First Day of Ramadan

do they fast for 16 hours? If so it’s good for the mind and body
The fasting starts just before sun up, and ends just after sundown.
Since the start date of Ramada moves 11 days per year around the calendar. The number of hours fasting depends if it's taking place during the longer daylight summer and spring days, or the shorter daylight winter and fall days. ... :cool:
do they fast for 16 hours? If so it’s good for the mind and body
The fasting starts just before sun up, and ends just after sundown.
Since the start date of Ramada moves 11 days per year around the calendar. The number of hours fasting depends if it's taking place during the longer daylight summer and spring days, or the shorter daylight winter and fall days. ... :cool: it a total fasting? the catholics fast[ sic? ] from meat/etc...but it is not a total fasting
do they fast for 16 hours? If so it’s good for the mind and body
The fasting starts just before sun up, and ends just after sundown.
Since the start date of Ramada moves 11 days per year around the calendar. The number of hours fasting depends if it's taking place during the longer daylight summer and spring days, or the shorter daylight winter and fall days. ... :cool:

if you can stretch it out to 16 hours it’s great with weight loss (if you can use that) and there are some studies that show it helps prevent cancer it a total fasting? the catholics fast from meat/etc...but it is not a total fasting
Total fasting......No food, No water. .... :cool:
..well, I've been reading about WW2 for over 40 when I read about all the starvation, I was grateful for everything I got
....more people should try total fasting, and they will be more grateful for the food it a total fasting? the catholics fast from meat/etc...but it is not a total fasting
Total fasting......No food, No water. .... :cool:
..well, I've been reading about WW2 for over 40 when I read about all the starvation, I was grateful for everything I got
....more people should try total fasting, and they will be more grateful for the food
..more grateful for a lot of things
I'm just wondering...

Will the suicide bombers have to "work from home" during the Covid 19 outbreak???

Wasn't the West who destroyed prosperous Muslim countries and together with Mossad instituted ISIS?
...they were not developed and they fought among themselves before and after the West went there's like Africa, you can't destroy what's not developed
I'm just wondering...

Will the suicide bombers have to "work from home" during the Covid 19 outbreak???

Wasn't the West who destroyed prosperous Muslim countries and together with Mossad instituted ISIS? Iran's Shah and SAVIK murdered/executed people...guess what the Ayatollah and revolutionaries did?: murdered and executed
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I always try to adjust my lesson plans during Ramadan to avoid food topics, and when Eid comes around my non-Muslim students bring snacks and stuff to the next class we have together. I do not allow food in class, but make this exception, as I do around Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other special occasions. I generally only have a few Muslim students, but they appreciate the care and support of their peers, and the other students enjoy learning about other cultures. I try to make sure all my students experience this kind of support in a culturally-mixed class setting. It helps to encourage a positive dynamic to class.
I'd just like to know one thing, SM, can you read that stuff? And what does it say? And where does it say it? Is that a word, a sentence or a pictogram? Where does it start and where does it end?
It is stylized arabic of the greeting said between muslims during the month long Ramadan.
(the arabic written language is read from right to left)
Pictures of people and animals are forbidden in Islam. Which is why you see beautiful arabic script covering the walls of mosques. The various styles are a unique art form that varies from country to country.
I'm far from being proficient in reading and writing arabic. But I know enough to get by. All of the daily prayers said by every muslin around the world is repeated in arabic; regardless of that country's every day spoken language. ... :cool:
What a nonsense religion that is. Islam is literally one of the worst things that has ever happened in human history. It has brought nothing but death and misery.

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