Fireworks Fools Ruined Christmas Eve & Morning

If you want to be insulated from sounds, you need to soundproof your home, or buy an isolated country estate.
This isn't about just "sounds" There are thousands of sounds that enter our homes all the time. ut they aren't excessively loud and obnoxious. Insulating homes isn't the solution. Stopping arrogant, excessively noisy, inconsiderate idiots is. These fireworks are also extremely harmful to dogs, and military combat veterans, especially those with PTSD.

The burden is on the fireworks shooters to stop what they're doing, not ordinary citizens to change their living ways.
If there are that many of them, it sounds like they are the norm.
The fireworks fiends have been doing this every Christmas for the last 3 years. This one was the loudest, and worst. To all fireworks shooters out here. Please get a brain. Christmas eve and early morning is not like New Year's Eve, or the 4th of July.
Quite the contrary, Christmas eve is a time for PEACE & QUIET. You know, like the song SILENT Night ?

At least it WAS until you morons came along. Here in Tampa, Florida, the city fathers (and suburbs) have been irresponsible on this. They allow fireworks to be sold to the public, in large quantities, in supermarkets, and in large tent set-ups in store parking lots. This just shouldn't be allowed, period. The only fireworks to be shot off should be done by local officials in well-regulated displays in public parks, not by the public itself.

What I heard last night and early this morning was a huge disrespect to Christianity, and to everyone who is a Christian, as well as everyone just wanting peace and quiet, and to be able to go to bed. This morning that wasn't possible until 3:30 AM when the madness finally ended. It went on for 5 hours, from 10:30 PM to 3:30 AM, with police doing little or nothing to stop it. People ought to be up in arms about this, and instead the SHEEPLE seem to just be willing to take it. But why ? To suit a bunch of inconsiderate fools who make money selling this crap, and shooting them off, and have no respect for the meaning of Christmas ?

I hate to say it, but our local police really flunked out out this morning. They should have been arresting these idiots in droves, and it all should have been stopped.

Absolutely, couldn't agree more. I've grown to despise these displays only because people don't know when to stop nor what's overboard. Inconsiderate fools!! Not only is it disruptive to us as individuals, but it scares animals and pets horribly. Many have to be tranquillized just to get through it. Not cool!!
Consider yourself lucky. Where I live they shoot off guns........Yes, I live in the sticks.........

Fireworks for Christmas is really stupid and rude. I'm glad we don't have it here. I'm not a fireworks fan and don't get the fascination with setting off small explosive devices repeatedly. It's like staring into a fire to me. They could outlaw the damn things for all I care.
This isn't about just "sounds" There are thousands of sounds that enter our homes all the time. ut they aren't excessively loud and obnoxious. Insulating homes isn't the solution. Stopping arrogant, excessively noisy, inconsiderate idiots is. These fireworks are also extremely harmful to dogs, and military combat veterans, especially those with PTSD.

The burden is on the fireworks shooters to stop what they're doing, not ordinary citizens to change their living ways.

That reminds me of a funny story. After I got back from OIF Jan 06 I had an apt next to a high school's football stadium. I had just got done taking a good dump when I came under indirect mortar fire. I got my AR out of the safe and moved towards the balcony. That's when I realized it was fireworks at the stupid football game.

Anyway I do agree that especially on Christmas, but really any night a normal person wouldn't expect to hear a Chinese new year celebration that the police should have come and fined the people for disturbing the peace. That's really the issue. Not the fact that some idiots had the ability to purchase the fireworks.

Consider yourself lucky. Where I live they shoot off guns........Yes, I live in the sticks.........

I do too. I love living as far away as possible from bed wetting liberals. The thing is that folks around here never shoot past dark unless they're killing a coyote or if they've just moved around here and are still shaking off the city stupid by getting hammered and shooting at beer cans near the fire.

(That actually happened once)

Stupid people don't last long out here.

If you want to be insulated from sounds, you need to soundproof your home, or buy an isolated country estate.
This isn't about just "sounds" There are thousands of sounds that enter our homes all the time. ut they aren't excessively loud and obnoxious. Insulating homes isn't the solution. Stopping arrogant, excessively noisy, inconsiderate idiots is. These fireworks are also extremely harmful to dogs, and military combat veterans, especially those with PTSD.

The burden is on the fireworks shooters to stop what they're doing, not ordinary citizens to change their living ways.

Did you start this thread before or after you waved your cane at someone and screamed for him to get off your lawn?
I needed to take my German Shepard mix in the car with the windows up and the radio on because the fireworks scared her. Our current dog, a border collie sleeps through the loudest of them, but if a squirrel or cat enters our yard she goes nuts. Go figure.
Consider yourself lucky. Where I live they shoot off guns........Yes, I live in the sticks.........

I do too. I love living as far away as possible from bed wetting liberals. The thing is that folks around here never shoot past dark unless they're killing a coyote or if they've just moved around here and are still shaking off the city stupid by getting hammered and shooting at beer cans near the fire.

(That actually happened once)

Stupid people don't last long out here.

Are you the exception?
Merry Christmas Mr Scrooge!!!!
You've got it backwards. The scrooges are the ones who are disrespecting Christmas, by shooting off fireworks, on a day that should have peace & quiet. I'm one of the ones who appreciates and respects Christmas. Where did you ever get the idea that fireworks even remotely fits in with Christmas ?

How does a decorated tree fit in with Christmas? How does a man in a red suit leaving presents fit in with Christmas?

I am sorry that teh world does not cater to what you want 365 days a year. Buy some earplugs, turn up your tv and get a life. Let the kids have their fun.
haters gotta hate......

i bet you dont think that about sounds of fire arms....i hate when muzzle loading season comes around but i dont feel the need to try to rain on everyone's parade
I've got guns, but even my shotgun isn't as loud as the noise from these uncivilized, barbarian savages. I suspect they might have been out there shooting shotguns,or something even bigger.

I GUARANTEE the screaming after you unliaded aome 00 buck into someone would be MUCH louder.

Oh please. More posturing, posing and fantasy from you? You are one of the most miserable people on these forums. You don't like sex. You hide out from the world. And you pretend to be some badass. But you are more likely some scared guy pretending to be tough online.

Spare us this nonsense about shooting someone because they made noise. You wouldn't dare. So why encourage others to do so?
Spare us this nonsense about shooting someone because they made noise. You wouldn't dare. So why encourage others to do so?

An ARMED society is a POLITE society - Thomas Jefferson.

We have the arned socuety, we just need to start using it to ensure the polite society.
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Why do I now have the urge to borrow my old hot rod from the guy I sold it to, and drive it past Anathema's house a dozen or so times with the header caps off?
Spare us this nonsense about shooting someone because they made noise. You wouldn't dare. So why encourage others to do so?

An ARMED society is a POLITE society - Thomas Jefferson.

We have the arned socuety, we just need to start using it to ensure the polite society.

I am very pro gun, so that is not the issue.

You claiming to advocate shooting someone because they make noise is what I am laughing at.

BTW, Jefferson did not say that. Robert Heinlein said it. And, unlike you, his fiction was entertaining.
Why do I now have the urge to borrow my old hot rod from the guy I sold it to, and drive it past Anathema's house a dozen or so times with the header caps off?

I was thinking one of those "thumper" stereos would be good too.

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