First amendment hating Governor tells Christians to deal with homosexual hatred

Gov. Deal to speak about Religious Freedom decision, source says

Good thing that piece of shit is term limited. Time to vote out the piece of anti first amendment shit out of office. So glad I am leaving Ga soon. I hated that SOB from the time he was elected nothing but a spineless wimp.
The thread premise is a lie; the governor made the correct decision.

The governor, much like you, is a spineless coward.

Yeah...he bent to big business...but that's what conservatives do. He was being a true conservative...he caved to the almighty dollar.

He bent to the demands of a bunch of faggot loving freaks like you.

Yup...'cause we spend more money than you inbred toothless fucks. :lol:

What you can't do freak is defend what you believe on the merits you claim it has.
The freeks have free speech. They just don't understand that in the public forum that free speech does not mean Freedom of Expression that disrupts the orderly nature of the public.

So every person is merely a cog that has to spin as our betters want it to spin, "or else".

A single baker not wanting to bake a cake does not disrupt the orderly nature of the public.
Damn that equality thingy..

I bet the baker sure isn't feeling equal.

That's because the baker doesn't believe in equality. He believes, in the face of all of Jesus' teachings to the contrary, that he/she can treat others badly.

Jesus specifically preached against treating those who don't believe as we do, badly.
The freeks have free speech. They just don't understand that in the public forum that free speech does not mean Freedom of Expression that disrupts the orderly nature of the public.

So every person is merely a cog that has to spin as our betters want it to spin, "or else".

A single baker not wanting to bake a cake does not disrupt the orderly nature of the public.
Damn that equality thingy..

I bet the baker sure isn't feeling equal.

That's because the baker doesn't believe in equality. He believes, in the face of all of Jesus' teachings to the contrary, that he/she can treat others badly.

Jesus specifically preached against treating those who don't believe as we do, badly.

And you believe in treating them badly for going against your moral code, and what's worse, you want government to do the treating.

It is not up to you, me or government to decide how a person follows their faith, unless there is a compelling government interest, which to me has to involve actual harm besides hurt feelings and having to spend 20 minutes on your ipad finding another baker. (and probably driving to them).
The freeks have free speech. They just don't understand that in the public forum that free speech does not mean Freedom of Expression that disrupts the orderly nature of the public.

So every person is merely a cog that has to spin as our betters want it to spin, "or else".

A single baker not wanting to bake a cake does not disrupt the orderly nature of the public.
Damn that equality thingy..

I bet the baker sure isn't feeling equal.

That's because the baker doesn't believe in equality. He believes, in the face of all of Jesus' teachings to the contrary, that he/she can treat others badly.

Jesus specifically preached against treating those who don't believe as we do, badly.
Since when did Christians follow the philosophy of Jesus Christ...??.99% use it as a ticket stamp into heaven in a pell mell rush out of sin..
Marty above is spitting nails because he is out of step with American jurisprudence and the Constitution on which it is based.
The thread premise is a lie; the governor made the correct decision.

The governor, much like you, is a spineless coward.

Yeah...he bent to big business...but that's what conservatives do. He was being a true conservative...he caved to the almighty dollar.

He bent to the demands of a bunch of faggot loving freaks like you.

Yup...'cause we spend more money than you inbred toothless fucks. :lol:

The only inbred is you freak. You're a prime example of what happens when two pieces of shit buttfuck, feces comes out, and they call it a baby. When you're born shit, you always will be.

:lol: Wow...I could have woken my son up and gotten a better insult than that. You couldn't even be original. You really should have finished that 5th year of grade school before dropping out.
The thread premise is a lie; the governor made the correct decision.

The governor, much like you, is a spineless coward.

Yeah...he bent to big business...but that's what conservatives do. He was being a true conservative...he caved to the almighty dollar.

He bent to the demands of a bunch of faggot loving freaks like you.

Yup...'cause we spend more money than you inbred toothless fucks. :lol:

What you can't do freak is defend what you believe on the merits you claim it has.

Defend what I believe about what?
I am truly sympathetic to people that their religious beliefs are compromised, if they have to acknowledge something they consider sinful, when going about their peaceful lives of baking cakes or whatever.

But the fact was the law was going to be unconstitutional Deal didn't have any real choice. Upon what ground could he appeal to Disney's better nature?

The yahoos behind the bill need to go back and get some input from the rational. NO ONE is going to try and force a church to perform a ceremony it doesn't want to perform. THAT would be blatantly unconstitutional as well. If GA wants to let small biz bakers not bake, but require professionals like docs and lawyers to comply with ethical standards of non-discrimination, and not allow what are effectively G-Normous corporations acting under the tax shelter of the Baptists or Old Men in Skirts, to discriminate .....

I think Disney can cut a deal. GA gets 6billion from the film industry. I think the State can locate a food and beverage group for the Walking Dead that will serve everyone ... happily.

Yes, the law reached too far. But I don't agree that "no one" will try to force Churches and such to comply. There are already movements to try to remove their tax exempt statuses due to "discrimination".

To me the issue isn't the size of the business but the service being provided. a Public Accommodation is not "everything under the sun" as some progressives want it to be. An agreement to provide a cake for a wedding is not the Woolworth's lunch counter, or denying someone gas during a trip or a hotel room for an overnight stay.

These things are not the same, and cannot be treated as the same for the purposes of PA laws.

