First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil

Wow, you guys spend a lot of time being afraid of Muslims.

I mean, a sensible person would have said this was an ex-con who went nuts after he got fired.

Statistics clearly show that we've got a lot more to worry about from drunk drivers, and people texting while driving, and garden variety American criminals looking to steal your car or your laptop computer than we have to worry about from Muslim extremists.
This piece of shit is a radical Muslim who is no different than ISIS or any of the other scumbags who think Sharia law will rule the U.S. This was not a case of workplace violence as the liberal media are claiming. It was the first beheading by a Muslim terrorist on our soil. I am sick of political correctness. We have radicals here and with the porous border, more can come whenever they want.

This Islamic terrorist beheaded one woman and was in the process of trying to kill a second woman when he was shot by a company executive. I am betting that the surviving woman, despite her political beliefs, was glad that she wasn't in a gun-free zone. She'd be dead now if not for a gun in the right hands.

Where is NSA? They spy on everyone, but don't raise a red flag for the kind of shit on this guy's Facebook page. I think it should be a federal crime to openly call for the destruction of America and death of "infidels." Funny how Facebook deletes posts that it deems offensive, yet allows shit like this to continue. The guy used a lot of words that rightfully should be on the watch list for Homeland Security and other agencies. Of course, a lot of those lists were changed, with the help of Muslims, and replaced with words that ex-military or Republicans might use. No wonder the JV terrorists are now Varsity.

Oklahoma Muslim beheading suspect Alton Alexander Nolen celebrated terrorism and attacked America, Israel and non-Muslims on his Facebook page, before committing the first jihadist beheading on American soil.

Nolen was fired from Vaughn Foods, in Moore, OK, for aggressive and repeated arguments with co-workers, trying to convert them to Islam. He returned to work this morning, stabbed and beheaded Colleen Hufford, 54, while "shouting Islamic phrases." He was in the processes of trying to murder another female co-worker, when he was shot by a company executive.

Despite clear evidence that this was an obvious act of Muslim terror – the mainstream media continues to peddle the "workplace violence" angle – or downplay the attack completely.

So...Radical Muslims' strategy is to get into the US, get mundane jobs until they're fired then go off? Seems a little inefficient to me.

This was just some mental case who watches the news too much, latched onto the latest paranoid conspiracy stuff and went literally insane. Like people who bought the cold war hysteria, and made fancy bomb shelters hoping (for some strange reason) they'll be able to survive a full release of nuclear weapons.

I expect we'll see this more and more in the years to come. People who're more than a little crazy to begin with convincing themselves Islam is coming to get them and arming up to the teeth shooting into shadows. (...Glances at the posters in this thread and nervously backs away slowly.) :)
You forget the patience of radical Muslims. They were found to have taken years to arrange the first WTC bombing. Then another 8 years before they pulled off 9/11
Your method is typical of libs. Ignore a problem in the hope that is goes away.
Are all gun owners responsible for the deaths these mass murders commit with guns like at Sandy Hook or Ft Hood or at the movie theater that happened?
That's your analogy? What is it about the 2nd Amendment that would lead someone to think murder is OK? Obviously many do with Islam. Have you thought about this? Can you think about it?
Let me ask you to clarify some things first....are all American Muslims radicals and murders? Should they all be labeled as radicals and murderers? Should they ALL be watched by homeland security and the NSA or be gathered in to internment camps?
Did you read what I wrote? I said many Muslims don't have a problem with murder, how did that translate into all? How is it a coincidence that so many are that way? Your gun ownership analogy is way off, especially legal gun ownership. You are doing what leftists typically do and playing a moral equivalence game. The odd thing is that liberals would be on the top of the list of targets if Muslims took control.
Care for all is perhaps one the least intelligent USMB members. She barely has a cognitive thought.
"A few years later, in 1786, the new United States found that it was having to deal very directly with the tenets of the Muslim religion"

"That this might not be so easy was discovered by Jefferson and John Adams when they went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Secretary of State John Jay, and to the Congress:"

"The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise."

What Jefferson really thought about Islam.

