First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil

If a SKINHEAD cut off a black woman's would be called a hate crime, not some random crime.

Black muslim cuts off most likely white woman's head....nothing to see here according to liberal scum.
This piece of shit is a radical Muslim who is no different than ISIS or any of the other scumbags who think Sharia law will rule the U.S. This was not a case of workplace violence as the liberal media are claiming. It was the first beheading by a Muslim terrorist on our soil. I am sick of political correctness. We have radicals here and with the porous border, more can come whenever they want.

This Islamic terrorist beheaded one woman and was in the process of trying to kill a second woman when he was shot by a company executive. I am betting that the surviving woman, despite her political beliefs, was glad that she wasn't in a gun-free zone. She'd be dead now if not for a gun in the right hands.

Where is NSA? They spy on everyone, but don't raise a red flag for the kind of shit on this guy's Facebook page. I think it should be a federal crime to openly call for the destruction of America and death of "infidels." Funny how Facebook deletes posts that it deems offensive, yet allows shit like this to continue. The guy used a lot of words that rightfully should be on the watch list for Homeland Security and other agencies. Of course, a lot of those lists were changed, with the help of Muslims, and replaced with words that ex-military or Republicans might use. No wonder the JV terrorists are now Varsity.
It's time to change our strategy in dealing with these savages.
Some say if we go after them with extreme prejudice, we are no better than they.
IMO a bullet to the heart is much more humane than slowly slicing off the head of an innocent person.
If your enemy lives and fights in the gutter, sometimes you have to get into the gutter to defeat him.
I am sick and tired of this administration's approach of treating these terrorists( and this IS an act of domestic terrorism) as though they are common criminals.
They are NOT. The moment they invoke the terrorist approach, which is no different than waging war vs the US and the American people, they are enemy combatants.
Enemy combatants have no rights. They are vicious monsters who need to be DEAD.
In other words, fuck the constitution, give me blood on the streets.

You just aren't very bright kid.
Bright enough to see someone reject due process under law on American soil in favor of a more vigilante style of "justice". Who's to decide who is an enemy combatant subject to summary execution? The government? Really?

LOL.....YOU the only one who keeps bringing that up kid.
Looking at your quote you indeed said we should deprive Americans of their rights because of their views. You have every opportunity to refine your words so that you do not sound like someone who has no respect for due process and that thinks the government should have a mechanism to legally strip an American of their rights under the law.
It's time to change our strategy in dealing with these savages.
Some say if we go after them with extreme prejudice, we are no better than they.
IMO a bullet to the heart is much more humane than slowly slicing off the head of an innocent person.
If your enemy lives and fights in the gutter, sometimes you have to get into the gutter to defeat him.
I am sick and tired of this administration's approach of treating these terrorists( and this IS an act of domestic terrorism) as though they are common criminals.
They are NOT. The moment they invoke the terrorist approach, which is no different than waging war vs the US and the American people, they are enemy combatants.
Enemy combatants have no rights. They are vicious monsters who need to be DEAD.
In other words, fuck the constitution, give me blood on the streets.

You just aren't very bright kid.
Bright enough to see someone reject due process under law on American soil in favor of a more vigilante style of "justice". Who's to decide who is an enemy combatant subject to summary execution? The government? Really?

LOL.....YOU the only one who keeps bringing that up kid.
Looking at your quote you indeed said we should deprive Americans of their rights because of their views. You have every opportunity to refine your words so that you do not sound like someone who has no respect for due process and that thinks the government should have a mechanism to legally strip an American of their rights under the law.

Feel free to show me where :)
In other words, fuck the constitution, give me blood on the streets.

You just aren't very bright kid.
Bright enough to see someone reject due process under law on American soil in favor of a more vigilante style of "justice". Who's to decide who is an enemy combatant subject to summary execution? The government? Really?

LOL.....YOU the only one who keeps bringing that up kid.
Looking at your quote you indeed said we should deprive Americans of their rights because of their views. You have every opportunity to refine your words so that you do not sound like someone who has no respect for due process and that thinks the government should have a mechanism to legally strip an American of their rights under the law.

Feel free to show me where :)
If you don't remember what you wrote then you have more pressing problems than terrorists.
Radical Islam would not appeal to the blacks in this country if they would have had a proper upbringing with parents that gave a fuck about them.

Just more evidence of the destruction of the black culture and booming thug culture.
You just aren't very bright kid.
Bright enough to see someone reject due process under law on American soil in favor of a more vigilante style of "justice". Who's to decide who is an enemy combatant subject to summary execution? The government? Really?

LOL.....YOU the only one who keeps bringing that up kid.
Looking at your quote you indeed said we should deprive Americans of their rights because of their views. You have every opportunity to refine your words so that you do not sound like someone who has no respect for due process and that thinks the government should have a mechanism to legally strip an American of their rights under the law.

Feel free to show me where :)
If you don't remember what you wrote then you have more pressing problems than terrorists.

LOL, I know that I never wrote anything about taking away anyone's "rights" or wanting "Blood in the streets".

