Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

Then why not put the fire out and sue to recover those costs from homeowners who do not pay the fee in advance?

Thanks maddie, you restore my faith that some on this MB actually think about an issue.

so says the SF Liberal...."if you dont think about an issue the way i do....then you are not thinking about the issue".....stick your head back up Pelosi's ass.....Newsome misses ya.....

Yeah, letting someones house burn when it'd take little more than the word 'go' to put it out is a real palatable alternative. Government and politics aside, how could any person feel that this was the right thing to do? Would you not help someone in dire straights if it meant only a minor inconvenience to you?
Wanna know what a conservative only world looks like? Look no further than Obion County, Tennessee:
Imagine your home catches fire but the local fire department won’t respond, then watches it burn. That’s exactly what happened to a local family tonight. A local neighborhood is furious after firefighters watched as an Obion County, Tennessee, home burned to the ground.

The homeowner, Gene Cranick, said he offered to pay whatever it would take for firefighters to put out the flames, but was told it was too late. They wouldn’t do anything to stop his house from burning. Each year, Obion County residents must pay $75 if they want fire protection from the city of South Fulton. But the Cranicks did not pay. The mayor said if homeowners don’t pay, they’re out of luck. [...]

We asked the mayor of South Fulton if the chief could have made an exception. “Anybody that’s not in the city of South Fulton, it’s a service we offer, either they accept it or they don’t,” Mayor David Crocker said.
Firefighters watch as home burns to the ground | WPSD Local 6 - News, Sports, Weather - Paducah KY | Local

As ThinkProgress points out:
A local newspaper further pressed Mayor Crocker about the city’s policy, which has been in place since 1990. Crocker, a Republican who was elected in 2008 and serves with a county commission where every seat is also filled by a Republican, likened the policy to buying auto insurance

Just one prime example of the difference between the way conservatives govern and the way progressives govern.

As TP put it:
One, the conservative vision, believes in the on-your-own society, and informs a policy agenda that primarily serves the well off and privileged sectors of the country. The other vision, the progressive one, believes in an American Dream that works for all people, regardless of their racial, religious, or economic background.

Think Progress Tennessee County’s Subscription-Based Firefighters Watch As Family Home Burns Down

That's the choice we have this november- The conservative fend-for-yourself (besides the companies that ship jobs overseas) choice, or the liberal I-am-my-brothers-keeper choice.

You don't get it. Fire protection began as insurance that operated exactly this way.

And a HUGE % of America still relies on volunteer firemen to provide this service.

There is nothing wrong with requiring people to pay in advance for public fire service.

It is just like the lottery. You can pick the right numbers but if you don't buy the ticket, you don't win.

You think firemen should just show up free to risk their lives to save your house? Then enlist as a volunteer or stfu.
Thanks maddie, you restore my faith that some on this MB actually think about an issue.

so says the SF Liberal...."if you dont think about an issue the way i do....then you are not thinking about the issue".....stick your head back up Pelosi's ass.....Newsome misses ya.....

Yeah, letting someones house burn when it'd take little more than the word 'go' to put it out is a real palatable alternative. Government and politics aside, how could any person feel that this was the right thing to do? Would you not help someone in dire straights if it meant only a minor inconvenience to you?

and who in their right mind would voluntarily refuse fire service? As this homeowner did?

Should you work for free just because a customer refuses to pay you for the product you provided?

You think fire protection is a right. But it isn't.

If you don't pay for the fire protection in advance they won't have the tools, water, fuel and personnel to address your fire.
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That's because firefighters, like cops and military men , are brainwashed assholes.They don't have the ability to think. They're robots with a pulse.
He woulda let it burn if it was his grannys house and she was inside.
Just following orders, sir.
It's the rules, sir.
It's my job,sir.

Too bad the owner didn't pull out an AK and get them to stop stealing oxygen.

i dont know about brainwashed....but you are an sure the firefighters and cops in Costa Rica were glad when you, the cowardly American asshole crawled down there with your tail between your legs.....the score.....America....-one DICK....Costa Rica....+ One Dick.....
it is the goal of the callous conservatives desperate need for power and disregard for the American people, some of whom are too stupid to see (present company included).

:lol:....and of course there are no callous Liberals who fit this discription.....your head is so far up Nancies Coolu that you are using her Uvula as a pacifier.....let Newsome have a turn once in a while.....
I'm going to vote against every fucking GOP retard on my ballot this year, I'm sick of how the Reps have been fucking this country over with their greed.

so if i vote a Democratic ticket.....there will be no greed,no fucking over the Country?.....just askin Abs....cause i live in California.....and Democrats here anyway, are just as bad as any Republican when it comes to greed and getting fucked....
Most fire departments work like single payer health insurance.

Simple and effective.
Wow. 30 pages on this thread.. Not something I expected. But anyways, I didn't make this to support this guys decision not to pay the fee.. Although it's a stupid-ass system to begin with. I made it to disagree with the decision of the REPUBLICAN leaders in that area, to just let the house burn down.
No matter how many times I say that, you righties won't get it through your thick skulls. YES, THE GUY SHOULDA PAYED THE FEE.. AND YES, THE FIRE DEPT. SHOULDA PUT THE FIRE OUT ANYWAYS.
People in the area are outraged, and for good reason. I know If I were a paying neighbour, I'd be saying, put that shit out before it spreads to my home, and I get damaged.

What ever happened to just helping people regardless of profit/cost? Or even helping, then worrying about the cost? Why not just bill the guy after putting the fire out?

