Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

Yes, he should have paid the fee....but this does not excuse BAD POLICY....and it is bad gvt policy to allow the fee for fire services be optional. the LAW needs to change....because the law is BAD use this man and his home as an ''example'', is ludicrous lunacy, WAXED OVER COLD, wrong.

The one thing you are forgetting is the form of government which is employed in Tennessee...county government vs. municipality government. In the county in question, there is no fire service. Therefore, the municipalities that do provide fire service for their residents have agreed to provide this service for people living outside of their city for a fee.

This would not be an issue if the county government charged a tax to everyone living in the county and outside of the munipalities for fire service, and then paid this tax revenue to the municipality fire departments.
You cold-hearted, heartless, evil Republican, you!
Yes, he should have paid the fee....but this does not excuse BAD POLICY....and it is bad gvt policy to allow the fee for fire services be optional. the LAW needs to change....because the law is BAD use this man and his home as an ''example'', is ludicrous lunacy, WAXED OVER COLD, wrong.

The one thing you are forgetting is the form of government which is employed in Tennessee...county government vs. municipality government. In the county in question, there is no fire service. Therefore, the municipalities that do provide fire service for their residents have agreed to provide this service for people living outside of their city for a fee.

This would not be an issue if the county government charged a tax to everyone living in the county and outside of the munipalities for fire service, and then paid this tax revenue to the municipality fire departments.

Yes, that IS what I said. It is BAD POLICY of the services should be a part of their property taxes, END OF STORY.
Yes, he should have paid the fee....but this does not excuse BAD POLICY....and it is bad gvt policy to allow the fee for fire services be optional. the LAW needs to change....because the law is BAD use this man and his home as an ''example'', is ludicrous lunacy, WAXED OVER COLD, wrong.

The one thing you are forgetting is the form of government which is employed in Tennessee...county government vs. municipality government. In the county in question, there is no fire service. Therefore, the municipalities that do provide fire service for their residents have agreed to provide this service for people living outside of their city for a fee.

This would not be an issue if the county government charged a tax to everyone living in the county and outside of the munipalities for fire service, and then paid this tax revenue to the municipality fire departments.
Yes, that IS what I said. It is BAD POLICY of the services should be a part of their property taxes, END OF STORY.
As the residents have had such policy in place for 20 years, such policy must be their preference for their county govenment. It's their call what is right for them, not yours.
The one thing you are forgetting is the form of government which is employed in Tennessee...county government vs. municipality government. In the county in question, there is no fire service. Therefore, the municipalities that do provide fire service for their residents have agreed to provide this service for people living outside of their city for a fee.

This would not be an issue if the county government charged a tax to everyone living in the county and outside of the munipalities for fire service, and then paid this tax revenue to the municipality fire departments.
Yes, that IS what I said. It is BAD POLICY of the services should be a part of their property taxes, END OF STORY.
As the residents have had such policy in place for 20 years, such policy must be their preference for their county govenment. It's their call what is right for them, not yours.

So you're saying no one has a right to an opinion on this matter unless they live in that county. Do you live there? Have you expressed opinions on this matter in this thread?

And...the other poster pointed out that it's a bad policy. It IS a bad policy. The mere fact that people have chosen that as their policy does not magically make it a good policy.
Yes, he should have paid the fee....but this does not excuse BAD POLICY....and it is bad gvt policy to allow the fee for fire services be optional. the LAW needs to change....because the law is BAD use this man and his home as an ''example'', is ludicrous lunacy, WAXED OVER COLD, wrong.

The one thing you are forgetting is the form of government which is employed in Tennessee...county government vs. municipality government. In the county in question, there is no fire service. Therefore, the municipalities that do provide fire service for their residents have agreed to provide this service for people living outside of their city for a fee.

This would not be an issue if the county government charged a tax to everyone living in the county and outside of the munipalities for fire service, and then paid this tax revenue to the municipality fire departments.

Yes, that IS what I said. It is BAD POLICY of the services should be a part of their property taxes, END OF STORY.

Arrogance. End of Story.
The one thing you are forgetting is the form of government which is employed in Tennessee...county government vs. municipality government. In the county in question, there is no fire service. Therefore, the municipalities that do provide fire service for their residents have agreed to provide this service for people living outside of their city for a fee.

This would not be an issue if the county government charged a tax to everyone living in the county and outside of the munipalities for fire service, and then paid this tax revenue to the municipality fire departments.

Yes, that IS what I said. It is BAD POLICY of the services should be a part of their property taxes, END OF STORY.

Arrogance. End of Story.

Amazing. The very reasons they said we needed health reform. People not paying, they are now defending.
Wanna know what a conservative only world looks like? Look no further than Obion County, Tennessee:
Imagine your home catches fire but the local fire department won’t respond, then watches it burn. That’s exactly what happened to a local family tonight. A local neighborhood is furious after firefighters watched as an Obion County, Tennessee, home burned to the ground.

