First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil

(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Can you show where you made that point to liberals regarding Ferguson?

I played Left Field but this makes no sense to me?

Seriously? You don't get it?

I sure don't.

And you support government school educations? If you have a college degree, I'd sue to get your money back.

LOL what the hell are you talking about?

Put down the drugs man.
It's a message board, and a political message board at that...

where would this message board be without a little drama in our titles and posts? ;)

probably deader than a door nail....

So what you are saying is that because this is a political message board, lies are justified, Got it. Have you read any of the news reports? You know, the ones where the police have stated that there was no evidence to suggest that the man was acting out of religious conviction or as a terrorist tool. The ones that said the women were simply in his way when he walked in the building in a blind rage. Those news reports?


Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was inspired by the fact that he had just got fired. People go postal in this country all the time, most of the time simply because they are bat shit crazy. The fact that he was a Muslim convert seems incidental.

(pay no attention to his Facebook page)

Sure, people go Postal everyday and BEHEAD someone with a KNIFE.

God you are dense.
So what you are saying is that because this is a political message board, lies are justified, Got it. Have you read any of the news reports? You know, the ones where the police have stated that there was no evidence to suggest that the man was acting out of religious conviction or as a terrorist tool. The ones that said the women were simply in his way when he walked in the building in a blind rage. Those news reports?


Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was inspired by the fact that he had just got fired. People go postal in this country all the time, most of the time simply because they are bat shit crazy. The fact that he was a Muslim convert seems incidental.

(pay no attention to his Facebook page)

Sure, people go Postal everyday and BEHEAD someone with a KNIFE.

God you are dense.

I personally witness 3 beheading yesterday!

That makes 37 for the week.
Do you think that would have prevented any of the stated examples of "domestic terrorism" sited in various posts on this thread?

No, I believe that people on the scene, armed with their personal firearm shooting the terrorist would prevent more killing...the government is always 4 minutes away, at least, from stopping these guys...
Hindsight is great but as yet we cannot see inside the minds of crazy people or fully prepare for their irrational acts. The act of trying to prepare for the unexpected just fucks up life for everyone, for example, airport security.
It's a message board, and a political message board at that...

where would this message board be without a little drama in our titles and posts? ;)

probably deader than a door nail....

So what you are saying is that because this is a political message board, lies are justified, Got it. Have you read any of the news reports? You know, the ones where the police have stated that there was no evidence to suggest that the man was acting out of religious conviction or as a terrorist tool. The ones that said the women were simply in his way when he walked in the building in a blind rage. Those news reports?


Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was inspired by the fact that he had just got fired. People go postal in this country all the time, most of the time simply because they are bat shit crazy. The fact that he was a Muslim convert seems incidental.

Stupid statement. The fact that he drove an automobile is incidental. The fact that he carried a knife into his workplace (former) after being fired, after proselytizing for Islam and posting inflammatory posts on Facebook, then beheaded a co-worker is EXTREMELY germain to the incident. Jesus, you're stupid.
Really? Tell that to this female Muslim pilot who participated in the air attack against ISIS:


WOW...that is your example? Seriously!?!? Is she a US Citizen? WOW....what a great photo op.....fuck you.

Are you suggesting that because she is not an American that her actions don't count? Are you suggesting that there are no Muslims in the U.S. military, that none have participated in the hundreds of military responses to terrorism our people have made over the years. You people rant before you think. No doubt it comes from either youth or plain stupidity.

You stupid fucker......I WAS WRITING ABOUT AMERICANS YOU TWIT!!!!! How goddamned stupid can one human be!?!?!? And, dumbass, it's neither "youth" (I'm 70 you fucking moron) or stupidity ( I served in the military for 22 years in embassies around the world). You are a fucking idiot.

Here is what you said:
Here's the thing with Islam, especially here in the US. Muslims REFUSE to speak out against the few assholes that are destroying their religion.

Except that you have presented absolutely no frigging evidence that that is true, while it is clear that there are many Muslims in the U.S. military responding even more forcefully against these radical religious wingnuts than you would have them do. And since you are 70 years old and claim to be a vet, you should have enough experience to know this, and yet apparently, the memo slipped your friggin notice. Congratulations. are a fucking idiot. If you are going to bold a statement (in a bullshit attempt to make your juvenile point) try BOLDING THE ENTIRE STATEMENT. LIKE THIS:


See how easy that is, stupid?

The fact that I did not bold the entire quote does not negate the point I made. Now, either you have evidence that your statement is true or you don't. Calling me stupid does not negate the fact that you have presented nothing here but an emotional response to an incident about which we have very little information. Congratulations.
Militarizing the police should not be a partisan issue, any "real" American should be against it.
Real Americans don't occupy private and public property and demand that their fellow citizens breast feed them. If it takes a cop in a flak jacket with a baton to educate their worthless asses, I'm all in.
So what you are saying is that because this is a political message board, lies are justified, Got it. Have you read any of the news reports? You know, the ones where the police have stated that there was no evidence to suggest that the man was acting out of religious conviction or as a terrorist tool. The ones that said the women were simply in his way when he walked in the building in a blind rage. Those news reports?


Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was inspired by the fact that he had just got fired. People go postal in this country all the time, most of the time simply because they are bat shit crazy. The fact that he was a Muslim convert seems incidental.

Stupid statement. The fact that he drove an automobile is incidental. The fact that he carried a knife into his workplace (former) after being fired, after proselytizing for Islam and posting inflammatory posts on Facebook, then beheaded a co-worker is EXTREMELY germain to the incident. Jesus, you're stupid.

C'mon man, people get "beheaded" in America everyday, you know that.
about which we have very little information.


He was a recent convert to islam

He didn't just stab, but cut off her head...a trademark of radical muslim terrorists...and drug you think he was working for a drug cartel?

