First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil

The only thing you will go for is another bottle of cheap hooch. You people like to talk tough but lack the courage to do anything as you sit there hoping the government will one day turn into something a lot more fascist that will exterminate your parasites for you.
I'm armed to the hilt. If my government calls upon me I'll do my duty once again.
The only thing you will go for is another bottle of cheap hooch. You people like to talk tough but lack the courage to do anything as you sit there hoping the government will one day turn into something a lot more fascist that will exterminate your parasites for you.
I'm armed to the hilt. If my government calls upon me I'll do my duty once again.
LOL hates the government but would commit mass murder if it said it was OK. You are no better than those ISIS fucks who kill people in cold blood and look to God's book to make it a virtue. Good thing you are too cowardly to act on your convictions.
You're a fucking idiot.

And I'll bet you joined a circle jerk to celebrate, didn't you you race-baiting pig.
Fuck off, scumbag. You see everything through race. Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself. :fu:

Isn't there a tractor pulling forum, or maybe a professional wresting forum where you'd be happier spending your time, punk?
Sorry, redneck inbreed, I'm not into that. But I'm sure you enjoy watching grown men in tights teabag each other - especially the black guys with big I right? Now if I'm not mistaken, I do believe I told you to fuck off. Listen to a man when he tells you to do something. Fuck off and go fuck yourself with a pineapple. Don't make me repeat myself, BOY.

Oh it's so amusing listening to pansies act like tough guys behind the anonymity of the web.
I'm just imitating you, pussy. Go wring out your panties.
LOL hates the government but would commit mass murder if it said it was OK. You are no better than those ISIS fucks who kill people in cold blood and look to God's book to make it a virtue. Good thing you are too cowardly to act on your convictions.
I don't hate the government, worked for them for 7 years myself. I hate having it morph into an omnipresent force and micromanaging our lives. It would be for the greater good.
LOL hates the government but would commit mass murder if it said it was OK. You are no better than those ISIS fucks who kill people in cold blood and look to God's book to make it a virtue. Good thing you are too cowardly to act on your convictions.
I don't hate the government, worked for them for 7 years myself. I hate having it morph into an omnipresent force and micromanaging our lives. It would be for the greater good.
The government is no different than it ever was during our lifetimes, you just became more of an an intolerant jackass.
Wow, you guys spend a lot of time being afraid of Muslims.

I mean, a sensible person would have said this was an ex-con who went nuts after he got fired.

Statistics clearly show that we've got a lot more to worry about from drunk drivers, and people texting while driving, and garden variety American criminals looking to steal your car or your laptop computer than we have to worry about from Muslim extremists.
You are free to leave your head stuck in the dirt while the rest of us are proactive.
And I'll bet you joined a circle jerk to celebrate, didn't you you race-baiting pig.
Fuck off, scumbag. You see everything through race. Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself. :fu:

Isn't there a tractor pulling forum, or maybe a professional wresting forum where you'd be happier spending your time, punk?
Sorry, redneck inbreed, I'm not into that. But I'm sure you enjoy watching grown men in tights teabag each other - especially the black guys with big I right? Now if I'm not mistaken, I do believe I told you to fuck off. Listen to a man when he tells you to do something. Fuck off and go fuck yourself with a pineapple. Don't make me repeat myself, BOY.

Oh it's so amusing listening to pansies act like tough guys behind the anonymity of the web.
I'm just imitating you, pussy. Go wring out your panties.

You "irritating" me? That'd take some doing, pansy.
LOL hates the government but would commit mass murder if it said it was OK. You are no better than those ISIS fucks who kill people in cold blood and look to God's book to make it a virtue. Good thing you are too cowardly to act on your convictions.
I don't hate the government, worked for them for 7 years myself. I hate having it morph into an omnipresent force and micromanaging our lives. It would be for the greater good.
The government is no different than it ever was during our lifetimes, you just became more of an an intolerant jackass.
The sad part is you've accepted being subjugated by our ever growing, ever intrusive federal government
The government is no different than it ever was during our lifetimes, you just became more of an an intolerant jackass.
The government hasn't grown? What are you, 11 years old?
Lots of things have grown, good and bad, I see no reason to go around with hatred for broad groups of people and wanting to exterminate them because it's cheaper than helping them.
Are all gun owners responsible for the deaths these mass murders commit with guns like at Sandy Hook or Ft Hood or at the movie theater that happened?
That's your analogy? What is it about the 2nd Amendment that would lead someone to think murder is OK? Obviously many do with Islam. Have you thought about this? Can you think about it?
Let me ask you to clarify some things first....are all American Muslims radicals and murders? Should they all be labeled as radicals and murderers? Should they ALL be watched by homeland security and the NSA or be gathered in to internment camps?
Did you read what I wrote? I said many Muslims don't have a problem with murder, how did that translate into all? How is it a coincidence that so many are that way? Your gun ownership analogy is way off, especially legal gun ownership. You are doing what leftists typically do and playing a moral equivalence game. The odd thing is that liberals would be on the top of the list of targets if Muslims took control.

