First amendment hating Governor tells Christians to deal with homosexual hatred

Defend what I believe about what?

Your opposition to the bill.

As to my opposition to Georgia, that one's easy too. It would have allowed tax funded organizations to discriminate against gays.

Not liking being told no isn't discrimination.
Being told NO because of your race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation is discrimination

So I could go into a bakery owned by a homo and expect to have them make a cake with "Same sex marriage is an abomination to God" on it? Interesting. I doubt you would support them having to do so.
Refusing to do a job because of the content or message vs. refusing to provide service to somebody because of who they are are two very different things. You are a little slow aren't ya?
Yes the Muslim baker told the queer couple no and to go down the street. Nothing from liberals.
Christian baker says no and was fined out if business. Both true.
Same couple?

Not relevant.
How is that not relevant? You can't blanket every liberal in support of equality as an activist. Some people fight harder and rally more attention. Your statement and argument is quite idiotic, i don't know why im even engaging. Perhaps going after Christians is more successful because Christian speak out more against equal rights for LGBT. Maybe it's harder to rally support against another minority group that is also fighting for equal rights... either way the issue is that of equality and discrimination in the work place and it is not just aimed at Christians, it is aimed at business owners regardless of their reasoning.

Whether or not it was the same couple doesn't matter. If the argument is on the premise you claim to be true, it's irrelevant as to whether or not it was one or one hundred couples.

It is aimed at Christians. Manny Pacquiao was banned from a L.A. shopping mall because he expressed his beliefs about same sex marriage and some freaks didn't like it.

You haven't engaged me. You've whine like the typical little sniveling bitch Liberals tend to be.
If I'm whining like a little bitch then you are right there with me... By your post volume your boat should be over flowing by now.

Pointing out hypocrisy of your worthless kind is different whether you agree or not. I see you admit being a whining bitch. You may be a worthless piece of shit but you do admit things when they are true. Run along and whine to someone who gives a shit about your existence if they exist at all.
Your opposition to the bill.

As to my opposition to Georgia, that one's easy too. It would have allowed tax funded organizations to discriminate against gays.

Not liking being told no isn't discrimination.
Being told NO because of your race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation is discrimination

So I could go into a bakery owned by a homo and expect to have them make a cake with "Same sex marriage is an abomination to God" on it? Interesting. I doubt you would support them having to do so.
Refusing to do a job because of the content or message vs. refusing to provide service to somebody because of who they are are two very different things. You are a little slow aren't ya?

The content I suggested is based on religion. Therefore, the content is being denied based on opposition to that religion. That you don't see that proves you're a dumb son of a bitch.

If the Christian baker didn't like the message or content of what the cake represented, there is no difference. You try to justify hypocrisy.
How is that not relevant? You can't blanket every liberal in support of equality as an activist. Some people fight harder and rally more attention. Your statement and argument is quite idiotic, i don't know why im even engaging. Perhaps going after Christians is more successful because Christian speak out more against equal rights for LGBT. Maybe it's harder to rally support against another minority group that is also fighting for equal rights... either way the issue is that of equality and discrimination in the work place and it is not just aimed at Christians, it is aimed at business owners regardless of their reasoning.

Whether or not it was the same couple doesn't matter. If the argument is on the premise you claim to be true, it's irrelevant as to whether or not it was one or one hundred couples.

It is aimed at Christians. Manny Pacquiao was banned from a L.A. shopping mall because he expressed his beliefs about same sex marriage and some freaks didn't like it.

You haven't engaged me. You've whine like the typical little sniveling bitch Liberals tend to be.
If I'm whining like a little bitch then you are right there with me... By your post volume your boat should be over flowing by now.

Pointing out hypocrisy of your worthless kind is different whether you agree or not. I see you admit being a whining bitch. You may be a worthless piece of shit but you do admit things when they are true. Run along and whine to someone who gives a shit about your existence if they exist at all.
Where did I admit to being a whining bitch? I think we have found the problem and source of our differences... You lack basic skills of reading comprehension. This explains a lot. Try slowing down and sounding things out. If you still have trouble maybe you can have somebody read it out loud for you.
As to my opposition to Georgia, that one's easy too. It would have allowed tax funded organizations to discriminate against gays.

