Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

The firemen's houses should by targeted for arson. Seems fitting.
You are naive, and from this latest post, perhaps more so than I thought.

so now we get to the real point. You want to force states to provide Fire coverage.

Thanks for playing. Socialist.

:rolleyes: I'm not "playing".

:lol: OOOh citizens want to FORCE states to use tax dollars wisely..Oh noze!

You are being very Silly. Currently Not one state taxes for Fire Services. You are suggesting they take on a whole new responsibility which will require more taxes.

Like I said.


I will agree with one thing you said. If State Governments were more efficient and wasted less with the tax dollars they do spend already. They just might be able to afford this massive new Mandate you are suggesting.

Who covers a fire in a state park then? In national parks there seems to be federal teams that put the fire out. Then it looks like it jumps to the county or city level?
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You are naive, and from this latest post, perhaps more so than I thought.

so now we get to the real point. You want to force states to provide Fire coverage.

Thanks for playing. Socialist.

:rolleyes: I'm not "playing".

:lol: OOOh citizens want to FORCE states to use tax dollars wisely..Oh noze!

You are being very Silly. Currently Not one state taxes for Fire Services. You are suggesting they take on a whole new responsibility which will require more taxes.

Like I said.


I will agree with one thing you said. If State Governments were more efficient and wasted less with the tax dollars they do spend already. They just might be able to afford this massive new Mandate you are suggesting.

Not one state uses tax revenue toward fire departments..............?
:rolleyes: I'm not "playing".

:lol: OOOh citizens want to FORCE states to use tax dollars wisely..Oh noze!

You are being very Silly. Currently Not one state taxes for Fire Services. You are suggesting they take on a whole new responsibility which will require more taxes.

Like I said.


I will agree with one thing you said. If State Governments were more efficient and wasted less with the tax dollars they do spend already. They just might be able to afford this massive new Mandate you are suggesting.

Not one state uses tax revenue toward fire departments..............?

Not that I know of. It may happen that they bail our municipalities and counties who end up using that money to pay for Fire Departments, but as a rule no they don't. Fire departments are taxed for and paid for by local governments in this country.

Do you have an example of a state government that regularly uses State tax revenue to Provide Fire Coverage? If so do tell.
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You are being very Silly. Currently Not one state taxes for Fire Services. You are suggesting they take on a whole new responsibility which will require more taxes.

Like I said.


I will agree with one thing you said. If State Governments were more efficient and wasted less with the tax dollars they do spend already. They just might be able to afford this massive new Mandate you are suggesting.

Not one state uses tax revenue toward fire departments..............?

Not that I know of. It may happen that they bail our municipalities and counties who end up using that money to pay for Fire Departments, but as a rule no they don't. Fire departments are taxed for and paid for by local governments in this country.

Do you have an example of a state government that regularly uses State tax revenue to Provide Fire Coverage? If so do tell.

Local governments should appropriate existing funds within the state for basic public services no matter how you wanna slice it.
If my house had a chimney fire and the fire department came out, put the fire out and let me pay the fee afterwards, my thoughts would be "whew! we sure lucked out with that. Can't ever let that happen again cause next time we might not be so lucky" and I'd make damn sure that bill got paid.

This guy just assumed he'd be covered again.

That's the difference between conservative and liberal.

no, that's the difference between responsible and irresponsible
just like a demonRat. won't pay for a service, wants the service, expects it for free, and expects conservatives to pay for their service. Thanks for posting basementdweller. It's typical of demonRat behavior.

Would you feel the same way if there was someone trapped in the house, hmmmmm?

would you feel the same way if a rabid mongoose was trapped in your large intestine, hmmmmmm?

If my house had a chimney fire and the fire department came out, put the fire out and let me pay the fee afterwards, my thoughts would be "whew! we sure lucked out with that. Can't ever let that happen again cause next time we might not be so lucky" and I'd make damn sure that bill got paid.

This guy just assumed he'd be covered again.

That's the difference between conservative and liberal.

no, that's the difference between responsible and irresponsible

Your supposed to be the smart assed one here del. You go off acting rational and others have to step in and be the smart ass. See how that works? WTH?

Yep, responsible v. irresponsible.
  • Thanks
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just like a demonRat. won't pay for a service, wants the service, expects it for free, and expects conservatives to pay for their service. Thanks for posting basementdweller. It's typical of demonRat behavior.

Would you feel the same way if there was someone trapped in the house, hmmmmm?

would you feel the same way if a rabid mongoose was trapped in your large intestine, hmmmmmm?


Rabid Mongoose v. not rabid. Please explain how my intestines will notice a big difference. Also, unsure how the mongoose being trapped v. just roaming around my intestines would have different results.

