can put it out.
We could go back and forth like this all day.

But it wasn't a car and it wasn't a house with someone inside; stick to what it was. It was a house where the owner, who previously forgot to pay the fee but got a fire put out anyway, again forgot to pay the fee and assumed his butt would be taken care of, he assumed he'd get special treatment again. He was wrong. Unbelievable that he didn't learn a lesson the first time around.

Like I said before, they should change their setup so that even if a homeowner doesn't pay the yearly fee, the fire would still be put out but with a hefty price tag attached to it that the home owner would have to pay.
It is in the best interest of the State and county who collect property taxes from their home owners, to make certain ALL HOMES are protected.
Right now, the State and country property taxes have been reduced to NIL, on this burnt down the county and state loses out.

as said, piss poor policy.

Listen to yourself. "Best interest of the State and county". What about the residents?

Property tax changes must be voted on by the public Care. The public has had 20 years to change policy.
It is in the best interest of the State and county who collect property taxes from their home owners, to make certain ALL HOMES are protected.
Right now, the State and country property taxes have been reduced to NIL, on this burnt down the country and state loses out.
I bet the day after this incident there was a line at the County Clerks Office of dead beat home owners wanting to pay their $75 Fire Dept fee. :lol:
It is in the best interest of the State and county who collect property taxes from their home owners, to make certain ALL HOMES are protected.
Right now, the State and country property taxes have been reduced to NIL, on this burnt down the county and state loses out.

as said, piss poor policy.

Listen to yourself. "Best interest of the State and county". What about the residents?

Property tax changes must be voted on by the public Care.
The public has had 20 years to change policy.
Again, that is not true.
This thread truly is a Litmus Test for separating the Big Government types from the rest of us.

For the former, riddle me this: what happens when nobody pays?
It is in the best interest of the State and county who collect property taxes from their home owners, to make certain ALL HOMES are protected.
Right now, the State and country property taxes have been reduced to NIL, on this burnt down the county and state loses out.

as said, piss poor policy.

Listen to yourself. "Best interest of the State and county". What about the residents?

Property tax changes must be voted on by the public Care. The public has had 20 years to change policy.

I bet this was the FIRST TIME that a house was allowed to burn down, due to it.

Are you implying that MOST in this county do NOT pay the $75 fee?

What's the difference between the $75 separate fee or the $75 rise in property taxes to cover it? Nada.

Now the taxes of the few homes in the rural county will have to go up, to make up for the thousand dollars plus, that they won't be getting in property taxes from the home that burnt down.

And this man paid the fees each year before this, didn't he say he was just late or forgot?

REGARDLESS, firemen sitting and just watching a house burn down has to be a pretty rotten thing to put them through.


NOT: do unto others as you would want them to do unto you....not even close imo....
The Crannicks were not first time non-payers. They had a chimney fire put out in prior years and were allowed to pay in arrears at that time. I suspect they also received a warning that that was their "one free pass", and ignored it.
This thread truly is a Litmus Test for separating the Big Government types from the rest of us.

For the former, riddle me this: what happens when nobody pays?

That's bull. It's just bad public policy to make it optional in the first place. The local leadership should be able to somehow manage their budget and provide basic public safety for it's citizens. Fire departments should not be micromanaging red tape. That is not "big government" or "socialism" it's just common sense.
Oh don't be that guy.

When you wreck your car and don't have insurance, the police fire and ambulance still get you out of the car, and get your car towed off the freeway, and get you to a hospital if you need it. They don't fix your car. Nobody's saying the firemen should have repaired his house. Just put the damn fire out.

hes got you there Sunni....:lol:

Lives at risk, different situation. This was a house fire. All the strawmen being thrown in, they all just burn.

All we need are marshmallows, grammy crackers and hershey bars to make s'mores - twould be a shame to let such a bonfire go to waste.

This thread truly is a Litmus Test for separating the Big Government types from the rest of us.

For the former, riddle me this: what happens when nobody pays?

That's bull. It's just bad public policy to make it optional in the first place. The local leadership should be able to somehow manage their budget and provide basic public safety for it's citizens. Fire departments should not be micromanaging red tape. That is not "big government" or "socialism" it's just common sense.

The residents of the unincorporated county have had this program for a couple of decades. The Crannicks already had one fire put out without having paid up; they should have known better.