Here's the thing with Islam, especially here in the US. Muslims REFUSE to speak out against the few assholes that are destroying their religion. This is MY problem with these assholes. By remaining silent, they are quietly condoning this shit. Have the damned guts to speak out against these monsters. But they don't......I have to believe that they are secretly praying that these jihadists are successful. What the hell else can we think?

Really? Tell that to this female Muslim pilot who participated in the air attack against ISIS:


Perhaps you should have the guts to pick up a gun and go fight the bastards yourself.
DO NOT ever get caught posting anything opposing military spending
Let me ask you to clarify some things first....are all American Muslims radicals and murders? Should they all be labeled as radicals and murderers? Should they ALL be watched by homeland security and the NSA or be gathered in to internment camps?
Did you read what I wrote? I said many Muslims don't have a problem with murder, how did that translate into all? How is it a coincidence that so many are that way? Your gun ownership analogy is way off, especially legal gun ownership. You are doing what leftists typically do and playing a moral equivalence game. The odd thing is that liberals would be on the top of the list of targets if Muslims took control.

Here's the thing with Islam, especially here in the US. Muslims REFUSE to speak out against the few assholes that are destroying their religion. This is MY problem with these assholes. By remaining silent, they are quietly condoning this shit. Have the damned guts to speak out against these monsters. But they don't......I have to believe that they are secretly praying that these jihadists are successful. What the hell else can we think?

Really? Tell that to this female Muslim pilot who participated in the air attack against ISIS:


WOW...that is your example? Seriously!?!? Is she a US Citizen? WOW....what a great photo op.....fuck you.

Are you suggesting that because she is not an American that her actions don't count? Are you suggesting that there are no Muslims in the U.S. military, that none have participated in the hundreds of military responses to terrorism our people have made over the years. You people rant before you think. No doubt it comes from either youth or plain stupidity.
No. What is being suggested is that you as a radical Islam sympathizer decided this was a convenient time for a photo op.
There are a religion called "Islam" for 1500 years and there are muslims in Usa for long years. Why they have waited to behead people until today ? Islam is not the same Islam ? Looks like another hoax to me, immediately after the fake behadings of journalists by Isis.

What it looks like to you is immaterial. Facts are facts.
The guy has radical Islamist posts on his face book page. He also was reported as having been attempting to recruit fellow workers to radical Islam
Wow, you guys spend a lot of time being afraid of Muslims.

I mean, a sensible person would have said this was an ex-con who went nuts after he got fired.

Statistics clearly show that we've got a lot more to worry about from drunk drivers, and people texting while driving, and garden variety American criminals looking to steal your car or your laptop computer than we have to worry about from Muslim extremists.
You are free to leave your head stuck in the dirt while the rest of us are proactive.

You're joining the fight? Gonna take it right to ISIS, huh?
The government is no different than it ever was during our lifetimes, you just became more of an an intolerant jackass.
The government hasn't grown? What are you, 11 years old?
Lots of things have grown, good and bad, I see no reason to go around with hatred for broad groups of people and wanting to exterminate them because it's cheaper than helping them.
They neither need nor want our "help"....That's your side's problem You think everyone wants your help.
There will come a time when it will indeed be brought to US Muslims as a result of these type of actions.

Count on that.
There will come a time when it will indeed be brought to US Muslims as a result of these type of actions.

Count on that.
Quit riding the fear wagon, that's the shit that birthed the patriot act, the DHS and an all encompassing domestic spying program. Be courageous and tell all the people who want to scare you to shove it up their ass.
Wow, you guys spend a lot of time being afraid of Muslims.

I mean, a sensible person would have said this was an ex-con who went nuts after he got fired.

Statistics clearly show that we've got a lot more to worry about from drunk drivers, and people texting while driving, and garden variety American criminals looking to steal your car or your laptop computer than we have to worry about from Muslim extremists.
You are free to leave your head stuck in the dirt while the rest of us are proactive.

You're joining the fight? Gonna take it right to ISIS, huh?
Domestically? Yes. Our job is to be vigilant. If we see something wrong, we report it.
Wow, you guys spend a lot of time being afraid of Muslims.

I mean, a sensible person would have said this was an ex-con who went nuts after he got fired.

Statistics clearly show that we've got a lot more to worry about from drunk drivers, and people texting while driving, and garden variety American criminals looking to steal your car or your laptop computer than we have to worry about from Muslim extremists.
You are free to leave your head stuck in the dirt while the rest of us are proactive.

You're joining the fight? Gonna take it right to ISIS, huh?
Meanwhile you will remain fat dumb and happy.
There will come a time when it will indeed be brought to US Muslims as a result of these type of actions.

Count on that.
Quit riding the fear wagon, that's the shit that birthed the patriot act, the DHS and an all encompassing domestic spying program. Be courageous and tell all the people who want to scare you to shove it up their ass.

"Shove it up your ass" works until the pressure cookers detonate.

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