First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil

I guess the answer is to violate the constitutional rights of all Muslims because you are scared.

I know, I isn't your fault...lefty dyslexia is something that can be cured...try this slowly...

We need to pay attention to the actual radical muslims, the ones openly preaching hatered of America, and who have obvious ties to terrorists and their supporters...

Okay...please repeat that back to if you somehow believe that says that all muslims need their constitutional rights violated we can go over it again...and again...and again...
The fact that he carried a knife that he used in his job cutting up produce means nothing other than he had a knife that he used in his job.

Wow, lefty denial is strong with this one...
Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -


(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was inspired by the fact that he had just got fired. People go postal in this country all the time, most of the time simply because they are bat shit crazy. The fact that he was a Muslim convert seems incidental.

(pay no attention to his Facebook page)

Sure, people go Postal everyday and BEHEAD someone with a KNIFE.

God you are dense.

Nicole Brown Simpson was partially decapitated by her assailant (I am not naming names here, lol), and that guy might or might not have gone postal but he certainly wasn't a Muslim. So what was his motive? And that is the real issue here - motive. What evidence do you have that this man cut off his victim's head because of his religious/political beliefs? Did he yell "allah akbar" before he started the attack? Does he say on his Facebook page that he had clear intention of attacking his co-workers?

Yes. Muslim + Headchopper = Coincidence

OJ Simpson, American sports hero, Christian, headchopper. Coincidence?
If it weren't so sick it would be humorous.....we have more evidence than not it was at least partially Islamic related in the method....and we have people defending Islam to their last breath.

I am betting you actually think Ft. Hood was work place violence.
Too many of us remember the bullshit that unreasonable fear of terrorists unleashed upon our civil liberties, you scaremongers are not going to do it to us again. It's not defense of Islam so much as defense of our liberties against chicken littles who would turn America into one big prison in the name of security.
I am betting you actually think Ft. Hood was work place violence. their defense...denial of reality takes up a lot of space in a lefty mind...takes up a lot of lets look at Fort Hood as they see it...

There was violence...

It was in a work place...

So stop...that is two whole facts and they can just be wedged into the lefty the rest...

He was a muslim...

He preached jihad all over the place including inappropiate places like medical conferences...

He was communicating with a radical muslim imam...

He passed out business cards that stated he was a warrior for jihad...

Yeah...not enough room for those in the liberal just forget about them...
Are all gun owners responsible for the deaths these mass murders commit with guns like at Sandy Hook or Ft Hood or at the movie theater that happened?
That's your analogy? What is it about the 2nd Amendment that would lead someone to think murder is OK? Obviously many do with Islam. Have you thought about this? Can you think about it?
Let me ask you to clarify some things first....are all American Muslims radicals and murders? Should they all be labeled as radicals and murderers? Should they ALL be watched by homeland security and the NSA or be gathered in to internment camps?
Did you read what I wrote? I said many Muslims don't have a problem with murder, how did that translate into all? How is it a coincidence that so many are that way? Your gun ownership analogy is way off, especially legal gun ownership. You are doing what leftists typically do and playing a moral equivalence game. The odd thing is that liberals would be on the top of the list of targets if Muslims took control.

Here's the thing with Islam, especially here in the US. Muslims REFUSE to speak out against the few assholes that are destroying their religion. This is MY problem with these assholes. By remaining silent, they are quietly condoning this shit. Have the damned guts to speak out against these monsters. But they don't......I have to believe that they are secretly praying that these jihadists are successful. What the hell else can we think?

Yes, them and their liberal supporters say they will be in danger if they speak out...... Making it all the more laughable when they say this is a Religion of Peace. The majority are afraid for their lives if they rise up against a violent minority. How fucking peaceful can any religion be under those circumstances? I am Roman Catholic. If a radical terrorist in the name of the Church calls for or blows up a health clinic because they perform abortions, I will publicly call for their extermination. It's simple.
OJ Simpson, American sports hero, Christian, headchopper. Coincidence?

Hmmm...let's look at that...Christians...non violent history of head chopping as a modern religious expression...

So no...there actually isn't a connection there...but again...that is lefty dyslexia at work...

There is no connection between Christianity and head Christians chop heads....

There is an actual and real connection between radical muslims and chopping off heads...and other connection there...

A prime example of lefty dyslexia at work...
Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -


(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was inspired by the fact that he had just got fired. People go postal in this country all the time, most of the time simply because they are bat shit crazy. The fact that he was a Muslim convert seems incidental.

(pay no attention to his Facebook page)

Sure, people go Postal everyday and BEHEAD someone with a KNIFE.

God you are dense.

Nicole Brown Simpson was partially decapitated by her assailant (I am not naming names here, lol), and that guy might or might not have gone postal but he certainly wasn't a Muslim. So what was his motive? And that is the real issue here - motive. What evidence do you have that this man cut off his victim's head because of his religious/political beliefs? Did he yell "allah akbar" before he started the attack? Does he say on his Facebook page that he had clear intention of attacking his co-workers?

