Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

Yes, that IS what I said. It is BAD POLICY of the services should be a part of their property taxes, END OF STORY.

County government cannot just make a tax. It has to be voted in by the public. The county can create a user fee. Do you see them running around petitioning for a property tax increase on the ballot?
Untrue. Counties can and do raise property taxes without the public voting on the issue.
I heard that some of the firemen got sick afterwards and some were crying at what they had done. Some even went home.

The guy who lost his house was interviewed last night. He said he simply "forgot" to pay the firefighters. That he tried to give them the money right there, but they wouldn't take it. He said his neighbors came out with more money, but the firefighters wouldn't take that either.

They sure made an "example" out of him. They must be "proud".

Reminds me of the way the middle class has been treated since 2001.
I heard that as well. How sad. Seriously.
Do you read that the son went to the fire station afterward and punched the fire chief right in the mouth.......? :eusa_eh:

Wonder if the kid will pay the fine.

"I just forgot to pay my $75," Cranick told ABC News. "I did it last year, the year before. ... It slipped my mind."

Later that day, Cranick's son Timothy went to the fire station to complain, and punched the fire chief in the face.

"He just cold-cocked him," Police Chief Andy Crocker told the Union City Daily Messenger. The younger Cranick was arrested and charged with felony aggravated assault, and South Fulton Fire Chief David Wilds was treated and released from a hospital, Crocker said.
Firefighters Let Home Burn After Finding Owner Didn't Pay Annual Fee
Do you read that the son went to the fire station afterward and punched the fire chief right in the mouth.......? :eusa_eh:

Wonder if the kid will pay the fine.

"I just forgot to pay my $75," Cranick told ABC News. "I did it last year, the year before. ... It slipped my mind."

Later that day, Cranick's son Timothy went to the fire station to complain, and punched the fire chief in the face.

"He just cold-cocked him," Police Chief Andy Crocker told the Union City Daily Messenger. The younger Cranick was arrested and charged with felony aggravated assault, and South Fulton Fire Chief David Wilds was treated and released from a hospital, Crocker said.
Firefighters Let Home Burn After Finding Owner Didn't Pay Annual Fee
I bet the charges will get dropped.
Yes, that IS what I said. It is BAD POLICY of the services should be a part of their property taxes, END OF STORY.

County government cannot just make a tax. It has to be voted in by the public. The county can create a user fee. Do you see them running around petitioning for a property tax increase on the ballot?

I don't protection should be mandatory and a part of property taxes.

It is bad policy, disgusting what the firemen had to do...just sit and watch while the house burnt down. the firemen should not have been put in this position of being forced to NOT HELP.

Are you saying mandatory $75 more a year in property taxes per home would have been rejected? I doubt it.

the policy as it stands is piss poor policy.

the firemen watching the house burn to the ground, while twiddling their thumbs is piss poor policy.

I stand by that opinion.
The guy 'forgot' to pay this fee previously, the firemen let him pay after they put that fire out. They made an exception for him once already. Did the guy thank his lucky stars and make sure he paid that fee every year after that? No, he 'forgot' and . . . assumed that he'd be entitled to special treatment again.

The most logical solution to the problem is if you don't pay the fee, they'll put the fire out but charge you an additional (pricey) amount.
This guy and his libturd friends need to stop whining now. Libturds send in your donations and build this nincompoop a new house. And. stop whining.
And send the fire department a hefty donation in the nincompoop's name too. Put your money where you ass izz.
The guy 'forgot' to pay this fee previously, the firemen let him pay after they put that fire out. They made an exception for him once already. Did the guy thank his lucky stars and make sure he paid that fee every year after that? No, he 'forgot' and . . . assumed that he'd be entitled to special treatment again.

The most logical solution to the problem is if you don't pay the fee, they'll put the fire out but charge you an additional (pricey) amount.
He's old...maybe he is suffering from the onset of dementia.

I bet the other poor old people in the area are going to become obsessive compulsive about this issue.
Yes, that IS what I said. It is BAD POLICY of the services should be a part of their property taxes, END OF STORY.

County government cannot just make a tax. It has to be voted in by the public. The county can create a user fee. Do you see them running around petitioning for a property tax increase on the ballot?

I don't protection should be mandatory and a part of property taxes.

It is bad policy, disgusting what the firemen had to do...just sit and watch while the house burnt down. the firemen should not have been put in this position of being forced to NOT HELP.

Are you saying mandatory $75 more a year in property taxes per home would have been rejected? I doubt it.

the policy as it stands is piss poor policy.

the firemen watching the house burn to the ground, while twiddling their thumbs is piss poor policy.

I stand by that opinion.

