First CLUE that a Mueller-Barr rift existed.....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Some of us noticed and were rather surprised that when the Trump stooge, Barr, decided to FIRST give an exculpatory "press conference" prior to handing over a redacted Mueller report to Congress, the ABSENCE of Mueller or any of his staff was viewed as "surprising."

After the revelation that Mueller his letter. to Barr..... to the subjective "interpretation" by the AG that Trump was EXONERATED, we now know the why Mueller has had NOTHING to do with the Trump ass kissing by the DOJ.

Barr has proven a traitor to his oath of office and to the belief that his department is in any way related to the rendering of "justice"..........The only unanswered question that remains is what the "payment" may have been for Barr to become a cheap whore for Trump?
Man it was like watching a real cheap whore. Tramp and his admin is full of swamp creatures.
Some of us noticed and were rather surprised that when the Trump stooge, Barr, decided to FIRST give an exculpatory "press conference" prior to handing over a redacted Mueller report to Congress, the ABSENCE of Mueller or any of his staff was viewed as "surprising."

After the revelation that Mueller his letter. to Barr..... to the subjective "interpretation" by the AG that Trump was EXONERATED, we now know the why Mueller has had NOTHING to do with the Trump ass kissing by the DOJ.

Barr has proven a traitor to his oath of office and to the belief that his department is in any way related to the rendering of "justice"..........The only unanswered question that remains is what the "payment" may have been for Barr to become a cheap whore for Trump?

"payment" = prolly a couple of sloppy blow jobs
Trump cultists have PROVEN on here that they either can't or refuse to READ and COMPREHEND the Mueller report.
(and of course, based on Barr's testimony yesterday, neither does he read or comprehend what Mueller wrote.)

A reading of the report makes it clear that at least 10 instances exist where Trump OBSTRUCTED or attempted to OBSTRUCT the carrying out of justice.

Basically, these 10 instances are de facto proof that were Trump just an ordinary citizen, he WOULD be INDICTED.......but DOJ policy (not law) prevented Mueller for calling for an indictment.

However, the whorish Barr CHOSE what prevented Mueller from calling for an indictment of Trump as EXONERATION of his pimp......Trump.
Some of us noticed and were rather surprised that when the Trump stooge, Barr, decided to FIRST give an exculpatory "press conference" prior to handing over a redacted Mueller report to Congress, the ABSENCE of Mueller or any of his staff was viewed as "surprising."

After the revelation that Mueller his letter. to Barr..... to the subjective "interpretation" by the AG that Trump was EXONERATED, we now know the why Mueller has had NOTHING to do with the Trump ass kissing by the DOJ.

Barr has proven a traitor to his oath of office and to the belief that his department is in any way related to the rendering of "justice"..........The only unanswered question that remains is what the "payment" may have been for Barr to become a cheap whore for Trump?

"payment" = prolly a couple of sloppy blow jobs

That and also a huge check.

You believe you have a clue? Then you post some inane shit like this?

Mueller was deliberately trying to manipulate opinion and was leaking info throughout the hoax investigation.

Is it the chem trails? that what is shrinking liberal brains?....MAGA BABY!!!!!
Some of us noticed and were rather surprised that when the Trump stooge, Barr, decided to FIRST give an exculpatory "press conference" prior to handing over a redacted Mueller report to Congress, the ABSENCE of Mueller or any of his staff was viewed as "surprising."

After the revelation that Mueller his letter. to Barr..... to the subjective "interpretation" by the AG that Trump was EXONERATED, we now know the why Mueller has had NOTHING to do with the Trump ass kissing by the DOJ.

Barr has proven a traitor to his oath of office and to the belief that his department is in any way related to the rendering of "justice"..........The only unanswered question that remains is what the "payment" may have been for Barr to become a cheap whore for Trump?

What a surprise, Nat is parroting what the MSM has been blaring about for the last few days.

