First amendment hating Governor tells Christians to deal with homosexual hatred

What religious freedom is being stopped ? You have all the same freedoms .

Trying to change the laws so business can actively discriminate against gays has nothing to do with religion . Shame on you fake Christians trying to sheild your bigotry by using the bible as a front .

Otherwise known as "Bake the fucking cake, peasant".

More like, one's personal belief system does not give an individual license to be a complete asshole to certain members of society without due consequence. If you think everyone around you is an asshole, chances are it's *you* who are the asshole. If you have a deep down urge to discriminate against others, do everyone else a favor and suppress it. It's really simple. No one really likes assholes. Even children understand this concept, why can't you?

...Oh, right.

So you want to make it illegal to be an asshole? How orwellian.
What religious freedom is being stopped ? You have all the same freedoms .

Trying to change the laws so business can actively discriminate against gays has nothing to do with religion . Shame on you fake Christians trying to sheild your bigotry by using the bible as a front .

Otherwise known as "Bake the fucking cake, peasant".
Otherwise aka "a public service cannot discriminate".

Where is that in the constitution again?

Commerce clause .

No, the Commerce Clause does not do that. It deals with interstate commerce.

Yeah, that was the intent, but with our current "whatever we can convince a progressive judge is a good idea" form of jurisprudence, who knows?
Otherwise aka "a public service cannot discriminate".

Where is that in the constitution again?

Commerce clause .

No, the Commerce Clause does not do that. It deals with interstate commerce.

Does the Supreme Court know that?

Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Depends on whose court it is

Commerce Clause Limitations on State Regulation

Historically, the commerce clause has been understood to regulate interstate commerce, not intrastate. It's also understood that the courts have historically done what ever they want regardless of the written law and have acted in a legislative fashion. (Roe v Wade)

Spot on.
It's not up to you to decide, and it isn't up to government without a compelling government interest involving actual harm.

and as for your 2nd statement, nope. Of course there will be some Churches created or changing to go along for the ride, but a majority sure as hell won't.

Again, 50 years ago, most of the churches practiced open segregation. (In fact, Sunday Mornings are STILL the most segregated event in America). Now today, most churches are embarrassed they opposed mix marriages and supported Jim Crow.

Government HAS decided that Public Accommodation laws apply to private businesses. YOu don't like that, change the law. But don't be surprised when big corporations step in and tell your "public servants" they can't.
Gov. Deal to speak about Religious Freedom decision, source says

Good thing that piece of shit is term limited. Time to vote out the piece of anti first amendment shit out of office. So glad I am leaving Ga soon. I hated that SOB from the time he was elected nothing but a spineless wimp.
The thread premise is a lie; the governor made the correct decision.

The governor, much like you, is a spineless coward.

Yeah...he bent to big business...but that's what conservatives do. He was being a true conservative...he caved to the almighty dollar.
Gov. Deal to speak about Religious Freedom decision, source says

Good thing that piece of shit is term limited. Time to vote out the piece of anti first amendment shit out of office. So glad I am leaving Ga soon. I hated that SOB from the time he was elected nothing but a spineless wimp.
The thread premise is a lie; the governor made the correct decision.

The governor, much like you, is a spineless coward.

Yeah...he bent to big business...but that's what conservatives do. He was being a true conservative...he caved to the almighty dollar.

He bent to the demands of a bunch of faggot loving freaks like you.
The governor, much like you, is a spineless coward.

Or he knows who his true master are.

This is where you stupids don't get it. You dumb-ass bible thumping, knuckle dragging Southern Inbreds went along with the big corporations and undid much of the New Deal and the Great Society. As a result, the Rich got Free Trade, they got union busting, they got right to work and at will employment. They kept health care in corporate hands instead of public hands. Except those old and sick people, you can have those, Government. None of this stuff benefits you, Cleetus. Quite the reverse.

What you guys didn't get was stuff to make Jesus happy. Abortion is still and will always be legal. Gays can get married now. Evolution is in the schools and prayer is out. 40 years of Republicans promising you stuff, and you all got nothing.

But in November, you'll vote for a thrice married Reality TV Rodeo clown because he plays on your religious and racial fears.

Meanwhile, the big corporations figure that they not only don't need you homophobes, they are even a little embarrassed to be seen with you.

That's why you lost. That's why you continue to lose.

Until that day you realize the gay couple just wanting to enjoy their wedding is not your enemy, the big corporation seeking to screw you is.
The governor, much like you, is a spineless coward.

Or he knows who his true master are.

This is where you stupids don't get it. You dumb-ass bible thumping, knuckle dragging Southern Inbreds went along with the big corporations and undid much of the New Deal and the Great Society. As a result, the Rich got Free Trade, they got union busting, they got right to work and at will employment. They kept health care in corporate hands instead of public hands. Except those old and sick people, you can have those, Government. None of this stuff benefits you, Cleetus. Quite the reverse.

