First Day of Ramadan

Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever eats seven ‘ajwah dates in the morning, will not be harmed by any poison or witchcraft that day.”Which makes you wonder if Mohammed was a liar, or just pretty forgetful...
This thread is about Ramadan but I will entertain your baseless accusation just this one time. If you have anything else, please start a thread on the subject and I will answer your questions. ... :cool:

#1 Nowhere did it say Muhammad had eaten dates the morning of the poisoning. (eating dates in the morning wasn't mandatory)
#2 The poisoning of the food by the Jewish woman had nothing to due with witchcraft, but was an attempted assassination.
#3 Muhammad lived 3 or 4 more years after the eating the poisoned food. The other people with him who ate the food died that day.
That changes when they become a large majority. Unfortunately, peer pressure among Muslims encourages treating Christian's and especially Jews like dogs.
The religion certainly doesnt encourage "tolerance"
You mean tolerance like English people used with Catholics on Guy Fawkes Day?
The main similarity between Halal and Kosher has to do with the religious prohibition on eating pork and pork products. And also, forbidding the eating of birds of prey and carnivores.
One difference is Kosher forbids the eating of many types of seafood, whereas Halal doesn't have these same dietary restrictions. ... :cool:
I thought the two food religious systems also forbade eating food from animals killed in fear as well?
Happy Ramadan.
Christians have no room to talk about fighting on Ramadan.
Priests fight each other just for jockeying position at the Holy Sepulchre, just as same sect Muslims fight each other over getting to circle "Sheva" times and touch the Michael's stone at Mecca, Scientists argue with each other over the virus, hell even psychologists have disagreements.

Muslims circle 7(Sheva) times for remembrance of who gave them the stone in the same way Jews keep the Sheva day holy in rememberance
"of the name" and Sheva (7)Day Adventist keep Michael's name holy.
The main similarity between Halal and Kosher has to do with the religious prohibition on eating pork and pork products. And also, forbidding the eating of birds of prey and carnivores.
One difference is Kosher forbids the eating of many types of seafood, whereas Halal doesn't have these same dietary restrictions. ... :cool:
I thought the two food religious systems also forbade eating food from animals killed in fear as well?
What creature doesnt experience fear when facing death?
That changes when they become a large majority. Unfortunately, peer pressure among Muslims encourages treating Christian's and especially Jews like dogs.
The religion certainly doesnt encourage "tolerance"
You mean tolerance like English people used with Catholics on Guy Fawkes Day?
No, I dont mean tolerance like that
Happy Ramadan.
Christians have no room to talk about fighting on Ramadan.
Priests fight each other just for jockeying position at the Holy Sepulchre, just as same sect Muslims fight each other over getting to circle "Sheva" times and touch the Michael's stone at Mecca, Scientists argue with each other over the virus, hell even psychologists have disagreements.

Muslims circle 7(Sheva) times for remembrance of who gave them the stone in the same way Jews keep the Sheva day holy in rememberance
"of the name" and Sheva (7)Day Adventist keep Michael's name holy.
View attachment 327765
And Hindis worship Shiva too!
The main similarity between Halal and Kosher has to do with the religious prohibition on eating pork and pork products. And also, forbidding the eating of birds of prey and carnivores.
One difference is Kosher forbids the eating of many types of seafood, whereas Halal doesn't have these same dietary restrictions. ... :cool:
I thought the two food religious systems also forbade eating food from animals killed in fear as well?
What creature doesnt experience fear when facing death?
Well, the butcher is supposed to not let the animal see the killing instrument, or just sneak up on it.
Fear puts bad jojo in the blood of the animal when it is in fear. It affects your metabolism and other shit.

That is one reason that I try to buy kosher meat.
Sunni, if I havent done it yet, have a Great Ramadan, and dont think of the pics of delicious cake that some pranksters post on the thread knowing full well you cant eat till sundown , freaking Globalists!
Happy Ramadan.
Christians have no room to talk about fighting on Ramadan.
Priests fight each other just for jockeying position at the Holy Sepulchre, just as same sect Muslims fight each other over getting to circle "Sheva" times and touch the Michael's stone at Mecca, Scientists argue with each other over the virus, hell even psychologists have disagreements.

Muslims circle 7(Sheva) times for remembrance of who gave them the stone in the same way Jews keep the Sheva day holy in rememberance
"of the name" and Sheva (7)Day Adventist keep Michael's name holy.
View attachment 327765
And Hindis worship Shiva too!
A lot of similar lores between faiths and even celtic lore.
Shiva is sometimes referred to as Shiva Nataraj (Lord of the dance) and is often portrayed as a dancing figure.
He dances on a dwarf, who represents ignorance. Just as in Judaic traditions where Michael steps on the lord of darkness (ignorance & lies) and Christians depict Michael steping on Lucifer the teacher of ignorance and lies.
Ramadan Mubarak Sunni Man

As you fast and offer prayers to Allah, may you find your peace and happiness.
Can an evil tree bear good fruit
We are all People of The Book... one seed...three branches.

Muslims are our brothers and Sisters.

Please...let's not sidetrack this thread.
My quote you reject is from Jesus. "By their fruits you shall know them". While I like SM as a person, the religion has brought nothing but misery to the world. Its roots are evil. Learn what its "perfect man" (Muhammad) teaches then rejoin the discussion

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