Not liking being told no isn't discrimination.
Being told NO because of your race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation is discrimination

So I could go into a bakery owned by a homo and expect to have them make a cake with "Same sex marriage is an abomination to God" on it? Interesting. I doubt you would support them having to do so.
Refusing to do a job because of the content or message vs. refusing to provide service to somebody because of who they are are two very different things. You are a little slow aren't ya?

The content I suggested is based on religion. Therefore, the content is being denied based on opposition to that religion. That you don't see that proves you're a dumb son of a bitch.

If the Christian baker didn't like the message or content of what the cake represented, there is no difference. You try to justify hypocrisy.
I wonder if I can find a baker to make a cake with a large penis on it... I'll send it to you as I'm sure you'd love to eat it.

When dealing with minority groups that are fighting for equality and who are being discriminated against... You are going to have to deal with stronger measures and louder voices... This is just how things are... It's why there are Black only TV stations and Black only award shows and interest groups. You might see this as discriminatory against whites and other races but they are a result of trying to balance the scales from years of oppression. You seem unable to understand or deal with this... Who is the whining bitch? It is you.
Not relevant.
How is that not relevant? You can't blanket every liberal in support of equality as an activist. Some people fight harder and rally more attention. Your statement and argument is quite idiotic, i don't know why im even engaging. Perhaps going after Christians is more successful because Christian speak out more against equal rights for LGBT. Maybe it's harder to rally support against another minority group that is also fighting for equal rights... either way the issue is that of equality and discrimination in the work place and it is not just aimed at Christians, it is aimed at business owners regardless of their reasoning.

Whether or not it was the same couple doesn't matter. If the argument is on the premise you claim to be true, it's irrelevant as to whether or not it was one or one hundred couples.

It is aimed at Christians. Manny Pacquiao was banned from a L.A. shopping mall because he expressed his beliefs about same sex marriage and some freaks didn't like it.

You haven't engaged me. You've whine like the typical little sniveling bitch Liberals tend to be.
If I'm whining like a little bitch then you are right there with me... By your post volume your boat should be over flowing by now.

Pointing out hypocrisy of your worthless kind is different whether you agree or not. I see you admit being a whining bitch. You may be a worthless piece of shit but you do admit things when they are true. Run along and whine to someone who gives a shit about your existence if they exist at all.
Where did I admit to being a whining bitch? I think we have found the problem and source of our differences... You lack basic skills of reading comprehension. This explains a lot. Try slowing down and sounding things out. If you still have trouble maybe you can have somebody read it out loud for you.

Your last post.

We've found the problem. You're a pussy and a whiny little bitch.
Not liking being told no isn't discrimination.
Being told NO because of your race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation is discrimination

So I could go into a bakery owned by a homo and expect to have them make a cake with "Same sex marriage is an abomination to God" on it? Interesting. I doubt you would support them having to do so.
Refusing to do a job because of the content or message vs. refusing to provide service to somebody because of who they are are two very different things. You are a little slow aren't ya?

The content I suggested is based on religion. Therefore, the content is being denied based on opposition to that religion. That you don't see that proves you're a dumb son of a bitch.

If the Christian baker didn't like the message or content of what the cake represented, there is no difference. You try to justify hypocrisy.
I wonder if I can find a baker to make a cake with a large penis on it... I'll send it to you as I'm sure you'd love to eat it.

When dealing with minority groups that are fighting for equality and who are being discriminated against... You are going to have to deal with stronger measures and louder voices... This is just how things are... It's why there are Black only TV stations and Black only award shows and interest groups. You might see this as discriminatory against whites and other races but they are a result of trying to balance the scales from years of oppression. You seem unable to understand or deal with this... Who is the whining bitch? It is you.

I wonder if I could find a baker to make a cake with a picture of Obama's ass on it so you could lick it clean. Wait, why would I need to do the cake. You lick the real thing.

I understand that you're nothing more than one of those whiners that says what was done in the past was wrong yet supports doing the same thing trying to justify how it's different.

The reason there are black only TV stations and award shows is that they can't cut it in the real market and win real awards. If they could, they would. When they can't, your excuse is to whine discrimination. We saw it with the Academy Awards. No blacks were nominated for best or supporting actor so the automatic assumption by you retards was race. You couldn't wrap yourself around the fact that the black actors couldn't cut it and you had to have an excuse.
Being told NO because of your race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation is discrimination

So I could go into a bakery owned by a homo and expect to have them make a cake with "Same sex marriage is an abomination to God" on it? Interesting. I doubt you would support them having to do so.
Refusing to do a job because of the content or message vs. refusing to provide service to somebody because of who they are are two very different things. You are a little slow aren't ya?

