Fireworks Fools Ruined Christmas Eve & Morning

This isn't about just "sounds" There are thousands of sounds that enter our homes all the time. ut they aren't excessively loud and obnoxious. Insulating homes isn't the solution. Stopping arrogant, excessively noisy, inconsiderate idiots is. These fireworks are also extremely harmful to dogs, and military combat veterans, especially those with PTSD.

The burden is on the fireworks shooters to stop what they're doing, not ordinary citizens to change their living ways.

That reminds me of a funny story. After I got back from OIF Jan 06 I had an apt next to a high school's football stadium. I had just got done taking a good dump when I came under indirect mortar fire. I got my AR out of the safe and moved towards the balcony. That's when I realized it was fireworks at the stupid football game.

Anyway I do agree that especially on Christmas, but really any night a normal person wouldn't expect to hear a Chinese new year celebration that the police should have come and fined the people for disturbing the peace. That's really the issue. Not the fact that some idiots had the ability to purchase the fireworks.

get some help. that story isn't funny, it's worrying
Yeah, but YOU don't have the balls to actually DO it. You just talk like you are all badass.

Who knows. Maybe we'll get a chance to find out as your society continues to deteriorate.

OUR society, sparky. However isolated you try to be, you are still responsible for your part.

And no, you don't do shit. You claim that you advocate shooting people for a lot less than making noise. And you claim that you are fairly old. There would have been far too many instances during a long life to encounter noise-makers, assholes, and obnoxious people. If you were actually going to do something, you would have done it many times by now. But you haven't. And you won't. You are just another scared little man pretending to be tough.
OUR society, sparky. However isolated you try to be, you are still responsible for your part.

No, it is YOUR society. The reason the other part of your post fails is that you have no idea just how much of a hermit's one can live in suburban America.

It is still YOUR society too. You enjoy the benefits.

Yeah, like I said, you hide from the world. You don't go out and shoot people for making noise. You hide away and pretend to be tough online.
The fireworks fiends have been doing this every Christmas for the last 3 years. This one was the loudest, and worst. To all fireworks shooters out here. Please get a brain. Christmas eve and early morning is not like New Year's Eve, or the 4th of July.
Quite the contrary, Christmas eve is a time for PEACE & QUIET. You know, like the song SILENT Night ?

At least it WAS until you morons came along. Here in Tampa, Florida, the city fathers (and suburbs) have been irresponsible on this. They allow fireworks to be sold to the public, in large quantities, in supermarkets, and in large tent set-ups in store parking lots. This just shouldn't be allowed, period. The only fireworks to be shot off should be done by local officials in well-regulated displays in public parks, not by the public itself.

What I heard last night and early this morning was a huge disrespect to Christianity, and to everyone who is a Christian, as well as everyone just wanting peace and quiet, and to be able to go to bed. This morning that wasn't possible until 3:30 AM when the madness finally ended. It went on for 5 hours, from 10:30 PM to 3:30 AM, with police doing little or nothing to stop it. People ought to be up in arms about this, and instead the SHEEPLE seem to just be willing to take it. But why ? To suit a bunch of inconsiderate fools who make money selling this crap, and shooting them off, and have no respect for the meaning of Christmas ?

I hate to say it, but our local police really flunked out out this morning. They should have been arresting these idiots in droves, and it all should have been stopped.
Celebrating the birth of Jesus is disrespectful? :lmao:
You use the roads, have the security, have electricity, and have access to other aspects. The fact that you hide does not change that fact.

Electricity is a PRIVATE enterprise. Its Federally and State REGULATED, but it's a private corporation.

As for the rest..... I pay the blood monies to your City, State and Federal Governments. That's the end of my responsibility to YOUR Society.
You use the roads, have the security, have electricity, and have access to other aspects. The fact that you hide does not change that fact.

Electricity is a PRIVATE enterprise. Its Federally and State REGULATED, but it's a private corporation.

As for the rest..... I pay the blood monies to your City, State and Federal Governments. That's the end of my responsibility to YOUR Society.

Yeah, it is a private enterprise. But what you pay does not even BEGIN to cover the cost of the infrastructure to provide that service.

Also, Water & Sewer are part of your connection to society. Do you think the pittance you pay every month covers the cost of getting, filtering, processing, and moving all the water into your home and the sewage out? Miles of pipe buried and pumping stations, treatment facilities ect ect are expensive. The price you pay is part of a huge group rate.

And even by hiding out in your home, you are effecting society. This idea that you are somehow separate from society is laughable. If you want to move way out in the boonies you can make a claim that you are not part of society. It is debatable, but at least you have an argument. Now? Not so much. Being a grouchy, fearful asshole does not make you separate from society.

And I notice you want to focus on your claims of not being part of society, rather than on my claims that you are a coward who talks a good game but doesn't actually do anything.
And I notice you want to focus on your claims of not being part of society, rather than on my claims that you are a coward who talks a good game but doesn't actually do anything.

This forum has rules. I may not agree with them all but they do exist. My response to you on that topic would violate several of those rules. I will leave it at.... if you ever want to test my resolve in person, I would be more than willing to accommodate you
You use the roads, have the security, have electricity, and have access to other aspects. The fact that you hide does not change that fact.

Electricity is a PRIVATE enterprise. Its Federally and State REGULATED, but it's a private corporation.

As for the rest..... I pay the blood monies to your City, State and Federal Governments. That's the end of my responsibility to YOUR Society.

If you are paying taxes and benefiting from it, then sorry but you are part of the MACHINE. :D

Cue awesome PF tune.


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