Fireworks Fools Ruined Christmas Eve & Morning

Just go out and yell "Get off my lawn"!
I don't have to. The managers of my apartment complex already did that. They posted notices on every resident's door that fireworks were strictly banned from the property, and anyone shooting them off, would be evicted the next day.

We still hear the dumb things from properties around ours, but they aren't as loud, thank goodness.
No, I am not a Christian basher. I don't bash anyone based on their beliefs. It is the individual's actions that I judge.

Funny, you don't seem respectful of the people who want to celebrate the symbolic birth of their Lord by shooting fireworks. And btw, I doubt you have any idea of the religious beliefs of those who were shooting the fireworks. I know Christians who are very energetic in their celebrations at Xmas and Easter.

I also like the qualifier you added about christians being "Overall" changes it a bit. Doesn't it? Overall, Muslims do not want to kill us. Overall, most Christians were never members of the KKK, but the members of the KKK were all Christians. Overall, Jews are peaceful too.

If some noise from outside ruined your Xmas, it wasn't much of an Xmas.
It was as good as any Christmas just because it WAS Christmas, the birth of Christ, son of God, saviour of the world. And with you spelling it "Xmas", it appears like you're not having a Christmas at all.

And NO, of course I'm not "respectful of the people who want to celebrate the symbolic birth of their Lord by shooting fireworks", because they aren't celebrating Christ at all. They just use the holiday as an excuse to engage in their very stupid activity, which has nothing to do with Christ, just as the ones who set up tents to sell the stuff.

Do me a favor. Before you start trying to tell me I am not celebrating Xmas because I type "Xmas", look up the history of that bit of shorthand.

And when you spend numerous pages trying to defend your advocating (or demanding) cops shooting motorcycle riders for speeding, spare me your "I'm Christian" speeches. You want to have people executed for speeding. Not very Christ-like, now is it?
Do me a favor. Before you start trying to tell me I am not celebrating Xmas because I type "Xmas", look up the history of that bit of shorthand.

And when you spend numerous pages trying to defend your advocating (or demanding) cops shooting motorcycle riders for speeding, spare me your "I'm Christian" speeches. You want to have people executed for speeding. Not very Christ-like, now is it?
It is perfectly Christ-like. Shooting motorcyclists who are speeding is self-defense. What would not be Christ-like, is allowing innocent people to be killed by that speeding motorcyclist.

As for Xmas, I need not look it up. Christmas is spelled Christmas. So that's your "favor". You're welcome. :biggrin:
Do me a favor. Before you start trying to tell me I am not celebrating Xmas because I type "Xmas", look up the history of that bit of shorthand.

And when you spend numerous pages trying to defend your advocating (or demanding) cops shooting motorcycle riders for speeding, spare me your "I'm Christian" speeches. You want to have people executed for speeding. Not very Christ-like, now is it?
It is perfectly Christ-like. Shooting motorcyclists who are speeding is self-defense. What would not be Christ-like, is allowing innocent people to be killed by that speeding motorcyclist.

As for Xmas, I need not look it up. Christmas is spelled Christmas. So that's your "favor". You're welcome. :biggrin:

Oh, so you are clueless about origins of the use of the 'X' in place of the word 'Christ'?

And dude, if you think Jesus would advocate executing motorcyclists for speeding, you really are off your rocker.
i hope you and your wife can find some peace....i can understand now with a person with ptsd why you are objecting to fayetteville they have gone so far as running silent when the police approach a home with a known ptsd try not to push the person anymore over the edge....

have you ever discussed it with your neighbors? even the kids that make their own explosives are respectful of when people are sick....etc and so forth....or are you more concerned with our privacy?

He doesn't do "discussion"...he prefers to rant on the internet, wave his dick, and punch walls.
That is not what "fun" means. Do you have a sense of humor? You are like a wet blanket and a smelly one at that.

I have a very dry sense of humor at best. Im much more likely to lsugh AT someone or something than with them.

I'm the wet blsnket you're happy to have aroubd when the fire starts. I msy not seem very useful much of the time but in certain instances you're happy I was,there.

Only if we need someone to point and laugh at. You're more like the crazy fuck running around with a pair of Depends on your head squeaking, "The end is coming!"
No, I am not a Christian basher. I don't bash anyone based on their beliefs. It is the individual's actions that I judge.

Funny, you don't seem respectful of the people who want to celebrate the symbolic birth of their Lord by shooting fireworks. And btw, I doubt you have any idea of the religious beliefs of those who were shooting the fireworks. I know Christians who are very energetic in their celebrations at Xmas and Easter.

I also like the qualifier you added about christians being "Overall" changes it a bit. Doesn't it? Overall, Muslims do not want to kill us. Overall, most Christians were never members of the KKK, but the members of the KKK were all Christians. Overall, Jews are peaceful too.

If some noise from outside ruined your Xmas, it wasn't much of an Xmas.
It was as good as any Christmas just because it WAS Christmas, the birth of Christ, son of God, saviour of the world. And with you spelling it "Xmas", it appears like you're not having a Christmas at all.

And NO, of course I'm not "respectful of the people who want to celebrate the symbolic birth of their Lord by shooting fireworks", because they aren't celebrating Christ at all. They just use the holiday as an excuse to engage in their very stupid activity, which has nothing to do with Christ, just as the ones who set up tents to sell the stuff.

Do me a favor. Before you start trying to tell me I am not celebrating Xmas because I type "Xmas", look up the history of that bit of shorthand.

And when you spend numerous pages trying to defend your advocating (or demanding) cops shooting motorcycle riders for speeding, spare me your "I'm Christian" speeches. You want to have people executed for speeding. Not very Christ-like, now is it?

Someone needs to ride an open-piped Harley past his apartment every night for a month.
The fireworks fiends have been doing this every Christmas for the last 3 years. This one was the loudest, and worst. To all fireworks shooters out here. Please get a brain. Christmas eve and early morning is not like New Year's Eve, or the 4th of July.
Quite the contrary, Christmas eve is a time for PEACE & QUIET. You know, like the song SILENT Night ?

At least it WAS until you morons came along. Here in Tampa, Florida, the city fathers (and suburbs) have been irresponsible on this. They allow fireworks to be sold to the public, in large quantities, in supermarkets, and in large tent set-ups in store parking lots. This just shouldn't be allowed, period. The only fireworks to be shot off should be done by local officials in well-regulated displays in public parks, not by the public itself.

What I heard last night and early this morning was a huge disrespect to Christianity, and to everyone who is a Christian, as well as everyone just wanting peace and quiet, and to be able to go to bed. This morning that wasn't possible until 3:30 AM when the madness finally ended. It went on for 5 hours, from 10:30 PM to 3:30 AM, with police doing little or nothing to stop it. People ought to be up in arms about this, and instead the SHEEPLE seem to just be willing to take it. But why ? To suit a bunch of inconsiderate fools who make money selling this crap, and shooting them off, and have no respect for the meaning of Christmas ?

I hate to say it, but our local police really flunked out out this morning. They should have been arresting these idiots in droves, and it all should have been stopped.
This has to be the most hilarious "angry grandpa" post ever! lmao
Not only were there fireworks at Christmas, but last night, New Year's, the fireworks went on till 5:30 a.m.!!!! And we live in the country well outside the city. Hope they have one hell of a hangover today. My dog was traumatized.

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