It's bad idea to base Public Policy on isolated events caused by extremely irresponsible idiots (one of the reasons why our system of law is so inane these days).
It is in the best interest of the State and county who collect property taxes from their home owners, to make certain ALL HOMES are protected.
Right now, the State and country property taxes have been reduced to NIL, on this burnt down the county and state loses out.

as said, piss poor policy.

Listen to yourself. "Best interest of the State and county". What about the residents?

Property tax changes must be voted on by the public Care. The public has had 20 years to change policy.

I bet this was the FIRST TIME that a house was allowed to burn down, due to it.

Are you implying that MOST in this county do NOT pay the $75 fee?

What's the difference between the $75 separate fee or the $75 rise in property taxes to cover it? Nada.

Now the taxes of the few homes in the rural county will have to go up, to make up for the thousand dollars plus, that they won't be getting in property taxes from the home that burnt down.

And this man paid the fees each year before this, didn't he say he was just late or forgot?

REGARDLESS, firemen sitting and just watching a house burn down has to be a pretty rotten thing to put them through.


NOT: do unto others as you would want them to do unto you....not even close imo....

The county did unto him as he did unto them. He said screw you county residents, I'm not paying. You and Ravi seem to be missing the fact a city cannot impose a county property tax increase. The rural folks who want the protection are paying the fee. The rest have accepted a stupid gamble.
And he already had one fire put out without having paid up in the past.

That says it all.
Oh don't be that guy.

When you wreck your car and don't have insurance, the police fire and ambulance still get you out of the car, and get your car towed off the freeway, and get you to a hospital if you need it. They don't fix your car. Nobody's saying the firemen should have repaired his house. Just put the damn fire out.

hes got you there Sunni....:lol:

Lives at risk, different situation. This was a house fire. All the strawmen being thrown in, they all just burn.

no one died in Sunni's scenario either.....AND there could have been people in the house....but there wasnt.....and not putting the fire out was not the RIGHT thing to do....these guys were not REAL an interview on our local news with some REAL firefighters.....these guys said they would have put out the fire..the fee be damned.....its what Firefighters do....PUT OUT FIRES.....they were kinda mystified by the way THOSE firemen reacted....
Listen to yourself. "Best interest of the State and county". What about the residents?

Property tax changes must be voted on by the public Care. The public has had 20 years to change policy.

I bet this was the FIRST TIME that a house was allowed to burn down, due to it.

Are you implying that MOST in this county do NOT pay the $75 fee?

What's the difference between the $75 separate fee or the $75 rise in property taxes to cover it? Nada.

Now the taxes of the few homes in the rural county will have to go up, to make up for the thousand dollars plus, that they won't be getting in property taxes from the home that burnt down.

And this man paid the fees each year before this, didn't he say he was just late or forgot?

REGARDLESS, firemen sitting and just watching a house burn down has to be a pretty rotten thing to put them through.


NOT: do unto others as you would want them to do unto you....not even close imo....

The county did unto him as he did unto them. He said screw you county residents, I'm not paying. You and Ravi seem to be missing the fact a city cannot impose a county property tax increase. The rural folks who want the protection are paying the fee. The rest have accepted a stupid gamble.
You are misunderstanding Care's point. She is saying that the county should raise taxes to fund a county firefighting service.
This thread truly is a Litmus Test for separating the Big Government types from the rest of us.

For the former, riddle me this: what happens when nobody pays?

That's bull. It's just bad public policy to make it optional in the first place. The local leadership should be able to somehow manage their budget and provide basic public safety for it's citizens. Fire departments should not be micromanaging red tape. That is not "big government" or "socialism" it's just common sense.

The residents of the unincorporated county have had this program for a couple of decades. The Crannicks already had one fire put out without having paid up; they should have known better.

It's bad idea to base Public Policy on isolated events caused by extremely irresponsible idiots (one of the reasons why our system of law is so inane these days).

The official fire department policy there is to stand by and watch properties burn. This foolish policy empowers public safety officials to effectively punish citizens for failure to pay a fee on time, not with a fine levied for cost incurred, but with destruction of property they had the means and opportunity to prevent from destruction. Whatever you want to say about this particular citizen who found himself in these circumstances, the local leadership are irresponsible idiots. Anyone who thinks their policy is unconscionable must be a big government type...? I just call it being rational, practical and humane!

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