First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil

OJ Simpson, American sports hero, Christian, headchopper. Coincidence?

Hmmm...let's look at that...Christians...non violent history of head chopping as a modern religious expression...

So no...there actually isn't a connection there...but again...that is lefty dyslexia at work...

There is no connection between Christianity and head Christians chop heads....

There is an actual and real connection between radical muslims and chopping off heads...and other connection there...

A prime example of lefty dyslexia at work...

OMG. You really don't know anything about the history of Christianity (even its recent history), do you?
They are killing homosexuals in the name of Jesus in Africa right now.
Prove it. True Christians don't kill homosexuals.

That statement would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
Um.........Funny, the whole time I was killing them, I would have sworn that they were commies..

Remember, socialism, according to marx, is the intermediate step to true communism...that and a couple hundred million murdered innocents...but who is counting...
(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was inspired by the fact that he had just got fired. People go postal in this country all the time, most of the time simply because they are bat shit crazy. The fact that he was a Muslim convert seems incidental.

Stupid statement. The fact that he drove an automobile is incidental. The fact that he carried a knife into his workplace (former) after being fired, after proselytizing for Islam and posting inflammatory posts on Facebook, then beheaded a co-worker is EXTREMELY germain to the incident. Jesus, you're stupid.

The fact that he carried a knife that he used in his job cutting up produce means nothing other than he had a knife that he used in his job. For an allegedly 70 year old man, you appear to have a grade school yard bully vocabulary. You have my deepest sympathies.

I need nothing from you, you liberal Nazi piece of shit.

If I am a liberal Nazi, then I am the ONLY liberal Nazi that has ever existed. Jeez, you just don't know when to quit, do you?

No, you are not a liberal Nazi.....You are a FUCKING LIBERAL NAZI. Read the sig at the bottom and then research who stated it in 1969. He was a democrat.
Um.........Funny, the whole time I was killing them, I would have sworn that they were commies..

Remember, socialism, according to marx, is the intermediate step to true communism...that and a couple hundred million murdered innocents...but who is counting...

Hey, all I know is that they were trying to kill me. Innocent? Not the ones who were shooting at me......If I'm not mistaken, however, Ho Chi Minh was a true communist.
If I am a liberal Nazi,

Actually, if you look at modern American liberals and their big government policies...they are more in line with the governing beliefs of the national socialists than liberals will admit...they are both lefties and believe in the power of the state over the individual....

Tea Party, libertarians, conservativ Americans believe in the power of the individual over the state...and believe in limited government and seperation of powers...
If it is true that this is the first beheading by a radical Muslim on U.S. soil, then that would imply that all other beheadings on U.S. soil have been perpetrated by non-Muslims, possibly by Christians. Perhaps the title of this thread has not been well thought out.
It's a message board, and a political message board at that...

where would this message board be without a little drama in our titles and posts? ;)

probably deader than a door nail....

So what you are saying is that because this is a political message board, lies are justified, Got it. Have you read any of the news reports? You know, the ones where the police have stated that there was no evidence to suggest that the man was acting out of religious conviction or as a terrorist tool. The ones that said the women were simply in his way when he walked in the building in a blind rage. Those news reports?


Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

a. He is a radical Moslem.
b. He has a knife.
c. He isn't after anyone in particular.
d. He beheads a woman who just happens to be in the wrong place.

What more do you need to realize this was not just work place violence?

a) He was an African American. I guess that also makes him guilty, eh?
b) He had a knife that he used in his work.
c) We don't know what his intentions were. It does appear that his victims were random. So were Joseph T. Wesbecker's victims.

This incident occurred immediately AFTER he was fired. So it does appear to be workplace-related. If management felt he was a threat, one would think that he would have been escorted off the premises and appropriate security measures taken.
Hey, all I know is that they were trying to kill me. Innocent? Not the ones who were shooting at me......If I'm not mistaken, however, Ho Chi Minh was a true communist.

Believe me...I'm on your side, and can't stand the idiots who deny communism for the murdering philosophy that it is ...thanks for your was a good fight surrendered by the liberals here at home...
a) He was an African American. I guess that also makes him guilty, eh?
b) He had a knife that he used in his work.
c) We don't know what his intentions were. It does appear that his victims were random. So were Joseph T. Wesbecker's victims.

This incident occurred immediately AFTER he was fired. So it does appear to be workplace-related. If management felt he was a threat, one would think that he would have been escorted off the premises and appropriate security measures taken.

If management felt he was a threat they were probably afraid if they reacted accordingly a liberal pressure group would have shown up at their door decrying their paranoia of islam or their racism against blacks...

Too bad for the liberals that he didn't wait a little while longer...
If I am a liberal Nazi,

Actually, if you look at modern American liberals and their big government policies...they are more in line with the governing beliefs of the national socialists than liberals will admit...they are both lefties and believe in the power of the state over the individual....

Tea Party, libertarians, conservativ Americans believe in the power of the individual over the state...and believe in limited government and seperation of powers...