The content I suggested is based on religion. Therefore, the content is being denied based on opposition to that religion. That you don't see that proves you're a dumb son of a bitch.

If the Christian baker didn't like the message or content of what the cake represented, there is no difference. You try to justify hypocrisy.
I wonder if I can find a baker to make a cake with a large penis on it... I'll send it to you as I'm sure you'd love to eat it.

When dealing with minority groups that are fighting for equality and who are being discriminated against... You are going to have to deal with stronger measures and louder voices... This is just how things are... It's why there are Black only TV stations and Black only award shows and interest groups. You might see this as discriminatory against whites and other races but they are a result of trying to balance the scales from years of oppression. You seem unable to understand or deal with this... Who is the whining bitch? It is you.

I wonder if I could find a baker to make a cake with a picture of Obama's ass on it so you could lick it clean. Wait, why would I need to do the cake. You lick the real thing.

I understand that you're nothing more than one of those whiners that says what was done in the past was wrong yet supports doing the same thing trying to justify how it's different.

The reason there are black only TV stations and award shows is that they can't cut it in the real market and win real awards. If they could, they would. When they can't, your excuse is to whine discrimination. We saw it with the Academy Awards. No blacks were nominated for best or supporting actor so the automatic assumption by you retards was race. You couldn't wrap yourself around the fact that the black actors couldn't cut it and you had to have an excuse.
Way to be original there bucko... Glad you liked the cake diss, but mine was better :) OK, enough of the Cruz/Trump schoolyard trash talk... You righties are rubbing off on me... its time to ascend above the trenches back to intellectualville. Feel free to keep playing in the mud if you so desire.
What are you talking about? What is my kind?
A Looney liberal.
Your explanation skills are on par with a second grader. If you have a point to make then make it... use your words
A Muslim tells a queer couple to go down the road after they ask him to bake it. Liberals are silent. A queer couple ask a christian baker to bake it. He tells them it's against his faith. Liberals makes sure he goes out of business. Can I say hypocrite?

Except that never happened.
Yes the Muslim baker told the queer couple no and to go down the street. Nothing from liberals.
Christian baker says no and was fined out if business. Both true.

That never happened. You just made it up.
A Looney liberal.
Your explanation skills are on par with a second grader. If you have a point to make then make it... use your words
A Muslim tells a queer couple to go down the road after they ask him to bake it. Liberals are silent. A queer couple ask a christian baker to bake it. He tells them it's against his faith. Liberals makes sure he goes out of business. Can I say hypocrite?

Except that never happened.
Yes the Muslim baker told the queer couple no and to go down the street. Nothing from liberals.
Christian baker says no and was fined out if business. Both true.

That never happened. You just made it up.

Yeah it did
Your opposition to the bill.

As to my opposition to Georgia, that one's easy too. It would have allowed tax funded organizations to discriminate against gays.

Not liking being told no isn't discrimination.
Being told NO because of your race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation is discrimination

So I could go into a bakery owned by a homo and expect to have them make a cake with "Same sex marriage is an abomination to God" on it? Interesting. I doubt you would support them having to do so.
Refusing to do a job because of the content or message vs. refusing to provide service to somebody because of who they are are two very different things. You are a little slow aren't ya?

They really don't get that part. They don't understand that if you don't carry a product or provide a service, you don't have to.

What you cannot do is provide a product or service to person A then refuse to provide that same product or service to person B because they are (insert group protected by anti discrimination law).
Your explanation skills are on par with a second grader. If you have a point to make then make it... use your words
A Muslim tells a queer couple to go down the road after they ask him to bake it. Liberals are silent. A queer couple ask a christian baker to bake it. He tells them it's against his faith. Liberals makes sure he goes out of business. Can I say hypocrite?

Except that never happened.
Yes the Muslim baker told the queer couple no and to go down the street. Nothing from liberals.
Christian baker says no and was fined out if business. Both true.

That never happened. You just made it up.

