Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

Now you're just being silly.

Not nearly as silly moronic as you.


You never answered my latter question. Why are you so filled with hate? Somebody hurt you. Who was it? What did they do?

I did answer your question, by letting you answer it. Remember Waco? Remember partial birth abortions? That's what the fuck you stand by. So cry me a fucking river whydonchya?
Know what's great about this thread?

It's really easy to see who the heartless greedy fucking stupid assholes are.

Yes, they are called Republicans.

Modern day conservatism is the political codification of selfishness.
I guess it was Democrat policy that allowed the empty house next to my Dads house and the one on the other side of it to burn down. While the firemen showed up they did little to contain the fire from the center (empty) house as it spread first to the neighbor on it's left then to my Dad's house. All three were destroyed. And the center house was an arson.

Oh yes the entire area is very heavy Democrat. Hasn't been under Republican control since the early 70's..........
:lol: Typical "shortsighted nobility" to provide basic public services ? As if taxes shouldn't cover it ? What kind of sucker are you ?

What kind of Naive person are you. You assume every Country and Township in the country has a tax base sufficient to cover it. How else do you explain the fact the the VAST majority of people in Rural America are covered only by Volunteer fire departments, other than the fact that the simply do not have enough people and tax base to cover it.

You assume wrong.

Wanting everyone to have basic Fire Coverage is Nobel. Not recognizing that the Tax dollars simply are not there in many places makes you shortsighted.

Call me names if you want, it wont change that fact.

That's the second time you've called me naive but you are wrong that the state tax revenues shouldn't cover basic public safety.

I call you Naive because you are naive, and from this latest post, perhaps more so than I thought.

so now we get to the real point. You want to force states to provide Fire coverage. Over half our states are having Massive budget Shortfalls, and you want them to now start taxing to provide Fire Coverage. Nice.

Thanks for playing. Socialist.
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Wrong. It is only that way in areas with a large enough tax base to sustain it. Many many people live in areas with no Tax based Fire coverage at all.

Should be? so what you want is to force even the smallest townships, and counties to organize, run, and tax for, fire departments they do not have because they can not afford them.

Typical shortsighted nobility.

:lol: Typical "shortsighted nobility" to provide basic public services ? As if taxes shouldn't cover it ? What kind of sucker are you ?

Have you ever noticed that we cannot collect enough taxes to satisfy the wants of the gimmie gimmie crowd? Just saying.

Come on, Willow...The house is burning down the fire truck is there and you DON'T put it out??? Yeah IMO taxpayers deserve basic public fire services for what they already pay in taxes. I refuse to believe there is not already enough money to make that happen.

How many properties in that county multiplied by $75.............?

How much does it really take..........?
The fuckwad you put in office voted against giving a baby who survived an abortion MEDICAL Care. so cry us a fucking river whydonchya? MORONS>
Ya, please spare me, I'm still digesting the fact that Democrats infected helpless Guatemalan mental patients with STDs without penicillin during the 1940s.

Very caring of you people.
:lol: Typical "shortsighted nobility" to provide basic public services ? As if taxes shouldn't cover it ? What kind of sucker are you ?

Have you ever noticed that we cannot collect enough taxes to satisfy the wants of the gimmie gimmie crowd? Just saying.

Come on, Willow...The house is burning down the fire truck is there and you DON'T put it out??? Yeah IMO taxpayers deserve basic public fire services for what they already pay in taxes. I refuse to believe there is not already enough money to make that happen.

How many properties in that county multiplied by $75.............?

How much does it really take..........?

Tell us why this man should get his service without paying?
What kind of Naive person are you. You assume every Country and Township in the country has a tax base sufficient to cover it. How else do you explain the fact the the VAST majority of people in Rural America are covered only by Volunteer fire departments, other than the fact that the simply do not have enough people and tax base to cover it.

You assume wrong.

Wanting everyone to have basic Fire Coverage is Nobel. Not recognizing that the Tax dollars simply are not there in many places makes you shortsighted.

Call me names if you want, it wont change that fact.

That's the second time you've called me naive but you are wrong that the state tax revenues shouldn't cover basic public safety.

