Firing Mueller would be rational- only if Trump is guilty

where is all this talk of him firing mueller coming from? CNN?
Since I specifically cited an article from the National Review your post seems to indicate you have a reading comprehension problem.
President Trump is really, really, really pissed off that Mueller is investigating Russia and the Trump campaign.

But really- is the investigation actually harming Trump? No.
It is an irritation, and one he lashes out about- but it is not preventing him from firing his cabinet members, or proposing tax cuts or agreeing to talk to North Korea.

So there is no rational reason why Trump would want to fire Mueller- unless Trump is guilty.

Firing Robert Mueller Would Hurt Trump More Than Help | National Review

As the National Review said:
Moving at this point would be rational only if Trump feared some thermonuclear revelation that wouldn’t be survivable. It’s not clear what, in the current news and political environment, that would be. Everything is so perishable, and Trump has such a strong hold on his party’s base, he could presumably weather almost anything

If Trump fires Mueller- it will either be further evidence that Trump is not rational- or it will be further evidence of Trump's guilt- of something.
You are obviously consuming too much fake media.
Tell me more about how the National Review is 'fake media'?

I find that fascinating.
First of all, he's not going to fire Mueller. I know you dipshits on the left want to make everyone think he is but he's not. Having said that, maybe the man doesn't like being accused of something he did not do. Ever think of that? Would you not be a little irritated if a cop pulled you over without cause and made you sit on the curb for an hour like a criminal while he called in other cops to search your vehicle? You know damn well you would be pissed, and at some point, you would want to sue the bastards so drop the bullshit "If he has nothing to hide he shouldn't mind being subjected to a never ending criminal investigation" line. If you fuckwads had any integrity you would admit you have nothing and end the investigation but you don't, because it's the only thing you have to hinder progress and prevent the President from doing his job. You people are pathetic.

Most adults are able to control their emotional outbursts.

No one likes to be accused of something they didn't do, but most people are mature enough to accept that emotionally venting their anger isn't actually going to help anything.

We have a situation that is directly comparable- Whitewater.

Remember for 4 years there was an investigation on Bill Clinton to see if he had violated the law in Arkansas before he became President. An investigation which ultimately found no evidence of any crime committed in Arkansas before Clinton was President.

Was Clinton 'irritated' by the false accusations? Certainly he was.

But Clinton also lied about getting a blow job in the Oval office- and that is was not a false accusation.

I actually hope that Mueller's investigation does not find any intentional collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia- that would be devastating for our country.

The only thing more devastating would be if it really happened and the Trump campaign gets away with it.
I don't agree that it would devastating for the US populace to learn they were played by Trump and Putin. Quite the opposite, imo. We could debate whether Reagan was ever serious about deficits or the natl debt. But it not debatable than since the end of the draft and both parties funding a military with deficit dollars, we have been lulled into a sense of false security.

We can disagree- but I think it would make Watergate look like chump change if we found out that there was actual intentional collusion between the Trump campaign and a foreign power- to influence our elections.

I truly hope that in the end that the Mueller investigation report says that there was no evidence of intentional collusion.

Why the Trumpsters are against Mueller concluding his report and reporting that- I can't figure out.
First of all, he's not going to fire Mueller. I know you dipshits on the left want to make everyone think he is but he's not. Having said that, maybe the man doesn't like being accused of something he did not do. Ever think of that? Would you not be a little irritated if a cop pulled you over without cause and made you sit on the curb for an hour like a criminal while he called in other cops to search your vehicle? You know damn well you would be pissed, and at some point, you would want to sue the bastards so drop the bullshit "If he has nothing to hide he shouldn't mind being subjected to a never ending criminal investigation" line. If you fuckwads had any integrity you would admit you have nothing and end the investigation but you don't, because it's the only thing you have to hinder progress and prevent the President from doing his job. You people are pathetic.

Well if you fuckwads had any integrity you would look at Trump's record of firing people- and realize that it is certainly within the realm of possibility that Trump will fire Mueller.

Of course Trump is irritated by the investigation- that is certainly clear.

But as far as 'nothing'- the roots of the investigation go back to a Trump campaign member telling an Australian diplomat in a bar that the Russians had dirt on Clinton.

We also know that Trump's son welcomed a meeting with a Russian that he had been told had dirt on Clinton.