What you guys didn't get was stuff to make Jesus happy. Abortion is still and will always be legal. Gays can get married now. Evolution is in the schools and prayer is out. 40 years of Republicans promising you stuff, and you all got nothing.

But in November, you'll vote for a thrice married Reality TV Rodeo clown because he plays on your religious and racial fears.

Meanwhile, the big corporations figure that they not only don't need you homophobes, they are even a little embarrassed to be seen with you.

That's why you lost. That's why you continue to lose.

Until that day you realize the gay couple just wanting to enjoy their wedding is not your enemy, the big corporation seeking to screw you is.

We know who your master is. It's the black guy whose ass you kiss on a daily basis. Pucker up.
The freeks have free speech. They just don't understand that in the public forum that free speech does not mean Freedom of Expression that disrupts the orderly nature of the public.

So every person is merely a cog that has to spin as our betters want it to spin, "or else".

A single baker not wanting to bake a cake does not disrupt the orderly nature of the public.
Damn that equality thingy..
The freeks have free speech. They just don't understand that in the public forum that free speech does not mean Freedom of Expression that disrupts the orderly nature of the public.

So every person is merely a cog that has to spin as our betters want it to spin, "or else".

A single baker not wanting to bake a cake does not disrupt the orderly nature of the public.
Damn that equality thingy..

Until equality means those demanding they benefit from it have to start doing what they demand others do for them.
The freeks have free speech. They just don't understand that in the public forum that free speech does not mean Freedom of Expression that disrupts the orderly nature of the public.

So every person is merely a cog that has to spin as our betters want it to spin, "or else".

A single baker not wanting to bake a cake does not disrupt the orderly nature of the public.
Damn that equality thingy..

Until equality means those demanding they benefit from it have to start doing what they demand others do for them.
You want to get married to a ghey person?
It's not up to you to decide, and it isn't up to government without a compelling government interest involving actual harm.

and as for your 2nd statement, nope. Of course there will be some Churches created or changing to go along for the ride, but a majority sure as hell won't.

Again, 50 years ago, most of the churches practiced open segregation. (In fact, Sunday Mornings are STILL the most segregated event in America). Now today, most churches are embarrassed they opposed mix marriages and supported Jim Crow.

Government HAS decided that Public Accommodation laws apply to private businesses. YOu don't like that, change the law. But don't be surprised when big corporations step in and tell your "public servants" they can't.

Sunday mornings are segregated nowadays by choice. Quite Frankly most black Christians find white services boring.

There was no actual biblical directive for Mixed marriages or Jim Crow, just alot of bad interpretations, you know, like the ones you love to see from the Courts.

Its comical you love corporations when they agree with your interests. Your "we hate the plutacracy" buddies are going to rip off one of the corners of your membership card.
The freeks have free speech. They just don't understand that in the public forum that free speech does not mean Freedom of Expression that disrupts the orderly nature of the public.

So every person is merely a cog that has to spin as our betters want it to spin, "or else".

A single baker not wanting to bake a cake does not disrupt the orderly nature of the public.
Damn that equality thingy..

I bet the baker sure isn't feeling equal.
Gov. Deal to speak about Religious Freedom decision, source says

Good thing that piece of shit is term limited. Time to vote out the piece of anti first amendment shit out of office. So glad I am leaving Ga soon. I hated that SOB from the time he was elected nothing but a spineless wimp.
The thread premise is a lie; the governor made the correct decision.

The governor, much like you, is a spineless coward.

Yeah...he bent to big business...but that's what conservatives do. He was being a true conservative...he caved to the almighty dollar.

He bent to the demands of a bunch of faggot loving freaks like you.

Yup...'cause we spend more money than you inbred toothless fucks. :lol:
The freeks have free speech. They just don't understand that in the public forum that free speech does not mean Freedom of Expression that disrupts the orderly nature of the public.

So every person is merely a cog that has to spin as our betters want it to spin, "or else".

A single baker not wanting to bake a cake does not disrupt the orderly nature of the public.
Damn that equality thingy..

Until equality means those demanding they benefit from it have to start doing what they demand others do for them.
You want to get married to a ghey person?

Seems you, in your usual stupid manner, missed the point. Typical of a faggot lover.
Gov. Deal to speak about Religious Freedom decision, source says

Good thing that piece of shit is term limited. Time to vote out the piece of anti first amendment shit out of office. So glad I am leaving Ga soon. I hated that SOB from the time he was elected nothing but a spineless wimp.
The thread premise is a lie; the governor made the correct decision.

The governor, much like you, is a spineless coward.

Yeah...he bent to big business...but that's what conservatives do. He was being a true conservative...he caved to the almighty dollar.

He bent to the demands of a bunch of faggot loving freaks like you.

Yup...'cause we spend more money than you inbred toothless fucks. :lol:

The only inbred is you freak. You're a prime example of what happens when two pieces of shit buttfuck, feces comes out, and they call it a baby. When you're born shit, you always will be.

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