First Day of Ramadan

It's from their iconograph they depict from Genesis
Who is "their." I asked for a biblical reference. Every time I "debate" religion it has to be from the Word, not men.

I assume you're jabbering about the Catholic church whose authority most Christian's dont recognize since its roots are traced back to Simon the Sorcerer
Their= the founding church, no matter how seperated you think your sect is, they are the creators of the image of a man called Jesus and the plagiarization of the Tanakh.
How Liberals Ruin American Cities
The Founders were Liberals. Conservatives sided with the King of Britain.
so you are saying that no people back then who were on the conservative side,but still wanted England out, did not side with the colonist?.....and of course no "liberal" of the day would never think of giving everyone up to the British because, maybe they were scared for their lives...

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