Cuyo, for me I'd say natural selection had a good day.
:rolleyes: I'm not "playing".

:lol: OOOh citizens want to FORCE states to use tax dollars wisely..Oh noze!

You are being very Silly. Currently Not one state taxes for Fire Services. You are suggesting they take on a whole new responsibility which will require more taxes.

Like I said.


I will agree with one thing you said. If State Governments were more efficient and wasted less with the tax dollars they do spend already. They just might be able to afford this massive new Mandate you are suggesting.

Who covers a fire in a state park then? In national parks there seems to be federal teams that put the fire out. Then it looks like it jumps to the county or city level?

Fires in state parks? WTF does that even have to do with this debate?

Here in Michigan the DNR with the help of local fire departments handle them. The National Forest service does have fire teams. But we are not talking about Wild Fires here, were talking about structural Fires in a rural area with not tax based Fire Coverage. Basically what Val wants is there to be more resources to go around. Like I said, that is nobel, but shortsighted, as it ignores that those resources do not exist now because the tax base of the area can not afford it. So what she wants is the already cash strapped states to take up the slack and make sure there is Tax subsidized Fire coverage in every single Township, Country, and municipality in this Nations regardless if it can be paid for at the local level. Meaning A massive new mandate and massive new taxes.

The simply fact is Fire Departments are funded at the local level. Yes States do at times use Tax funds to help struggling Local Governments pay the bills. But they do not actually tax specifically to provide Fire coverage. What she wants would mean massive new taxes to pay for it. Simple as that.
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Not one state uses tax revenue toward fire departments..............?

Not that I know of. It may happen that they bail our municipalities and counties who end up using that money to pay for Fire Departments, but as a rule no they don't. Fire departments are taxed for and paid for by local governments in this country.

Do you have an example of a state government that regularly uses State tax revenue to Provide Fire Coverage? If so do tell.

Local governments should appropriate existing funds within the state for basic public services no matter how you wanna slice it.

The point is the Funds simply are not there in more rural Areas to appropriate. That is why so many areas rely on Volunteer coverage.

Where I live just outside of A city. We pay a small portion of our Property tax to the nearby city for them to supplement our Volunteer fire Dept. We had an election and the people had to vote yes on a proposition to do that. What you seem to want is for the States to simply force everyone to pay more in State Taxes so the State can then make sure Everyone has Tax funded Fire Coverage. Do you have any idea on how much that will cost?

This is what We conservative mean when we say that Liberals think the only good answers are Government answers. Volunteer Fire Departments do just fine, many places make arrangements with larger near by areas for supplemental Coverage. This area in this story simply came up with a unique way to pay for it, and the man in question chose not to pay.

Sure IMO they should have went ahead and put the fire out, and made the man pay for it later, but that does not change the fact that the system we use now works fine. This one case does not mean we need to scrap the whole plan and go with a big government solution to a local problem.
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My 2 cents.

What really needs to happen is for the Mayor of South Fulton to announce that as of 6/1/2011, the city will no longer provide tax based fire service to non-residents of the city.

Let the people of the unincorporated areas form their own fire protection district.

I guarantee that it will cost far more than $75 per year/per home to maintain that fire district.

But they will be free of that "subscription" rate forever.
My 2 cents.

What really needs to happen is for the Mayor of South Fulton to announce that as of 6/1/2011, the city will no longer provide tax based fire service to non-residents of the city.

Let the people of the unincorporated areas form their own fire protection district.

I guarantee that it will cost far more than $75 per year/per home to maintain that fire district.

But they will be free of that "subscription" rate forever.

Good point. 75 Bucks a year is a Pretty good deal lol.
Wanna know what a conservative only world looks like? Look no further than Obion County, Tennessee:
Imagine your home catches fire but the local fire department won’t respond, then watches it burn. That’s exactly what happened to a local family tonight. A local neighborhood is furious after firefighters watched as an Obion County, Tennessee, home burned to the ground.

The homeowner, Gene Cranick, said he offered to pay whatever it would take for firefighters to put out the flames, but was told it was too late. They wouldn’t do anything to stop his house from burning. Each year, Obion County residents must pay $75 if they want fire protection from the city of South Fulton. But the Cranicks did not pay. The mayor said if homeowners don’t pay, they’re out of luck. [...]

We asked the mayor of South Fulton if the chief could have made an exception. “Anybody that’s not in the city of South Fulton, it’s a service we offer, either they accept it or they don’t,” Mayor David Crocker said.
Firefighters watch as home burns to the ground | WPSD Local 6 - News, Sports, Weather - Paducah KY | Local

As ThinkProgress points out:
A local newspaper further pressed Mayor Crocker about the city’s policy, which has been in place since 1990. Crocker, a Republican who was elected in 2008 and serves with a county commission where every seat is also filled by a Republican, likened the policy to buying auto insurance

Just one prime example of the difference between the way conservatives govern and the way progressives govern.