You are living in a fantasy land of hatred kid, if you can't show me it didn't happen ;)
If I am a liberal Nazi,

Actually, if you look at modern American liberals and their big government policies...they are more in line with the governing beliefs of the national socialists than liberals will admit...they are both lefties and believe in the power of the state over the individual....

Tea Party, libertarians, conservativ Americans believe in the power of the individual over the state...and believe in limited government and seperation of powers...

Actually, if you understood the history of big government (I.e., George W. Bush nearly doubled the size of the government), you wouldn't make such ignorant statements.
no deflection permitted.
Since you opened the door.
Bush 43 was not a conservative. He governed as a right leaning populist.
Liberals hated Bush 43 because he stole their issues
Oh, I see, I thanked Randallflag for his service in Vietnam and said that he fought a good fight...unlike the North Vietnamese sympathizers who thought America was the bad guy in the war....that is how I mentioned Vietnam...because you said it was a bad war...typical liberal...

As to the rest, you will have to explain what any of that (including Vietnam) has to do with the topic at hand.

You started the insinuating the Vietnam war wasn't a good war because of the innocents who were killed...I replied to that...
Bush 43 was not a conservative.

Actually, he wasn't much of a conservative...he spent too much money...but again...I always told people that if they didn't like how Bush spent our money...wait for the next democrat..

As to Bush...

When it comes time to vote between the lesser of two evils...make sure you still vote...for the lesser of the two evils...because when you don't vote for the lesser of two evils...odds are the greater of the two evils will that really what you want...?
That the OP and others on the right would seek to contrive this into partisan issue is reprehensible.
Conservatives are always on the lookout for an enemy within. Seems they need another round of "national security enhancements" to feel safe again.
I think the best solution to this is to learn all we can about the childhoods, family friends, teachers and counsellors of both the murderer and the victims. We need to have a national memorial service for the victim. Where can we send donations to ease the suffering of the family. Specifics are needed here
"First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil"

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, where the actions of one are not representative of all.

Damn good thing that the left didn't try and stain all Christians using the Branch Davidians, Fred Phelps or Eric Rudolf.
You would have a case if there were 10% of 2 billion Christians flying planes into buildings, attempting to carve out huge swaths of sovereign nations to set up Caliphates or kidnapping innocent people and chopping off their heads.
So you are another sympathizer for the Islamist radicals?
We should be very proud of out multiculturalism!

Multiculturalism is a failure across the world. Europe being a prime example and in Australia recently as they stopped a murder plot by Muslim immigrant citizens...............

They come here and demand their rights which include Sharia Law rights on our own soil, and we are supposed to be PC correct about it....................If they become citizens they need to honor their oath of citizenship or leave.........

We offer Freedom here, and if you want Sharia law here you have refused to respect our culture and traditions..........While we respect Freedom we in no way need to respect traditions of a culture that spawns violence around the globe. We don't need that chit here.

Does Christianity not "spawn violence around the globe"? I mean, Iraq, Afghanistan are two examples of Christian violence that has killed far more people.

In fact ISIS is a by product of Bush's mess up in Iraq. It was pretty obvious to anyone who wanted to see that something like this would happen out of his invasion.

So you don't need to respect Christianity any more then, hey?

You again? The fucking isis problem was created by Obama when he armed them to battle assad.
You ignorant piece of shit.

The actual problem between the middle east and the US dates to the Jimmy Carter policies.

That is when they declared jihad against the US and the west.

You are stupid. You are a fucking hack. You, are a piece of shit. If stupid were stink, you would be a fart passing through a partially digested onion.

It sounds like you should take advantage of the mental health provision of the Affordable Care Act. Please!
Conservatives are always on the lookout for an enemy within.

Yeah, it isn't like the democrats targeted the conservative groups with the power of the federal government to deny them their political rights...

Or call the Tea Party terrorists more dangerous than muslims...

or said returning soldiers are dangerous due to the likelihood they could be radicalized by the right...

or sue bakers and photographers because they won't participate in a practice they know is against their religious freedom...

Yeah...those darned conservatives...
We should be very proud of out multiculturalism!

Multiculturalism is a failure across the world. Europe being a prime example and in Australia recently as they stopped a murder plot by Muslim immigrant citizens...............

They come here and demand their rights which include Sharia Law rights on our own soil, and we are supposed to be PC correct about it....................If they become citizens they need to honor their oath of citizenship or leave.........

We offer Freedom here, and if you want Sharia law here you have refused to respect our culture and traditions..........While we respect Freedom we in no way need to respect traditions of a culture that spawns violence around the globe. We don't need that chit here.

Does Christianity not "spawn violence around the globe"? I mean, Iraq, Afghanistan are two examples of Christian violence that has killed far more people.

In fact ISIS is a by product of Bush's mess up in Iraq. It was pretty obvious to anyone who wanted to see that something like this would happen out of his invasion.

So you don't need to respect Christianity any more then, hey?
Wow.....Just wow.
You have large gaps between your posts. Keep it that way.
You are so wrong you look stupid, or is it that you really are stupid? Yep, that is what I thought you really are stupid.

If I were so wrong, wouldn't you have an argument instead of just simple insults? I do get that most people on here aren't educated to a level where they don't need to use insults continuously, but still......

It's funny how people are able to ignore what their own govt does, and complain about others.

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