What we don't know is what else Mueller has found so far.

You fuckwads don't want Mueller to continue his investigation.

What is it you are afraid he will find?
He's not gonna find anything. If he had anything it would have been leaked by now. This is a failed coup attempt that the left can't let go of and you know it.

LOL- ah I love how you repeat the talking points your Dear Leader has told you to parrot.
President Trump is really, really, really pissed off that Mueller is investigating Russia and the Trump campaign.

But really- is the investigation actually harming Trump? No.
It is an irritation, and one he lashes out about- but it is not preventing him from firing his cabinet members, or proposing tax cuts or agreeing to talk to North Korea.

So there is no rational reason why Trump would want to fire Mueller- unless Trump is guilty.

Firing Robert Mueller Would Hurt Trump More Than Help | National Review

As the National Review said:
Moving at this point would be rational only if Trump feared some thermonuclear revelation that wouldn’t be survivable. It’s not clear what, in the current news and political environment, that would be. Everything is so perishable, and Trump has such a strong hold on his party’s base, he could presumably weather almost anything

If Trump fires Mueller- it will either be further evidence that Trump is not rational- or it will be further evidence of Trump's guilt- of something.
There is no rational reason for Mueller to continue the investigation since by this time it is clear that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government unless Mueller is simply a political shill trying to generate negative headlines about Trump despite the fact he has no evidence to support them. If Mueller were an honorable man, as many thought he was at the beginning of the investigation, he would close the investigation and resign.

And you know this- how?

Do you have access to all of the testimony that Mueller has heard?
Do you have access to all of the documents that Mueller has read?

Mueller hasn't been the one trying to generate headlines- he hasn't been the one playing this up to the press- Donald Trump is the one playing this up to the press- with his public attacks on Mueller and the investigation.
where is all this talk of him firing mueller coming from? CNN?


Have you not been paying attention?

Posters on this board have been calling for Trump to fire Mueller since a week after he was appointed.
So you are saying the stories about Trump planning to fire Mueller are based on anonymous posts on USMB?

The poster asked where 'where is all this talk of him firing mueller coming from?'- Doc pointed out that among the 'talk' is talk by contards right here at USMB.

Of course I cited the National Review in my OP- which just shows the poster has a reading comprehension problem.
where is all this talk of him firing mueller coming from? CNN?
Since I specifically cited an article from the National Review your post seems to indicate you have a reading comprehension problem.
So, its just more malarkey used by sheep to bash the peaches-in-chief?

That sounds like just more malarkey used by reading comprehension challenged sheep to defend the peaches in chief.
where is all this talk of him firing mueller coming from? CNN?
Since I specifically cited an article from the National Review your post seems to indicate you have a reading comprehension problem.
So, its just more malarkey used by sheep to bash the peaches-in-chief?

That sounds like just more malarkey used by sheep to defend the peaches in chief.
Why would i defend him if he actually said he might? The only reason i said anything is because you people look like fucking morons.
where is all this talk of him firing mueller coming from? CNN?


Have you not been paying attention?

Posters on this board have been calling for Trump to fire Mueller since a week after he was appointed.
Publically. Not our posters. This crap goes wayyy beyond here.

Of course. But "our posters" didn't come up with it on their own - they got it from the endless supply of right-wing blog sites and talk radio hosts who have all been pushing the "fire Mueller" thing for a year now.

That's what I mean when I ask whether you've been paying attention.
where is all this talk of him firing mueller coming from? CNN?


Have you not been paying attention?

Posters on this board have been calling for Trump to fire Mueller since a week after he was appointed.
So you are saying the stories about Trump planning to fire Mueller are based on anonymous posts on USMB?

No, the anonymous posts on USMB are based on the vast scope of right-wing punditry that's been pushing the "fire Mueller" thing for almost a year now.
where is all this talk of him firing mueller coming from? CNN?


Have you not been paying attention?

Posters on this board have been calling for Trump to fire Mueller since a week after he was appointed.
Publically. Not our posters. This crap goes wayyy beyond here.

Of course. But "our posters" didn't come up with it on their own - they got it from the endless supply of right-wing blog sites and talk radio hosts who have all been pushing the "fire Mueller" thing for a year now.

That's what I mean when I ask whether you've been paying attention.
So the MSM is getting their talking points from blog sites? Interesting.
where is all this talk of him firing mueller coming from? CNN?


