First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil

Let me ask you to clarify some things first....are all American Muslims radicals and murders? Should they all be labeled as radicals and murderers? Should they ALL be watched by homeland security and the NSA or be gathered in to internment camps?
Did you read what I wrote? I said many Muslims don't have a problem with murder, how did that translate into all? How is it a coincidence that so many are that way? Your gun ownership analogy is way off, especially legal gun ownership. You are doing what leftists typically do and playing a moral equivalence game. The odd thing is that liberals would be on the top of the list of targets if Muslims took control.

Here's the thing with Islam, especially here in the US. Muslims REFUSE to speak out against the few assholes that are destroying their religion. This is MY problem with these assholes. By remaining silent, they are quietly condoning this shit. Have the damned guts to speak out against these monsters. But they don't......I have to believe that they are secretly praying that these jihadists are successful. What the hell else can we think?

Really? Tell that to this female Muslim pilot who participated in the air attack against ISIS:


WOW...that is your example? Seriously!?!? Is she a US Citizen? WOW....what a great photo op.....fuck you.

Are you suggesting that because she is not an American that her actions don't count? Are you suggesting that there are no Muslims in the U.S. military, that none have participated in the hundreds of military responses to terrorism our people have made over the years. You people rant before you think. No doubt it comes from either youth or plain stupidity.

You stupid fucker......I WAS WRITING ABOUT AMERICANS YOU TWIT!!!!! How goddamned stupid can one human be!?!?!? And, dumbass, it's neither "youth" (I'm 70 you fucking moron) or stupidity ( I served in the military for 22 years in embassies around the world). You are a fucking idiot.
If it is true that this is the first beheading by a radical Muslim on U.S. soil, then that would imply that all other beheadings on U.S. soil have been perpetrated by non-Muslims, possibly by Christians. Perhaps the title of this thread has not been well thought out.
It's a message board, and a political message board at that...

where would this message board be without a little drama in our titles and posts? ;)

probably deader than a door nail....

So what you are saying is that because this is a political message board, lies are justified, Got it. Have you read any of the news reports? You know, the ones where the police have stated that there was no evidence to suggest that the man was acting out of religious conviction or as a terrorist tool. The ones that said the women were simply in his way when he walked in the building in a blind rage. Those news reports?


Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."
There are a religion called "Islam" for 1500 years and there are muslims in Usa for long years. Why they have waited to behead people until today ?

Because today radical Muslims are on TV beheading people and making that statement. I mean duh.

I like how for liberals when a Muslim praising Allah while killing people like this guy and Fort Hood isn't a religious act, but when a non-Christian white blows up a building for reasons having nothing to do with religion, it is a religious act.
If it is true that this is the first beheading by a radical Muslim on U.S. soil, then that would imply that all other beheadings on U.S. soil have been perpetrated by non-Muslims, possibly by Christians. Perhaps the title of this thread has not been well thought out.
It's a message board, and a political message board at that...

where would this message board be without a little drama in our titles and posts? ;)

probably deader than a door nail....

So what you are saying is that because this is a political message board, lies are justified, Got it. Have you read any of the news reports? You know, the ones where the police have stated that there was no evidence to suggest that the man was acting out of religious conviction or as a terrorist tool. The ones that said the women were simply in his way when he walked in the building in a blind rage. Those news reports?


Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.
That the OP and others on the right would seek to contrive this into partisan issue is reprehensible.

Right, now turning a white cop killing a black kid into a partisan issue is perfectly fine.
Militarizing the police should not be a partisan issue, any "real" American should be against it.
So you are confirming I am correct in your hypocrisy. Thanks!

Though I have no idea what that has to do with what I said. Are you saying he killed the kid with a tank? That wasn't reported in the news. What did it have to do with militarizing the police? Was Zimmerman and the other cases liberals flip over actually about militarizing the police too?

I learn so much from liberals, keep educating me.
Someone is trying to scare Usa people, this is a well planned game.

Yes, they are called radical Muslims, and they are definitely trying to scare people.

You may want to Google the term "terrorism." It might make some connections for you.
(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Can you show where you made that point to liberals regarding Ferguson?
(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Can you show where you made that point to liberals regarding Ferguson?

I played Left Field but this makes no sense to me?
Someone is trying to scare Usa people, this is a well planned game.
You betcha it's a fear campaign, only in this case it's not islamic terrorists trying to scare us. We allowed ourselves to be scared into all sorts of shit after 9/11, what kind of loss of liberty is the fear of ISIS going to cost us?
Did you read what I wrote? I said many Muslims don't have a problem with murder, how did that translate into all? How is it a coincidence that so many are that way? Your gun ownership analogy is way off, especially legal gun ownership. You are doing what leftists typically do and playing a moral equivalence game. The odd thing is that liberals would be on the top of the list of targets if Muslims took control.