Good lord, you really want to morally equivocate Simpson and this guy?

"KWTV Channel 9’s Robin Marsh tweeted that Nolen had been shouting Islamic phrases during the bloodbath, but authorities could not confirm that report."

Suspect in Oklahoma beheading tried converting co-workers to Islam New York Post

The difference is that we actually know what Simpson did. All you are presenting to us here is hearsay evidence, stuff the authorities, by your own admission, cannot confirm. Is this the best you can do? Look, I am not saying that this guy didn't become radicalized, and that perhaps that motivated him in some way. I am saying that we should refrain from making unsupported conclusions, particularly so early in such a case. We are still Americans here, still have a right to be considered innocent until proven guilty, and I for one am sick and tired of people ignoring the law. We are either a nation of laws or we are no better than the people we rail against. That is all I have to say about it.

Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was inspired by the fact that he had just got fired. People go postal in this country all the time, most of the time simply because they are bat shit crazy. The fact that he was a Muslim convert seems incidental.

Stupid statement. The fact that he drove an automobile is incidental. The fact that he carried a knife into his workplace (former) after being fired, after proselytizing for Islam and posting inflammatory posts on Facebook, then beheaded a co-worker is EXTREMELY germain to the incident. Jesus, you're stupid.

C'mon man, people get "beheaded" in America everyday, you know that.

You're right, I'm sorry......Why just the other day I was walking down the street....... :)

Sort of like calling Nidal Hussein's Fort hood massacre "workplace violence"....hell, all he did was run around yelling "Alluah Akbar" (or whatever the hell that is) while he shot GIs....he didn't really mean it. He was "depressed". :)

These piece of shit liberals will do anything to further their goals. God help us if a Christian is ever caught doing anything like this...their pointed little heads will explode....

Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was inspired by the fact that he had just got fired. People go postal in this country all the time, most of the time simply because they are bat shit crazy. The fact that he was a Muslim convert seems incidental.

Stupid statement. The fact that he drove an automobile is incidental. The fact that he carried a knife into his workplace (former) after being fired, after proselytizing for Islam and posting inflammatory posts on Facebook, then beheaded a co-worker is EXTREMELY germain to the incident. Jesus, you're stupid.

The fact that he carried a knife that he used in his job cutting up produce means nothing other than he had a knife that he used in his job. For an allegedly 70 year old man, you appear to have a grade school yard bully vocabulary. You have my deepest sympathies.

I need nothing from you, you liberal Nazi piece of shit.
OJ Simpson, American sports hero, Christian, headchopper. Coincidence?

Hmmm...let's look at that...Christians...non violent history of head chopping as a modern religious expression...

So no...there actually isn't a connection there...but again...that is lefty dyslexia at work...

There is no connection between Christianity and head Christians chop heads....

There is an actual and real connection between radical muslims and chopping off heads...and other connection there...

A prime example of lefty dyslexia at work...

OMG. You really don't know anything about the history of Christianity (even its recent history), do you?
I spoke out against a Priest after mass once...he was a fill in for our regular Priest...he started saying that fidel castro and che gueverra were like Christs that while fidel stayed in cuba, che went forth and spread the word...he also didn't accurately portray the problem with after mass as people were leaving and he was standing at the door I asked him if he really believed that crap...

Keep in mind our regular Priest is Vietnamese and fled the socialists in Vietnam as member of the Boat People...and then to have his replacement talk lovingly of communist was too much...
We should be very proud of out multiculturalism!

Multiculturalism is a failure across the world. Europe being a prime example and in Australia recently as they stopped a murder plot by Muslim immigrant citizens...............

They come here and demand their rights which include Sharia Law rights on our own soil, and we are supposed to be PC correct about it....................If they become citizens they need to honor their oath of citizenship or leave.........

We offer Freedom here, and if you want Sharia law here you have refused to respect our culture and traditions..........While we respect Freedom we in no way need to respect traditions of a culture that spawns violence around the globe. We don't need that chit here.

Does Christianity not "spawn violence around the globe"? I mean, Iraq, Afghanistan are two examples of Christian violence that has killed far more people.

In fact ISIS is a by product of Bush's mess up in Iraq. It was pretty obvious to anyone who wanted to see that something like this would happen out of his invasion.

So you don't need to respect Christianity any more then, hey?
You are so wrong you look stupid, or is it that you really are stupid? Yep, that is what I thought you really are stupid.
OJ Simpson, American sports hero, Christian, headchopper. Coincidence?

Hmmm...let's look at that...Christians...non violent history of head chopping as a modern religious expression...

So no...there actually isn't a connection there...but again...that is lefty dyslexia at work...

There is no connection between Christianity and head Christians chop heads....

There is an actual and real connection between radical muslims and chopping off heads...and other connection there...

A prime example of lefty dyslexia at work...