You are naive, and from this latest post, perhaps more so than I thought.

so now we get to the real point. You want to force states to provide Fire coverage.

Thanks for playing. Socialist.

:rolleyes: I'm not "playing".

:lol: OOOh citizens want to FORCE states to use tax dollars wisely..Oh noze!
What kind of Naive person are you. You assume every Country and Township in the country has a tax base sufficient to cover it. How else do you explain the fact the the VAST majority of people in Rural America are covered only by Volunteer fire departments, other than the fact that the simply do not have enough people and tax base to cover it.

You assume wrong.

Wanting everyone to have basic Fire Coverage is Nobel. Not recognizing that the Tax dollars simply are not there in many places makes you shortsighted.

Call me names if you want, it wont change that fact.

That's the second time you've called me naive but you are wrong that the state tax revenues shouldn't cover basic public safety.

You are naive, and from this latest post, perhaps more so than I thought.

so now we get to the real point. You want to force states to provide Fire coverage.

Thanks for playing. Socialist.

The evil marxist communist ******-loving fag-loving liberal democRAT probably wants the State and City and County to all provide police protection, too :evil:

That's the second time you've called me naive but you are wrong that the state tax revenues shouldn't cover basic public safety.

You are naive, and from this latest post, perhaps more so than I thought.

so now we get to the real point. You want to force states to provide Fire coverage.

Thanks for playing. Socialist.

The evil marxist communist ******-loving fag-loving liberal democRAT probably wants the State and City and County to all provide police protection, too :evil:


You are an asshole.
If my house had a chimney fire and the fire department came out, put the fire out and let me pay the fee afterwards, my thoughts would be "whew! we sure lucked out with that. Can't ever let that happen again cause next time we might not be so lucky" and I'd make damn sure that bill got paid.

This guy just assumed he'd be covered again.

That's the difference between conservative and liberal.
This has everything to do with common sense and nothing to do with political affiliation.

Political affiliation? I was thinking mind-sets . . . . way of thinking and such. Common sense? Yup.

Psst, the OP made it political.
You are naive, and from this latest post, perhaps more so than I thought.

so now we get to the real point. You want to force states to provide Fire coverage.

Thanks for playing. Socialist.

The evil marxist communist ******-loving fag-loving liberal democRAT probably wants the State and City and County to all provide police protection, too :evil:


You are an asshole.
Just highlighting Chuck's stupidity.

And yours, my demonrat-loving imbecile.
That's the second time you've called me naive but you are wrong that the state tax revenues shouldn't cover basic public safety.

You are naive, and from this latest post, perhaps more so than I thought.

so now we get to the real point. You want to force states to provide Fire coverage.

Thanks for playing. Socialist.

:rolleyes: I'm not "playing".

:lol: OOOh citizens want to FORCE states to use tax dollars wisely..Oh noze!

You are being very Silly. Currently Not one state taxes for Fire Services. You are suggesting they take on a whole new responsibility which will require more taxes.

Like I said.


I will agree with one thing you said. If State Governments were more efficient and wasted less with the tax dollars they do spend already. They just might be able to afford this massive new Mandate you are suggesting.
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just like a demonRat. won't pay for a service, wants the service, expects it for free, and expects conservatives to pay for their service. Thanks for posting basementdweller. It's typical of demonRat behavior.

They did the right thing, under the circumstances. Now all will pay the minor $75.00 firefighting insurance. An example has to be set. Tough love.
Not nearly as silly moronic as you.


You never answered my latter question. Why are you so filled with hate? Somebody hurt you. Who was it? What did they do?

I did answer your question, by letting you answer it. Remember Waco? Remember partial birth abortions? That's what the fuck you stand by. So cry me a fucking river whydonchya?

I'm not for those things, and those aren't the things being discussed.

That's not it. It's nothing mainstream and widespread, something very specific happened to you. I'm just as opposed to things you favor. The vitriol towards fellow human beings is not nearly as pronounced. You're like a rescued fighting pit bull that needs to be nurtured to where it's no longer so aggressive and can be adopted.

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