First Day in Heaven

I think on my first day in heaven I'll ask God why he created a universe that appears to contradict everything I read in the Bible, starting with Genesis and the Great Flood.

The Bible cannot be read as a science textbook. It is a story book, and its purpose is to teach lessons. For example, did you know one of the great lessons being conveyed is the sin of excess humility? Also interesting are the signs in Noah of what we call "survivor's guilt" today. The Bible is not a science book. It is more a self-help, an awareness of our humanity book.

We don't open a physics book and expect to find marriage advice. The reverse is also true. The Bible should be treasured for what it was originally intended to be.
This is what greets you when you arrive in heaven.
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All of us who have accepted Christ as our Savior will have this look.

This Friday the movie of the story behind the song opens in theaters.

All of us who have accepted Christ as our Savior will have this look.

sorry, those are just forgeries in a book, without saving humanity what chance has anyone to accomplish admission to the Everlasting.

I have no idea what you’re talking about.
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All of us who have accepted Christ as our Savior will have this look.

This Friday the movie of the story behind the song opens in theaters.

All of us who have accepted Christ as our Savior will have this look.

sorry, those are just forgeries in a book, without saving humanity what chance has anyone to accomplish admission to the Everlasting.

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

the spoken religion of Antiquity, not forgeries in a book - Noah's parable is the salvation of humanity not the individual, it's all or non. sorry, sinner's not invited.
Let's cut to the chase.
How do you know you are not preselected?
You don't.
So we are back to free will.
You choose to accept Jesus or you choose to not to.
Your choice.
If I'm 'preselected' I can choose to accept Jesus or not to and still wind up in heaven. If I'm NOT 'preselected' I can choose to accept Jesus or not to and still wind up in hell. I have free will either way but in the end it is irrelevant to my fate.

Are you talking about Calvinism? It goes against scripture to say some were born or predestined to live eternally separated from God. Or if you dont accept Jesus, youll still end up there by default. lol

I believe predestined by God speaks more of his power to know all things, In the sense that God foreknows from eternity who will be saved & who will reject the gift of salvation.
God of divine grace and perfect judgment
Christians believe Jesus was the embodiment of someone who walked in God's ways, in God's truth, and lived the life God planned for mankind. That's the only way one can come to the Father.
I am sure many willl be surprised to find that is what they believe.
Another way of thinking of it is what if on your first day in heaven you embrace God's love and mercy.
One hasn't already?
excellent question.

When Jesus told the pharisees that sinners and prostitutes were entering the kingdom of Heaven before them, it wasn't because they were dying first.

They were rising to life first, entering the kingdom of heaven while they were still on earth after being reviled by the lost and held captive and terrorized day and night by every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird in the village of the damned for their entire lives.

What is the first day in heaven like ?

Just like waking up from a bad dream, escaping from the clutches of demons bent on eating your brains and vanishing into thin air, beyond their reach, completely whole, unscathed and unaffected.
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One hasn't already?

There is faith, which is very good. Then there is the actuality, which is so much better. (What is best--thinking about receiving a hug from one you love and who loves you, or, the actual hug.)
I am sure many willl be surprised to find that is what they believe.
Shrug. And I am sure (from what I read on religion forums) many will be surprised that those who walked in God's ways and truth without ever having believed in Christ are also enjoying a heavenly eternal life.
I think on my first day in heaven I'll ask God why he created a universe that appears to contradict everything I read in the Bible, starting with Genesis and the Great Flood.

The Bible cannot be read as a science textbook. It is a story book, and its purpose is to teach lessons. For example, did you know one of the great lessons being conveyed is the sin of excess humility? Also interesting are the signs in Noah of what we call "survivor's guilt" today. The Bible is not a science book. It is more a self-help, an awareness of our humanity book.

We don't open a physics book and expect to find marriage advice. The reverse is also true. The Bible should be treasured for what it was originally intended to be.
Who wrote it, man or God?
Let's cut to the chase.
How do you know you are not preselected?
You don't.
So we are back to free will.
You choose to accept Jesus or you choose to not to.
Your choice.
If I'm 'preselected' I can choose to accept Jesus or not to and still wind up in heaven. If I'm NOT 'preselected' I can choose to accept Jesus or not to and still wind up in hell. I have free will either way but in the end it is irrelevant to my fate.

