Fireworks Fools Ruined Christmas Eve & Morning

And I notice you want to focus on your claims of not being part of society, rather than on my claims that you are a coward who talks a good game but doesn't actually do anything.

This forum has rules. I may not agree with them all but they do exist. My response to you on that topic would violate several of those rules. I will leave it at.... if you ever want to test my resolve in person, I would be more than willing to accommodate you

The fact that you claim you advocate shooting people for lesser things than making noise coupled with the fact that you are not in prison tells us all we need to know.

You are just another internet badass, living in fear, and pretending to be something you are not.
If you are paying taxes and benefiting from it, then sorry but you are part of the MACHINE.

Trust me, I'm not BENEFITTING from anythibg in this society. I am paying taxes and fees, but I get no direct benefit from any of it.

The food you buy is inspected. The water from your tap is processed. Criminals are kept in prison. Foriegn enemies are held at bay. The fire dept and paramedics are ready to save you and your home. This forum is available to you, partly, thru gov't subsidies and grants (you could not afford a cable or fiber network on your own).

You reap plenty of benefits. Like I said, the fact that you are a spiteful asshole, living in fear, does not change the fact that you ARE a member of society.
Fireworks Fools Ruined Christmas Eve & Morning

Uncle Ferd says...

... getcha some M-80's or cherry bombs...

... an' throw back at `em.
The food you buy is inspected. The water from your tap is processed. Criminals are kept in prison. Foriegn enemies are held at bay. The fire dept and paramedics are ready to save you and your home. This forum is available to you, partly, thru gov't subsidies and grants (you could not afford a cable or fiber network on your own).

You reap plenty of benefits. Like I said, the fact that you are a spiteful asshole, living in fear, does not change the fact that you ARE a member of society.

Honestly, I could do without most of thise things (including the internet); and the necessary ones would be brought about by privste industry over time. I don't subscribe to the local FD or EMS groups either.

I'm not part of your society. I exust within its confines byt I am not a member of it. If feasible I'd leave your society ASAP. Unfortunately that is not a reasonable option at this time.
i would be thankful this is your biggest problem.....fireworks....most have a lot more issues and they are real issues...sorry fireworks upset your holy tell us how you kept them?
You've got it backwards. The scrooges are the ones who are disrespecting Christmas, by shooting off fireworks, on a day that should have peace & quiet. I'm one of the ones who appreciates and respects Christmas. Where did you ever get the idea that fireworks even remotely fits in with Christmas ?

You do know that back in the day church bells would ring all over town, either at midnight or 6am.

Would you complain about that, Mr Christian?
The food you buy is inspected. The water from your tap is processed. Criminals are kept in prison. Foriegn enemies are held at bay. The fire dept and paramedics are ready to save you and your home. This forum is available to you, partly, thru gov't subsidies and grants (you could not afford a cable or fiber network on your own).

You reap plenty of benefits. Like I said, the fact that you are a spiteful asshole, living in fear, does not change the fact that you ARE a member of society.

Honestly, I could do without most of thise things (including the internet); and the necessary ones would be brought about by privste industry over time. I don't subscribe to the local FD or EMS groups either.

I'm not part of your society. I exust within its confines byt I am not a member of it. If feasible I'd leave your society ASAP. Unfortunately that is not a reasonable option at this time.

You talk about your medical issues. Do you, for one misguided moment, think your payments total enough to support the doctors, nurses, equipment and facilities you use? You benefit from there being a society to support such things.
You talk about your medical issues. Do you, for one misguided moment, think your payments total enough to support the doctors, nurses, equipment and facilities you use? You benefit from there being a society to support such things.

Not at all. Then again, I could go without until I died. My wife, on the other hand is not so willing to bite that bullet and she's YOUR problem as much as mine because she's on Medicare due to disability.
You talk about your medical issues. Do you, for one misguided moment, think your payments total enough to support the doctors, nurses, equipment and facilities you use? You benefit from there being a society to support such things.

Not at all. Then again, I could go without until I died. My wife, on the other hand is not so willing to bite that bullet and she's YOUR problem as much as mine because she's on Medicare due to disability.

Yes, she IS my problem as well. I am not the one trying to deny my connection to the society in which I live.
You do know that back in the day church bells would ring all over town, either at midnight or 6am.

Would you complain about that, Mr Christian?
Certainly, but at least they would have a legitimate purpose, and in keeping with Christmas, as opposing to this uncivilized idiocy, that disrespects Christianity, and all Christians
Yes, she IS my problem as well. I am not the one trying to deny my connection to the society in which I live.
And in our society we try to acknowledge each others problems, and help each other deal with them.

You do know that back in the day church bells would ring all over town, either at midnight or 6am.

Would you complain about that, Mr Christian?
Certainly, but at least they would have a legitimate purpose, and in keeping with Christmas, as opposing to this uncivilized idiocy, that disrespects Christianity, and all Christians

Yeah, because Christians are always so respectful of other faiths and their holidays. Extra quiet during Hanukka were you?
And in our society we try to acknowledge each others problems, and help each other deal with them.

In YOUR Society. In MY society, you take care of your own and if you can't, you get rid of them. The fact thst she's still on SS frustates the hell out of me. If her therapist accepted my medical insurance she'd be totally on my insurance. Most if her coverage is now through my insurance but certain things are still SS covered and it frustrates me constantly.

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