Here's the thing with Islam, especially here in the US. Muslims REFUSE to speak out against the few assholes that are destroying their religion. This is MY problem with these assholes. By remaining silent, they are quietly condoning this shit. Have the damned guts to speak out against these monsters. But they don't......I have to believe that they are secretly praying that these jihadists are successful. What the hell else can we think?

Really? Tell that to this female Muslim pilot who participated in the air attack against ISIS:


WOW...that is your example? Seriously!?!? Is she a US Citizen? WOW....what a great photo op.....fuck you.

Are you suggesting that because she is not an American that her actions don't count? Are you suggesting that there are no Muslims in the U.S. military, that none have participated in the hundreds of military responses to terrorism our people have made over the years. You people rant before you think. No doubt it comes from either youth or plain stupidity.

You stupid fucker......I WAS WRITING ABOUT AMERICANS YOU TWIT!!!!! How goddamned stupid can one human be!?!?!? And, dumbass, it's neither "youth" (I'm 70 you fucking moron) or stupidity ( I served in the military for 22 years in embassies around the world). You are a fucking idiot.

Here is what you said:
Here's the thing with Islam, especially here in the US. Muslims REFUSE to speak out against the few assholes that are destroying their religion.

Except that you have presented absolutely no frigging evidence that that is true, while it is clear that there are many Muslims in the U.S. military responding even more forcefully against these radical religious wingnuts than you would have them do. And since you are 70 years old and claim to be a vet, you should have enough experience to know this, and yet apparently, the memo slipped your friggin notice. Congratulations.
(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Can you show where you made that point to liberals regarding Ferguson?

I played Left Field but this makes no sense to me?

Seriously? You don't get it?

You don't even understand why you would not practice overt double standards and hypocrisy?
(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Can you show where you made that point to liberals regarding Ferguson?

I played Left Field but this makes no sense to me?

Seriously? You don't get it?

I sure don't.

And you support government school educations? If you have a college degree, I'd sue to get your money back.
One more racist murdering piece of shit black man perpetrating a crime of horror against a white person. I wonder how much value that other black racist piece of shit in the White House would put on the life of this innocent white victim? None? That's what all democrats believe isn't it?
You're a fucking idiot.
Do you think that would have prevented any of the stated examples of "domestic terrorism" sited in various posts on this thread?

No, I believe that people on the scene, armed with their personal firearm shooting the terrorist would prevent more killing...the government is always 4 minutes away, at least, from stopping these guys...
If it is true that this is the first beheading by a radical Muslim on U.S. soil, then that would imply that all other beheadings on U.S. soil have been perpetrated by non-Muslims, possibly by Christians. Perhaps the title of this thread has not been well thought out.
It's a message board, and a political message board at that...

where would this message board be without a little drama in our titles and posts? ;)

probably deader than a door nail....

So what you are saying is that because this is a political message board, lies are justified, Got it. Have you read any of the news reports? You know, the ones where the police have stated that there was no evidence to suggest that the man was acting out of religious conviction or as a terrorist tool. The ones that said the women were simply in his way when he walked in the building in a blind rage. Those news reports?


Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was inspired by the fact that he had just got fired. People go postal in this country all the time, most of the time simply because they are bat shit crazy. The fact that he was a Muslim convert seems incidental.
Here's the thing with Islam, especially here in the US. Muslims REFUSE to speak out against the few assholes that are destroying their religion. This is MY problem with these assholes. By remaining silent, they are quietly condoning this shit. Have the damned guts to speak out against these monsters. But they don't......I have to believe that they are secretly praying that these jihadists are successful. What the hell else can we think?

Really? Tell that to this female Muslim pilot who participated in the air attack against ISIS:


WOW...that is your example? Seriously!?!? Is she a US Citizen? WOW....what a great photo op.....fuck you.

Are you suggesting that because she is not an American that her actions don't count? Are you suggesting that there are no Muslims in the U.S. military, that none have participated in the hundreds of military responses to terrorism our people have made over the years. You people rant before you think. No doubt it comes from either youth or plain stupidity.

You stupid fucker......I WAS WRITING ABOUT AMERICANS YOU TWIT!!!!! How goddamned stupid can one human be!?!?!? And, dumbass, it's neither "youth" (I'm 70 you fucking moron) or stupidity ( I served in the military for 22 years in embassies around the world). You are a fucking idiot.

Here is what you said:
Here's the thing with Islam, especially here in the US. Muslims REFUSE to speak out against the few assholes that are destroying their religion.

Except that you have presented absolutely no frigging evidence that that is true, while it is clear that there are many Muslims in the U.S. military responding even more forcefully against these radical religious wingnuts than you would have them do. And since you are 70 years old and claim to be a vet, you should have enough experience to know this, and yet apparently, the memo slipped your friggin notice. Congratulations. are a fucking idiot. If you are going to bold a statement (in a bullshit attempt to make your juvenile point) try BOLDING THE ENTIRE STATEMENT. LIKE THIS:


See how easy that is, stupid?

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