Yeah it did

No, it did not. No gay couple went to a "Muslim Baker" and were refused service.
A Muslim tells a queer couple to go down the road after they ask him to bake it. Liberals are silent. A queer couple ask a christian baker to bake it. He tells them it's against his faith. Liberals makes sure he goes out of business. Can I say hypocrite?

Except that never happened.
Yes the Muslim baker told the queer couple no and to go down the street. Nothing from liberals.
Christian baker says no and was fined out if business. Both true.

That never happened. You just made it up.

Yeah it did

No, it did not. No gay couple went to a "Muslim Baker" and were refused service.
They have video from Michigan showing a Muslim baker refusing to bake a cake for a gay couple, but the bias media won't report on it.
What religious freedom is being stopped ? You have all the same freedoms .

Trying to change the laws so business can actively discriminate against gays has nothing to do with religion . Shame on you fake Christians trying to sheild your bigotry by using the bible as a front .

Otherwise known as "Bake the fucking cake, peasant".
Otherwise aka "a public service cannot discriminate".

Where is that in the constitution again?

Commerce clause .

Where is the harm that would allow the commerce clause to supersede people's first amendment protections?
Are you going to assert that it is a religious freedom to treat your fellow law-abiding, tax-paying citizens as somehow less?
The freeks have free speech. They just don't understand that in the public forum that free speech does not mean Freedom of Expression that disrupts the orderly nature of the public.

So every person is merely a cog that has to spin as our betters want it to spin, "or else".

A single baker not wanting to bake a cake does not disrupt the orderly nature of the public.
It's not about a single baker you dumbshit, its about setting a precedent so that EVERY "baker" can't rally around discriminatory policies.

So when did people become entitled to cakes?'re right. Let's shut down ALL the cake bakers.
Where is that in the constitution again?

Commerce clause .

Where is the harm that would allow the commerce clause to supersede people's first amendment protections?

Your first amendment rights are not effected .

How so? And its not about my 1st amendment rights, its about other's 1st amendment rights.

Your personal rights do not follow to your business .

if you are in your home , you don't have to wash your hands before handling food . But if you are working as a cook in a restaurant , you have to follow health codes .
I shudder to think how many of the RW might consider that a government intrusion they refuse to do.
Except that never happened.
Yes the Muslim baker told the queer couple no and to go down the street. Nothing from liberals.
Christian baker says no and was fined out if business. Both true.

That never happened. You just made it up.

Yeah it did

No, it did not. No gay couple went to a "Muslim Baker" and were refused service.
They have video from Michigan showing a Muslim baker refusing to bake a cake for a gay couple, but the bias media won't report on it.

Except that's not what the video you're referring to showed.

Righties Go Crazy Over Video Of Muslim Bakeries Refusing To Make A Cake For A Gay Wedding (VIDEO)
The freeks have free speech. They just don't understand that in the public forum that free speech does not mean Freedom of Expression that disrupts the orderly nature of the public.

So every person is merely a cog that has to spin as our betters want it to spin, "or else".

A single baker not wanting to bake a cake does not disrupt the orderly nature of the public.
Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy as authorized by the Commerce Clause.

And the Free Exercise Clause has never authorized citizens to use religion as an ‘excuse’ to ignore or violate necessary, proper, and Constitutional laws, such as public accommodations laws.

Whining about Christian bakers as ‘hapless victims’ is nothing but a red herring fallacy completely devoid of merit.
Yes the Muslim baker told the queer couple no and to go down the street. Nothing from liberals.
Christian baker says no and was fined out if business. Both true.

That never happened. You just made it up.

Yeah it did

No, it did not. No gay couple went to a "Muslim Baker" and were refused service.
They have video from Michigan showing a Muslim baker refusing to bake a cake for a gay couple, but the bias media won't report on it.

Except that's not what the video you're referring to showed.

Righties Go Crazy Over Video Of Muslim Bakeries Refusing To Make A Cake For A Gay Wedding (VIDEO)
Many rightwing nitwits made fools of themselves recently when a Muslim bakery in Michigan refused to accommodate a gay patron, whining about a Christian bakery in Oregon being compelled to pay damages for doing the same thing, claiming a ‘double standard’ and ‘liberal bias.’

Had they bothered to research the law, however, they’d realize that unlike Oregon, Michigan’s public accommodations law has no provision for sexual orientation, where although the Muslim business’ treatment of the gay patron was bigoted and reprehensible, it wasn’t subject to a civil action as in Oregon.

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