Actually, if you understood the history of big government (I.e., George W. Bush nearly doubled the size of the government), you wouldn't make such ignorant statements.
Hey, all I know is that they were trying to kill me. Innocent? Not the ones who were shooting at me......If I'm not mistaken, however, Ho Chi Minh was a true communist.

Believe me...I'm on your side, and can't stand the idiots who deny communism for the murdering philosophy that it is ...thanks for your was a good fight surrendered by the liberals here at home...

We killed 2 million Vietnamese. For what purpose? You really think that was a "good fight"? :bsflag:
This piece of shit is a radical Muslim who is no different than ISIS or any of the other scumbags who think Sharia law will rule the U.S. This was not a case of workplace violence as the liberal media are claiming. It was the first beheading by a Muslim terrorist on our soil. I am sick of political correctness. We have radicals here and with the porous border, more can come whenever they want.

This Islamic terrorist beheaded one woman and was in the process of trying to kill a second woman when he was shot by a company executive. I am betting that the surviving woman, despite her political beliefs, was glad that she wasn't in a gun-free zone. She'd be dead now if not for a gun in the right hands.

Where is NSA? They spy on everyone, but don't raise a red flag for the kind of shit on this guy's Facebook page. I think it should be a federal crime to openly call for the destruction of America and death of "infidels." Funny how Facebook deletes posts that it deems offensive, yet allows shit like this to continue. The guy used a lot of words that rightfully should be on the watch list for Homeland Security and other agencies. Of course, a lot of those lists were changed, with the help of Muslims, and replaced with words that ex-military or Republicans might use. No wonder the JV terrorists are now Varsity.

Oklahoma Muslim beheading suspect Alton Alexander Nolen celebrated terrorism and attacked America, Israel and non-Muslims on his Facebook page, before committing the first jihadist beheading on American soil.

Nolen was fired from Vaughn Foods, in Moore, OK, for aggressive and repeated arguments with co-workers, trying to convert them to Islam. He returned to work this morning, stabbed and beheaded Colleen Hufford, 54, while "shouting Islamic phrases." He was in the processes of trying to murder another female co-worker, when he was shot by a company executive.

Despite clear evidence that this was an obvious act of Muslim terror – the mainstream media continues to peddle the "workplace violence" angle – or downplay the attack completely.
It's time to change our strategy in dealing with these savages.
Some say if we go after them with extreme prejudice, we are no better than they.
IMO a bullet to the heart is much more humane than slowly slicing off the head of an innocent person.
If your enemy lives and fights in the gutter, sometimes you have to get into the gutter to defeat him.
I am sick and tired of this administration's approach of treating these terrorists( and this IS an act of domestic terrorism) as though they are common criminals.
They are NOT. The moment they invoke the terrorist approach, which is no different than waging war vs the US and the American people, they are enemy combatants.
Enemy combatants have no rights. They are vicious monsters who need to be DEAD.
If it weren't so sick it would be humorous.....we have more evidence than not it was at least partially Islamic related in the method....and we have people defending Islam to their last breath.

I am betting you actually think Ft. Hood was work place violence.
Too many of us remember the bullshit that unreasonable fear of terrorists unleashed upon our civil liberties, you scaremongers are not going to do it to us again. It's not defense of Islam so much as defense of our liberties against chicken littles who would turn America into one big prison in the name of security.

LOL......Your Boi King has made GW look like an amatuer when it comes to gathering "info"
a) He was an African American. I guess that also makes him guilty, eh?
b) He had a knife that he used in his work.
c) We don't know what his intentions were. It does appear that his victims were random. So were Joseph T. Wesbecker's victims.

This incident occurred immediately AFTER he was fired. So it does appear to be workplace-related. If management felt he was a threat, one would think that he would have been escorted off the premises and appropriate security measures taken.

If management felt he was a threat they were probably afraid if they reacted accordingly a liberal pressure group would have shown up at their door decrying their paranoia of islam or their racism against blacks...

Too bad for the liberals that he didn't wait a little while longer...

Right, the guy who shot him (i.e., the boss) was more afraid of liberals than he was of the guy who actually cut off a head. Care to rephrase that bullshit statement?
It's a message board, and a political message board at that...

where would this message board be without a little drama in our titles and posts? ;)

probably deader than a door nail....

So what you are saying is that because this is a political message board, lies are justified, Got it. Have you read any of the news reports? You know, the ones where the police have stated that there was no evidence to suggest that the man was acting out of religious conviction or as a terrorist tool. The ones that said the women were simply in his way when he walked in the building in a blind rage. Those news reports?


Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

a. He is a radical Moslem.
b. He has a knife.
c. He isn't after anyone in particular.
d. He beheads a woman who just happens to be in the wrong place.

What more do you need to realize this was not just work place violence?

a) He was an African American. I guess that also makes him guilty, eh?
b) He had a knife that he used in his work.
c) We don't know what his intentions were. It does appear that his victims were random. So were Joseph T. Wesbecker's victims.