The left continue their collective meltdown over President Trump. They were served a big nothing burger by Mueller, but refuse to accept that it is in fact a big nothing burger. Now they have Barr in their sights, as the fall guy for their failures to bring down our President. These people are insane, they cannot accept reality.
Some of us noticed and were rather surprised that when the Trump stooge, Barr, decided to FIRST give an exculpatory "press conference" prior to handing over a redacted Mueller report to Congress, the ABSENCE of Mueller or any of his staff was viewed as "surprising."

After the revelation that Mueller his letter. to Barr..... to the subjective "interpretation" by the AG that Trump was EXONERATED, we now know the why Mueller has had NOTHING to do with the Trump ass kissing by the DOJ.

Barr has proven a traitor to his oath of office and to the belief that his department is in any way related to the rendering of "justice"..........The only unanswered question that remains is what the "payment" may have been for Barr to become a cheap whore for Trump?
reported just now...a new CNN poll...68% of Americans want the DOJ to investigate the Obama administration....that is 2/3 of the people....

If the WH "rips" Mueller report, at least that confirms that a FEW Trump ass kissers actually READ IT......

The rest of the morons have not......relying, instead, on Barr's and Hannity's "summaries"........LOL
Some of us noticed and were rather surprised that when the Trump stooge, Barr, decided to FIRST give an exculpatory "press conference" prior to handing over a redacted Mueller report to Congress, the ABSENCE of Mueller or any of his staff was viewed as "surprising."

After the revelation that Mueller his letter. to Barr..... to the subjective "interpretation" by the AG that Trump was EXONERATED, we now know the why Mueller has had NOTHING to do with the Trump ass kissing by the DOJ.

Barr has proven a traitor to his oath of office and to the belief that his department is in any way related to the rendering of "justice"..........The only unanswered question that remains is what the "payment" may have been for Barr to become a cheap whore for Trump?

What a surprise, Nat is parroting what the MSM has been blaring about for the last few days.

The left continue their collective meltdown over President Trump. They were served a big nothing burger by Mueller, but refuse to accept that it is in fact a big nothing burger. Now they have Barr in their sights, as the fall guy for their failures to bring down our President. These people are insane, they cannot accept reality.

Can you guess why they are bitching and moaning so loud?

Want me to tell you?

Because Barr is going to go after what started all of this, and if they had probable cause to do it! If they did NOT, then it goes straight to the Whitehouse. Why do you think people like GNAT and some others, have threads all over this board about how he should resign! They would like NOTHING more, because with no AG, they could slow walk everything on nomination hearings, and leave the swamp in charge of the alphabet agencies, especially the FBI.

This is going to be a political bloodbath, you watch and see. If they can prove that much of this was illegal, they are going to hang it around the Democrats necks like a cement block. The Democrats know this, and that is why their options are few. I expect them to try an impeach him, I really do.


Because they have to have something that screams louder than, "Comey got indicted today!" If they can NOT make enough noise, 2020 is so far out of reach for them; and the odds are, the House would flip back, that they basically have little choice.

BUT, I think President Trump has an ace in the hole-) If they try it, he is going to tie Obama to this totally. If the Dems were smart, they would take the loss and regroup, problem is-------------->they know if Trump has his way, it might take them 15 years to get back into the position their supporters see them today. It is a shaky position for them, and we will soon know what they decide, because as sure as the sun will come up tomorrow, the 1st swamp indictment will appear before June 1st...…………...and the great thing is-------->they are going to keep coming-)
They were served a big nothing burger by Mueller[/QUOTE]

UNDENIABLE PROOF, that ass kissers like the above moron has NOT read one fucking word of the report.......

As Trump once candidly stated.....

Because Barr is going to go after what started all of this, and if they had probable cause to do it! If they did NOT, then it goes straight to the Whitehouse. Why do you think people like GNAT and some others, have threads all over this board about how he should resign! They would like NOTHING more, because with no AG, they could slow walk everything on nomination hearings, and leave the swamp in charge of the alphabet agencies, especially the FBI.

Any day now Barr is going to appoint a "special prosecutor"?????......................LMAO
When Trump cult members on here state what they're stating on this thread is PROOF that they haven't read ONE FUCKING WORD of the MUeller report........Maybe there will soon be a a version of the report with lots of pictiures for their half brain to mull through........LOL

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