OMG. You really don't know anything about the history of Christianity (even its recent history), do you?
They are killing homosexuals in the name of Jesus in Africa right now.
I spoke out against a Priest after mass once...he was a fill in for our regular Priest...he started saying that fidel castro and che gueverra were like Christs that while fidel stayed in cuba, che went forth and spread the word...he also didn't accurately portray the problem with after mass as people were leaving and he was standing at the door I asked him if he really believed that crap...

Keep in mind our regular Priest is Vietnamese and fled the socialists in Vietnam as member of the Boat People...and then to have his replacement talk lovingly of communist was too much...

Um.........Funny, the whole time I was killing them, I would have sworn that they were commies...... :oops-28:
OJ Simpson, American sports hero, Christian, headchopper. Coincidence?

Hmmm...let's look at that...Christians...non violent history of head chopping as a modern religious expression...

So no...there actually isn't a connection there...but again...that is lefty dyslexia at work...

There is no connection between Christianity and head Christians chop heads....

There is an actual and real connection between radical muslims and chopping off heads...and other connection there...

A prime example of lefty dyslexia at work...

OMG. You really don't know anything about the history of Christianity (even its recent history), do you?
Examples or shut up. Islam is satans religion. Idiots use Christianity as a excuse when they don't have an argument.
OJ Simpson, American sports hero, Christian, headchopper. Coincidence?

Hmmm...let's look at that...Christians...non violent history of head chopping as a modern religious expression...

So no...there actually isn't a connection there...but again...that is lefty dyslexia at work...

There is no connection between Christianity and head Christians chop heads....

There is an actual and real connection between radical muslims and chopping off heads...and other connection there...

A prime example of lefty dyslexia at work...

OMG. You really don't know anything about the history of Christianity (even its recent history), do you?
They are killing homosexuals in the name of Jesus in Africa right now.
Prove it. True Christians don't kill homosexuals.
They are killing homosexuals in the name of Jesus in Africa right now.

Okay...explain to me the teachings of Jesus that allow that...from what I recall, he stopped stonings, and other violence...if Africans don't like homosexuals, they aren't going to be able to justify killing them using Jesus....or the Vatican...but if you replace Jesus with Mohammed...yeah, that fits...since they are killing gays in muslim countries as policy...
Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -


(smile) You have NO idea whether he was inspired by Islam or not kid....none.

Fact is there is a shit load of evidence that says he was and you crying "nuh-uh" in the wilderness changes nothing.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was inspired by the fact that he had just got fired. People go postal in this country all the time, most of the time simply because they are bat shit crazy. The fact that he was a Muslim convert seems incidental.

Stupid statement. The fact that he drove an automobile is incidental. The fact that he carried a knife into his workplace (former) after being fired, after proselytizing for Islam and posting inflammatory posts on Facebook, then beheaded a co-worker is EXTREMELY germain to the incident. Jesus, you're stupid.

The fact that he carried a knife that he used in his job cutting up produce means nothing other than he had a knife that he used in his job. For an allegedly 70 year old man, you appear to have a grade school yard bully vocabulary. You have my deepest sympathies.

I need nothing from you, you liberal Nazi piece of shit.

If I am a liberal Nazi, then I am the ONLY liberal Nazi that has ever existed. Jeez, you just don't know when to quit, do you?
If it is true that this is the first beheading by a radical Muslim on U.S. soil, then that would imply that all other beheadings on U.S. soil have been perpetrated by non-Muslims, possibly by Christians. Perhaps the title of this thread has not been well thought out.
It's a message board, and a political message board at that...

where would this message board be without a little drama in our titles and posts? ;)

probably deader than a door nail....

So what you are saying is that because this is a political message board, lies are justified, Got it. Have you read any of the news reports? You know, the ones where the police have stated that there was no evidence to suggest that the man was acting out of religious conviction or as a terrorist tool. The ones that said the women were simply in his way when he walked in the building in a blind rage. Those news reports?


Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Or not.

Here is how this works. You post links to articles or relevance, then post pertinent quotes like this:

Police FBI probe Oklahoma beheading suspect s past -

Here's what they do know:
The attack happened very soon after Nolen learned he'd lost his job.
Nolen had been incarcerated until March 2013, for possession of a controlled substance, escaping confinement and resisting an officer.
And he had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam.
Lewis also said there may be other information about Nolen's past, that he could not reveal, that might help explain the incident, and that the FBI had been called in to dig deeper into Nolen's background.
"Once we started investigating this initially, and started finding some of the things that he had been involved in, some of the things that he had been saying, we immediately contacted the FBI and got them involved," Lewis told CNN's Erin Burnett.


"He wasn't targeting anyone, wasn't going specifically after them," the police spokesman said. "It appears they were just in his way as he came in."

a. He is a radical Moslem.
b. He has a knife.
c. He isn't after anyone in particular.
d. He beheads a woman who just happens to be in the wrong place.

What more do you need to realize this was not just work place violence?

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