The county residents have been using this plan for twenty years. It is probably the fairest way to pay for fire service. This is for the rural areas remember? Farmers with large fields would pay a large part of fire coverage. The way the current system works, the property that needs the coverage the most, pays the most. As a farmer, I would probably leave my farm land out of the fee.
It's beyond me how anyone can defend this tight wad home owner.

I wonder what these same poster's would say if they were in a car wreck.

And the other driver emerged from his wrecked car and was talking on his cell phone.

When asked what he was doing?

He said. "I'm calling GEICO to buy some auto insurance".
The guy 'forgot' to pay this fee previously, the firemen let him pay after they put that fire out. They made an exception for him once already. Did the guy thank his lucky stars and make sure he paid that fee every year after that? No, he 'forgot' and . . . assumed that he'd be entitled to special treatment again.

The most logical solution to the problem is if you don't pay the fee, they'll put the fire out but charge you an additional (pricey) amount.
He's old...maybe he is suffering from the onset of dementia.

I bet the other poor old people in the area are going to become obsessive compulsive about this issue.

If the guy is suffering from a mental disease, then his family should have stepped up and helped him out, especially since he forgot to pay the fee previously.

Better to be o/c about it, pay the fee and have a house than to forget to pay the fee and have a house burn down, don't you think?
It's beyond me how anyone can defend this tight wad home owner.

I wonder what these same poster's would say if they were in a car wreck.

And the other driver emerged from his wrecked car and was talking on his cell phone.

When asked what he was doing?

He said. "I'm calling GEICO to buy some auto insurance".

This happens more than you know.
It's beyond me how anyone can defend this tight wad home owner.

I wonder what these same poster's would say if they were in a car wreck.

And the other driver emerged from his wrecked car and was talking on his cell phone.

When asked what he was doing?

He said. "I'm calling GEICO to buy some auto insurance".
That analogy might work if the call was placed before the car wreck.

The guy offered to pay the money before the fire reached his house. A simple few squirts of the fire hose would more than likely have been all that was needed.
Yes, that IS what I said. It is BAD POLICY of the services should be a part of their property taxes, END OF STORY.
As the residents have had such policy in place for 20 years, such policy must be their preference for their county govenment. It's their call what is right for them, not yours.

So you're saying no one has a right to an opinion on this matter unless they live in that county. Do you live there? Have you expressed opinions on this matter in this thread?

And...the other poster pointed out that it's a bad policy. It IS a bad policy. The mere fact that people have chosen that as their policy does not magically make it a good policy.

bad policy yes NY.....but still its what those people seemed to want.....after the lawsuit im sure something different will become the new doubt in other areas of the Country were this type of thing is the norm, things will be re-thought......a lesson learned....hopefully.....
It's beyond me how anyone can defend this tight wad home owner.

I wonder what these same poster's would say if they were in a car wreck.

And the other driver emerged from his wrecked car and was talking on his cell phone.

When asked what he was doing?

He said. "I'm calling GEICO to buy some auto insurance".

Oh don't be that guy.

When you wreck your car and don't have insurance, the police fire and ambulance still get you out of the car, and get your car towed off the freeway, and get you to a hospital if you need it. They don't fix your car. Nobody's saying the firemen should have repaired his house. Just put the damn fire out.
It's beyond me how anyone can defend this tight wad home owner.

I wonder what these same poster's would say if they were in a car wreck.

And the other driver emerged from his wrecked car and was talking on his cell phone.

When asked what he was doing?

He said. "I'm calling GEICO to buy some auto insurance".

Oh don't be that guy.

When you wreck your car and don't have insurance, the police fire and ambulance still get you out of the car, and get your car towed off the freeway, and get you to a hospital if you need it. They don't fix your car. Nobody's saying the firemen should have repaired his house. Just put the damn fire out.

And if a person was inside of the burning house the firemen would have gotten them out and provided medical attention, if necessary. No one was in the house.
It's beyond me how anyone can defend this tight wad home owner.

I wonder what these same poster's would say if they were in a car wreck.

And the other driver emerged from his wrecked car and was talking on his cell phone.

When asked what he was doing?

He said. "I'm calling GEICO to buy some auto insurance".

Oh don't be that guy.

When you wreck your car and don't have insurance, the police fire and ambulance still get you out of the car, and get your car towed off the freeway, and get you to a hospital if you need it. They don't fix your car. Nobody's saying the firemen should have repaired his house. Just put the damn fire out.

And if a person was inside of the burning house the firemen would have gotten them out and provided medical attention, if necessary. No one was in the house.

And if the uninsured motorists car was ablaze the fire department would put it out too; They wouldn't just let it burn, or call the county and see if he was up to date on his taxes. Even if he was from out of state, you don't let something burn when you can put it out.
We could go back and forth like this all day.

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