Tell me again how it is ALL our fault.
Are all gun owners responsible for the deaths these mass murders commit with guns like at Sandy Hook or Ft Hood or at the movie theater that happened?
That's your analogy? What is it about the 2nd Amendment that would lead someone to think murder is OK? Obviously many do with Islam. Have you thought about this? Can you think about it?
Let me ask you to clarify some things first....are all American Muslims radicals and murders? Should they all be labeled as radicals and murderers? Should they ALL be watched by homeland security and the NSA or be gathered in to internment camps?
Did you read what I wrote? I said many Muslims don't have a problem with murder, how did that translate into all? How is it a coincidence that so many are that way? Your gun ownership analogy is way off, especially legal gun ownership. You are doing what leftists typically do and playing a moral equivalence game. The odd thing is that liberals would be on the top of the list of targets if Muslims took control.

It's the template through which they "see" everything.

I always type "Radical Islam" and get slammed for using a broad brush to paint "all" muslims as "bad".

Take a look at our border, we want "legal" immigration so we are "racist".

It's the way the left functions..
now now....your generalizations don't become you.... WHO IS ''THEY'' and is everyone that is liberal included in that ''they''?
Liberals have no backbone. When one gets out of line you refuse to call them out.
Conservatives will eschew those outside the mainstream. Example, Westboro Baptist....We conservatives have marginalized them. We have booted them out of the tent.
In fact most main stream conservatives are generally social moderates and fiscal conservatives. This represents a majority of Americans.
Liberals circle the wagons around their own at even the most radical of them.
not sure it was the first

Aasiya Hassan was beheaded by her husband Muzzammil Hassan

on February 12 2009

during an "honor killing"

Sorry, I forgot that one. Of course, that was probably labeled a domestic dispute.

I guess this would be the first infidel beheaded in America.

The radicals in our country are increasing.
well yes one you add 1+1 and get 2 there is an increase. You are a child
To OP: What does it matter what labels we apply to people? In one breath you accuse liberals of spinning this murder one way and then precede to spin it another way. Do you really want the NSA to step up it's domestic surveillance of ALL of us for what is as yet an isolated incident? Because that's where your spin on this leads.
What the fuck does the NSA have to do with anything?
FYI, the Obama admin has basically cut the NSA loose on the American people. So if you don't think you are being watched, think again.
To OP: What does it matter what labels we apply to people? In one breath you accuse liberals of spinning this murder one way and then precede to spin it another way. Do you really want the NSA to step up it's domestic surveillance of ALL of us for what is as yet an isolated incident? Because that's where your spin on this leads.
What the fuck does the NSA have to do with anything?
FYI, the Obama admin has basically cut the NSA loose on the American people. So if you don't think you are being watched, think again.

And don't forget Obama's personal database on everyone: the Catalist.
If it is true that this is the first beheading by a radical Muslim on U.S. soil, then that would imply that all other beheadings on U.S. soil have been perpetrated by non-Muslims, possibly by Christians. Perhaps the title of this thread has not been well thought out.
It's a message board, and a political message board at that...

where would this message board be without a little drama in our titles and posts? ;)

probably deader than a door nail....
Then do not question general statements made by others when you are the biggest culprit
"First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil"

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, where the actions of one are not representative of all.

Sorry but one radical Muslim terrorist pretty much does represent them all. I guess you failed to notice the word 'radical.' The radicals are all slime that need to be wiped from the earth.
i agree, Since catholic priests like to touch little children then all catholics like to touch children.
Im just using your pathetic logic.
I find it amazing that with all the resources of the CIA, DIA, NSA, NRO, FBI, that are currently being used to spy on Americans that they didn't notice his Facebook page.....Really makes you wonder.....
"A few years later, in 1786, the new United States found that it was having to deal very directly with the tenets of the Muslim religion"

"That this might not be so easy was discovered by Jefferson and John Adams when they went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Secretary of State John Jay, and to the Congress:"

"The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise."

What Jefferson really thought about Islam.

Tell me again how it is ALL our fault.
No matter what Jefferson thought about Islam he would not have thought throwing our constitution out the window for the name of security would be the way to deal with them.
This piece of shit is a radical Muslim who is no different than ISIS or any of the other scumbags who think Sharia law will rule the U.S. This was not a case of workplace violence as the liberal media are claiming. It was the first beheading by a Muslim terrorist on our soil. I am sick of political correctness. We have radicals here and with the porous border, more can come whenever they want.

This Islamic terrorist beheaded one woman and was in the process of trying to kill a second woman when he was shot by a company executive. I am betting that the surviving woman, despite her political beliefs, was glad that she wasn't in a gun-free zone. She'd be dead now if not for a gun in the right hands.

