First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil

This piece of shit is a radical Muslim who is no different than ISIS or any of the other scumbags who think Sharia law will rule the U.S. This was not a case of workplace violence as the liberal media are claiming. It was the first beheading by a Muslim terrorist on our soil. I am sick of political correctness. We have radicals here and with the porous border, more can come whenever they want.

This Islamic terrorist beheaded one woman and was in the process of trying to kill a second woman when he was shot by a company executive. I am betting that the surviving woman, despite her political beliefs, was glad that she wasn't in a gun-free zone. She'd be dead now if not for a gun in the right hands.

Where is NSA? They spy on everyone, but don't raise a red flag for the kind of shit on this guy's Facebook page. I think it should be a federal crime to openly call for the destruction of America and death of "infidels." Funny how Facebook deletes posts that it deems offensive, yet allows shit like this to continue. The guy used a lot of words that rightfully should be on the watch list for Homeland Security and other agencies. Of course, a lot of those lists were changed, with the help of Muslims, and replaced with words that ex-military or Republicans might use. No wonder the JV terrorists are now Varsity.

Oklahoma Muslim beheading suspect Alton Alexander Nolen celebrated terrorism and attacked America, Israel and non-Muslims on his Facebook page, before committing the first jihadist beheading on American soil.

Nolen was fired from Vaughn Foods, in Moore, OK, for aggressive and repeated arguments with co-workers, trying to convert them to Islam. He returned to work this morning, stabbed and beheaded Colleen Hufford, 54, while "shouting Islamic phrases." He was in the processes of trying to murder another female co-worker, when he was shot by a company executive.

Despite clear evidence that this was an obvious act of Muslim terror – the mainstream media continues to peddle the "workplace violence" angle – or downplay the attack completely.

At this rate, the Muslims will end up killing ALL Americans by the year 317,002,014.
The liberals are more concerned about....








and especially this.....


Fucking liberals folks. They control decisions. That, my friends is the scary part. Basically, our country is already lost. Hate to be pessimistic, but that is what all children are being taught in schools, what all entertainment in teaching our kids, and that is our future.
It's what you teach your children at home that matters....
Don't just throw up your hands and call UNCLE.
What the hell are you talking about?
With your penchant for posting unrelated material and other non-sequiturs, one must ask. Do you read and understand anything posted here?
If I am a liberal Nazi,

Actually, if you look at modern American liberals and their big government policies...they are more in line with the governing beliefs of the national socialists than liberals will admit...they are both lefties and believe in the power of the state over the individual....

Tea Party, libertarians, conservativ Americans believe in the power of the individual over the state...and believe in limited government and seperation of powers...

Actually, if you understood the history of big government (I.e., George W. Bush nearly doubled the size of the government), you wouldn't make such ignorant statements.
no deflection permitted.
Since you opened the door.
Bush 43 was not a conservative. He governed as a right leaning populist.
Liberals hated Bush 43 because he stole their issues

Right. That's why the majority of conservatives voted for him, Liberals hated Bush because he was an idiot.
You are so wrong you look stupid, or is it that you really are stupid? Yep, that is what I thought you really are stupid.

If I were so wrong, wouldn't you have an argument instead of just simple insults? I do get that most people on here aren't educated to a level where they don't need to use insults continuously, but still......

It's funny how people are able to ignore what their own govt does, and complain about others.
I've notice how both sides of the political extremes do this. One man's substance-less "asshole" ad hominem is another man's substance-less "homophobe" ad hominem. And each would argue how their lack of substance is a perfectly acceptable substitute for facts..
If I am a liberal Nazi,

Actually, if you look at modern American liberals and their big government policies...they are more in line with the governing beliefs of the national socialists than liberals will admit...they are both lefties and believe in the power of the state over the individual....

Tea Party, libertarians, conservativ Americans believe in the power of the individual over the state...and believe in limited government and seperation of powers...

Actually, if you understood the history of big government (I.e., George W. Bush nearly doubled the size of the government), you wouldn't make such ignorant statements.
no deflection permitted.
Since you opened the door.
Bush 43 was not a conservative. He governed as a right leaning populist.
Liberals hated Bush 43 because he stole their issues

Right. That's why the majority of conservatives voted for him, Liberals hated Bush because he was an idiot.

How young are you?

NOBODY was going to beat Bush coming out of the Reagan years.

Once we figured out what he wasn't he lost his shine.
FBI (aka Eric Holder, called it workplace violence) when in fact it was an act of domestic terror. Was the victim White? If she was Holder would want to pin a medal on this puke.
You are so wrong you look stupid, or is it that you really are stupid? Yep, that is what I thought you really are stupid.

If I were so wrong, wouldn't you have an argument instead of just simple insults? I do get that most people on here aren't educated to a level where they don't need to use insults continuously, but still......

