Fireworks Fools Ruined Christmas Eve & Morning

And in our society we try to acknowledge each others problems, and help each other deal with them.

In YOUR Society. In MY society, you take care of your own and if you can't, you get rid of them. The fact thst she's still on SS frustates the hell out of me. If her therapist accepted my medical insurance she'd be totally on my insurance. Most if her coverage is now through my insurance but certain things are still SS covered and it frustrates me constantly.

So you would prefer to get rid of your wife than have her on SS? That is insane.

OUR society. You live in it. You help pay for it. You are part of it.
So you would prefer to get rid of your wife than have her on SS? That is insane.

I would prefer to get her completely onto my private insurance or pay for her visits entirely out of pocket but that's not possible with the particular provider that we're dealing with.

Personally, I'll lose my medical coverage at 65 since I won't take Medicare, but that's a personal decision.

OUR society. You live in it. You help pay for it. You are part of it.

No I'm not. I'm just a piece of driftwood along for the ride on the tide.
i hope you and your wife can find some peace....i can understand now with a person with ptsd why you are objecting to fayetteville they have gone so far as running silent when the police approach a home with a known ptsd try not to push the person anymore over the edge....

have you ever discussed it with your neighbors? even the kids that make their own explosives are respectful of when people are sick....etc and so forth....or are you more concerned with our privacy?
Yeah, because Christians are always so respectful of other faiths and their holidays. Extra quiet during Hanukka were you?
So you're a Christian-basher, then ?

I'd say YES. Overall, Christians ARE respectful of other faiths and their holidays, and of other people in general, more so than non-Christians. Quite a bit more. That's part of what being a Christian is, and as a Christian, I'm proud of it.
Yeah, because Christians are always so respectful of other faiths and their holidays. Extra quiet during Hanukka were you?
So you're a Christian-basher, then ?

I'd say YES. Overall, Christians ARE respectful of other faiths and their holidays, and of other people in general, more so than non-Christians. Quite a bit more. That's part of what being a Christian is, and as a Christian, I'm proud of it.

No, I am not a Christian basher. I don't bash anyone based on their beliefs. It is the individual's actions that I judge.

Funny, you don't seem respectful of the people who want to celebrate the symbolic birth of their Lord by shooting fireworks. And btw, I doubt you have any idea of the religious beliefs of those who were shooting the fireworks. I know Christians who are very energetic in their celebrations at Xmas and Easter.

I also like the qualifier you added about christians being "Overall" changes it a bit. Doesn't it? Overall, Muslims do not want to kill us. Overall, most Christians were never members of the KKK, but the members of the KKK were all Christians. Overall, Jews are peaceful too.

If some noise from outside ruined your Xmas, it wasn't much of an Xmas.
So you would prefer to get rid of your wife than have her on SS? That is insane.

I would prefer to get her completely onto my private insurance or pay for her visits entirely out of pocket but that's not possible with the particular provider that we're dealing with.

Personally, I'll lose my medical coverage at 65 since I won't take Medicare, but that's a personal decision.

OUR society. You live in it. You help pay for it. You are part of it.

No I'm not. I'm just a piece of driftwood along for the ride on the tide.

Have you ever had fun in your life?
That is just sad.

Why do you say that? I kearned early in life that "fun" was a measure of either how much trouble you wanted to get ibto or how much money you had to get yourself out of trouble.

I say that because "fun" means you enjoyed your life and did things to produce joy and happiness for yourself. Not having fun means you didn't.
I say that because "fun" means you enjoyed your life and did things to produce joy and happiness for yourself. Not having fun means you didn't.

The family I grew up in doesn't work that way. Life us about what Shoild be done, not about whst one wants or likes to do.
That is not what "fun" means. Do you have a sense of humor? You are like a wet blanket and a smelly one at that.

I have a very dry sense of humor at best. Im much more likely to lsugh AT someone or something than with them.

I'm the wet blsnket you're happy to have aroubd when the fire starts. I msy not seem very useful much of the time but in certain instances you're happy I was,there.
That is not what "fun" means. Do you have a sense of humor? You are like a wet blanket and a smelly one at that.

I have a very dry sense of humor at best. Im much more likely to lsugh AT someone or something than with them.

I'm the wet blsnket you're happy to have aroubd when the fire starts. I msy not seem very useful much of the time but in certain instances you're happy I was,there.

I'm handy to have around in a crisis too. But I am also fun when things are going well.
Dumbshit morons are out there blasting away, with there stupid fireworks right now. (New Year's Eve) I was hoping for a good hard rainstorm, to pour down on them, and wash away all their dopey toys, but it just didn't happen. Not even any wind to blow all all their stinkin smoke. Dang!

We don't get much rain in winter around here, but we get tons of it in July, when the airheads are out shoot off their stuff on July 4th. Last July it poured like hell on them. You could hardly hear a single firecracker. It was great.

We get a lot of lightning here in Tampa too. When they go out fireworking on the 4th, they are literally taking their lives in their hands. And with all that thunder and lightning, nature puts on a lot bigger and better show that they do anyway.
Their fireworks are a joke, in comparison.

Lightning capital of the nation


Dumbshit morons are out there blasting away, with there stupid fireworks right now. (New Year's Eve) I was hoping for a good hard rainstorm, to pour down on them, and wash away all their dopey toys, but it just didn't happen. Not even any wind to blow all all their stinkin smoke. Dang!

We don't get much rain in winter around here, but we get tons of it in July, when the airheads are out shoot off their stuff on July 4th. Last July it poured like hell on them. You could hardly hear a single firecracker. It was great.

We get a lot of lightning here in Tampa too. When they go out fireworking on the 4th, they are literally taking their lives in their hands. And with all that thunder and lightning, nature puts on a lot bigger and better show that they do anyway.
Their fireworks are a joke, in comparison.

Lightning capital of the nation


Just go out and yell "Get off my lawn"!
No, I am not a Christian basher. I don't bash anyone based on their beliefs. It is the individual's actions that I judge.

Funny, you don't seem respectful of the people who want to celebrate the symbolic birth of their Lord by shooting fireworks. And btw, I doubt you have any idea of the religious beliefs of those who were shooting the fireworks. I know Christians who are very energetic in their celebrations at Xmas and Easter.

I also like the qualifier you added about christians being "Overall" changes it a bit. Doesn't it? Overall, Muslims do not want to kill us. Overall, most Christians were never members of the KKK, but the members of the KKK were all Christians. Overall, Jews are peaceful too.

If some noise from outside ruined your Xmas, it wasn't much of an Xmas.
It was as good as any Christmas just because it WAS Christmas, the birth of Christ, son of God, saviour of the world. And with you spelling it "Xmas", it appears like you're not having a Christmas at all.

And NO, of course I'm not "respectful of the people who want to celebrate the symbolic birth of their Lord by shooting fireworks", because they aren't celebrating Christ at all. They just use the holiday as an excuse to engage in their very stupid activity, which has nothing to do with Christ, just as the ones who set up tents to sell the stuff.

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