First CLUE that a Mueller-Barr rift existed.....

The big story of the day on left wing media....just two words.....Barr Pauses.....:45:
Some of us noticed and were rather surprised that when the Trump stooge, Barr, decided to FIRST give an exculpatory "press conference" prior to handing over a redacted Mueller report to Congress, the ABSENCE of Mueller or any of his staff was viewed as "surprising."

After the revelation that Mueller his letter. to Barr..... to the subjective "interpretation" by the AG that Trump was EXONERATED, we now know the why Mueller has had NOTHING to do with the Trump ass kissing by the DOJ.

Barr has proven a traitor to his oath of office and to the belief that his department is in any way related to the rendering of "justice"..........The only unanswered question that remains is what the "payment" may have been for Barr to become a cheap whore for Trump?
and now for the bad news, shortly this is all going to go away and you will be using words like "HOAX" and "WITCH HUNT" to describe the events that are about to descend upon the party that once stood for something great.
WITCH HUNT" to describe the events that are about to descend upon the party that once stood for something great.

Interesting..........Now, where did I hear and read that term before???.............and look what happened......LMO

Some of us noticed and were rather surprised that when the Trump stooge, Barr, decided to FIRST give an exculpatory "press conference" prior to handing over a redacted Mueller report to Congress, the ABSENCE of Mueller or any of his staff was viewed as "surprising."

After the revelation that Mueller his letter. to Barr..... to the subjective "interpretation" by the AG that Trump was EXONERATED, we now know the why Mueller has had NOTHING to do with the Trump ass kissing by the DOJ.

Barr has proven a traitor to his oath of office and to the belief that his department is in any way related to the rendering of "justice"..........The only unanswered question that remains is what the "payment" may have been for Barr to become a cheap whore for Trump?

It's so sad to watch the Trump MAGATS attack an honorable man like Mueller. Hopefully Mueller will have the last laugh.
WITCH HUNT" to describe the events that are about to descend upon the party that once stood for something great.

Interesting..........Now, where did I hear and read that term before???.............and look what happened......LMO

Not sure what your point is or what you think it is that you find interesting but my post was just validated by your soon will be making that same claim, unless of course you actually believe the claims that are about to bury the any case thank you...btw, how old are WAPO's insiders now? and can't believe they're still using that "insiders" scam.
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Barr actually said he thought it would be legal to fire a prosecutor if a President thought charges were baseless...

Don't you wish you had that power?
Not sure with all the evidence of wrongdoing that is claimed to have happened, why isn't the House doing it's job and going for impeachment.

Seems logical but the only thing the Democrats want to do is cry a river over it.
Some of us noticed and were rather surprised that when the Trump stooge, Barr, decided to FIRST give an exculpatory "press conference" prior to handing over a redacted Mueller report to Congress, the ABSENCE of Mueller or any of his staff was viewed as "surprising."

After the revelation that Mueller his letter. to Barr..... to the subjective "interpretation" by the AG that Trump was EXONERATED, we now know the why Mueller has had NOTHING to do with the Trump ass kissing by the DOJ.

Barr has proven a traitor to his oath of office and to the belief that his department is in any way related to the rendering of "justice"..........The only unanswered question that remains is what the "payment" may have been for Barr to become a cheap whore for Trump?
That's it. I'm calling OSHA and reporting Stats and the entire Media Matters Internet Outreach and Agitprop Center for an unsafe workplace. Jake, step away and take a nap
Barr wins, the dems lose. Mueller will dash any hope the dems have for a basis for impeachment, he will stay in his lane when questioned by the House committees. Its over in the Senate, its almost over in the House, they're just too stupid to know it.
Some of us noticed and were rather surprised that when the Trump stooge, Barr, decided to FIRST give an exculpatory "press conference" prior to handing over a redacted Mueller report to Congress, the ABSENCE of Mueller or any of his staff was viewed as "surprising."

After the revelation that Mueller his letter. to Barr..... to the subjective "interpretation" by the AG that Trump was EXONERATED, we now know the why Mueller has had NOTHING to do with the Trump ass kissing by the DOJ.

Barr has proven a traitor to his oath of office and to the belief that his department is in any way related to the rendering of "justice"..........The only unanswered question that remains is what the "payment" may have been for Barr to become a cheap whore for Trump?

Yea, be sure to let us know when you have a CLUE about anything.
r wins, the dems lose. Mueller will dash any hope the dems have for a basis for impeachment,

Mr. Fuckehead can you get it through your head that most of us DO NOT WANT TRUMP IMPEACHED???

Trump is DESTROYING the GOP slowly and surely.....As Napoleon once reportedly stated...."when your enemy is committing suicide, get out of his way."

Impeachment may happen to Trump's cabinet members (like Barr and Mnuchin) BUT we don;t want Trump impeached.
r wins, the dems lose. Mueller will dash any hope the dems have for a basis for impeachment,

Mr. Fuckehead can you get it through your head that most of us DO NOT WANT TRUMP IMPEACHED???

Trump is DESTROYING the GOP slowly and surely.....As Napoleon once reportedly stated...."when your enemy is committing suicide, get out of his way."

Impeachment may happen to Trump's cabinet members (like Barr and Mnuchin) BUT we don;t want Trump impeached.

OK, if you don't want Trump impeached, then you want to whine your way to the 2020 election....that's ok too....whatever trips your trigger. The dem "strategery" for 2020 is way over my head. Have you heard the latest from Biden? China is not a threat to the US. I wonder if Hunter told him that one? You dems are way ahead of the rest of us.

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