Are you talking about Calvinism? It goes against scripture to say some were born or predestined to live eternally separated from God. Or if you dont accept Jesus, youll still end up there by default. lol

I believe predestined by God speaks more of his power to know all things, In the sense that God foreknows from eternity who will be saved & who will reject the gift of salvation.
God of divine grace and perfect judgment
The debate on predestination goes much further back than Calvin and comes from differing interpretations of scripture.

The argument from free will, also called the paradox of free will or theological fatalism, contends that omniscience and free will are incompatible and that any conception of God that incorporates both properties is therefore inherently contradictory.[note 1][1][2] These arguments are deeply concerned with the implications of predestination.
Who wrote it, man or God?

Humans wrote the Bible. And no, God did not dictate the words, either, but here is something to consider.

I was working in a church ministry once where it was decided that I would be the one to speak on a given topic. This upset me, I didn't want to do it, didn't even know where to begin. When I at least sat myself down in front of the computer to try, I was an emotional mess. I did the logical thing--entered into a prayer state and begged for help (hopefully to get myself out of writing and speaking).

Think of prayer as communication between the spirit of the individual and the spirit of God. The "communication" that came back was, "Write about _________ (an incident that occurred in my life). So I did. And so it went. "Write about ________ (another incident in my life). I didn't know what writing about these incidents had to do with anything--but it was calming me down, so I went on with the exercise, figuring when I was in a better state of mind, I would then be able to get down to the nitty-gritty of actual speech writing. Then came the "communication" of, "Now read it." While not yet in final form, there was my speech.

Absolutely it can be argued that the speech had been in my subconscious all along, I won't debate that at all, I'm simply relating what happened. That speech got a warm response from many. However one reaction stands out. One lady waited to speak to me privately. She was in tears, said she hadn't even wanted to come to the workshop, but "something" kept urging her to come anyway. While she had been seeing value in the workshop for others, she hadn't really been seeing anything new for her...until my talk. She said it was something she needed to hear, something she had been struggling with for a long time, and she credited God for that urge to attend the workshop.

That speech--the one I didn't want to give--went on to make a difference in her life, and in mine as well. I cannot credit myself for that work. Yes, obviously the words were within me, but it took God to bring them forth. (Or, for non-believers, my own subconscious. ;) ) That is the way I look at the Bible. Written by man through mankind's experiences, but inspired and brought forth by God still with human imperfections and all.
Ecclesiastes 9:5 reads, “For the living know that they will die, / but the dead know nothing; / they have no further reward, / and even their name is forgotten.”

ah oh :CryingCow:
So good Protestants, Catholics, Mormons, Orthodox Christians, Gnostics, and Coptic Christians all go to heaven even though they may have different views on Jesus?

Good people go to heaven. That includes atheists.
Not in the Christian faith they don’t. And there’s no such thing as a good person. The best works are filthy rags.....

No such thing as original sin , it was an invented christian concept

Original sin is an Augustine Christian doctrine that says that everyone is born sinful. This means that they are born with a built-in urge to do bad things and to disobey God.

Christianity had to have the concept of original sin as it fit the need for the jesus savior narritive, it sure didn't come from Judaism where christianity itself claims it sprang from

Does Judaism Believe in Original Sin? | Outreach Judaism

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So good Protestants, Catholics, Mormons, Orthodox Christians, Gnostics, and Coptic Christians all go to heaven even though they may have different views on Jesus?

Good people go to heaven. That includes atheists.
Not in the Christian faith they don’t. And there’s no such thing as a good person. The best works are filthy rags.....

No such thing as original sin , it was an invented christian concept

Original sin is an Augustine Christian doctrine that says that everyone is born sinful. This means that they are born with a built-in urge to do bad things and to disobey God.

Christianity had to have the concept of original sin as it fit the need for the jesus savior narritive, it sure didn't come from Judaism where christianity itself claims it sprang from

Does Judaism Believe in Original Sin? | Outreach Judaism

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Please, continue to expose your hate and ignorance. Hilarious how haters always think they are theologians.

Speaking of hilarious, thanks for the smiley faces. As a comedian I am collecting as many as I can.

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