He is known to have been around a radical Mosque in Oklahoma...

He is known to have been familiar with an imam with ties to terrorists...

Yeah..we don't know a lot yet...
Militarizing the police should not be a partisan issue, any "real" American should be against it.
Real Americans don't occupy private and public property and demand that their fellow citizens breast feed them. If it takes a cop in a flak jacket with a baton to educate their worthless asses, I'm all in.
Real Americans are not fascist scumbags who achieve multiple orgasms seeing fellow Americas getting the beatdown by the cops for any reason,
So what you are saying is that because this is a political message board, lies are justified, Got it. Have you read any of the news reports? You know, the ones where the police have stated that there was no evidence to suggest that the man was acting out of religious conviction or as a terrorist tool. The ones that said the women were simply in his way when he walked in the building in a blind rage. Those news reports?


Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was inspired by the fact that he had just got fired. People go postal in this country all the time, most of the time simply because they are bat shit crazy. The fact that he was a Muslim convert seems incidental.

(pay no attention to his Facebook page)

Sure, people go Postal everyday and BEHEAD someone with a KNIFE.

God you are dense.

Nicole Brown Simpson was partially decapitated by her assailant (I am not naming names here, lol), and that guy might or might not have gone postal but he certainly wasn't a Muslim. So what was his motive? And that is the real issue here - motive. What evidence do you have that this man cut off his victim's head because of his religious/political beliefs? Did he yell "allah akbar" before he started the attack? Does he say on his Facebook page that he had clear intention of attacking his co-workers?

Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was inspired by the fact that he had just got fired. People go postal in this country all the time, most of the time simply because they are bat shit crazy. The fact that he was a Muslim convert seems incidental.

(pay no attention to his Facebook page)

Sure, people go Postal everyday and BEHEAD someone with a KNIFE.

God you are dense.

Nicole Brown Simpson was partially decapitated by her assailant (I am not naming names here, lol), and that guy might or might not have gone postal but he certainly wasn't a Muslim. So what was his motive? And that is the real issue here - motive. What evidence do you have that this man cut off his victim's head because of his religious/political beliefs? Did he yell "allah akbar" before he started the attack? Does he say on his Facebook page that he had clear intention of attacking his co-workers?

Yes. Muslim + Headchopper = Coincidence
about which we have very little information.


He was a recent convert to islam

So what? The teller at my bank is also a recent convert to Islam. doesn't seem to have incited her to beheadings. In fact, she is a very nice person.

[quoe]He didn't just stab, but cut off her head...a trademark of radical muslim terrorists...and drug you think he was working for a drug cartel?[/quote]

Erm, O. J. Simpson. Next.

He is known to have been around a radical Mosque in Oklahoma...

And yet this attack did not happen until he was fired. Seems to have been the stronger motive to me.
Yes. Muslim + Headchopper = Coincidence

And because people embrace that...we are going to have another tragic attack on our soil...and they still won't understand the problem...

Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was inspired by the fact that he had just got fired. People go postal in this country all the time, most of the time simply because they are bat shit crazy. The fact that he was a Muslim convert seems incidental.

(pay no attention to his Facebook page)

Sure, people go Postal everyday and BEHEAD someone with a KNIFE.

God you are dense.

Nicole Brown Simpson was partially decapitated by her assailant (I am not naming names here, lol), and that guy might or might not have gone postal but he certainly wasn't a Muslim. So what was his motive? And that is the real issue here - motive. What evidence do you have that this man cut off his victim's head because of his religious/political beliefs? Did he yell "allah akbar" before he started the attack? Does he say on his Facebook page that he had clear intention of attacking his co-workers?

Good lord, you really want to morally equivocate Simpson and this guy?

"KWTV Channel 9’s Robin Marsh tweeted that Nolen had been shouting Islamic phrases during the bloodbath, but authorities could not confirm that report."

Suspect in Oklahoma beheading tried converting co-workers to Islam New York Post

So what? The teller at my bank is also a recent convert to Islam. doesn't seem to have incited her to beheadings. In fact, she is a very nice person.

And if she did go on to chop off someones would make no connection between her faith and her beheading someone...

The fact that he is a recent convert to islam...and also chopped off a coworkers head tends to support the conclusion he did it because he was a muslim

I don't think anyone has ever said O.J. was a practicing muslim...if he was and actually chopped of her head then we could talk...
If it weren't so sick it would be humorous.....we have more evidence than not it was at least partially Islamic related in the method....and we have people defending Islam to their last breath.

I am betting you actually think Ft. Hood was work place violence.
Yes. Muslim + Headchopper = Coincidence

And because people embrace that...we are going to have another tragic attack on our soil...and they still won't understand the problem...
I guess the answer is to violate the constitutional rights of all Muslims because you are scared.
So what you are saying is that because this is a political message board, lies are justified, Got it. Have you read any of the news reports? You know, the ones where the police have stated that there was no evidence to suggest that the man was acting out of religious conviction or as a terrorist tool. The ones that said the women were simply in his way when he walked in the building in a blind rage. Those news reports?


Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was inspired by the fact that he had just got fired. People go postal in this country all the time, most of the time simply because they are bat shit crazy. The fact that he was a Muslim convert seems incidental.

Stupid statement. The fact that he drove an automobile is incidental. The fact that he carried a knife into his workplace (former) after being fired, after proselytizing for Islam and posting inflammatory posts on Facebook, then beheaded a co-worker is EXTREMELY germain to the incident. Jesus, you're stupid.

The fact that he carried a knife that he used in his job cutting up produce means nothing other than he had a knife that he used in his job. For an allegedly 70 year old man, you appear to have a grade school yard bully vocabulary. You have my deepest sympathies.

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