Imagine with me, if it had been one of those republican leaders who hadn't payed the fine.. And their house cought fire. Gu-ran-tee they woulda put it out. He would've demanded it.

you know what Lefty....i ve looked at 4-5 news articals on this just to see if someone mentions this.....i could not find one thing that said what their politics a link to this?....
Know what's great about this thread?

It's really easy to see who the heartless greedy fucking stupid assholes are.

Yes, they are called Republicans.

Modern day conservatism is the political codification of selfishness.

hey Chris ....a question....are there any greedy heartless fucking stupid assholes on the Democrat side?.....cause there are sure a lot in my State....
Thanks maddie, you restore my faith that some on this MB actually think about an issue.

so says the SF Liberal...."if you dont think about an issue the way i do....then you are not thinking about the issue".....stick your head back up Pelosi's ass.....Newsome misses ya.....

Yeah, letting someones house burn when it'd take little more than the word 'go' to put it out is a real palatable alternative. Government and politics aside, how could any person feel that this was the right thing to do? Would you not help someone in dire straights if it meant only a minor inconvenience to you?

if you read what i posted you would then find that i agreed that what the firefighters did was wrong.....and i was badmouthing your sister know the guy who thinks his shit dont stink.....yea....that asshole.....
What the stupid demonRat asshole is doing is scamming the system. All his neighbors have to pay seventy five dollars a year while he just pays the day after he has a fire. He rolled the dice and the dumbass lost. It's no fault of the Republicans no matter what their stupid ass twats try to say. I remember these bleeding heart libruls are the same fucking people who would pull an infant out feet first jam a scissors through the base of his skull, spread them and suck his brains out. So, I for one ain't buying their bullshit.


It pisses me off that the purveyor of this stupid OP makes an inference that REPUBLICANS are at fault here and that REPUBLICANS would stand around while people burned to death. DemonRats are just flat out disgusting people.
Wouldn't they?
just like a demonRat. won't pay for a service, wants the service, expects it for free, and expects conservatives to pay for their service. Thanks for posting basementdweller. It's typical of demonRat behavior.

They did the right thing, under the circumstances. Now all will pay the minor $75.00 firefighting insurance. An example has to be set. Tough love.
It sounds like extortion, not tough love.
You're exactly what is wrong with America. If you woulda read the fucking article, you would see he offered to pay if they would put the fire out.. But they basically said tough luck, and it wasn't until it spread to the neighbours (who has the "coverage") that they put it out.
What happened to helping people, and not worrying about cost or profit? Imagine if this had been the mayor of this town.. Gu-ran-tee they woulda put that fire out, regardless if he'd have payed the fee.

Actually......everyone in the town is covered with their property taxes...including your mayor of this town. The problem lies in the fact that this house was not in the township but on county land. County land does not enjoy the comforts of the fire dept already paid for. They have a $75.00 fee due each year, he was aware of really it isn't the republicans of the you really can't politicize it like you have. It is a county issue, younglefty.

You are trying to reason with the unreasonable.

To People like Younglefy the world is very simple.

Democrats are good, Republicans are bad. Period.

I wish I could live in such a nice organized world, but unfortunately I grew up and have to live in the real world.

To be fair, Young Lefty is just that - young. We all saw the world in more black and white than shades of gray at his age. And young people are generally more idealistic.
I don't care if he paid the $75 dollar fee or not....since the fire dept was already there, they should have put the fire out, PERIOD.....and worried about the lunacy of the $75 fee later...

Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.

I guess I will forever be a "young lefty" because I know what is right and just in this situation, and standing there just watching the house burn to the ground, is not and never would be, the right thing to do.

In yesteryear, in our country, people were JAILED if they did NOT come to the rescue of their neighbor's burning house...yes, it was CRIME to just watch and let it burn down.

And what happened here is PROGRESS? Progress my real end! sheesh.
We were talking about neighbors working together Monday. A corn harvest used to mean your neighbors from three miles around came and helped you bring in the crop. Then you did the same for them. Lots of meals together and you meeded them and vice versa. Then progress came along and you could be independent. Now nobody knows anybody.

Progress where your kid can be plugged into the TV while you do God know what. Processed foods that kill us with fat, salt and cancer causing agents. Progress has isolated us from each other and made us more me oriented. To the point that paying your fair share is optional. This dirtbag was out to do for himself and lost. That is the lesson to take away. You might also take away that progress is not what it seems.
Yes, he should have paid the fee....but this does not excuse BAD POLICY....and it is bad gvt policy to allow the fee for fire services be optional. the LAW needs to change....because the law is BAD use this man and his home as an ''example'', is ludicrous lunacy, WAXED OVER COLD, wrong.
Yes, he should have paid the fee....but this does not excuse BAD POLICY....and it is bad gvt policy to allow the fee for fire services be optional. the LAW needs to change....because the law is BAD use this man and his home as an ''example'', is ludicrous lunacy, WAXED OVER COLD, wrong.

The one thing you are forgetting is the form of government which is employed in Tennessee...county government vs. municipality government. In the county in question, there is no fire service. Therefore, the municipalities that do provide fire service for their residents have agreed to provide this service for people living outside of their city for a fee.

This would not be an issue if the county government charged a tax to everyone living in the county and outside of the munipalities for fire service, and then paid this tax revenue to the municipality fire departments.
Just as I thought, all the libturds don't want to pay the fee but they want their fires put out. They think you should do for them even when they choose not to contribute. There is your primary reason this country is bankrupt. We have reached critical mass. Too many takers and not enough givers.

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