The homeowner, Gene Cranick, said he offered to pay whatever it would take for firefighters to put out the flames, but was told it was too late. They wouldn’t do anything to stop his house from burning. Each year, Obion County residents must pay $75 if they want fire protection from the city of South Fulton. But the Cranicks did not pay. The mayor said if homeowners don’t pay, they’re out of luck. [...]

We asked the mayor of South Fulton if the chief could have made an exception. “Anybody that’s not in the city of South Fulton, it’s a service we offer, either they accept it or they don’t,” Mayor David Crocker said.
Firefighters watch as home burns to the ground | WPSD Local 6 - News, Sports, Weather - Paducah KY | Local

As ThinkProgress points out:
A local newspaper further pressed Mayor Crocker about the city’s policy, which has been in place since 1990. Crocker, a Republican who was elected in 2008 and serves with a county commission where every seat is also filled by a Republican, likened the policy to buying auto insurance

Just one prime example of the difference between the way conservatives govern and the way progressives govern.

As TP put it:
One, the conservative vision, believes in the on-your-own society, and informs a policy agenda that primarily serves the well off and privileged sectors of the country. The other vision, the progressive one, believes in an American Dream that works for all people, regardless of their racial, religious, or economic background.

Think Progress Tennessee County’s Subscription-Based Firefighters Watch As Family Home Burns Down

That's the choice we have this november- The conservative fend-for-yourself (besides the companies that ship jobs overseas) choice, or the liberal I-am-my-brothers-keeper choice.

This issue has nothing to do with politics of Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Liberals, Conservatives or Progressives. Had this action taken place in a heavily Democrat district would you be blaming the Democrats? No.

I don't think the actions of the firemen was right from the standpoint of morality and/or care/concern for their neighbors. Having residents pay for emergency services is not a new concept - it's been done for a long time in a whole lot of places where firemen and ambulance service are totally volunteer. If people don't volunteer to contribute to these services they will eventually lose the services altogether if some source of income is not initiated. If these volunteer services cannot maintain their equipment or acquire new or better equipment, no longer pay for gasoline, gas masks or protective clothing and other stuff they need, no longer have a place to keep their equipment - what would happen?

In this particular case, the firemen would have been much kinder to just not respond at all rather than show up and stand there with crossed arms to watch the show because someone did not pay a fee. The firemen greatly erred when they refused to take the fee on the spot.
Yes, that IS what I said. It is BAD POLICY of the services should be a part of their property taxes, END OF STORY.

Arrogance. End of Story.

Amazing. The very reasons they said we needed health reform. People not paying, they are now defending.

YEP. They know they ain't gonna pay. They demand that we pay their way because they aren't grown up enough to take on adult responsibility.
I love how assumptions are being thrown out left and right. First off no one was injured or died. When the fire threatened those who paid it was put out. Instead of assuming they would stand around and watch why not assume they showed up just in case someone’s life was in danger. When they found out they were not then they waited to insure the fire did not spread to other properties of owners who paid. Comparing any other service to this is really funny. Police service is actually a part of the government. It is a part of the Executive Branch. Ambulance services are usually ran by the local hospitals.
Yes, that IS what I said. It is BAD POLICY of the services should be a part of their property taxes, END OF STORY.

County government cannot just make a tax. It has to be voted in by the public. The county can create a user fee. Do you see them running around petitioning for a property tax increase on the ballot?
I heard that some of the firemen got sick afterwards and some were crying at what they had done. Some even went home.

The guy who lost his house was interviewed last night. He said he simply "forgot" to pay the firefighters. That he tried to give them the money right there, but they wouldn't take it. He said his neighbors came out with more money, but the firefighters wouldn't take that either.

They sure made an "example" out of him. They must be "proud".

Reminds me of the way the middle class has been treated since 2001.
Do you read that the son went to the fire station afterward and punched the fire chief right in the mouth.......? :eusa_eh:
I heard that some of the firemen got sick afterwards and some were crying at what they had done. Some even went home.

The guy who lost his house was interviewed last night. He said he simply "forgot" to pay the firefighters. That he tried to give them the money right there, but they wouldn't take it. He said his neighbors came out with more money, but the firefighters wouldn't take that either.

They sure made an "example" out of him. They must be "proud".

Reminds me of the way the middle class has been treated since 2001.

The Home owner reminds me of liberals and the current White House staff. Skip out on taxes until you want or need something.
Do you read that the son went to the fire station afterward and punched the fire chief right in the mouth.......? :eusa_eh:

Sound like this family has problems. They need a checklist or something. Are you libturds gonna build them a new house?

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