Have you not been paying attention?

Posters on this board have been calling for Trump to fire Mueller since a week after he was appointed.
Publically. Not our posters. This crap goes wayyy beyond here.

Of course. But "our posters" didn't come up with it on their own - they got it from the endless supply of right-wing blog sites and talk radio hosts who have all been pushing the "fire Mueller" thing for a year now.

That's what I mean when I ask whether you've been paying attention.
So the MSM is getting their talking points from blog sites? Interesting.

There's no need to be obtuse.

If you're asking why the MSM thinks that Trump is likely to fire Mueller soon - that's because he's stepped up with twitter war to the point where he's calling out Mueller by name, which is causing a lot of people on both sides of the aisle to think that a firing is near.

That, combined with various leaks from the White House claiming that Trump has already tried to fire Mueller at least one time, but backed down from it.
where is all this talk of him firing mueller coming from? CNN?


Have you not been paying attention?

Posters on this board have been calling for Trump to fire Mueller since a week after he was appointed.
Publically. Not our posters. This crap goes wayyy beyond here.

Of course. But "our posters" didn't come up with it on their own - they got it from the endless supply of right-wing blog sites and talk radio hosts who have all been pushing the "fire Mueller" thing for a year now.

That's what I mean when I ask whether you've been paying attention.
So the MSM is getting their talking points from blog sites? Interesting.

There's no need to be obtuse.

If you're asking why the MSM thinks that Trump is likely to fire Mueller soon - that's because he's stepped up with twitter war to the point where he's calling out Mueller by name, which is causing a lot of people on both sides of the aisle to think that a firing is near.

That, combined with various leaks from the White House claiming that Trump has already tried to fire Mueller at least one time, but backed down from it.
so its just more malarkey?
I just find it ridiculous he hasnt even implied it and dumbasses in washington want to make legislation to "protect" him :lol:
President Trump is really, really, really pissed off that Mueller is investigating Russia and the Trump campaign.

But really- is the investigation actually harming Trump? No.
It is an irritation, and one he lashes out about- but it is not preventing him from firing his cabinet members, or proposing tax cuts or agreeing to talk to North Korea.

So there is no rational reason why Trump would want to fire Mueller- unless Trump is guilty.

Firing Robert Mueller Would Hurt Trump More Than Help | National Review

As the National Review said:
Moving at this point would be rational only if Trump feared some thermonuclear revelation that wouldn’t be survivable. It’s not clear what, in the current news and political environment, that would be. Everything is so perishable, and Trump has such a strong hold on his party’s base, he could presumably weather almost anything

If Trump fires Mueller- it will either be further evidence that Trump is not rational- or it will be further evidence of Trump's guilt- of something.
There is no rational reason for Mueller to continue the investigation since by this time it is clear that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government unless Mueller is simply a political shill trying to generate negative headlines about Trump despite the fact he has no evidence to support them. If Mueller were an honorable man, as many thought he was at the beginning of the investigation, he would close the investigation and resign.

And you know this- how?

Do you have access to all of the testimony that Mueller has heard?
Do you have access to all of the documents that Mueller has read?

Mueller hasn't been the one trying to generate headlines- he hasn't been the one playing this up to the press- Donald Trump is the one playing this up to the press- with his public attacks on Mueller and the investigation.
So you opinion is not based on what you know about the investigation but on what you don't know. By your reasoning, everyone is legitimately a suspect for everything unless he can prove he is innoccent.
where is all this talk of him firing mueller coming from? CNN?


Have you not been paying attention?

Posters on this board have been calling for Trump to fire Mueller since a week after he was appointed.
So you are saying the stories about Trump planning to fire Mueller are based on anonymous posts on USMB?

No, the anonymous posts on USMB are based on the vast scope of right-wing punditry that's been pushing the "fire Mueller" thing for almost a year now.
Aha, so you've been hanging out at conspiracy theory central lately.
The democraps sure want Trump to fire Mueller for some odd reason, dont they?
First of all, he's not going to fire Mueller. I know you dipshits on the left want to make everyone think he is but he's not. Having said that, maybe the man doesn't like being accused of something he did not do. Ever think of that? Would you not be a little irritated if a cop pulled you over without cause and made you sit on the curb for an hour like a criminal while he called in other cops to search your vehicle? You know damn well you would be pissed, and at some point, you would want to sue the bastards so drop the bullshit "If he has nothing to hide he shouldn't mind being subjected to a never ending criminal investigation" line. If you fuckwads had any integrity you would admit you have nothing and end the investigation but you don't, because it's the only thing you have to hinder progress and prevent the President from doing his job. You people are pathetic.