It's funny how people are able to ignore what their own govt does, and complain about others.
In response to your query...If your posts had some substance to them or were not simple "throw it back in your lap" drive by posts, you may earn the right to debate.
Instead. the snippy snarky nonsense earns you minor awards.
Oh, I see, I thanked Randallflag for his service in Vietnam and said that he fought a good fight...unlike the North Vietnamese sympathizers who thought America was the bad guy in the war....that is how I mentioned Vietnam...because you said it was a bad war...typical liberal...

As to the rest, you will have to explain what any of that (including Vietnam) has to do with the topic at hand.

You started the insinuating the Vietnam war wasn't a good war because of the innocents who were killed...I replied to that...

I didn't insinuate that Vietnam wasn't a good war. But since you brought it up, not only was it not a good war, it was an awful war. And all for the wrong reasons. But go ahead and brush off the millions of lives we destroyed if you feel you must. That's on you, bubba.
But go ahead and brush off the millions of lives we destroyed if you feel you must. WW 2 was also a bad war because we killed innocent people in the middle of killing the socialists around the world...and it....
Are all gun owners responsible for the deaths these mass murders commit with guns like at Sandy Hook or Ft Hood or at the movie theater that happened?
That's your analogy? What is it about the 2nd Amendment that would lead someone to think murder is OK? Obviously many do with Islam. Have you thought about this? Can you think about it?
Let me ask you to clarify some things first....are all American Muslims radicals and murders? Should they all be labeled as radicals and murderers? Should they ALL be watched by homeland security and the NSA or be gathered in to internment camps?
Clarifications are statements.
You asked questions.
Your questions are inane.
You know the answers to the questions. So other than to being a troll, why ask them?
One thing is for sure and this will never change.
Profiling potential bad actors is an important tool in crime prevention.
In fact this might be the only modern society where we demand protection from our law enforcement then question every method by which that protection is provided.
Even the Western European socialist countries give law enforcement far more latitude.
And all for the wrong reasons.

People's understanding of history is soooo short...when Europe and the U.S. did nothing to stop hitler moving through created when the other socialists were rampaging around the globe we knew from history that they had to be stopped cold...or they would just keep going...yes...the domino created by real world experience in World War 2...especially after the Russian socialists held onto the countries they captured...and created the Iron Curtain...yeah...a short understanding of history...
BEHEADINGS are gruesome and barbaric!!!

None the less though....when a person is murdered with poisoning, a knife, a handgun, strangulation or an automatic weapon...the victims are less dead than any other person murdered....OR than the person beheaded.
Even the Western European socialist countries give law enforcement far more latitude.

The liberals love Japan because of their gun laws...they also love them for the fact that police can search anyone they want, anytime they want including homes...they force confessions from subjects, and judges don't care....

A real liberal paradise...but in America...they only want that for members of the Palin Family or the Tea Party...or anyone who uses Patriot in their 501c3 name...
BEHEADINGS are gruesome and barbaric!!!

None the less though....when a person is murdered with poisoning, a knife, a handgun, strangulation or an automatic weapon...the victims are less dead than any other person murdered....OR than the person beheaded.

I have never understood how the Left can believe the moral equivalencies they spout.
You are so wrong you look stupid, or is it that you really are stupid? Yep, that is what I thought you really are stupid.

If I were so wrong, wouldn't you have an argument instead of just simple insults? I do get that most people on here aren't educated to a level where they don't need to use insults continuously, but still......

It's funny how people are able to ignore what their own govt does, and complain about others.
In response to your query...If your posts had some substance to them or were not simple "throw it back in your lap" drive by posts, you may earn the right to debate.
Instead. the snippy snarky nonsense earns you minor awards.

Okay, so I make a post setting out my point, then someone makes a small post which is just full of nothing, then I'm supposed to reply back with a massive long post again. Seriously? Where do you get off, and who wants your awards anyway?

Jeez, your post is majorly informative. Hell, it doesn't even start discussing the topic. Well done.
Even the Western European socialist countries give law enforcement far more latitude.

The liberals love Japan because of their gun laws...they also love them for the fact that police can search anyone they want, anytime they want including homes...they force confessions from subjects, and judges don't care....

A real liberal paradise...but in America...they only want that for members of the Palin Family or the Tea Party...or anyone who uses Patriot in their 501c3 name...

Or maybe liberals love Japan because you can go outside in a big city and almost certainly know you're not going to get robbed or shot. Now, having spent half the summer in places where I constantly thought I'd get robbed, murdered, attacked, i'd much prefer Japan.
And all for the wrong reasons.

People's understanding of history is soooo short...when Europe and the U.S. did nothing to stop hitler moving through created when the other socialists were rampaging around the globe we knew from history that they had to be stopped cold...or they would just keep going...yes...the domino created by real world experience in World War 2...especially after the Russian socialists held onto the countries they captured...and created the Iron Curtain...yeah...a short understanding of history...

And yet, when you tried to stop Saddam, who, well, wasn't actually trying to invade Poland, the Sudetenland, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Israel or anyone else, the US just made it worse. They didn't stop anything, they CREATED a Frankenstein monster.

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