As TP put it:
One, the conservative vision, believes in the on-your-own society, and informs a policy agenda that primarily serves the well off and privileged sectors of the country. The other vision, the progressive one, believes in an American Dream that works for all people, regardless of their racial, religious, or economic background.

Think Progress Tennessee County’s Subscription-Based Firefighters Watch As Family Home Burns Down

That's the choice we have this november- The conservative fend-for-yourself (besides the companies that ship jobs overseas) choice, or the liberal I-am-my-brothers-keeper choice.

just another Dean wannabe.....
just like a demonRat. won't pay for a service, wants the service, expects it for free, and expects conservatives to pay for their service. Thanks for posting basementdweller. It's typical of demonRat behavior.

You're exactly what is wrong with America. If you woulda read the fucking article, you would see he offered to pay if they would put the fire out.. But they basically said tough luck, and it wasn't until it spread to the neighbours (who has the "coverage") that they put it out.
What happened to helping people, and not worrying about cost or profit? Imagine if this had been the mayor of this town.. Gu-ran-tee they woulda put that fire out, regardless if he'd have payed the fee.

hey kid you already stepped in your own shit by saying what you did after you posted the story.....its the Republicans fault......what if i told you a bunch of the firefighters were Democrats?......what they did was wrong IMHO.....but you playing the Dean game was wrong too....
just like a demonRat. won't pay for a service, wants the service, expects it for free, and expects conservatives to pay for their service. Thanks for posting basementdweller. It's typical of demonRat behavior.

Would you feel the same way if there was someone trapped in the house, hmmmmm?

would you feel the same way if a rabid mongoose was trapped in your large intestine, hmmmmmm?


I'm a fuckwit? Why, for trying to make a legitimate point that its not always about who paid or not?

Get bent.
just like a demonRat. won't pay for a service, wants the service, expects it for free, and expects conservatives to pay for their service. Thanks for posting basementdweller. It's typical of demonRat behavior.

You're exactly what is wrong with America. If you woulda read the fucking article, you would see he offered to pay if they would put the fire out.. But they basically said tough luck, and it wasn't until it spread to the neighbours (who has the "coverage") that they put it out.
What happened to helping people, and not worrying about cost or profit? Imagine if this had been the mayor of this town.. Gu-ran-tee they woulda put that fire out, regardless if he'd have payed the fee.

Actually......everyone in the town is covered with their property taxes...including your mayor of this town. The problem lies in the fact that this house was not in the township but on county land. County land does not enjoy the comforts of the fire dept already paid for. They have a $75.00 fee due each year, he was aware of really it isn't the republicans of the you really can't politicize it like you have. It is a county issue, younglefty.
just like a demonRat. won't pay for a service, wants the service, expects it for free, and expects conservatives to pay for their service. Thanks for posting basementdweller. It's typical of demonRat behavior.

You're exactly what is wrong with America. If you woulda read the fucking article, you would see he offered to pay if they would put the fire out.. But they basically said tough luck, and it wasn't until it spread to the neighbours (who has the "coverage") that they put it out.
What happened to helping people, and not worrying about cost or profit? Imagine if this had been the mayor of this town.. Gu-ran-tee they woulda put that fire out, regardless if he'd have payed the fee.

Actually......everyone in the town is covered with their property taxes...including your mayor of this town. The problem lies in the fact that this house was not in the township but on county land. County land does not enjoy the comforts of the fire dept already paid for. They have a $75.00 fee due each year, he was aware of really it isn't the republicans of the you really can't politicize it like you have. It is a county issue, younglefty.

You are trying to reason with the unreasonable.

To People like Younglefy the world is very simple.

Democrats are good, Republicans are bad. Period.

I wish I could live in such a nice organized world, but unfortunately I grew up and have to live in the real world.
The problem lies in the fact that this house was not in the township but on county land. County land does not enjoy the comforts of the fire dept already paid for. They have a $75.00 fee due each year

They probably went with a volunteer fee, instead of a tax, because they could not get the Votes needed to pass a mandatory tax.

This is the arrangement the people this area have chosen to have. What we have now is a bunch of liberals who want to tell them how to do it despite what they have already chosen to do.
he should be quarantined and billed for the cost.

Then why not put the fire out and sue to recover those costs from homeowners who do not pay the fee in advance?

Thanks maddie, you restore my faith that some on this MB actually think about an issue.

so says the SF Liberal...."if you dont think about an issue the way i do....then you are not thinking about the issue".....stick your head back up Pelosi's ass.....Newsome misses ya.....

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