And it was never about the Walking Dead crew being able to find a politically acceptable caterer, to the SJW types, just the fact that companies that don't want to knuckle under exist, and may receive some small protection for their beliefs is enough to bring out the boycott babies.
Well, I was thinking that telling a G-Normous Baptist Heath Complex, that is no more a real arm of the Baptist Convention than I am, they don't have to hire gays would be ... noxious.

But yeah, Public Accomodations for Mom and Pop stores ... that too is noxious.

Could they require gays to keep quiet about their lifestyle during working hours?
This isn't even a first amendment issue. Anybody is free to speak their minds and practice their beliefs. But if you run a business you can't discriminate

Again, why not?

So "no shirts, no shoes no service" signs are illegal?
Jesus man, you really can't see the difference?

I'll slow down and make it real simple for you by using the power of story... Mr and Mrs Marty Began are on a road trip and Stop for lunch in a small town in middle America. They go to a Jewish bakery for some bagels and lox. Cashier takes a look at the cross necklace your wife is wearing and says very politely, "sorry we don't serve Christians here." So you go next door for some meditoranian food but the manager turns your wife away as they do not allow women in their store, so you go to the last restaurant in the neighborhood, a deli owned by an old white guy, and you get your sandwich, it's delicious... As you leave the store you trip over a homeless black Christian lady and then notice a sign in the window of the deli "No blacks"

That's the America we once had and have been evolving away from. To me it sounds like there are some people like you that want it back.
The freeks have free speech. They just don't understand that in the public forum that free speech does not mean Freedom of Expression that disrupts the orderly nature of the public.

So every person is merely a cog that has to spin as our betters want it to spin, "or else".

A single baker not wanting to bake a cake does not disrupt the orderly nature of the public.
It's not about a single baker you dumbshit, its about setting a precedent so that EVERY "baker" can't rally around discriminatory policies.
Unless you're a Muslim baker, then your kind supports discrimination.
The freeks have free speech. They just don't understand that in the public forum that free speech does not mean Freedom of Expression that disrupts the orderly nature of the public.

So every person is merely a cog that has to spin as our betters want it to spin, "or else".

A single baker not wanting to bake a cake does not disrupt the orderly nature of the public.
It's not about a single baker you dumbshit, its about setting a precedent so that EVERY "baker" can't rally around discriminatory policies.
Unless you're a Muslim baker, then your kind supports discrimination.
What are you talking about? What is my kind?
What religious freedom is being stopped ? You have all the same freedoms .

Trying to change the laws so business can actively discriminate against gays has nothing to do with religion . Shame on you fake Christians trying to sheild your bigotry by using the bible as a front .

Otherwise known as "Bake the fucking cake, peasant".

More like, one's personal belief system does not give an individual license to be a complete asshole to certain members of society without due consequence. If you think everyone around you is an asshole, chances are it's *you* who are the asshole. If you have a deep down urge to discriminate against others, do everyone else a favor and suppress it. It's really simple. No one really likes assholes. Even children understand this concept, why can't you?

...Oh, right.

So you want to make it illegal to be an asshole? How orwellian.

Boy howdy would I. That would be like a dream come true. Guess it's a good thing I'm not in charge, eh?
The freeks have free speech. They just don't understand that in the public forum that free speech does not mean Freedom of Expression that disrupts the orderly nature of the public.

So every person is merely a cog that has to spin as our betters want it to spin, "or else".

A single baker not wanting to bake a cake does not disrupt the orderly nature of the public.
It's not about a single baker you dumbshit, its about setting a precedent so that EVERY "baker" can't rally around discriminatory policies.
Unless you're a Muslim baker, then your kind supports discrimination.
What are you talking about? What is my kind?
A Looney liberal.
Slade, not to worry about jknowgood. He is very representative of the wacky far right reactionary wing on the Board.
The freeks have free speech. They just don't understand that in the public forum that free speech does not mean Freedom of Expression that disrupts the orderly nature of the public.

So every person is merely a cog that has to spin as our betters want it to spin, "or else".

A single baker not wanting to bake a cake does not disrupt the orderly nature of the public.
It's not about a single baker you dumbshit, its about setting a precedent so that EVERY "baker" can't rally around discriminatory policies.
Unless you're a Muslim baker, then your kind supports discrimination.
What are you talking about? What is my kind?
A Looney liberal.
Your explanation skills are on par with a second grader. If you have a point to make then make it... use your words
The governor, much like you, is a spineless coward.

Yeah...he bent to big business...but that's what conservatives do. He was being a true conservative...he caved to the almighty dollar.

He bent to the demands of a bunch of faggot loving freaks like you.

Yup...'cause we spend more money than you inbred toothless fucks. :lol:

What you can't do freak is defend what you believe on the merits you claim it has.

Defend what I believe about what?

Your opposition to the bill.
Slade, not to worry about jknowgood. He is very representative of the wacky far right reactionary wing on the Board.

You are very representative of those that call themselves Republicans then bend over to grab your ankles taking one for the Democrat cause.
The governor, much like you, is a spineless coward.

Yeah...he bent to big business...but that's what conservatives do. He was being a true conservative...he caved to the almighty dollar.

He bent to the demands of a bunch of faggot loving freaks like you.

Yup...'cause we spend more money than you inbred toothless fucks. :lol:

The only inbred is you freak. You're a prime example of what happens when two pieces of shit buttfuck, feces comes out, and they call it a baby. When you're born shit, you always will be.

:lol: Wow...I could have woken my son up and gotten a better insult than that. You couldn't even be original. You really should have finished that 5th year of grade school before dropping out.

I see the trend I described continued into the next generation.

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