This incident occurred immediately AFTER he was fired. So it does appear to be workplace-related. If management felt he was a threat, one would think that he would have been escorted off the premises and appropriate security measures taken.
If it is true that this is the first beheading by a radical Muslim on U.S. soil, then that would imply that all other beheadings on U.S. soil have been perpetrated by non-Muslims, possibly by Christians. Perhaps the title of this thread has not been well thought out.
It's a message board, and a political message board at that...

where would this message board be without a little drama in our titles and posts? ;)

probably deader than a door nail....

So what you are saying is that because this is a political message board, lies are justified, Got it. Have you read any of the news reports? You know, the ones where the police have stated that there was no evidence to suggest that the man was acting out of religious conviction or as a terrorist tool. The ones that said the women were simply in his way when he walked in the building in a blind rage. Those news reports?


Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

a. He is a radical Moslem.
b. He has a knife.
c. He isn't after anyone in particular.
d. He beheads a woman who just happens to be in the wrong place.

What more do you need to realize this was not just work place violence?
The call for a new crusade against Islam would cost us everything that makes us America.
(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was inspired by the fact that he had just got fired. People go postal in this country all the time, most of the time simply because they are bat shit crazy. The fact that he was a Muslim convert seems incidental.

(pay no attention to his Facebook page)

Sure, people go Postal everyday and BEHEAD someone with a KNIFE.

God you are dense.

Nicole Brown Simpson was partially decapitated by her assailant (I am not naming names here, lol), and that guy might or might not have gone postal but he certainly wasn't a Muslim. So what was his motive? And that is the real issue here - motive. What evidence do you have that this man cut off his victim's head because of his religious/political beliefs? Did he yell "allah akbar" before he started the attack? Does he say on his Facebook page that he had clear intention of attacking his co-workers?

Yes. Muslim + Headchopper = Coincidence

OJ Simpson, American sports hero, Christian, headchopper. Coincidence?

Did he wear Muslim garb?
Was his Facebook page dedicated to all things Islamic including Bin Laden?
"First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil"

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, where the actions of one are not representative of all.
Shut up...The stuff he posted on his face book page points toward a belief in radical Islam.
You stand up for this guy.
You disgust me. No decent self respecting American could even consider this anything but a monster driven by religious zealotry punishable by death.
OJ Simpson, American sports hero, Christian, headchopper. Coincidence?

Hmmm...let's look at that...Christians...non violent history of head chopping as a modern religious expression...

So no...there actually isn't a connection there...but again...that is lefty dyslexia at work...

There is no connection between Christianity and head Christians chop heads....

There is an actual and real connection between radical muslims and chopping off heads...and other connection there...

A prime example of lefty dyslexia at work...

OMG. You really don't know anything about the history of Christianity (even its recent history), do you?
They are killing homosexuals in the name of Jesus in Africa right now.

Muslims are killing Christians all over Africa and the middle east right now.

They are beheading them.....

No real point...just things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Hey, all I know is that they were trying to kill me. Innocent? Not the ones who were shooting at me......If I'm not mistaken, however, Ho Chi Minh was a true communist.

Believe me...I'm on your side, and can't stand the idiots who deny communism for the murdering philosophy that it is ...thanks for your was a good fight surrendered by the liberals here at home...

Oh, don't get me wrong. I have the highest respect for those little guys. They had something that the American Liberal will never know anything about. They had guts. They were fierce. Difference between those guys and a liberal? A liberal wouldn't lift a hand to stop someone from beating their Mother and Father to death. They would turn and run. The VC would fight to the last man (and often did).
It's a message board, and a political message board at that...

where would this message board be without a little drama in our titles and posts? ;)

probably deader than a door nail....

So what you are saying is that because this is a political message board, lies are justified, Got it. Have you read any of the news reports? You know, the ones where the police have stated that there was no evidence to suggest that the man was acting out of religious conviction or as a terrorist tool. The ones that said the women were simply in his way when he walked in the building in a blind rage. Those news reports?


Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

a. He is a radical Moslem.
b. He has a knife.
c. He isn't after anyone in particular.
d. He beheads a woman who just happens to be in the wrong place.

What more do you need to realize this was not just work place violence?

a) He was an African American. I guess that also makes him guilty, eh?
b) He had a knife that he used in his work.
c) We don't know what his intentions were. It does appear that his victims were random. So were Joseph T. Wesbecker's victims.

This incident occurred immediately AFTER he was fired. So it does appear to be workplace-related. If management felt he was a threat, one would think that he would have been escorted off the premises and appropriate security measures taken.

You just did what you have been busy accusing others of doing, and that is making conclusions based on an absence of facts. You firmly believe that you are justified in assuming (appear) facts that support your position, but others are not. You are rationalizing a scenerio to fit your world view, and that makes you an ignorant ass.

Not only that, but you attempted to imply racism with your "He was an African American" remark. And, since we are not mind readers, we can only analyze his actions to determine his actual intentions. We also don't know how many he intended to kill, so in your ignorant opinion, it must have been only two.

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