Where is NSA? They spy on everyone, but don't raise a red flag for the kind of shit on this guy's Facebook page. I think it should be a federal crime to openly call for the destruction of America and death of "infidels." Funny how Facebook deletes posts that it deems offensive, yet allows shit like this to continue. The guy used a lot of words that rightfully should be on the watch list for Homeland Security and other agencies. Of course, a lot of those lists were changed, with the help of Muslims, and replaced with words that ex-military or Republicans might use. No wonder the JV terrorists are now Varsity.

Oklahoma Muslim beheading suspect Alton Alexander Nolen celebrated terrorism and attacked America, Israel and non-Muslims on his Facebook page, before committing the first jihadist beheading on American soil.

Nolen was fired from Vaughn Foods, in Moore, OK, for aggressive and repeated arguments with co-workers, trying to convert them to Islam. He returned to work this morning, stabbed and beheaded Colleen Hufford, 54, while "shouting Islamic phrases." He was in the processes of trying to murder another female co-worker, when he was shot by a company executive.

Despite clear evidence that this was an obvious act of Muslim terror – the mainstream media continues to peddle the "workplace violence" angle – or downplay the attack completely.

Where is @Listening and @TemplarKormac to decry this Op for wanting to strip people of their first amendment right because of emotion?
You're a fucking idiot.

And I'll bet you joined a circle jerk to celebrate, didn't you you race-baiting pig.
Fuck off, scumbag. You see everything through race. Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself. :fu:

Isn't there a tractor pulling forum, or maybe a professional wresting forum where you'd be happier spending your time, punk?
Sorry, redneck inbreed, I'm not into that. But I'm sure you enjoy watching grown men in tights teabag each other - especially the black guys with big I right? Now if I'm not mistaken, I do believe I told you to fuck off. Listen to a man when he tells you to do something. Fuck off and go fuck yourself with a pineapple. Don't make me repeat myself, BOY.
Militarizing the police should not be a partisan issue, any "real" American should be against it.
Real Americans don't occupy private and public property and demand that their fellow citizens breast feed them. If it takes a cop in a flak jacket with a baton to educate their worthless asses, I'm all in.
Real Americans are not fascist scumbags who achieve multiple orgasms seeing fellow Americas getting the beatdown by the cops for any reason,
Fellow Americans? Nope. Parasites we're better off without? You betcha.
Militarizing the police should not be a partisan issue, any "real" American should be against it.
Real Americans don't occupy private and public property and demand that their fellow citizens breast feed them. If it takes a cop in a flak jacket with a baton to educate their worthless asses, I'm all in.
Real Americans are not fascist scumbags who achieve multiple orgasms seeing fellow Americas getting the beatdown by the cops for any reason,
Fellow Americans? Nope. Parasites we're better off without? You betcha.
Good thing we do allow people like you to decide who deserves their constitutional rights and who should be sent to camps and gassed.
You're a fucking idiot.

And I'll bet you joined a circle jerk to celebrate, didn't you you race-baiting pig.
Fuck off, scumbag. You see everything through race. Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself. :fu:

Isn't there a tractor pulling forum, or maybe a professional wresting forum where you'd be happier spending your time, punk?
Sorry, redneck inbreed, I'm not into that. But I'm sure you enjoy watching grown men in tights teabag each other - especially the black guys with big I right? Now if I'm not mistaken, I do believe I told you to fuck off. Listen to a man when he tells you to do something. Fuck off and go fuck yourself with a pineapple. Don't make me repeat myself, BOY.

Oh it's so amusing listening to pansies act like tough guys behind the anonymity of the web.
Wow, you guys spend a lot of time being afraid of Muslims.

I mean, a sensible person would have said this was an ex-con who went nuts after he got fired.

Statistics clearly show that we've got a lot more to worry about from drunk drivers, and people texting while driving, and garden variety American criminals looking to steal your car or your laptop computer than we have to worry about from Muslim extremists.

Or even the US govt sending you into stupid wars.
Good thing we do allow people like you to decide who deserves their constitutional rights and who should be sent to camps and gassed.
I can vote. If a vote comes up to rid ourselves of social parasites I'm going for it. Time to clean house, no more sugar tit.
The only thing you will go for is another bottle of cheap hooch. You people like to talk tough but lack the courage to do anything as you sit there hoping the government will one day turn into something a lot more fascist that will exterminate your parasites for you.

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