First Cher, Now DeBlasio Goes Full Alt Right

It's no joke tho.

The numbers entering America illegally and unaccounted for is FAR greater than is being reported. They simply don't have the resources to monitor ALL of the border and many want the numbers hidden.

I would venture a guess that between 100,000 - 500,000 every month are entering illegally all told.

Somewhere between 1 to 6 million per year. At that rate, you tell me how much longer The USA can exist?

California is already "New" Mexico. Texas and South Florida as well. It's also happening in LA, AZ, MS, GA, TN, OK, NV, NM and many more states. For all intents and purposes, the USA will be a Hispanic nation within 20 years. Many parts of the nation already are.

Some are willing to become Americans, but most are determined to transform America into THEIR countries. This much diversity this fast will eventually lead to a collapse of the system.
Services and resources are already stretched thin and the Justice system is overwhelmed right now. Many of us will witness the complete transformation of America into something else within our lifetimes.

Can you say 'Rome"?
I have no idea on the real numbers but I do know since I've lived in Arizona since the 80s that the numbers of immigrants here are FAR greater than I've ever seen. Instead of focusing on issues like fixing our jacked up roads, or attracting more businesses to come here, our leaders are focused on finding new facilities to house migrants, making sure they have enough free food, clothing, medical attention and transportation to their NEXT destination. Hmmm where might that be? Spin the wheel round and round she goes where they stop nobody knows.......
Hell I thought DeBlasio loved illegals in NY??

What happened. Now all of a sudden he doesn't want them??

Guy should make up his damned mind.

Oh wait. I forgot. He Loves them as long as its his idea to let them invest NY. Never mind.
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This was by far the best political move i have ever heard of.
I give him that!
So, umm, it's illegal to place illegals in his illegal sanctuary? Am I following this correctly?


Yup and the Governments of the illegal sanctuary cities and states should be arrested.

Sure hope that happens.
i guess i don't understand why agreeing with ONE point makes someone FULL ALT RIGHT.

the right bitches and moans when they're placed in ALT-RIGHT cause they don't encompass all those views. now when someone on the left agrees with a middle of the road RIGHT mindset, they suddenly went FULL ALT-RIGHT.

why do people need to go from 0 to FULL BULLSHIT EXTREME in almost everything they say these days?
i guess i don't understand why agreeing with ONE point makes someone FULL ALT RIGHT.

the right bitches and moans when they're placed in ALT-RIGHT cause they don't encompass all those views. now when someone on the left agrees with a middle of the road RIGHT mindset, they suddenly went FULL ALT-RIGHT.

why do people need to go from 0 to FULL BULLSHIT EXTREME in almost everything they say these days?
I thought it was just a joke lol
View attachment 256399

It’s hilarious how with just one simple tweet Trump has turned Democrats upside down. I don’t think there’s been a better political genius in US history.


His threat to dump illegals in sanctuary cities may be the best political gambit in decades. I have never really bought into the whole idea that Trump is a genius. I think he is more of a carnival barker like PT Barnum, but this is a creative tack that frightens the Democrats.
i guess i don't understand why agreeing with ONE point makes someone FULL ALT RIGHT.

the right bitches and moans when they're placed in ALT-RIGHT cause they don't encompass all those views. now when someone on the left agrees with a middle of the road RIGHT mindset, they suddenly went FULL ALT-RIGHT.

why do people need to go from 0 to FULL BULLSHIT EXTREME in almost everything they say these days?
I thought it was just a joke lol
the OP tends to magnify *everything* for max value. ie - clickbait.
View attachment 256399

It’s hilarious how with just one simple tweet Trump has turned Democrats upside down. I don’t think there’s been a better political genius in US history.


His threat to dump illegals in sanctuary cities may be the best political gambit in decades. I have never really bought into the whole idea that Trump is a genius. I think he is more of a carnival barker like PT Barnum, but this is a creative tack that frightens the Democrats.
trump loves to mix it up and fighting him makes him happy it would seem. he's in his element. sometimes he does some really funny stuff, sometimes he says some enormously stupid shit. he speaks off the cuff a lot w/o thinking and of course, those get branded lies quickly.

may you live in interesting times.
We should habituate the illegals to the homes of the democrats who put them above Americans. Several on this very forum.
The best political move I have seen in many years, perhaps the best in my lifetime.
It reminds me of Obamacare, in the same pen stroke they signed it into law...they made sure they themselves were immune from it.
Or perhaps it is like the 1950's - 1970's, when Democrats built massive, overcrowded housing projects for blacks... carefully built out of city proper, away from their own neighborhoods and schools in employment deserts.

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