Most adults are able to control their emotional outbursts.

No one likes to be accused of something they didn't do, but most people are mature enough to accept that emotionally venting their anger isn't actually going to help anything.

We have a situation that is directly comparable- Whitewater.

Remember for 4 years there was an investigation on Bill Clinton to see if he had violated the law in Arkansas before he became President. An investigation which ultimately found no evidence of any crime committed in Arkansas before Clinton was President.

Was Clinton 'irritated' by the false accusations? Certainly he was.

But Clinton also lied about getting a blow job in the Oval office- and that is was not a false accusation.

I actually hope that Mueller's investigation does not find any intentional collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia- that would be devastating for our country.

The only thing more devastating would be if it really happened and the Trump campaign gets away with it.
I don't agree that it would devastating for the US populace to learn they were played by Trump and Putin. Quite the opposite, imo. We could debate whether Reagan was ever serious about deficits or the natl debt. But it not debatable than since the end of the draft and both parties funding a military with deficit dollars, we have been lulled into a sense of false security.

We can disagree- but I think it would make Watergate look like chump change if we found out that there was actual intentional collusion between the Trump campaign and a foreign power- to influence our elections.

I truly hope that in the end that the Mueller investigation report says that there was no evidence of intentional collusion.

Why the Trumpsters are against Mueller concluding his report and reporting that- I can't figure out.

I think the US has real, not imaginary, enemies that want to destroy the notion of a Republic where all "people" are created equal in the eye of whatever creator they believe in, and where a free press and due process are protected by non-partisan courts. Russia is one enemy. I think Trump is just evidence of that enemy, although I understand his supporters feel marginalized by power.

At best, Trump is owned by Russia, and Russia violated US laws, and an unwitting Comey acted to cover his own ass, and flipped an election without Trump actively participating.

Trump supporters are often victims and fodder for conspiracy theory.
President Trump is really, really, really pissed off that Mueller is investigating Russia and the Trump campaign.

But really- is the investigation actually harming Trump? No.
It is an irritation, and one he lashes out about- but it is not preventing him from firing his cabinet members, or proposing tax cuts or agreeing to talk to North Korea.

So there is no rational reason why Trump would want to fire Mueller- unless Trump is guilty.

Firing Robert Mueller Would Hurt Trump More Than Help | National Review

As the National Review said:
Moving at this point would be rational only if Trump feared some thermonuclear revelation that wouldn’t be survivable. It’s not clear what, in the current news and political environment, that would be. Everything is so perishable, and Trump has such a strong hold on his party’s base, he could presumably weather almost anything

If Trump fires Mueller- it will either be further evidence that Trump is not rational- or it will be further evidence of Trump's guilt- of something.
There is no rational reason for Mueller to continue the investigation since by this time it is clear that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government unless Mueller is simply a political shill trying to generate negative headlines about Trump despite the fact he has no evidence to support them. If Mueller were an honorable man, as many thought he was at the beginning of the investigation, he would close the investigation and resign.

And you know this- how?

Do you have access to all of the testimony that Mueller has heard?
Do you have access to all of the documents that Mueller has read?

Mueller hasn't been the one trying to generate headlines- he hasn't been the one playing this up to the press- Donald Trump is the one playing this up to the press- with his public attacks on Mueller and the investigation.
So you opinion is not based on what you know about the investigation but on what you don't know. By your reasoning, everyone is legitimately a suspect for everything unless he can prove he is innoccent..

By your 'reasoning', no one should ever be investigated for anything unless there is a photo of him giving a blowjob to Putin.

There was a legitimate cause for action for this investigation. Mueller continues that investigation and none of us know what he has found yet.

I think Mueller should finish his investigation- and Trump is not guilty of collusion- so should you.
The democraps sure want Trump to fire Mueller for some odd reason, dont they?

And by 'democraps' you mean most of the contards here at USMB, the Republican congressmen who have called for his firing and Sean Hannity.

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